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油城学校七年级 英语导学案(上册)学案编号 编写人:贾永忠 审核人: 授课人: 班级: Unit 2 Colours and Clothes【学习目标】1、掌握What colour is it? Whose is this?2、学会十种颜色的英语单词。3、认识并掌握一些人称代词及其用法。4、认识并掌握一些物主代词以及其用法。5、培养学生观察事物的能力。【学习重点】1、 The vocabulary in this unit.2、人称代词及其用法。3、物主代词及其用法。4、Whats your favorite colour? Whose is this? Lets go shopping.【学习难点】1、人称代词及其用法。2、.物主代词及其用法【课时安排】七课时Lesson 7:Jennys New Skirt学案编号 编写人: 审核人: 授课人: 班级: 【学习目标】知识目标: 1.学习颜色:pink,blue,light blue.2.掌握单词:Smith , sure, blouse ,really , Kim , pink.能力目标:掌握句型:What colour is it? Its red. -. is my favourite colour.情感目标:了解自己的喜好,尊重彼此的差异。【学习重点】学习表达物品的颜色。熟练掌握:What colour is it? Its Do you like? Yes, I do.-. is my favourite colour.学习过程一、【问题指向,预习先行】Speak and do the actions on SB P11 总结表示颜色的英语单词。二、【呈现目标,任务导学】Teach the new words: sure, blouse,really, pink., light blue.Give some time for them to remember the new words. And then compete with groups.Listen to the tape and finish Part 1 in Lets Do It. Repeat the dialogue. Finish Part 2 and 3 in Lets Do It. 三、【互动探究,合作求解】1.判断正(T)误(F)1)Kim likes Jennys skirt. ( )2)Jennys skirt is new. ( )3) Jennys favourite colour is blue. ( )4)Kims favourite colour is pink ( )2.填空1) Jennys skirt is from her_ 2) What can Jenny wear with her new skirt?四、【交流展示,适度拓展】1. What colour do you want?你知道what colour 引导的疑问句的用法吗?colour 的其他用法你知道吗?Teach the usage of them.2. favourite 有理光词性,你能分辨清楚吗?(1)adj.意思是最喜爱的;(2)n.最喜爱的人或物。Apples are my favourite.3. 你对be diffident from 的用法又掌握了多少?Teach the usages.五、【强化训练,当堂达标】Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.Favourite really blue blouse sure skirts weara. I like to wear_ clothes.b. Is red your_ colour? c. Boys dont wear_.d. I_ like your new shoes.e .The boys shirt looks like a _.f, What can you _with your black skirt?g. he can _wear that big coat.六、【课后作业,下节预习】1、完成活动手册p16-p171、 预习第八课。;Lesson 8:Dannys Favourite Colour学案编号 编写人: 审核人: 授课人: 班级:【学习目标】掌握本课单词paint, mix, rainbow, purple, out, sky及短语 want to do sth, mix A and B, Thats right, look at, come out, in the sky的意思及用法。掌握句型:1,Whats Danys favouriye colour?; 2, How many.【学习重点】1). How about.2).巩固系动词be 的用法3).学会谈论你喜欢的颜色【学习过程】一、【问题指向,预习先行】1.温习Lesson7,巩固其中的重难点。二、【呈现目标,任务导学】1):根据音标拼读并背诵单词2): 熟读课文,尽量独立熟悉课文,查疑解难。一、你想知道预习的结果吗?下面是课文中出现的单词及短语,请翻译。1.favourite colour _ 2.want to do sth _ e out _ 4Thats right _ _5.in the sky _6.after the rain_ 7.paint _ 8.mix A and B _ 9.rainbow_二、单项选择( )1早晨在校门口遇到同学时,应该怎么样打招呼?A. How are you? B. Good morning! C. Good evening! ( )2当别人向你问好时说:How are you? 你应该怎么回应呢?A. Fine, thank you B. Hello! C. How are you? ( )3. 一Good evening, Eric. 一_, Cindy. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening ( )4一Good morning! 一_ AThank you BGood morning! CHello! ( )5一Hello! 一_ AHello! BThank you CIm fine ( )6一Sit down,P1ease 一_. AIm fine BOK CThank you ( )7-Colin,whats this in English? -_. AThis is a pen BIts a pen CIts pen ( )8Its _ blackIts _ black ruler Aa; B;a Ca;a ( )9. -_ is that quilt? Its black A.How color BWhat color CWhats color ( )10. 