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首字母填空专项训练 1 Li Ming is a middle student.He is one of the t_ students in his class.He likes reading very much.He reads f_ and science books as well.His school h_ a very nice library.He often b_ books and reads there.Li Ming h_ has a lot of books at home.Most of them were given to him as p_ by his parents and friends.He also bought some new books himself.He takes care of books.He takes e_ more care of the library books.He never makes them d_.He always r_ them in time.He knows they are r_ by many students.2 One Sunday afternoon Peter put on his hat,took hi stick and went to the park.He w_ for half an hour and felt a little tired.He saw a chair u_ a big tree and went towards it.S_ he saw a man in front of him walking towards the chair too.He s_ to run for fear that the man would take the seat b_ him.When he saw a man running towards the chair,that man b_ to run too.But Peter ran even f_ and soon got ahead of him.That man ran after him and told him loudly not to sit down.But Peter did not pay any a_.That man came up.Peter saw he was a workman of the park.He had a b_ in his hand.It said,“WET PAINT”How s_ Peter was 3 A lady once wrote a long story and sent it to a famous editor.After a few weeks the story was r_ to her.The lady was angry.She wrote to the editor:“Dear sir,Yesterday you sent b_ a story of mine.How do you know that the story is not g_ You did not read it.B_ I sent it to you.I pasted together pages 18,19 and 20.This was a t_ to see whether you would r_ read the story.When it came back yesterday,the pages were s_ pasted together.Do you read all the s_ this way”The editor wrote back.“Dear madam,At breakfast when I open an egg,I dont have to eat a_ the egg in order to find out it is b_.”4 Not every student in the United States speaks English.When Li Dayou was in s_ in New York,his o_ language was Chinese.He could not understand the l_ because his teachers did not speak Chinese.Li Dayou complained to the Supereme Court.The court a_ with Li Dayou and ruled that all s_ must give the special help to students who do not speak English.Today students like Li Dayou r_ special help until they learn e_ English.If they speak Chinese,Japanese,o_ any other language,they usually have teachers who can e_ their lessons in their own languages.In many American schools several languages are u_ in the classrooms.5 Many people live and work in areas where the weather is usually p_.They expect the summers to be warm and the winters c_.There tare some places,however,where the weather is severe.In some of the northern and eastern states it may s_ so much that cars and homes are n_ buried and p_ are not able to go to work or to a_ school until the roads are cleared.The p_ is just the opposite during the summer.The t_ may be so high in a few areas that people can d_ little more than complain about the weather.6 There are groups of young people in many places who give their t_ to help others.For example,they do the shopping for people who are s_ or old.Often these people are very l_ and are thankful for some company.They enjoy having someone to t_ to from time to time.At the university there was such a g_.Ally j_ it and helped many old people in this way.Then a new p_ was introduced.The students o_ decorate old peoples homes if the local government p_ for the paint,brushes and paper.After some d_ they all agreed.7 Xiao Kang is a first year college student.He is now in his home village for the summer holidays.A_ is the hottest month in Guangdong and it is time for the r_ harvest.He is h_ his father every day from morning till n_.Sometimes they go on w_ after dark by the l_ of their tractors.For the harvest,they have to work l_ hours,though they have a lot of f_ machines.They are very tired of c_,but they are happy.They are s_ that they will make a lot of money.8 My friend in New York had a beautiful black cat,Villiam.He s_ his days outside and came indoors at night.One cool October evening,he disappeared.My friend looked for him e_,but could not find him.The following spring,however,Villiam a_,looking healthy and clean.E_ was back to normal,until that autumn,when Villiam disappeared a_.The next spring,he r_.My friend w_ where Villiam had been.At last he found the a_.A neighbour of his told him,“My h_ and I hate to see the black out in the cold,so we take him to Florida every w_.”9 Have you heard of the Lascaux Cave and the famous pictures there In 1941,a French schoolboy,Marcel,and three of his f_ visited a hill near the village of Montignac.Suddenly Marcels dog disappeared d_ a hole in the rocks.The hole was dark.Maybe ti was d_ there.But Marcel went into it a_.He found his dog.Marcel and his friends decided to go down there t_ the next day.The boys returned the next morning with r_,candles and food.They c_ into the hole and came to a big cave.They