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1.One, smok ing cause thrombus, cause all kinds of heart diseaseIn haled cigarette smoke of carb on mono xide reduces the ability of blood oxyge n .Nicoti ne can rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, reduce the hearts ability to withsta nd, myocardial ischemia caused by cor on ary artery inf arcti on, cardiac ischemia (or angina) promote ade noma accumulati on, many heart disease beg ins to happen.Between 30 and 49 years old, smokers heart incidence rate is very high, is five times that of non-smokers. Smokers found that after one year of their heart disease risk by half.Two, smok ing on the bra in damageSmok ing can cause a variety of bra in diseases, may reduce the bra in of oxyge n and blood circulati on, caus ing bra in hemorrhage and occlusi on of blood vessels, result ing in paralysis, deme ntia and stroke. Stroke due to smok ing in duced bra in vascular spasm, make easier blood clotting. The risk of stroke in smokers than non-smokers two times.Three, the damage of smok ing on oralSmok ing can cause oral can cer and lar yn geal can cer. The tar and smoke cigarettes in the heat will cause in flammati on of the salivary gla nds, impaired taste and smell the taste buds, greatly reduced the ability. Next, it is easy to cause oral can cer, approximately 2/3 of patients found in oral cancer can be difficult to live. At the same time, can make the throat of flue gas temperature in creases from 37 C to 42 C, cause micro degree bur n in side the mucosa result ing from chr onic heat trauma, an d fin ally to lar yn geal carc in oma.Four, smok ing on lung damageSmoking can cause bronchial epithelium cilia shorter and irregular and disorder and moveme nt , reduce the local resista nce, susceptible to inf ecti on. Smok ing can cause lung cancer. 90% of the total mortality caused by smoking. Initial symptoms can not be detected, un til the can cer cells spread to the blood vessels and other orga ns. Smok ing also causes emphysema, l ung bron chial accumulati on of toxic substa nces, will preve nt the air in haled and exhaled n ormally, cause lung cell expa nsion or burst, result ing in the sick difficulty breath ing.Five, smok ing damage to the stomachPers ons sufferi ng from gastro in testi nal diseases, smok ing eno ugh for gastroe nterology deteriorate. Suffer ing from gastric ulcer or duode nal ulcer, ulcer heali ng will slow dow n, and eve n evolve into chr onic disease. Smok ing can stimulate the n ervous system, accelerate the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, gastrointestinal tension ofte n, result ing in loss of appetite smokers. In additi on, ni cot ine causes vasoc on stricti on of the gastro in testi nal mucosa, and the appetite.Harm six, smok ing on the whole skelet onNicotine causes vasoconstriction, reducing blood flow to the new bone. Smoking in halati on of carb on mono xide, and also to reduce the ratio of oxyge n into the body. Smok ing can cause pelvic in flammati on and pain, severe back pain part of the Nati onal Peoples Con gress has great smokers, this is because smok ing can cause reduced blood flow to auricular disc, auricular disc and thus an early degradati on. Smok ing can cause arthritis. Smok ing a packet of cigarettes a day ,will in crease the prevale nee rate of 50%. Smok ing causes faster bone loss. Smok ing can in terfere with estroge n, but estroge n is an importa nt horm one bone developme nt.Seve n, smok ing on liver damageSmoking will increase the burden of the liver. Regular smoking can affect the lipid metabolism of liver, so that the blood fat, reduce cholesterol to benign, malig nant cholestero l in creases. The causes of the liver detoxificati on fun cti on and in crease the burde n.Eight, smok ing on in testi nal damageSmok ing causes can cer of the colon. This opport un ity is suffer ing from can cer is proporti onal to the qua ntity of tobacco smok ing. Although studies have show n that stopp ing smok ing can reduce other diseases such as heart disease, l ung can cer and other opportunities, but the risk of suffering from colon cancer is still very large.Nine, the damage of smoking on reproductive systemSmoki ng onspinal n erve cen tral in hibiti on, the smok ing man sexual weak ,because smok ing can make blood vessel con tracti on, spasm, caus ing peripheral blood circulati on disorder. Smok ing is the main cause of impote nee. Australia and Can ada have on cigarette box local pr in ted directly on this inf ormati on. In additi on, the effect of smok ing on sperm motility, abn ormal sperm in creased; stop smok ing three to six mon ths, before returning to normal. If you want a smart, healthy child, baby expertsadvocate must stop smok ing three to six mon ths.Harm ten, sec on d-ha nd smokeSmoke the smoke may be distributed more tha n four thousa nd kinds of gases and particulate matter, most of these substa nces are very str ong stimuli, in clud ing at least forty can cause can cer in huma n or an imal body .In the smoker to stop smok ing, these particles can still stay in the air for several hours, can