一Whats this in English? 一Its _ orange. A. an B. a C./ 三、【互动探究,合作求解】句型How about .?意为“.怎么样?”后跟名词,代词,或动词V-ing形式。用来询问情况,打听消息或向对方提出建议,要求等。同义短语是:What about.?eg. 1)-I like the pants. How /what about you? -me,too. 2)- We want to play sports . (你们呢?)Hoe about you?翻译:唱首歌怎么样? ?How many colours do you see?(1)这是一个特殊疑问句。ow many 用来询问数量,意为“多少”其后接可数名词的复数形式。Eg: How many pictures can you see? 在墙上你能看见多少幅画? 翻译: 一天有多少个小时? (2)see 动词,意为“看见”,着重于看的结果 如: I see a bird in the sky. 我在天空中看见一只鸟。 而look强调于看的动作 如I look around and see a boy. 我环顾四周,看到了一个男孩。3)Do you want to pait with me?你想和我一起画画吗? (1)want 做动词,意为“想,想要”用法如下 want + 名词/代词I want a watch,too.我也想要一块手表 want + (人)+不定式 I want to buy a new bike.我想买辆新自行车。 I want you to help me.我想让你帮忙。 (2)paint 句中作动词,意为“画”,也可作名词,意为“颜料,绘画“如, a box of paints四、【交流展示,适度拓展】1. 小组合作,尽可能多地查出所有表示颜色的单词。五、【强化训练,当堂达标】1.Blank is one of my _. A. favourites B.favourite C. favourite colours D. colour2.Here is some green _. A. paint B.paints C. painting D paintes3.-_ colours does the rainbow have -Seven。 A How much B How many C How old D How4.-How many books do you have?-_ A . I have one B. Its one book. C. Its a book. D.there it is5.What about _?A .skate B.skating C. skates D. skateing6.This is _ key.A. an yellow B. yellow C. a yellow7. Whats this? _ is a white eraser.A. This B. It C. Its8. What color is the quilt?Its _.A. a blueB. blueC. blue quilt9. Dale is tall (高). He needs (需要) a size(尺寸) _ shirt(衬衣).A. S B. M C. L10. The dog(狗) is _.A. black and whiteB. black whiteC. white black 根据所给句子写问题或答语。1. _? Its blue.2. _? Its “V”.3. How are you?_.4. _?Its a key.根据汉语意思完成句子。5 .你喜欢几种颜色? do you ike?6.你能把红色和蓝色混合成黄色吗? Can you _ red and blue to _ yellow?7.你知道彩虹的颜色吗? Do you know the _ of _?8.在天空中有两只风筝。There are two kites _ _9.彩虹在雨后出现。The rainbow _ _ after raining.六、【课后作业,下节预习】1、完成活动手册。2、预习下节课内容; Lesson9: Whose Coat Is This? 学案编号 编写人: 审核人: 授课人: 班级: 【学习目标】 1.Grasp the new words and phrases :skirt, blouse,coat, scarf, gloves, shorts. 2.Sentence structures: This is Jennys coat. That is her coat. 【重点难点】 1.whose的用法 2.名词性物主代词【学习过程】 一、【问题指向,预习先行】在学系本课之前,先复习前面学习的形容词性物主代词。并总结形容词性物主代词二、【呈现目标,任务导学】一用括号中所给词的正确形式填空:1._ is a boy. Do you know _ name?(he)2._ is a parrot. _ name is JiJi. (it)3._father is an English teacher. _ is my friend._ name is Kitty. (she)4.Lily and _ are in the same class. _number is eleven.( I )5.Where is _ teacher, do _ know?( you)6.Are _ Japanese friends? No, _ arent.( they)7.This is a cat, but I dont know_ name.8.Im a Chinese boy. _ name is Ma Weiping.9.Look at that man. Can you spell _ name?10.I know that woman. _ bike is very old.二英汉互译:.1.太大 2.他的外套 3.maybe 4.just right 5.这是谁的外套? 6.这是李明的外套。 7.他们是我的手套。 8.这条短裤太小了 三、【互动探究,合作求解】1,名词所有格表示某物是谁的,一般名词后加s。如李明的书, Li Mings book,Dannys friend2.whose对名词所有格形式或形容词性物主代词提问Mary is my sisster. (对划线部分提问) Whose sister is Mary?Lilys uncle is our music teacher. (对划线部分提问) Whose uncle is your music teacher?