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New Practical English 2 Passage I For Conversation Press # 1 Unit 3 Communication by Phone New Practical English 2 Related Information A cell phone is a small telephone you can carry with you that operates through networks of radio antennas or space satellites. Other expressions of a cell phone: a. a cellular phone/telephone b. a mobile phone /telephone c. a handset A Cell Phone 手机 New Practical English 2 Related Information ATM is the abbreviation for automated teller machine. ATMs are found in business districts and shopping malls. People use them to get cash from their bank accounts and in many places, to pay for gas, groceries, and other things. ATM 自动取款机 New Practical English 2 Related Information A Voice Mail 有声邮件 A voice mail is a telephone answering system on which spoken messages are left by one person for another. New Practical English 2 (Para. 1) Ive got a cell phone, email and voice mail. But why am I so lonely? (Para. 2) A funny thing happened on the way to the communications revolution: we stopped talking to one another. (Para. 3) I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There they were, talking and talking on a beautifully sunny day and I became invisible, absent from the conversation. Passage I For Conversation Press # 1 1 2 3 New Practical English 2 (Para. 4) The park was filled with people talking on their cell phones. They were passing other people without looking at them, saying hello, noticing their babies or stopping to pet their puppies. Evidently, the untethered electronic voice is preferable to human contact. Passage I New Practical English 2 (Para. 5) The telephone used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent. Recently I was in a car with three friends. The driver hushed the rest of us because he could not hear the person on the other end of his cell phone. There we were, four friends zooming down the highway, unable to talk to one another because of a gadget designed to make communication easier. Passage I 4 New Practical English 2 (Para. 6) Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? Every advance in communications technology is a setback to the intimacy of human interaction. With email and instant messaging over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice-mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. If my mom has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine. Passage I 5 New Practical English 2 (Para. 7) As almost every conceivable contact between human beings gets automated, the alienation index goes up. You cant even call a person to get the phone number of another person any more. Directory assistance is almost always fully automated. (Para. 8) Pumping gas at the station? Why say good morning to the attendant when you can swipe your credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact? Passage I 6 7 8 New Practical English 2 (Para. 9) Making a deposit at the bank? Why talk to a clerk who might live in the neighborhood when you can just insert your card into the ATM? (Para. 10) Pretty soon you wont have the burden of making eye contact at the grocery store. Some supermarket chains are using a self- scanner so you can check yourself out, avoiding those annoying clerks who look at you and ask how you are doing. Passage I 9 New Practical English 2 (Para. 11) I am no Luddite. I own a cell phone, an ATM card, a voice-mail system, an email account. Giving them up isnt an option- they are great for what they are intended to do. Its their unintended consequences that make me cringe. Passage I 10 11 12 New Practical English 2 means “with the purpose of” 1. (Title) For Conversation Press # 1 通话按 1号键 。 Translation Difficult Sentences # stands for No., therefore #1 is read as No.1. New Practical English 2 2. (Para. 3) I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation. 最近我和一位朋友正在公园里散步 , 突然他的手 机响起来 , 打断了我们的谈话 。 Translation 现在分词短语作 结果状语 Difficult Sentences New Practical English 2 3. (Para. 3) There they were, talking and talking on a beautifully sunny day and I became invisible, absent from the conversation. 在一个阳光明媚的日子 , 他们在那儿谈啊谈 , 而我 却被冷落 , 成了谈话的局外人 。 Translation 现在分词短语作 伴随状语 Difficult Sentences New Practical English 2 现在分词短语作 伴随状语 4. (Para. 5) There we were, four friends zooming down the highway, unable to talk to one another because of a gadget designed to make communication easier. 我们四位朋友坐在车里 , 飞驰在高速公路上 , 却 因为有了那个被设计来方便通信的小玩艺儿而不 能互相交谈 。 Translation 过去分词作定语 Difficult Sentences New Practical English 2 5. (Para. 6) Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? 为什么我们联系得越多我却越感到失去了联系呢 ? Translation “it” stands for the subject that-clause, where the comparative structure is used. Similar structure can be found in “What is it that .?” Difficult Sentences New Practical English 2 6. (Para. 7) As almost every conceivable contact between human beings gets automated, the alienation index goes up. 随着人们之间几乎每一种联系都变得自动化 起来 , 疏远的指数就上升 。 Translation conj. meaning “at the same time that” Difficult Sentences New Practical English 2 7. (Para. 8) Pumping gas at the station? 你在加油站加油吗 ? Translation 省略句 The complete sentence should be: Are you pumping gas at the station? Difficult Sentences New Practical English 2 8. (Para. 8) Why say good morning to the attendant when you can swipe your credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact? 既然你可以用信用卡在加油泵旁自动刷卡 , 免于 与人打交道的麻烦 , 何必还要对加油站的工作人 员打招呼呢 ? Translation why + 动词不定式 结构 Difficult Sentences New Practical English 2 9. (Para. 10) Some supermarket chains are using a self-scanner so you can check yourself out, avoiding those annoying clerks who look at you and ask how you are doing. 有些超市连锁店正在使用自动扫描仪 , 你可以自 己结账 , 避开那些令人心烦的店员 , 他们总是看 着你问长问短 。 