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Green Elevator ,Green ExpoElevator can not develop without Expo, 1852 Otis invented the safety devices power up the ladder. In 1853 he joined the New York Worlds Fair, and personlly demonstrated in the field demonstrate his invention he stands filled with goods lift platform to move up the command assistant to the height of the audience can see,then send a signal assistant with the axe and cut off so that the pulling cable of the lift. Surprisingly, a lift and did not crash, but firmly fixed in the air, Mr. Otis invented the elevator safety device played a role. Expo will henceforth never be separated from the elevator on. And held in London in 1851, the first Expo will display the steam engine, the 1855 Paris World Expo will first display a sewing machine, 1878, Paris Expo exhibit lights Expo 1886 show horseless tricycle (vehicle), the These inventions changed peoples way of life, by the American engineer Otis invented the elevator 150 years, has become indispensable to the vertical transport.Now lift has become a sightseeing tour will be essential service to the Expo,World Expo venues in a Road to become beautiful scenery.Expo elevator construction project are from direct construction projects, that is ,Expo Park including the World Expo Center, China Pavilion; Theme Pavilion,Performing Arts Center, Expo Axis and other new permanent building,foreign self-built hall,business hall,the Joint Museum and Hall Rental,as well as pocket the United Nations, said the World Expo Village and so on. There are permanent and temporary museum hall divided, some permanent museum required a higher grade because of the Expo theme Better City Life, energy-saving environmental protection is put before mankind the common task of the energy issue has been raised to an unprecedented height. The shows highlights is the elevator lift energy-saving technologies. In addition to the qualification requirements of enterprises, vertical lift all use permanent magnet synchronous gearless traction technology, the green elevator. City Better Life, a contamination can not use the elevator! World Expo Shanghai Mitsubishi elevators will offer the largest number, have a special production of truss walkway, developed specifically for the Expo is not the button inside the elevator, but by computer touch screen control of elevator, with a Mitsubishi double-feature with the energy feedback controlled PWM Expo lift devices also appeared, such use of elevators in the operation of potential energy load conditions, the potential energy and kinetic energy into electricity and make use of energy saving. If you can promote, according to research by the national authorities, if China in the next 10 years, newly installed elevator with energy feedback devices are expected to be the end of 2018, a total savings of about 3.5 billion KWH, CO2 emissions by 50 million tons or so, also, Shanghai Mitsubishi Expo project also introduced an exclusive variable speed elevator, the elevator does not enlarge in the case of the traction configuration can improve the transmission efficiency.Otis Elevator at the Expo will serve the museum, and the Chinese Museum, Macau Museum, Museum and other important venues in Madrid, produced by using the Otis Elevator global Regen advanced energy recovery technology, renewable energy converter to power through the collection of and filtering, the provision of other electrical equipment for use in buildings. The energy feedback elevator has