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Unit 8 Im not an Operator一.教学内容:Unit 8 Im not an Operator二.教学目 :知 目 :熟 掌握本 元的 、短 、句型和 法。能力目 :能 熟 运用在 元中所学的知 与人 行交流,并能成功 述 人的 。三、重点、 点:( 1)用于打 的功能性 言( 2) 述 人的 言,即 从句。四、 法 目:( 1)打 的功能句( 2) 从句五、本 元的重点知 :( 1) :本 元后除 cicada 之外的所有 。( 2)短 :1) pick up拿起2) take a message捎口信3) hang up挂断 4) hold on 挂断5) leave a message留口信6) go out for a walk出去散步7) sound like听起来像8) be able to do sth.能 做某事9) never mind没关系10) right now 在11)call back 回 12) playwith 和一起玩儿13) No problem没 14) promise to do sth.答 做某事15) be eager to do sth.急于做某事,渴望做某事用心爱心专心16) get mad发疯17) go on继 续18) take a quiz 行小 19) turn off关掉20) get married 婚句型:(一)打 用的功能句:( 1)打 人的 言Hello! May I speak to, please? Hel lo! Id like to speak to Is that .speaking? Is in?( 2)接 人的 言:1) Hello! This is Tom speaking.2) Hello! Who is speaking?3)Hello! Who s that?4) Hol d on, please.5) Just a moment, please.6)Hello! Its me.7) Sorry. He/ She is not here right now.8) Can I take a message?9)Sorry. Im afraid you have the wrong number.10)I can t get through.11) The line is bad/ busy.12)Sorry, I cant you.(二)重点句式:( 1) As soon as I picked up my book, the phone started to ring again.我 拿起 , 又响了。( 2) Can you bring me some books?你能 我 几本 来 ?六、重点知 解:1. Thank you for asking. 你的邀 。Thank you for doing sth.用心爱心专心【典型例题】1)Thank you for _ me about that.A. tellB. tellingC. to tellD. tells2)Thank you a lot for _ the message to me.A. takingB. takesC. bringingD. leaving3)Thank you very much for _ me take care of my baby.A. helpB. favorC. helpingD. favoring2. My parents went out for a walk.爸爸妈妈出去散步了。go out for a walk去散步。例如:1) Shall we go out for a walk after dinner? Good idea.2)It s time for my pet dog to go out for a walk.3)I didn t go out for a walk because of the heavy rain yesterday.4)Youd better go out for a walk after dinner in the evening.5)It s good for the old people to go out for a walkfrequently.3. I was completely alone.就我一个人。alone单独,独自,既作形容词又作副词。例如:The strange person is alone on the islandThe baby can t stay at home alone.The boy is too young to do the work alone.I m alone, but Im not lonely.lonely既作形容词,又作副词,意为孤独、寂寞的(地)The old lady lives in the small house lonely.My grandpa has many hobbies, although he is alone, he is not lonely.【典型例题】1) The rich man has few friends, he feels very_.A. aloneB. lonelyC. too aloneD. too lonely2)We wont let you feel _. We will go to see you as often as possible.A. aloneB. lonelyC. too aloneD. too lonely用心爱心专心4. It sounds like my neighbor Weiwei.听着像我的 居巍巍。 sound like听起来It sounds like a bird.It sounds like Miss Wang.知 接:look like看上去像feel like感 像smell like 着像taste like品 起来像 sound + adj.听上去例如:sound interestingsound beautifulsound nice/ goodsound terrible5. I won t be able to go to the gym with you tonight.今天晚上我不能和你一起去健身房了。be able to do sth.能 做某事例如:I am able to swim well.My daughter was able to read and write when she was young.My parents won t be able to have a birthday party next week.【典型例题】 莉会 。Mary _ Chinese.6. He is not in right now.他 在不在家。be in= be at home在家right now= at this moment 在,此刻7. Can you bring some books to me?你能 我 些 来 ?bring sth to sb. =bring sb. sth. 某人 来某物。用心爱心专心【典型例题】1) Can you _ a message for me?A. takeB. bringC. carryD. get2)Dont forget to _ your homework here when you come to school.A. takeB. bringC. carryD. get8. I was eager togo back to my book.我急于回去看 。be eager to do sth.渴望做某事例如:The children are eager to play football on the playground.The girl is eager to take part in the dancing party.9. Then the ring came again. I got mad. 又响了,我 狂了。 ringn. 声,戒指v. 响, 打 I ll ring you up as soon as I get to school.I was doing my homework when the bell rang. get mad发疯10.I pick up the phone.我拿起 。pick up 起,拿起,抱起,接人例如:I can t h elp picking up the baby.He was too busy to pick up the phone.I ll go to pick you up if Im free.The runner dropped his stick, and he stopped to pick it up.11.As soon as I picked up my book, the phone started to ring again.我一拿起 来, 就又响了。as soon as 一就例如:1)Dont worry. Ill tell you as soon as I find her.2) We will go home as soon as the rain stops.3) Yesterday I fell asleep as soon as I went to bed.【典型例题】1)老 一 教室,学生 就不 了。The students _ the teacher came into the classroom.2)我一到广州就会 你 e-mail的。用心爱心专心I _ I get to Guangzhou.12. Please tellhim thatI willmeet him in frontof the officeat 9:00 tomorrow. I hope that I can have some time to read my books.I don t know that my mother has come back. I believe that I can have some time of my own.根据以上四句话的句型结构,我们称之为宾语从句。宾语从句就是用来作宾语的句子。用心爱心专心


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