Translation 表结果, “因此” Difficult Sentences 现在分词短语作 结果状语 New Practical English 2 10. (Para. 11) I am no Luddite. 我并不反对自动化 。 Translation means “not at all” Difficult Sentences New Practical English 2 11. (Para. 11) Giving them up isnt an option they are great for what they are intended to do. 放弃他们并不可取 人们赋与它们的功能 太美妙了 。 Translation means “very good for ” Difficult Sentences means “what they are designed to do ” New Practical English 2 12. (Para. 11) Its their unintended consequences that make me cringe. 只是他们无意中带来的后果却使我感到不寒 而栗 。 Translation 强调句型 Difficult Sentences New Practical English 2 Without friends, Selena felt lonely in the city she had just arrived in. I shall have a companion in the house after all these lonely years. He felt lonely when his best friend moved to another place. alone and feeling sad, lonesome 孤独的,寂寞的 lonely adj. FOR EXAMPLE: Important Words New Practical English 2 I saw my friend recently; we had dinner together last week. Recently, my brother has been working on his masters degree at the university. Ive only recently begun to learn German. not too long ago; starting not too long ago and still going on, (syn.) currently 最近;近来 recently adv. FOR EXAMPLE: Important Words New Practical English 2 Mr. Lowenberg evidently regarded this as a great joke. From the warm temperature and abundant flowers, it is evidently spring here. Evidently your sister was sensitive on the topic of operations. as it appears, seemingly, (syn.) apparently 明显 , 显然 evidently adv. FOR EXAMPLE: Important Words New Practical English 2 She found life in the city preferable to her quiet life in the country. Gradual change is preferable to sudden, great change. Milk is fine, but cream would be preferable. better or more suitable, to be preferred 更可取的; 更好的 preferable adj. FOR EXAMPLE: Important Words New Practical English 2 The telephone operator connected me with the human resources department. I connected the antenna to the TV set. A new road connects the two small cities. to attach, join together; to reach sb. by telephone 连接 , 接通 connect v. FOR EXAMPLE: Important Words New Practical English 2 I am unable to cycle to school because my bicycle is broken. He is unable to walk because of a bad ankle. He is unable to do the job for lack of experience. not able, incapable 不能的 , 不会的 unable adj. FOR EXAMPLE: Important Words New Practical English 2 There have been great advances in medicine in the last 50 years. This model is a great advance on previous ones. Under this system popular science education made great advances. an improvement, (syn.) a breakthrough 前进 , 进展 advance n. FOR EXAMPLE: Important Words in advance of: more highly developed Their training facilities are far in advance of anything we have. in advance: ahead of time Everything had been fixed in advance. New Practical English 2 Sam deposited ten dollars in his savings account. Mrs. Heckler deposited her jewelry in a safe. She left a deposit on the coat. deposit FOR EXAMPLE: Important Words v. to place sth. valuable, such as money, in a bank or brokerage account; to place valuables for safekeeping 存放 , 存储 n. a partial payment to hold goods or property until the buyer makes complete payment 定钱 , 押金 New Practical English 2 The old lady carefully inserted the letter into an envelope carefully. The professor inserted a comment in the margin. A film of oil is inserted between the sliding surfaces of a bearing. to put sth. into, between, or among 插入 , 嵌入 insert v. FOR EXAMPLE: Important Words New Practical English 2 The kings murder started a chain of events that led to a war. That bookstore is part of a chain; you can find the chain stores in cities all over the country. a series of related things or events; a group of stores, restaurants 一连串;连锁店 chain n. FOR EXAMPLE: Important Words New Practical English 2 I have a checking account at Metropolitan Bank. The accounts were perfectly in order. He opened an account at my bank in your name. money kept in a bank for present or future use 账,账户 account n. FOR EXAMPLE: Important Words New Practical English 2 He drank heavily and died as a consequence. Im quite willing to accept the consequence. He does not consider the consequences. the result of doing sth. 结果, 后果 consequence n. FOR EXAMPLE: Important Words New Practical English 2 1. Why does the author feel lonely with a cell phone, e-mail and voice mail in hand? ? Because people stopped talking face to face to one another. Read and Think Answer the following questions according to the passage. New Practical English 2 2. Why does he become invisible and absent from his conversation with his friend? Because his friend was busy talking on his cell phone, completely forgetting his presence. Read and Think New Practical English 2 3. Why does he think cell phones are preferable to human contact? Because they can be used anywhere and anytime. Read and Think New Practical English 2 4. What are the advantages of e-mail and voice mail? With e-mail, we can communicate without seeing or talking to one another; and with voice mail, we can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. Read and Think New Practical English 2 5. Whats the consequence brought about by the communications technology? People lose their intimacy of interaction. Read and Think New Practical English 2 6. Whats the authors attitude towards the communications revolution? He thinks its great, but worries about its unintended consequences. Read and Think New Practical English 2 Read and Complete Fill in the blanks without referring to the passage. Why is it that the more connected we get, the more 1 _ I feel? Every advance in communications technology is a 2 _ to the intimacy of human interaction. With e-mail and instant messaging over the 3 _, we can communicate without seeing or 4 _ to one another. With voice mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever 5 _ anyone. If my mom has a question, I just leave the 6 _ on her machine. setback Internet reaching disconnected talking answer New Practical English 2 Read and Complete As almost every conceivable 7 _ between human beings gets automated, the alienation index 8 _. You cant even call a person to get the 9 _ number of another person any more. Directory assistance is almost always fully 10 _. goes up phone contact automated New Practical English 2 Complete each of the following statements according to the passage. 