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新牛津译林8AU1形容词比较级和最高级的用法形容词/副词的比较等级(1) 基本用法大多数的形容词都有三个级别:原级、比较级、最高级。形容词的比较级(-er )和最高级(-est)的构成a. 规则变化之口诀:直接加;去e加;双写加;变y加;more/ mostb. 不规则变化根据口诀记忆:一分为二共两个,一是远来一是老, 合二为一共三对,坏病两多并两好,还有一词含双意,只译少来不译 小。比较级前的修饰语(7个)2 个“甚至,更加”, ; 2 个“一点儿”,3个“多”, , 原级前的修饰语quite, very, rather, too, so , enough, pretty形容词的比较等级(2) 比较级常见句型E.g. My bag is as big as yours.A B或A BE.g. My bag is bigger than yours.表示程度的递增意思是(越来越)E.g. Our country is becoming stronger and stronger.表示两种情况同时变化意思是(越越E.g. The more we get together, the happier we will be. 表示两者中更.的那一个E.g. The taller of the two boys is from Nanjing.注意区分与两个句型的区别:比较级+tha n+a ny+名词,比较级+than the rest of the +可数名词复数。any与any other的区别 E.g. Tom is taller than any other boy in his class.= Tom is taller than the other boys in his class.= Tom is the tallest boy in his class.表示更.的那一个F.g. Who is more interesting, Tom or Jerry?形容词的比较等级(3) 最高级常见句型表示最高级,意思是最的那一个E.g. Tom is the tallest boy in his class/of the six.表示(是最之一)E.g. Millie is one of the tallest girls in her class.=Millie isamong the tallest girls in her class.表示(第几最E.g. Huang He is the second longest river in China.表示最的那一个G.g. Who is the most interesting, Tom, Jerry or Jack? 句型:否定+比较级=最高级I havent seen a better film before.=This is the best film that I have ever seen.I cant agree more.我再同意不过了。特别注意:1. 如果主语是人称代词,than之后有三种情况:主格;宾格;主 格+be动词/助动词。She is shorter than I.She is shorter than me.She is shorter than I am.2. 比较对象要一致Her hair is longer than her mothers.3.比较对象可用that、those代替,单数为that,复数为those The water in Nanjing is cleaner than that in Zhenjiang.练习一、单选1. The boy is to others than his sister.A. niceB. nicelyC. nicerD. nicest 答案:C2. Tom is shorter Jack.A. toB. byC. thanD. for 答案:C3. Lucy is than Lily.A. more healthierB. more healthilyC. healthierD. healthilier答案:c4. Jerry is than Charles.A. lovelierB. more lovelyc.the most lovelyD.the most loveliest答案A5. Who is , Allen or Susan?A. more interestedB. the most interestedc.more interestingD.the most interesting答案:C6. -Which of the boys are your monitor? -Allen, boy among the 4 over there.A. tallestB. the tallerC. tallerD. the tallest答案D解析本题考查形容词的最高级,根据后文的among the 4可知, 本题选用最高级,并且形容词最高级前的the不能丢。7. How was your exam the day before yesterday?Oh, I couldnt feel . I made few mistakes in it.A. worseB. worstC. betterD. best答案C形容词副词比较级8.Our houses are becoming.A. more expensive and more expensiveB. expensiver and expensiverC. more and more expensiverD. more and more expensive 答案D9. The box under the table is than the ones above thetable.A. more biggerB. much more biggerC. the most biggestD. much bigger答案D10. Our team is becoming .A. more and more strongB. stronger and strongerC. much more strongerD. more and more stronger 答案B11. Wang Hais painting is in the Art Competition.A. more beautifulB. most beautifulC. the most beautifulD. beautiful答案C12. My Heart Will Go On was one of songs of 1998.A. popularestB. more popularC. veryD. the most popular答案D13. John has three sisters. Mary is the of the three.A . most cleverest B. more clever C. cleverest D. cleverer 答案C14. Of the two shirts, Id like to choose one.A. the less expensiveB. the most expensiveC .less expensive D. most expensive答案A15. -The picture is ,I have to say , not a bit beautiful. -Why ? Its than the pictures I have ever seenA. far more beautifulB. much less beautifulC. no more beautifulD. any less beautiful答案A16. -Do you know Taylor Swift ?