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Unit 2 单元测试时间: 40 分钟分值: 100 分 .单项选择 (10 分 )1 Tony is feeling _ because he didnt get high marks in the exam.A blueB redC yellowD green2. He is a little _ than you, but he is as _ as you.A. thin; strongerB. thinner; strongerC. thinner; strongD. thin; strong3 Jack has some difficulty _ the task by himself within two days.A. finishB. finishesC. to finishD. finishing4 In summer, my cousin Paul _ ice cream _ fruit.A would rather; toB prefers; toC prefer to; rather thanD likes; better5 Alice, the dress _ silk looks good _ you. Thank you.A is made of; onB made of; inC made of; onD is made of; in6 Do you know who _ the electric lamp and who _ America?A found; discoveredB discovered; foundC invented; discoveredD discovered; invented7 How do you like this speech? I like it very much and it can _ me _ to achieve my dream.A cheer; upB connect; withC let; dowmD take; up8 Id rather _ than _ A do some reading; watch TVB doing some reading; watching TVC to do some reading; watch TVD do some reading; to watch TV9 Dear sister, does the TV show Dad ComesBack _ our father? Sure, Dad has been away for about ten years.A let you downB help you outC remind you ofD cheer you up10 Could you tell me _ a meeting in Guangzhou next week?A whether is there going to beB whether there is going to haveC if there was going to beD if there is going to be .完形填空 (30 分 )It is important to have positive ( 积极的 ) feelings in our daily life.第 1页Compared _11_ some unhappy people, those who are always pleased and relaxed are less likely to suffer from colds, _12_ a new study. The researchers from New York University said,“ _13_ helps the body prevent diseases.”“ It seems that positive feelings may reduce the _14_ of illness ,” said the chief researcherSheldon Cohen.In an earlier study, Cohen found that people who were _15_ caught colds less often. Andthey seldom told their doctors that they felt _16_.In this study, Cohens team interviewed 193 adults every day for two weeks. In this_17_,the people told researchers about _18_happyor sad feelings that day. Two weeks later, allofthem were made to catch colds by doctors, and they had to stay _19_ in a room for six days.The results _20_ that each in the study was equal( 平等的 ) to fall ill. _21_ people whowere lively and relaxed said they felt happy during the research. Their illnesses were less seriousand lasted for a _22_ time.Cohen believes that _23_ people have positive feelings, their body may produce a kind ofchemical that helps to _24_ illnesses. So if you _25_ your health, please look on the brightside and make yourself happy all the time.11 A.atB withC inD of12 A. as forB because ofC instead ofD according to13 A. Being happyBBeing carefulC Being angryD Being nervous14 A. hopeB safetyCfreedomD danger15 A. painfulB proudC cheerfulD clever16 A. activeB uncomfortableC scaredD comfortable17 A.momentB fieldC periodD times18 A. themselvesB theirC itsD theirs19 A. aloneB hardlyC lonelyD brave20 A. expectedB remindedC agreedD showed21 A. ButB Or CSoD And22 A. longerB fewerC shorterD more23 A. whyB whichCwhetherD when24 A.affordB fightC costD support25 A. care aboutB look forC pick upD get over .阅读理解 (15 分 )Green is an important colour in nature. It is the colour of grass and the leaves on trees. It is also the colour of most growing plants.Sometimes, the word “ green” means young, fresh and growing. For example, a greenhorn is someone who has no experience. In the 15th century, a greenhorn was a young cow or an ox whose horns(角 ) had not yet developed. A century later, a greenhorn was a soldier who had no experience第 2页in war. By the 18th century, a greenhorn had the meaning it has today a person who is new in a job.Someone who is good at growing plants is said to have a green thumb( 大拇指 ). The expression comes from the early 20th century. A person with a green thumb can make plants grow quickly and well. The Green Revolution( 绿色革命 ) is the name given some years ago to the development of new kinds of rice and other grains. It was the result of hard work by agricultural