1.A funny thing happened on the way to _: we stopped talking to one another. 2. The park was filled with people talking on _. 3. Evidently, the untethered _ is preferable to human contact. their cell phones the communications revolution Read and Complete electronic voice New Practical English 2 4. With _ and instant messaging over the Internet, we can communicate without seeing or talking to one another. 5. With _, you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. 6. _ is almost always fully automated. 7 The author likes to use his cell phone, his ATM card, his voice-mail and his e-mail account, which he thinks are _ for what they are intended to do. voice- mail e-mail Read and Complete Directory assistance great New Practical English 2 Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below, changing the form if necessary. lonely interrupt invisible evidently preferable advance attendant insert deposit chain burden pet 1. Over-working can be a _ on both body and mind. 2. New _ in medicine improve the quality of health care. burden advances Read and Complete New Practical English 2 3. Without friends, he felt _ in the city he had just arrived in. 4. Music is _; we can hear it and feel it, but not see it. 5. She forgot to _ the letter into the envelope. 6. The Queens _ were always surrounding her. 7. She loves her cat and often _ it on the back. lonely invisible insert attendants pets Read and Complete New Practical English 2 8. That restaurant is part of a large _, which you can find in cities all over the country. 9. A dark suit is _ to a light one for evening wear. 10. Linda has $500 on _ in her account. 11. The picnic was _ by a hard shower yesterday. 12. _, he likes music so much that hes taking piano lessons. chain preferable deposit interrupted Evidently Read and Complete New Practical English 2 Read and Translate Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 请给家里打个电话,告诉他们我正在去公司的路上。 on the way to Please dial home and tell them Im on the way to the company 。 2. 从那时起生产就一直没有倒退过 。 setback Since then there has never been any setback in production. New Practical English 2 Read and Translate 3. 我看见他把钥匙插入锁中。 I saw him insert the key into the lock. 4. 我建议你把钱存入银行。 make a deposit I suggest that you make a deposit at the bank. insert into 5. 昨天王先生结账离开了那家旅馆。 Yesterday Mr. Wang checked out from that hotel. check out New Practical English 2 Read and Simulate Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences. 1. The park was filled with people talking on their cell phones. The hall was filled with young people watching the performance. The hall was filled with students waiting for the interview. The square of the village was filled with people watching the football match of the World Cup. Now you try: 大厅里挤满了等待面试的学生 。 村子的广场上挤满了看世界杯足球赛的人 。 New Practical English 2 Read and Simulate 2. The telephone used to connect you to the absent. I used to write poems when I was his age. We used to grow beautiful roses. Peter used to go to the small town . Now you try: 过去我们常常种漂亮的玫瑰花 。 过去彼得常常到那个小镇去 。 New Practical English 2 Read and Simulate 3. Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? Why is it that the temperature in the room is rising higher and higher? Why is it that this conclusion is wrong? Why is it that she can sing better than I? Now you try: 这个结论为什么会是错的呢 ? 她为什么会比我唱得还好呢 ? New Practical English 2 Read and Simulate 4. As almost every conceivable contact between human beings gets automated, the alienation index goes up. This thought grew as the days passed. As I knew him better, I discovered that my first impression of him had been/was right. We get wiser as we get older. Now you try: 随着我对他的进一步了解 , 我发现我对他的第一次印象是 正确的 。 随着年龄的增长 , 我们变得更聪明 。 New Practical English 2 Read and Simulate 5. Why say good-morning to the attendant when you can swipe your credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact? Why talk to a clerk who might live in the neighborhood when you can just insert your card into the ATM? Why use wood when you can use plastic? Why ask me to do it when you can do it yourself? Now you try: 既然能用塑料 , 何必非要用木料呢 ? 既然你能自己做 , 何必非要让我做呢 ? New Practical English 2 Read and Simulate 6. Pretty soon you wont have the burden of making eye contact at the grocery store. Pretty soon you wont take the trouble to go to the village on foot. Pretty soon you wont have the burden of cooking breakfast for him. Pretty soon you wont take the trouble to send her to go to school every morning. Now you try: 用不了多久 , 你就可以免去为他做早饭的负担 。 用不了多久 , 您就不必费神每天早晨送她去上学了 。 New Practical English 2 The Development of Communication Means New Practical English 2 The Development of Communication Means New Practical English 2 The Development of Communication Means New Practical English 2 The Development of Communication Means New Practical English 2 The Development of Communication Means New Practical English 2 The Development of Communication Means New Practical English 2 The Development of Communication Means New Practical English 2 The Development of Communication Means New Practical English 2 The Development of Communication Means


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