been praised by President Hu Jintao, the Chinese Pavilion which no large-tonnage high-speed gearless elevator machine room is the first country to install up to two tons of load to enhance the speed of two meters per second elevator without machine room, in the National Theme Pavilion, Otis also provides two lifting height up to 16.6 meters escalator, no support among the two escalator is installed in the middle of Shanghai not support the lifting height of the highest ladder, demonstrating Otis. This global industry leader in elevator technology and exceptional extraordinary strength, the World Expo Village, Otis Elevator Company, the project received the largest piece of the vertical elevator project, which all use of permanent magnet synchronous gearless traction technology. Most GEN2 elevator with a total number of 74 Taiwan,GEN2s core technology is the polyurethanesteel belts,which is 150 years,the lift came the forst major technological breakthrough. 3mm thick, 30mm wide steel belts, compared with traditional steel wire, 20% in weight, extend service life of 2 to 3 times the same time, have better scalability and traction transmission. Face the task heavy, tight, high technical requirements, Otis set up a new leadership to overcome difficulties, quality and quantity, timely completion of commissioning, has been leading the World Expo and Yu Zhengsheng, Han Zheng and other city leaders highly appreciated.China Pavilion project by escalators Schindler Elevator Co.Ltd. won the bid, as one of the top global supplier of escalators, Schindler Group has a history of 135 years of service a long history of the worlds major projects and experience, the provision for the Expo China Pavilion.The two sets of escalators to heaven like dragon, most people are bright spots, it was introduced two escalators that can enhance the visitor directly 20 meters from the arrival hall of the main center of the exhibition, take the elevator passengers can experience from the air, China Pavilion Hui-momentum brought about by the shock. In addition to these two high lift, the Schindler Elevator has contracted the China Pavilion of all 14 units escalators and pedestrian trails, including the automatic height of 9.1 m pedestrian trail is also a record high of similar products to upgrade the most. In addition, Schindler also the largest single building to the World Expo - Expo offer 80 units escalator shaft. Schindler said relevant, this will continue to serve the World Expo in Shanghai, is a tremendous honor Schindler, Schindler is the manifestation of a century the Swiss brand strength. I believe that KONE elevator is a lift the most innovative companies, no machine room elevator is that the company pioneered in 1997, blue chip service commitment, one-year rate of less than 1% downtime, team cohesion, enterprise culture to me The deepest impression. Their successful participation in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games escalator installation work, once again for the Shanghai World Expo International event services, are very proud and confident. This time they won the World Expo will be the largest project, with the exception of Finland outside the museum, also for the Australian Museum, Museum of Spain, Saudi Arabia Museum, Museum of Belgium, Denmark Museum, Russian Museum, the Hong Kong Pavilion in 10 countries, regional museum and the Shanghai World Expo Performing Arts Center logistics logistics center in Pudong, the National Museum of Power Grid, China Mobile Communications