found pictures of animals on the w_.These pictures were d_ there over 20,000 years ago.The Lascaux Cave has been f_ ever since.10 Flies are one of the most dangerous enemies of man.They are dangerous because they c_ diseases.Flies do not care whether the food they eat is dirty or clean.The food they like best is o_ the dirtiest that can be f_.Then they may f_ into a house where good clean food is kept and begin to walk all over it and eat it.Soon the good clean food b_ unfit for people to eat.Often a p_ who is preparing food does not r_ that it is unfit for people to eat,so the food is put on the t_ and e_.Those who eat such food become dangerously i_.Thats why we must get rid of flies.11 When we read about great men who have done wonderful things,we often find that many of them began their l_ in poor homes.Very f_ of them were children of rich people.George Stephenson was one of s_ men.When George was only eight years old,he had to go to work on a farm instead of going to school because his p_ were poor.Later he went to work in a coal mine.He worked d_ the day and went to study in a n_ school in the evening.By hard work and study,he made h_ and engineer.At last he invented the railway engine.It could p_ carriages full of people and trucks full of goods and it could move a_ rails quite fast and s_.12 Very often young people dream not of owning a car but of having a motorcycle.A motorcycle takes l_ money to buy and to operate.And w_ a little gasoline it can run for hours.People with a motorcycle can get to w_ they want to go very fast.Motorcycle are also convenient to p_.If there is no space on the street,people sometimes p_ them onto the grass or l_ them beside their houses.Some people l_ the noise almost as m_ as the speed.They may feel like their grandparents did when they r_ a fast horse.The motorcycle may be called the horse of m_ times.13 A woman sat by herself in a movie theater.As she was waiting for the movie to b_,she noticed that the theater was very crowded but the two seats next to her were e_.Suddenly a large man with a big fur coat walked down the aisle,sat down and placed the fur on the s_ next to her.When the l_ went out,the fur coat began to m_,and the woman realized it was not a coat b_ a large dog.He was sitting u_ in the seat,and watching the movie screen with great i_.As soon as the movie started,the dog began to nod his head and beat his paws in perfect time to the m_ of the movie.He seemed to enjoy e_ so much.14 Around you is a strange and wonderful world that you cannot see.Billions and billions of things l_ in this unseen world.These very s_ living things are called microbes.They are in the water you d_ and in the food you e_.They are in the a_ you breathe and in the g_ under your feet.Microbes are almost everywhere in great n_.The world of microbes is so small that it cannot be seen by h_ eyes alone,but you can see them with the help of a microscope,b_ a microscope can make invisible things b_ enough to be seen.15 Would your mother like to have a machine do all her housework Dont laugh There may be s_ a machine within the next ten y_.A professor from England says that some day many f_ will be able to buy a robot for$2,000.The machine would look l_ a box that h_ mechanical a_ and three legs.It would be able to set the table,m_ the beds,push a vacuum cleaner to p_ up dust,and prepare vegetables.The professor said,“I wouldnt want to t_ the machine to cook-because h_ enjoy doing that.”16 Every December millions of Christmas cards go through the post.There are pictures of stars and snow or Christmas t_.In these days it is hard to think of a Christmas w_ Christmas cards.Yet little over a hundred and fifty years ago there were n_ at all.Here is just one story of the way in which they started.Some boys of those days who were at boarding schools had to write a special piece of English at Christmas t_.This was sent to their p_ so that they could see how the boys work was during the year.Young people like to make little d_ on the paper when they write letters or poems.These boys were the s_.They used to draw little pictures all r_ the writing.Some times they coloured them,and after a time the pictures became more i_ than the writing.These were the f_ Christmas cards.17 I found his house according to the address.When themaid let me in,I saw and old man reading a book in a c_ by the window.I made a short self-introduction and was a_ to sit down.I talked with him for half an hour and l_ more about him.When his was a child,he became i_ in reading.He always c_ a little book in his pocket and reads it every minute he can find.He is often s_ reading while he is waiting for buses,doctors,haircuts,plays to begin or something to h_.His f_ even find him reading in the toilet.That is h_ he finds his time for reading.That is w_ he is able to read so many books.18 Every