四、【交流展示,适度拓展】My name is Sue. Im an English girl. This is my school. Its the No.6 Middle school. Im in Class Two Grade Seven.My Englisn teacher is Miss Li. At school I have A goodfriend. Her name is Liu Ying. She is thirteen. She and I are in the same class. How old is Sue?A.She is 11 B. She is 12 C. She is 13 Which is her school?A.The No.4 Middle School B The No.6 Middle School C The No.8 Middle SchoolWho is her English teacher?A.Miss Lu. B.Miss Li C.Miss Li.4. Which class in Liu Ying in? A.Class Two B. Class Four C.Class Six5. How old is Liu Ying? A.She is 11 B. She is 12 C. She is 13五、【强化训练,当堂达标】 一.根据汉语意思完成句子1.这是李华的短裤 2.这儿的人太多了。 3.这件毛衣我正好合适。 4.那是谁的笔? 六、【课后作业,下节预习】1、完成活动手册。2、预习下节课内容;Lesson10: Clothes for a cold day 学案编号 编写人: 审核人: 授课人: 班级:【学习目标】 知识与能力1. 会读会写词汇:ready colourful bright forget2.理解并会运用重点短语:Catch/get/have a cold ,be ready for,go back,go well with,Take.all out of,put on情感、态度和价值观:通过讨论图片,丰富自己的日常交际用语。【重点难点】 1.词汇、句型、语言点。 a. say good bye to sb b. be ready for, c.go back, d.go well with 【学习流程】一、【问题指向,预习先行】. 借助朗读带读会词汇:ready colourful bright forget二、【呈现目标,任务导学】.阅读课文,你能很快回答下列问题吗?1. How is the weath? 2.Does danny like to wear shorts or pants? 3.Where is Dannys umbreella?.英汉互译1.感冒 2.go back 3.相配 4.take.all out of 5.穿上 6.be ready for. .准备一张自己的照片带到学校,制作班级集体照。三、【互动探究,合作求解】1. 每天必读。完形填空。Look at the picture of the King family.Their clothes_1_ very nice.Mr Kings shirt is white._2_pants are blue,Mrs Kings dress is red.The boy _3_ a green sweater is his son.His name is Jim.He 4_a pair of shoes.His pants are brown.The girl is his daughter.His name is Kate.She _5_ like skirts at all.Their father and mother love them very much. ( )1.A.is B.am C.are D.isnt( )2.A. He B. His C. Their D. They( )3. A. In B. on C. at D.for( )4.A. wear B. wears C. wearing D. to wear( )5.A. isnt B. dont C.arent D.doesnt2. 根据句意及汉语提示写出下列单词的正确形式。Danny is r_ for school。 2)I like this_ (T恤)3) Dont f_ your umbrella. 4)Please put on your j_.5) Colourful clothes are so b_.3. 根据汉语意思完成句子。1) 你的T-恤和你的鞋子很搭配。 2)你的早餐准备好了吗?Your T-shirts_ _ _your shoes. _you_ _your breakfast?3)请把所有的笔从文具盒中取出来。 4) 王梅和她妈妈说再见。Please_pens_ _ _the pencil box. Wang mei_ goodbye_her mun.四、【交流展示,适度拓展】Language points1. catch a cold 感冒, catch a fever 发烧 ,catch up with赶上, catch fire着火be ready for意为“准备去。”后接名词,同义词是get ready for be/get ready for+动词原形,意为“准备做。”2. 介词in的用法;a.“在。里”,表示地点 b.“用”,表示用语言,材料等。 c.“在”,表示时间常用于季节,月份,年代的名词之前。3.go well with 意为“和。很相配,协调” 4.forget 作动词,意为忘记拓展;forget to do sth.意为“忘记去做某事”,强调事情没有做,对要做的事情忘记了。 Forget doing sth,意为:“忘记做过某事”,强调某事已经做过了,课后却忘记了。五、【强化训练,当堂达标】1. 句型转换。1)I like to wear T-shirts and shorts.(改为否定句)。I_ _to wear T-shirts and shorts.2) shorts are my favourite clothes.(对画线部分提问)_ are_ favourite clothes?3) Danny goes back and puts on a jacket.(改为一般疑问句)_Danny_back and _ on a jacket?4)Your jacket doesnt go well with your shorts.