be other non-smokers in hale the body, may also decay products of rad on gas mixed together, cause greater harm to huma n health.Smokers whe n smok ing is hazardous to their health at the same time, sec on dha nd smoke also affects non smokers. In addition to irritate the eye, nose and throat, it will significantly in crease non-smokers sufferi ng from lung can cer and heart disease the opportunity. If children live with a number of smokers, respiratory system, they would be more susceptible to inf ecti on. Other effects in clude in creased cough, asthma, phlegm, l ung fun cti on damage mitigati on and lung developme nt.From: China quit n etwork2. HarmfuI ingredients , and harm of tobacco smoke.Process smokers in haled cigarette, the cigarette in in complete combusti on process and thermal chemical reaction synthesis of a series of thermal decomposition, the formation of a large number of new material, its chemical composition is very complex, the separation of harmful components of more than 3000 species from the smoke, the main toxic substa nces as ni coti ne (ni cot ine, tobacco tar,) carb on mono xide, hydroge n cya ni de, amm on ia and aromatic compo unds and other toxic substa nces.1) nicotine. Nicotine is a smell, taste bitter, colorless transparent oily liquid, volatile str ong, easily oxidized into dark gray in the air, can be quickly dissolved in water and alcohol, through the mouth, no se, bron chial mucosa easily absorbed by the body. Viscosity is absorbed into the body in nicotine can the skin surface, is a drug that can make people addicted to. A cigarette contains ni coti ne can kill amuse, 20 ni coti ne in cigarettes can kill a cow. Huma n lethal dose is 50-70 mg ,equivale nt tothe content of 20-25 in cigarette ni cot ine. There are two typical examples can illustrate this problem: healthy 40 year old British man a Ion g-term smok ing, en gaged in a very importa nt work, ni ght smoke 14 cigars and 40 cigarettes, morning feel un comfortable, the doctor rescue is in valid die. Ano ther example is: Fra nce held a smok in g con test winner in a club, he smoked 60 cigarettes, the future and the podium is dead, the other competitors in the competiti on for the dying, to the hospital.So, why the daily cigarette smok ing box (20) many more people, in clud ingni coti ne content greatly surpass the lethal dose, but acute pois oning deaths rarely? The reason is part of the nicotine in tobacco smoke is toxic formaldehyde in and out, but most are not con ti nu ous smok ing, the ni coti ne is disc on ti nu ous slowly into the huma n body .In additi on, cigarettes lit 50% ni cot ine with smoke diffusi on into the air, 5% with cigarette butts throw n away, 25% were bur ning damage, only 20% is absorbed by the huma n body. And ni coti ne in vivo was soon detoxificati ons are excreted in the uri ne. Coupled with the Ion g-term smokers, the body produces certa in tolera nce to ni coti ne, therefore the occurre nce of acute pois oning phe nome non less harm, which makes many people ign ore and continue to smoke cigarettes.2) tar. Is composed of several kinds of material mixed into, in the lungs will be concen trated into a viscous, carc inogenic substa nces. - that is to say, it cancause can cer, i n which con tact with the orga ni zati on therefore, smokers of any part of therespiratory tract (i nclud ing oral and throat) has the possibility of can cer occurre nee. Smok ing 15 to 20 cigarettes a day, it is easy to suffer from lung can cer, oral cancer or laryngeal cancer risk of death, 14 times larger than people not to smoke. Usually, the respiratory tract can swing a nap on the lung, continu ous particles and bacteria swept into the formati on of phlegm mucus and their discharge, and of the chemicals in tobacco smoke in additi on to can cer, but also the gradual destructi on of the respiratory tract of the vile, in creased mucus secreti on, bacteria long time rema ined in the lung, the lung the occurre nee of chr onic disease, susceptible to bron chitis. Smokers cough is due to the mecha ni cal performa nee of clea n lungs had bee n damaged, and the sputum volume in creased. In additi on, the cell membra ne tar will directly damage the alveolar epithelial cells, and destroy the cell membra ne permeability, will eve ntually lead to emphysema. This is the main reason for smoking can lead to chronic bronchitis and emphysema.3) carb on mono xide . Very easy with the red cell hemoglob in binding, causes red blood cells to reduce the oxyge n carry ing capacity, thus in creas ing the burde n on the heart, caus ing heart attacks, a serious cause of death.Smok ing is harmful to the huma n health by follow ing a set of data may be better able to expla in the problem:85% of all l ung can cer cases are caused by smok ing;In oral can cer, 50%-70% associated with smok ing;In the kid ney and bladder can cer associated with smok ing, 30%-40%;10% of sudden infant death caused by passive smoking.Of people living with smokers, the risk of lung cancer is 6 times more than ordinary people;SOICTC


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