person has two sets of teeth.The first set b_ to grow when you are over six months old.The second set grows form the age of six u_ you are about twenty-one.To help your teeth grow s_,you must drink enough milk and eat green vegetables.Then your body will have the right c_ to build teeth.You should brush your teeth after each meal,so that the few bits of food on or b_ them can be cleaned out.If you c_ brush your teeth after eating,rinse them with water.If ther is a hole in your tooth,go to the dentist and he or she will fill it.If you dont h_ it filled,the hole will grow l_ and the tooth may have to be t_ out.It it better to keep all your second set of teeth for as l_ as possible.19 It was time for supper.Mrs Smith shouted,“D_ ready”Mr Smith came down.They waited at the table for some time but thir son d_ show up.Mr Smith became angry and went u_.When he entered his sons room,he was surprised to see him l_ on the floor,reading a book a_.He told his son to get up.T_ the boy would not stop reading,he had to r_.Mr Smith picked up the book to see what it was a_.The boy came down to the dining-room,but his father didnt f_.The boy and his mother waited and waited but Mr Smith didnt come.Why He was s_ in his sons room,reading that book.20 One hot sunny afternoon three boys were walking on a c_ road.They were going to the river to swim.On their way they saw an old bull eating grass slowly and q_ inside a wooden fence.One boy picked a stone and t_ it at the bull.He shouted,”Look How foolish that old bull is”The boys l_ loud and walked on.Soon they came to the riverside and got into the water.They had a wonderful time.L_ they climbed up a tree to pick fruit.They a_ many and filled thir pockets with m_.Then they started to climb down.To their surprise,they saw and old bull standing down b_.It was the bull they had seen inside the fence.The bull looked a_ at them.The boys were afraid to get down.It was now their t_ to look foolish.21 My father was in the living room watching TV when Mum c_ out from the kitchen.“What do you want for d_-hamburger o_ chicken”“Anything you pick is fine with me,”a_ Dad.“Not really,”Mum went on,“What would you rather have”Again my father said that a_ that made her happy would make him h_.So she spent the next five minutes insisting that he should c_.Dad finally g_ in.“All right.Lets have hamburger.”With that,Mum ran in from the k_ and said,“Whats the matter You dont like m_ chicken”22 There are robots all around us.Some do very hard jobs l_ flying planes and driving underground trains.And some do one easy job.When an automatic washing machine is t_ on,water pours in.The machine waits u_ the water is hot before w_ the clothes.It d_ this by“feedback 反馈”.I_ about what is happening is“feedback”into the r_ to tell what to do next.Our eyes and ears are our feedbackThey tell us what is g_ on around us.Some robots are like p_ in two ways.They work and they have feedback.23 Last night I went to the Grand Theatre.I was very surprised to see that it was so bright and so beautiful.The huge building was like a p_ made of glass.I looked here and there for some time.When I e_ the theatre,the play had already started.I was not a_ to get in.I had to wait with other late-comers in the rest-room until the first act e_.I m_ the beginning,but I still enjoyed every m_ of it.During the play,I saw two neighbours of mine in front me.What a so mall world I did not speak to them.Their seats were five rows away and e_ was looking at the stage and listening to a_.When the play was over,I tried to find them.But there were so many people and I l_ them in the crowd.So I had to go home a _.24 A new car factory will be put up in our city.It will not be built in the c_ of the city,but in the suburbs.The project was a_ on last month and it will be c_ by 2003.Many people think that it is good n_ for the people of the city,because it can bring a grat many j_ to them.New b_ will be started int he city,so there will bu many offices,factories and other buildings for more new companies.New roads will be built,too.Cars will be t_ to many parts of the country.The port near the city will also be o_ to foreign ships in order to send cars abroad by sea.However,some people are a_ that the factory will b_ noises and pollution to the quiet and clean city.25 There are some differences in pronunciation,spelling and usage b_ American English and British English.Sometimes,different words are u_ for the same thing.Some times,the same word is p_ differently.And ways of expressing some i_ vary slightly.If you want to learn English b_,you should know these differences.Languages are changing and s_ is English.American English has changed o_ the centuries.I is really a mixture of different l_.Most of the words and expressions come from British English and some are from s_ languages as French and German.And some are e_ form Chinese.26 One day I took several pairs of shoes to the shoemaker to be fixed.After a week,I p_ them and put them away.Four months later,my husband and I were invited to dinner.I took a pair of shoes I hadnt w_ since they were repaired.I put one shoe on my right foot,and then I put the other on my left.But it f_ as if it was on the w_ foot.Then I thought of the s_.Thought I was sure he wouldnt r_ me after such a long time,I called him,“Thank goodness,you f_ called”He asid excitedly.