(改为肯定句)Your jacket_ _ _ your shorts六、【课后作业,下节预习】1、完成活动手册。2、预习下节课内容;Lesson11: Clothes around the World !学案编号 编写人: 审核人: 授课人: 班级:【学习目标】(要求同学们熟记下列知识点)Words and phrases:world,report,traditional,wow,sari,India,uniform,pretty,centre,Saturday,will,pair write a report about. (写关于、的报告) ; around the world /all over the world(全世界); be wearing/in(穿着) ; traditional clothes(传统服装); so colourful(如此绚丽多彩) ; in some places(在一些地方);some people (一些人);in black and white (穿黑白相间的衣服);look so pretty(看上去很漂亮)Sentence structures:1) This woman looks beautiful.(划线部分提问。) How does this woman look? These women look so pretty in black and white. (划线部分提问。) How do these women look in black and white? 2) These people are wearing traditional clothes. (同义句转换) These people are in traditional clothes. 3) look beautiful/pretty/nice 4)Our school uniforms are blue and white. (划线部分提问。) What color are your school uniforms【重点难点】这一课同样需要同学们掌握一些短语;另外要区别put on /be in /be wearing,了解look+形容词的用法,以及对颜色提问需用What colour.?【知识链接】积累关于衣服的单词:clothes 衣服,coat 外套,dress 连衣裙,blouse 女式衬衫,hat 帽子,jacket 夹克,jeans 牛仔裤,overcoat 大衣,scarf 围巾,shoe 鞋子,shorts 短裤,skirt裙子,sock 袜子,suit 套装,sweater 毛衣,tie 领带,trousers 长裤,uniform 制服,vest 背心。【学习流程】一、【问题指向,预习先行】二、【呈现目标,任务导学】( ) 1、_ is this desk? Its green.AwhatBwhat color Cwhats thisDwhats color( ) 2.My name is Amy, _ name is Tina and _ is Frank.A. her; his B. his ;her C. her; her D. She; He( ) 3.Last name means _.A. first name B. given name C. family name D. names( )4.This is _clock. Its _ English clock. A. a, a B. a, an C. an, an D. an, a( )5.This is _ . A. a pair of pants B. a pant C. pants D. a pair of pant( )6.My clothes _ beautiful. Look before you leap. 三思而后行。A.is B. are C. do 三、【互动探究,合作求解】1. be wearing/be in 的区别 1)wear穿着;戴着。相当于及物动词,有衣物作宾语,着重于穿、戴的状态。be wearing表示现在的一种状态或穿出的结果。He wears black shoes.她一直穿着黑鞋。She is wearing a red coat她穿着红大衣。2)be in in 在这里做介词可以表示wearing,所以be wearing可以用be in 替换,另外 in后可以直接+颜色(clothes,colors,etc) 。the boy in blue Mary is in red (hat).玛丽正给她女儿穿衣服。She is usually in black.她总是穿得很好。2.look的用法。 1)后跟宾语时和at连用。如: Look at these pictures. How beautiful they are! 2)用作连系动词,意为“看起来” ,后跟形容词。如:You look well/fine/healthy.你看起来很健康。The teacher looks happy. 老师看上去很高兴。She looks pale. 她面色苍白四、【交流展示,适度拓展】look和其它某些介词或副词连用: look after 照看,照料,look for 寻找, look around look back on回想,回顾,look down on看不起,look forward to 盼望,look into朝里面看,look on.as把某人看作,look out当心,look over仔细检查、翻阅,look through浏览;仔细检查;看穿,look up抬头看;查;找出 五、【强化训练,当堂达标】用“put on /be in /be wearing”完成句子。1. He is a black jacket today. 2. your heavy winter coat and go out.3. I want you to this coat and this hat. 4. I like my red pants.5. The man (看起来)handsome. 6. You look nice. (划线部分提问。) you ?选择1. What are these clothes? A colour B colours C coloures D colourful2.It yellow white. A and B or C to D in3.Let your boots. A put on B to put on C putting on D wear六、【课后作业,下节预习】1、完成活动手册。