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产品研发实习(分子细胞方向)英文简历模板导语:英文简历越来越吃香,那么英文简历应该怎能拟写呢今天小编为大家准备了产品研发实习(分子细胞方向)英文简历模板,欢迎阅读参考!产品研发实习(分子细胞方向)英文简历模板ObjectiveSummer internship in Chemical Engineering/Biotechnology utilizing:Substantial knowledge of both Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering principles along with a background in Chemistry and Biology demonstrated in both academic and research settings.Strong research abilities including experience implementing various research protocols using a variety of laboratory equipment, analyzing and collecting different types of data, and summarizing findings in written laboratory reports.Strong written and verbal communication skills including experience presenting technical findings in written reports, project proposals, and poster presentations.Outstanding organizational abilities demonstrated through leadership positions in many different campus organizations.Knowledge of Excel, Word, and basic MATLAB.EducationJOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITYBaltimore, MDBachelor of Science in Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringExpected May 20XXOverall GPA 3.2/4.0; Major GPA 3.3/4.0Concentration: Molecular and Cellular BioengineeringBloomberg Scholarship, awarded for academic excellenceAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineers, President 20XX, Vice President 20XXSociety of Women Engineers Member, Social Chair 20XXAlpha Phi Sorority, President 20XXSelected Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Related Courses and ProjectsModeling Dynamics Control for Chemical and Biological Systems, Biomolecular Engineering Lab, Kinetic Processes, Chemical Biological Separations, Applied Physical Chemistry, Transport I II, Biochemistry Lab, Thermodynamics, Biochemistry, and Introduction to Chemical Biological Process Analysis.Serial Nanofilter: Developed a prototype that demonstrates serial filtration using ultrathin silicon membranes. Project includes designing, building, and testing the device. (Fall 20XX-Spring 20XX)Mass Transport from a Dissolving Particle: Created a simulation of a spherical water dropletfrom an inhaler traveling down the respiratory system using MATLAB. Summarized the findings in a paper. (Fall 20XX)Chemical Engineering and Related Research ExperienceDEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGBaltimore, MDResearch AssistantFall 20XX-Spring 20XXCloned genes from the bacterium, Clostridium thermocellum and inserting them into E-coli.Utilized laboratory techniques including PCR, miniprep, and electrophoresis.Project investigated genetic material and its possible use in fuel cells.DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGBaltimore, MDResearch AssistantFall 20XX-Spring 20XXDeveloped and perfected the experimental procedure for testing the effects of ultrasound on a monolayer of cells in Professor Dalecki;s lab.Studied the effects of ultrasound on extracellular membrane proteins focusing on fibornectin.Designed and implement protocols using ultrasound equipment.Developed a proficiency in cell culture techniquesTrained in basic methodology for laboratory mice and animal resource orientation.温馨提示:事业单位面试技巧一、答题时要注意语调的起伏变化及语气的慷慨陈词。无论是怎么样形式的面试和讨论,考生在陈述观点时,应该要注重语调和语气的变化,最好能够抑扬顿挫并且充满激情和自信。这样能够在感官上影响到考官,与考官产生共鸣。而且,饱含情感的言论更能够体现出良好的精神风貌,从而让考官更加印象深刻。二、回答问题时适当配合表情和肢体语言。在回答问题时,可以适当地配合手势及表情,使回答能够更生动及富含感染力。并且,面带微笑更能够缓和面试的紧张气氛,拉近与考官的距离感。答题过程中,注意与考官的目光交流,不应该畏畏缩缩,适当的眼神交流能够使考生自己更加有自信和从容。但是,肢体语言不应该过于夸张夸大,否则会影响考生的印象分。三、可以适当引用经典或名言警句。论证过程中,适当引用经典或是名言警句,能够展现考生学识渊博的一面,甚至更加能够支撑自己的理论,使之更具有说服力。这样良好的语言组织能力和严谨的思维逻辑也能在一定程度上博得考官的好感。但是不宜过多,也不宜滥用,更不能生搬硬套,否则只会适得其反。


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