“An angry woman has t_ me for months”27 One town of eleven hundred people took part in an experiment r_ by a watch factory.The factory wanted to l_ how much people needed clocks and watches.For two days and nights no one u_ a clock or a watch.The people there“parked”their watchers.All p_ clocks were covered with plastic or paper.No church bells r_.And the steam whistle that usually b_ at noon was q_.When the experiment was over,the news reporters t_ 167 persons.They said they had become w_ when they didnt know the real clock t_.Many werent sure whether they were hungry or not.28 Once there was an old man in India.He had a c_ monkey and the old man liked him very much.One summer afternoon,the old man was s_ in his garden with the monkey sitting beside his b_.Several flies came.The monkey drove them away.Soon they r_.The monkey drove them away a_.The flies came back and the monkey drove them away.This h_ five or six times and the monkey got very angry.He jumped up and f_ a stone in the garden.When he saw a fly resting on the e_ of the old mans nose,he didnt try to drive it away.Instead,he hit it with the stone.He killed the fly but he also b_ the old mans nose.29 Many things cannot be enjoyed without friends but r_ can.When we are sitting at home,we cant t_ around the world.We can understand the r_ for thousands of things.We can l_ to people who lived hundreds or even thousands of years ago.Although we may not be VIPs,we can become f_ of great men.Only books can give us such p_.Those who cannot enjoy them are p_ men;those who enjoy them get knowledge and h_ from them and are able to be f_ men.30 Christopher is interested in football and enjoys g_ to watch a football match.So most winter Saturday afternoons he puts on his old raincoat and l_ the house at 12:30 so as to a_ early.He goes by bus and gets off the bus at the football ground.Even if it may be raining,he finds thousands of people already waiting in a long q_ outside the gates.Sometimes,if ti is raining too h_ for him to enjoy himself,he watches another match on t_ instead of going out.He likes to spend Saturday evening r_ about football matches on the back p_ of the newspaper.Some people like to spend the evening sitting in noisy pubs,but Christopher p_ his comfortable and quiet sitting-room.He feels as if he is a completely happy man until work s_ again on Monday morning.31 Jim walked into a store which had a sign outside:“Second-hand clothes b_ and sold.”He was carrying and old pair of pants and asked the owner of the store.“How much will you g_ me for these”The man looked at them and then said r_,“Two dollars.”“What”said Jim.“I had g_ they were worth at least five.”“No,”said the man,“they arent worth a penny more than two dollars.”“Well,”said Jim,taking two dollars out of his pocket,“Heres your money.These pants were h_ outside your store with a _ tag that s_$,but I thought that was too much money,so I wanted to make s_ how much they were really worth.”Then he walked out of the store with the pair of pants and disappeared before the s_ store owner could think of a_ to say.32 Mike was a small boy,and he hates soap and water.Three of four t_ every day his mother said to him,“Mike,your hands are very d_ again.Go and wash them.”But Mike never r_ washed them well.He only put his hands in the water for s_ and then took them out again.Mikes aunt lived in another city.One day she came to stay with Mikes parents,and she b_ her small son,Ted,with her.Ted was a y_ younger than Mike,and he didnt like soap and water,either.The boys sat with their parents for a few minutes,then they went o_.When they were a_,Mike looked at Teds hands and then said p_,“My hands are dirtier than y_.”“Of course they are.”Ted answered angrily,“You are older than I.”33 The redwood trees of Muir Woods near San Francisco are very famous.These trees are the tallest l_ things in the world.The highest one is about 110 meters high and hundreds of others are n_ al tall.The redwoods are very o_.Some of them are so tall and h_ that they fall over after a thousand years,but many of them s_ for two thousand years.When a tree falls,another one g_ in its place.Every year thousands of v_ come to Muir Woods to see the redwoods.They walk for hours t_ the ancient forests,looking up and trying to see the t_ of these w_ trees.


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