-Of course , I do. She is the most popular music stars.A. inB. onC. ofD. among答案D17. The weather in Nanjing is hotter than in Beijing.A. oneB. itC. thatD. the one答案C18. The buildings here are taller than in my hometown.A. onesB. themC. the onesD. those答案D19. According to Forbes, Amazons CEO, Jeff Bezos is now the person in the world.A. wealthiestB. wealthierC. wealthyD. most wealth答案A20.Of the two shirts,Id like to choose one to savesome money for a cap.A. the cheapestB. cheaperC. cheapestD. the cheaper答案D二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Who is ( slim ) ,Betty, May or Millie ?【参考答案】slimmest2. My grandfather was ill today. He becomes even (ill) today.【参考答案】worse3. I thought it would stop raining this afternoon, but it seemed to be even (heavy).答案:heavier4. Josephs favourite car is more expensive than(they).答案:theirs5. My painting is beautiful.His painting is (beautiful)than (I)答案:more beautiful/mine三、句型转换1. This is dicti on ary is 90 yua n. That dicti on ary is 120 yua n.改 为同义句)This d i c t i o n a ry t h a t one.答案:is cheaper than/ costs less than2. The Yangtze River is the longest river in China.The Yangtze River is longer thaninChina.答案:any other river/ the other rivers/ all the other rivers/ any of the other rivers3. English is the most interesting subject.(改为同义句)English is su bject.答案:more interesting than any other4. Nobody else is cleverer than Daniel in his class. (改为同义 句)Daniel is s t u d e n t in his class.答案:the cleverest5. Jack is taller than I.(改为同义句)Jack is taller than.Jack is taller tha n .答案:me; I amU2内容比较等级(3)-特殊类型数量比较级比多只有more,比.少有less和fewer。比较“少的情况注意可数不可数的问题。副词比较级对于形容词加ly变成副词的情况,该副词通常加more构成比较 级副词的最高级可以加the,也可以不加the3. Jack jumps farther than I.(改为同义句)Jack jumps farther than.Jack jumps farther than .比较级的拓展知识点:X times +as+adj+as,表示 A 是 B 的 X 倍X times+比较级+than,表示A比B大/小X倍 比较级句型之间的转换(1)A is more + than B=B is less/fewer than A.(2 )比较级+ than + any other +n.(单数)二比较级+than the rest of the +可数名词复数=比较级+ than + the other +n. (复数) = 最高级+in/of比较范围(3) A is X times+more+than B=B is Xtimes+less/fewer+than A(4)A is not as adj as B=B is more adj than A.4. 数量比较级和副词比较级,数量比较级比多只有more,比.少有less和fewer。比较“少 的情况注意可数不可数的问题。副词比较级对于形容词加ly变成副词的情况,该副词通常加more 构成比较级副词的最高级可以加the,也可以不加the【2017 年南京】 5.-Do you have much homework to do every day, Andy?-Of course. It takes me 3 hours a day to do my homework. And actually,I spent time on my homework in my class.A. the mostB. the leastC. the fewestD. fewer【参考答案】A【考查内容】最高级 【难度等级】中 【思路解析】本题的句意为“我花了三个小时做作业,并且事实 上我花的时间是最多的”,所以本题选择A。本题的重点是And是承 接,而不是转折,所以不能选择B。【2017 年鼓楼】 6.-How can I get a good grade in the monthly exam?-Theyou write,mistakes you will make.A. more careful;the fewerB. more careful;the lessC. more carefully; the fewerD. more carefully; the less答案C1. 形容词比较级不规则变化【2017 年秦淮】7.For(far) information, you can send usan email.答案:further【2017 年鼓楼】8.If you want any(far)informationabout our school, please visit our home page.答案:further1. 比较级句型二合一,谁比谁有更多的什么,可数用more 【2017年江宁】 14.Simon has four weeks off .Millie has a sixweeks off.(合 并为一句)Millie has off than Simon.答案:more weeks2. 比较级变最高级,形容词比较级+tha n+the other+可数名词复 数=最高级【2017 年江宁】 15.The boy draws better than the other stude nts in his class.(改为同义句)The boy in his class.答案:draws best19.Daniel came first in the drawing competition. He drew.A. goodB. wellC. betterD. Best22. As we all know, Chinese students usually spend time on homework. They work hardest.A. much.B. little.C. the mostD. the least6.as.as比较级句型。考点一:肯定句型是as.as,否定句型可以是not as/so.as两种。 考点二:考察as.as中间加的是形容词原级还是副词原级。 考点三:考察比较级的第二个比较对象的说法,如果是同类的东 西,单数用that;复数用those。【2017 年南京】6.I dont know if I can singTomdoes. But at least, my voice is not bad.A. as well asB. as good asC. as better asD. as best as【参考答案】A【思路解析】根据选项可知本题考查as+原级+as的知识点,又 因为横线前面的有动词si ng,所以横线部分的词性应为副词。【2017 年江宁】7.Sandy did not run asas Amy. Shecame sec ond in the race.A. fastB. fasterC. fastestD. so fast解析:考察as.as用法,中间的形容词需要用原型。