Group ICT Expo Center, China Aviation Museum Museum and other enterprises to provide the most advanced energy saving elevator, the elevator number needed to provide tailored, variety, technical requirements Advanced features, a number of technical indicators for these products is still first in the current domestic, such as: 4 no room surrounded by all glass observation elevator, two big load of 3 tons of sightseeing elevator, three new elevators without machine room, four inclination to 6 of the new automatic sidewalk. Many are owned subsidiary of the giant elevator KONE Elevator contributions long ago, Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang visited Finland in the period, a cordial meeting with the Board of Directors KONE Group Xian Di Herring (Antti Herlin), KONE President & CEO, Ma City Alahuoda (Matti alahuhta), KONE China President Jiang Wei (William B. Johnson) and Vice President Lu Yaning KONE KONE such as senior management. KONE Corporation spirit of innovation and green, environmentally friendly and efficient elevator technology to Vice Premier Li Keqiang has left a deep impression. Other companies have extrordinary performance,limited space dose not list them one. World Expo and China in recent years carried out by China International Elevator Exhibition different number of visitors reached 70 million people, which took six months, while the majority of our exhibition organized by the lift no more than 5 days, visitors to trade as much on the development will generate lift not possible to estimate the far-reaching implications! recall of 2002 I commissioned by Otis, on the elevator on the Shanghai Expo exhibition area, GEN2 elevator safety inspection done for the first time, I was not screaming, that strange energy saving elevator using 3mm thick, 30mm wide steel belts instead of traditional steel, in weight by 20%, life expectancy can be extended 2-3 times. Has been popular in China now GEN2 elevator industry.Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park,the first order of 100 units,is the worlds biggest order GEN2.Expo will bring opportunities for the development of the elevator industry in addition to the items directly to the Expo, but also led the development of the following aspects: First the construction of the Expo facilities in order to create integration of the Expo traffic system, to achieve the daily Expo traffic and urban traffic and win-win, Shanghai 2010, Shanghais 12 subway, the total length will reach 420 km, 280 stations all built with stairs, and the World Expo take the sector-related projects such as Shanghai armed three-dimensional transportation network, Pudong International Airport and Hongqiao International Airport Expansion with ladders, Hongqiao traffic hub, the Huangpu River on the new passenger terminal with a ladder and so on, lift the demand is huge. Second, Expo driven by the real estate industry. On the one hand, the Expo site to complete more than 18,000 households and over 270 enterprises and institutions, the relocation of Expo for the real estate industry has created a large market opportunity; the other hand, Shanghai World Expo will take the occasion of the Government will improve Shanghais industrial structure, from heavy industry to the second shift to tertiary industry as the weight of the structure, while the service sector needs more than the population ratio of industry, will indirectly increase the demand for housing market.Third, promote the development of elevator maintenance