scientists who had green thumbs.Green is also the colour used to describe the powerful feeling, jealousy( 嫉妒 ). The green-eyed monster is not a dangerous animal from outer space. It is an expression used about 400 years agoby the British writer William Shakespeare in his play“ Othello” . It describes the unpleasant feelinwhen someone has something he wants.In most places in the world, a green light is a signal(信号 ) to move ahead. In everyday speech,a green light means approval( 赞成 ) to continue with a project.26 A new soldier was called a greenhorn in the _ century.A 15thB 16thC 18thD 20th27 A person with a green thumb_.A is good at growing plantsB really has a green thumbC has no experience in warD is new in a job28 A man may meet the green- eyed monster if _ A he sees a dangerous animalB he cant get somethingC he reads a sad playD his friend gets a prize that he wants29 This passage doesnt mention the history of the expression“_ ”A a green thumbB a greenhornC the green- eyed monsterD a green light30 Which would be the best title of the passage?A Green, the colour of grass and treesB The stories about the colour“green”C Green, a sign of approvalD Different meanings of “ green” .用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(10 分 )31 Trust him! He has no difficulty _(work) out this problem.32 My cousin said he _ (prefer) reading a book to playing computer games.33 Whether he will go depends on your_(decide).34 Televisions have made it possible for us _(watch) movies at home.35 My computer requires_ (repair). I need your help. .根据汉语意思完成句子(10 分 )第 3页36 放学后你 先做作 ,而不是和你的同学 踢足球。You should do your homework first _ with your classmates afterschool.37 周末 ,我妹妹宁愿在家里看 也不愿意出去。My sister _ at home to _ at weekends.38 琳达不确定穿 色的运 服是否看起来精力充沛。Linda _ she _ blue sportswear.39 色能 使我 感 放松,因 它代表平静。Blue can _ because it represents peace.40 他 去常常整夜玩 游 ,但 在他宁愿把 花在功 上而不是网上。He _ play computer games all night, but now he _ spendhis time on his lessons than on the Internet. . 面表达 (25 分 )Lisa 是一个活 、开朗的女孩。她 于助人,做事情有条不紊,具有很 的 能力。她平 学 刻苦, 常在考 中取得 异成 。今晚,她要帮助Alice 一 生日聚会。 你帮她搭配一套合适的服装,并 明原因。不少于100 。 .1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.C6 C7.A8.A9 Cremind sb of 意 “使某人想起”。10 D .11.B12 D考 短 的用法。句意:根据一 新的研究。as for 意 “关于”;becauseof 意 “因 ”; instead of 意 “代替 ,而不是”; according to 意 “根据”。根据句意可知 D 符合 意。13 A14.D15 C考 形容 辨析。句意:在早期的一 研究中,科恩 _的人 不会 常感冒。 根据上下文可知,快 放松的人不常感冒。painful 意 “痛苦的,疼痛的”; proud意 “ 傲的”;cheerful 意 “快 的”;clever 意 “ 明的”。 C 符合 意。16 B17.C18 B考 代 辨析。句意:人 告 研究人 关于那天_高 或 的感受。与“人 ” 的 是“他 的”,故 B。19 A20.D21 A考 辨析。句意:_活 放松的人 他 在研究中感 很快 。前一句 都会有均等的机会生病,后一句 是表示 折,故 A 。22 C考 形容 比 。句意:他 的疾病不太 重并且持 _。活 放松的人感到快 ,故他 的疾病 是持 更短些,故 C。23 D24 B考 辨析。句意:科恩 当人 有 极情 ,他 的身体可能会 生一种化学物 来帮助_疾病。 afford 意 “担 得起, 得起”; fight 意 “ 斗 , 抗”; cost 意 “花 ”;support 意 “支持”。 合句意可知 B 。25 A考 短 辨析。句意:因此,如果你 _你的健康 , 看事情美好的那一面。care about 意 “关心 ,在乎”; look for 意 “ 找”;pick up 意 “拾起 , 起”; get over 意 “克服”。根据上下文可知 A 。第 4页 .26.B 27.A28D 由第四段中“ The green-eyed monster is not a dangerous animal from outer space. ” 和 “It describes the unpleasant feeling when someone has something he wants”.可知 D 项正确。29D由最后一段可知,文中提及的是a green light 表达的意义 ,而没有提及它的历史。故选 D。30 D .31.working32.preferred33 decision34.to watch35 repairing/to be repaired .36.instead of playing football37 prefers watching TV; going out38 isnt sure if; looks energetic in39 make us feel relaxed40 used to; would rather .One possiblev ersion:Lisa is alively and outgoing girl. She is willing to help others. She is organizedenough toorganize all kinds of activities. She studies hard and often gets good marks in exams.I think the best colours to represent Lisa are white and orange. White can make her feel calm and peaceful, and this colour creates the feeling of harmony. Orange represents joy and it can bring her success and cheer her up. It also gives her a happy and comfortable feeling.Since she will hold a birthday party for Alice tonight, I think its a good idea to wear a white T - shirt and an orange skirt.What do you think of my idea about what to wear? Do you agree with me?第 5页


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