选A 【2017年秦淮】 8.Amy cant dance her elder sister.A. as beautiful asB. more beautiful thanC. so beautifully asD. more beautifully as【答案】C【分析】考查固定搭配not as/so.as,因为前面的动词是dance, 所以后面用副词beautifully修饰。【2017年鼓楼】 9.The red maple leaves of Qixia Mountain are as beautiful asof Xiangshan.A. itB. oneC. thatD. those答案D2016年一模真题组【2016 高淳一模】9. The model Sydney Opera House looks the real one in Australia.A. as wonderful asB. as wonderfully asC. so wonderful asD. so wonderfully as考点:原级比较A【2016溧水一模】10.Many people believe that the a person reads, the wiser he will become.A. manyB. muchC. moreD. Most考点:比较级C【2016建邺一模】8. I hear its not easy to get a ticket for Zootopia. Exactly. The film is the this year.A. more excitingB. less excitingC. most excitingD. least exciting考点:形容词最高级C7. Cherry blossom(樱花)in Jimi ng Temple is as as that in Japan.A. more beautifulB. beautifullyC. beautifulD. more beautifully考点:形容词原级C8. This Western restaurant sells the best pizza in Nanjing. You cant find pizza in the city.A. deliciousB. more deliciousC. the most deliciousD. less delicious考点:比较级与最高级B【2016秦淮一模】6. To our surprise, our monitor picked the apples of thefour this morning.A. fewerB. lessC. fewestD. least考点:形容词比较级C2017年一模真题组 【2017年玄武一模】3. Cindy thinks she studies as asher friend Daniel. However, she always gets lower marks than him.A. harderB. more hardlyC. hardlyD. hard答案D形容词副词比较级【2017 年建邺一模】 4. When learning English, which do you think is _, pronunciation or grammar?Grammar, and it really worries me.A. more difficultB. less difficultC. the most difficultD. the least difficult 答案A形容词副词比较级【2017年联合体一模】7. Yummy! The salad is so nice. Quite right. And it will have a taste with some cheese.A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best答案C形容词副词比较级【 2017 年鼓楼一模】 3. I prefer to go to school by underground. Its much because the traffic is too heavyon the road in the morning.A. quickB. quickerC. cheapD. cheaper【答案】:B【解析】:比较级和句意理解的考查。 much 后面跟比较级,排 除 AC 选项。由后面的句意:早上地面交通非常忙碌,得出前面应填 quicker,表示乘坐地铁会更快些。【2017 年秦淮一模】 7. -We should always consider how much we have done for our society. -I quiet agree. It is for us to give than to receive.A. less importantB. more importantC. the least importantD. the most important【答案】B【解析】考查比较级/最高级。出现比较级标志than,排除CD。 我们应该考虑自己给社会贡献了多少。给予比索要更重要。因此选择B。2017年二模真题组【2017年秦淮二模】10. What do you think of Readers on CCTV? Its so wonderful! Ive never seen programme before.A. a goodB. a betterC. the bestD. a worse答案B【2017 年江宁二模】 4. People usually like the TV channels with funnier programs but advertisements.A. fewB. littleC. fewerD. less答案C【2017年高淳二模】10. For foreigners who are interested in Chinese gardens, Suzhou is one of places to visit.A. attractiveB. more attractiveC. most attractiveD. the most attractive答案D2018年一模真题组【2018 年鼓楼一模】一There will be no winner in the trade war between China and the US.I agree. If we cant avoid it, the situation will get as time goes on.A. badB. badlyC. worseD. worst答案 C 形容词比较级【2018 年溧水一模】According to Forbes, Amazons CEO, Jeff Bezos ia now the person in the world.A. wealthiestB. wealthierC. wealthyD. most wealth答案A【2018 年建邺一模】8. Millie studies as as her friendSimon, and they both have made great progress.A. hardlyB. more hardlyC. harderD. hard答案D【2018年秦淮一模】10. What do you think of Lesson Nine and Lesson Ten? Lesson Nine is Lesson Ten. Its much more difficult, I think.A. easier thanB. not so easy asC. as difficult asD. less difficult than 答案 B【2018 年联合体一模】 7. Roger Federer is a great tennis player.I agree. I think no one else plays .A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best答案C


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