service. According to the company from the Mitsubishi Elevator understanding, Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator in use were 43,000 units, of which Mitsubishi factory from Shanghai to provide professional maintenance services to approximately 1.5 million units, remaining near 30 000 Elevators Maintenance by other units, maintenance of quality of service is not actually controlled area. To make this technology successful implementation of peacekeeping operations Paul Love, Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator a special allocation of funds, Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator region to provide free use of technology detection, and to improve the operation of the elevator ride comfort and safety for the purpose of targeted renovation. during the Expo Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator of a responsible person initiative, called the other elevator companies, together with Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator work together shoulder to Expo escort social responsibility. Shanghai World Expo to lift trade associations do a good job with good lift and property caused by elevator companies raised 10 initiatives highlighted Maintenance elevator manufacturers and enterprises to establish 24-hour duty system to ensure smooth flow of aid communication of thecentral city and the Expo area and other key regional counterparts responsible for the lift to the implementation of staff. These approaches to promote team building elevator maintenance played a major role in promoting. In recent years, rapid development of Chinas elevator industry. 2008 Chinese sales lift production, manufacture all of the worlds first real estate is the pillar industry of national economy, which is a common concept. Elevator development, resulting in taller buildings, no elevators, which are high-rise buildings, that there is real estate development,that have national economic development ,Chinas GDP in 2010 the total will reach thied in the world , in 2008 the output of China elevator , already the wrolds forst possession,driving the development of the direct lift indirectly driven GDP growth.Elevator can not do without China, and China can not develop without the lift, the worlds denelopment is inseparable from the lift ,the lift if you do not attach imporatance to technological advances, it would not take off economically.Into the future space elevator can be, the development of alien, marine resources can not do without elevators. Elevator Expo gives us a unique opportunity. The next elevator will be used in all synthetic traction nylon rope, steel and other non-oil pollution in traction mode, permanent magnet synchronous gearless traction machine, energy saving elevator lift is the mainstream of development, renewable energy lift recovery with super capacitor technology, elevator industry, information technology, networking, 3D technology, will enable the development of colorful lift. Elevator is the worlds progress in the development of the most important part, I sincerely hope that the country should try to establish a threshold, timely implementation, and I look forward to that day will come early. 绿色世博,绿色电梯电梯的发展离不开世博会, 如今电梯已经成为人们参观、游览世博会不可或缺的交通工具,成为世博场馆中一道道靓丽的风景。1852年奥的斯发明了动力上升梯子的安全装置。1853年他参加了纽约世博会,并在现场展示中亲自演示其发明他站在装满货物的升降梯平台上,命令助手将平台拉升到观众都能看得到的高度,然后发出信号,令助手用利斧砍断了升降梯的提拉缆绳。令人惊讶的是,升降梯并没有坠毁,而是牢牢地固定在半空中,奥的斯先生发明的升降梯安全装置发挥了作用。从此以后世博会与电梯就永远也分不开了。