2、预习下节课内容;Lesson 12:Lets Go Shopping【学案编号 编写人: 审核人: 授课人: 班级:学习目标】Language goals: Understand the meaning of the text. . Remember the mastery words:centre,Saturday,pair. Master the style of the emailAbility goals: Learn to send information by email【重点难点】1.Words and expressions:centre, Saturday,will, pair.2.The style of email3.How to write an email in English?【学习流程】一、【问题指向,预习先行】Preview the words, get them ready for the lesson before class.二、【呈现目标,任务导学】Organization 1. Greet the class in everyday English they know and make sure they can respond in correct way. 2.Duty report.Warming up and review1.check their homework of last lesson.2.check their reading and dictation. 3.Introduce the style of email三、【互动探究,合作求解】1. No 1 how to write an email?From:kim15compmail.ca To:jennySubject: A Shopping Date Date:12/10 10:15 a.m.Dear Jenny,How are you? Today is very fine and lets go shopping2. No2.Teaching the texta.give the students 5 minutes to read the text loudly.b.check their reading. c.explain the text:at the shopping centre, a pair of shoes,have fun四、【交流展示,适度拓展】l Play the tape and lets the students listen to it carefully, then do the exercises of page29Step5.Practice: Divide the students into different groups and let them try doing the exercises,then check their answers together.a.write an email in English . b.recite the text and dictate new words c.personal pronouns and possessive pronouns practiced.preview next lesson,try doing the exercises of page30-31五、【强化训练,当堂达标】六、【课后作业,下节预习】1、完成活动手册。2、预习下节课内容;Unit Two Unit Review【学案编号 编写人: 审核人: 授课人: 班级:学习目标】Language goals: 1Master the words and expressions of this unitAbility goals:The use of personal pronouns and possessive pronouns Ability goals: Learn to send information by email【重点难点】1.Learn to talk about colours2.Learn to talk about clothes3. The use of personal pronouns and possessive pronouns4. Whats your/ his/her/its name?5.Whose - is this?【学习流程】一、【问题指向,预习先行】Preview the words, get them ready for the lesson before class.二、【呈现目标,任务导学】1. Greet the class in everyday English they know and make sure they can respond in correct way.2.Duty report.Step2. Check and review 1.practise dictation:call four students to the blackboard and dictate the new words of Unit Two on the blackboard,other students dictate them on their exercise books.2. Review: I, we,you,he,she,it,they.my,your,our, his,her,its,theirStep 3. Deal with the exercises of the book1. Lead the students to practise listening and speaking2. Check the students answers三、【互动探究,合作求解】1. what colour do you like?2. whats your/ his/ her favourite colour?3. whose skirt/ coat/ dressis this?4. The use of personal pronouns and possessive pronouns四、【交流展示,适度拓展】五、【强化训练,当堂达标】1 listening and speaking.2.putting it all together,3.self-evaluation.六、【课后作业,下节预习】1. Go on reciting the texts of unit two2. Finish the test of unit two3. Preview unit two


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