和1851年在英国伦敦召开的第一届世博会展示的蒸汽机,1855年巴黎世博会首先展出了缝纫机,1878年巴黎世博会展出了电灯,1886年世博会展示的不用马拉的三轮车(汽车)一样,这些发明改变了人们的生活方式,由美国奥的斯工程师发明的电梯150年来已成为人们不可缺少的垂直交通工具.世博会的电梯建设项目都来自直接建设项目,即世博园区;包括世博中心、中国馆、主题馆、演艺中心、世博轴等新建永久性建筑,外国自建馆,企业馆、联合馆和租赁馆,以及有“袖珍联合国”之称的“世博村”等。还有永久馆和临时馆之分,永久馆要求档次更高些,由于世博会的主题是“城市让生活更美好”,节能环保是摆在人类面前的共同任务,能源问题已经被提到前所未有的高度。本次电梯展示的亮点是电梯的节能环保技术。除了对企业资质的要求外,垂直电梯全部采用永磁同步无齿轮曳引技术的绿色电梯。城市让生活更美好,有污染的电梯是不能用的!上海三菱为世博会提供的电梯数量最多,有专门制作桁架的自动人行道、专门为世博会研制的内部没有按钮的电梯,而是通过电脑触摸屏控制的电梯,带有三菱特色的双PWM控制带有能量反馈装置的电梯也在世博会亮相,这种利用电梯运行中的位势能负载工况,将势能及动能转变为电能并加以利用的节能方式。如果得以推广,据国家权威机构的研究指出,如果中国在今后10年新装的电梯都采用能量回馈装置,预计到2018年底,总计将节省35亿KWH左右,CO2排放减少5000万吨左右,另外,上海三菱在世博会项目上还独家推出了可变速电梯,这种电梯在不放大曳引配置的情况下可以提高输送效率。 这次世博会上奥的斯电梯将服务于主题馆,中国馆,澳门馆,马德里馆等重要场馆,产品全部采用了奥的斯全球先进的Regen电梯能源再生技术,通过能源再生变频器将电能收集并滤波处理后,提供给楼宇内其它用电设备使用。这种能量反馈电梯曾受到国家主席胡锦涛的称赞,其中中国馆的大吨位高速无机房无齿轮电梯是目前全国安装的第一个载重达两吨,提升速度达到每秒两米的无机房电梯,在国家主题馆,OTIS还提供了两台提升高度达16.6米的自动扶梯,这两台中间无支撑的自动扶梯是目前上海已安装的中间无支撑的提升高度最高的扶梯,充分展示了奥的斯这个电梯全球行业的领导者过人的技术和过人的实力,在世博村,奥的斯电梯公司获得了项目中最大的一块的垂直电梯项目,该项目全部采用永磁同步无齿轮曳引技术,大部分采用GeN2电梯,总台数达74台,GEN2的核心技术是聚氨酯复合钢带,这是电梯问世150多年来技术上的首次重大突破。3mm厚,30mm宽的复合钢带与传统钢丝相比,在重量减轻了20%、使用寿命延长23倍的同时,具备了更好的延展性和牵引力传递功能。面对任务重、时间紧、技术要求高,奥的斯公司成立了新的领导班子克服困难,保质保量,按时完成调试工作,得到了世博会领导和俞正声,韩正等市领导的高度赞扬。 中国馆的自动扶梯项目由迅达电梯有限公司中标,作为全球数一数二的电扶梯供应商,迅达集团在135年历史里有着服务全球重大项目的悠久历史和丰富经验,这次为世博会中国馆提供的二台宛如飞龙升天的自动扶梯,最让人感到眼前一亮,据介绍这两部自动扶梯能将游客直接从大厅提升20米抵达主展区中心,乘客在乘坐电梯可以从空中体验中国馆恢弘气势所带来的震憾。除提供上述两台超高电梯外,迅达电梯还承揽了中国馆所有共14台扶梯和自动人行步道,其中高度达9.1米的自动人行步道也创下了国内同类产品提升高度之最。另外,迅达电梯还向世博会最大单体建筑-世博轴提供80台扶梯。迅达相关负责人表示,此次能够继续服务于上海世博会,是迅达无比的光荣,也是迅达这一百年瑞士品牌实力的体现。我认为芬兰通力电梯是一家最有创新性的电梯公司,无机房电梯就是这家公司1997年首创的,绩优服务的承诺,一年的停机率不超过1%、团队的凝聚力,企业文化给我的印象最深。他们在成功参与了2008北京奥运会的电扶梯安装工作后,能再一次为上海世博会国际盛事服务,感到非常骄傲和自信。这次他们赢得世博会项目最多,除芬兰馆以外,还将为澳大利亚馆、西班牙馆、沙特馆、比利时馆、丹麦馆、俄罗斯馆、香港馆等10几个国家、地区馆以及上海世博演艺中心、浦东后勤物流中心、国家电网企业馆、中国移动通信集团世博信息通信馆、中国航空馆等企业馆提供最先进的节能环保电梯,这次提供的电梯不少需要度身定制,品种多样、技术要求高等特点,这些产品的多项技术指标在目前国内尚属首创,如:4部无机房全玻璃四面观光电梯、2部3吨大载重量观光电梯、3部无机房新型客梯、4部倾角为6的新型自动人行道。不少都是通力电梯子公司巨人电梯的贡献,不久之前,国务院副总理李克强在访问芬兰期间,亲切会见了通力集团董事会主席安蒂赫林(AnttiHerlin)、通力集团总裁兼首席执行官马蒂阿拉霍达(Mattialahuhta)、通力中国总裁姜威(WilliamB.Johnson)以及通力中国副总裁陆亚宁等通力高层管理人员。通力公司勇于创新的精神和绿色、环保、高效的电梯技术给李克强副总理留下了深刻的印象。其他公司也有不凡的表演,限于篇幅不一一列举了。 世博会与我国近几年开展的中国国际电梯博览会不同,参观人数达7000万人次,历时半年,而我国举办的电梯博览会大多数不超过5天,参观者以行业为多,对电梯的发展将产生无法估计的深远影响!回想2002年我受OTIS之委托,对放在上海电梯博览会展区的GEN2电梯做了首次安全检验,我不由发出尖叫,这种奇异的节能环保电梯用3mm厚,30mm宽的复合钢带替代了传统钢丝,在重量减轻了20%、寿命还能延长23倍。目前GEN2已风靡中国电梯界.张江高科技园区一次订单达100台,是世界上GEN2最大的一笔订单。 世博会对电梯行业发展带来的机遇除了直接用于世博会的项目外,还带动了以下几个方面发展:1、与世博配套设施的建设。为了打造“一体化”的世博会交通体系,实现世博会交通与城市日常交通的共赢,上海到2010年,上海的12条地铁、总长度将达420公里,车站280座用梯全部建成,与世博会搭界的相关项目如上海陆海空”立体交通网络、浦东国际机场和虹桥国际机场扩建用梯、虹桥交通枢纽站,黄浦江上新的客运码头用梯等等,电梯的需求量是巨大的。2、世博会对房地产业的推动。一方面,世博会场地需要完成1.8万多户居民和270多家企事业单位的“世博大搬迁”,为房地产行业创造了一个较大的市场机会;另一方面,上海政府借世博会之际将改善上海的产业结构,即从以第二产业为重转变为以第三产业为重的格局,而服务业需要的人口比工业多,将间接增加市场对住房的需求。3、促进了电梯维保服务的发展。据从三菱电梯公司了解,上海市在用的三菱电梯共4.3万台,其中由上海三菱厂家提供专业保养服务的约1.5万台,其余近3万台电梯由其他单位来维保,保养服务质量不在实际受控范围。为使本次技术维保爱心行动顺利实施,上海三菱电梯专门拨付一笔经费,对上海地区在用的三菱电梯提供免费技术检测,并以提高电梯乘运的舒适性和安全性为目的有针对性地进行整修。在世博会期间上海三菱电梯的负责人发出倡议,呼吁其他电梯企业与上海三菱电梯一起携手,共同担负起为世博会保驾护航的社会责任。上海电梯行业协会为了迎世博搞好用好电梯致电梯及物业企业提了10项倡议特别提出电梯制造企业和维保企业要建立健全24小时值班制度,确保救援通讯畅通;对中心城区和世博园区等重点区域的电梯要落实专人对口负责。这些办法对促进电梯保养队伍的建设起了重大的促进作用。 近年来,中国电梯工业飞速发展。2008年中国电梯产销量、制造量都占世界第一位,房地产是国民经济的支柱产业,这是老生常谈的概念.电梯的发展,使建筑物长高了,没有电梯,那有高层建筑,那有房地产的发展,那有国民经济的发展,2010年我国的GDP总量将达到世界第三位,2008年我国电梯的生产量、拥有量已占世界第一,电梯事业的发展带动直接、间接带动了GDP的增长。 电梯离不开中国,中国发展离不开电梯,世界的发展离不开电梯,如果不重视电梯的技术进步,就谈不上经济的腾飞。 未来的电梯可以航天入地,开发外星、海洋资源都离不开电梯。世博会的电梯展示给了我们一个难得的机会。预计未来的电梯将全部采用尼龙合成纤维曳引绳,钢带等无润滑油污染曳引方式、永磁同步无齿曳引机、节能环保电梯是电梯发展的主流,电梯再生能量用超级电容回收技术、电梯产业的信息化、网络化、3D技术的应用,将使电梯的发展五彩缤纷。 电梯的发展是当今世界进步最重要的环节,我还殷切地希望国家应及早地设立一个门槛,及时贯彻,我盼望着这一天的早日来临。


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