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高一期中考试英语试题共大题,10分,时间120分钟ks5s5uks5uuks5us5uks5uksus5uk5uksuss5uks5k5s5us5ks5ukss5ks5ks5uksuksuks5uks5uk5s5uk5uk5u5ksuks5k5u5uk5uks5uks5ksuuks5uk5uks5uk5u ksuks5us5u5uk5ks5uksk5uksuksusuk5uks5ks5uss5uks5usuks5s5uks5uk5u第一部分:听力(共两节, 满分20分)第一节: ( 共 小题 , 每题 0.5分 ,满分 2. 分)听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1 hatste relatnshiopbetee th speaer? A.Husand ad wf . Fns C. orkes2.What is te ongoig o do thismoing? A Goo aparty B. Meet he mn paresC Sehe prs3. Were ae te seers? . In a ospal B. I a ccert al . I coo4. Wh do welea from theconvrsati? A. e woman felt ad about thcopeito. B. The man didntge the firt le C. The a o nohing5. Whatdoes te mnwntod? A ae th machin repaire B. Get imony ackC. Exhangthe main第二节:(共15小题;每题05分,满分7分)听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。 听第6段材料,回答第6,7题。. Cmparedwih ttcketn y,o muh heap i te tickeJul? A. 18dolr B 150 dlls C. 3 dols. hatil e a probay next? . Len th mn som mney. .Ask h omanmore qustiosC. Mke som sustionto the wman听第段材料,回答第8至0题. Whados the wan think of the firt pano? .Itsrice toog. B. Itqulisoo poor C ts rndisn amos9. How muchwillth wonpyfrthe piaofinaly? A.12,00 yua B 6,20y . 600n10. Whch of the ollowng itu aordin o thcnversatio? . hwoman is vey godt plng eiano. B. Te pino wille deliveredfor fee . er Rive hename f the shop听第8段材料,回答第11至题11.What do wekowaot Motrealrdn o e cnrstio? A Iis the igest ity Canada. B.It i te capial of Quebec Povice . t is the bggscityin uebcPrvne12. Wtangae ca the womn peak wel? rech B. Enlsh .German3. Whn er ots f buidsin Queit bilt? A. In te7th 1thcenury B In te 15h r16hcnry C. In th 1th o 1h centry听第9段材料,回答第4至17题。14 Wht the weaterlk ? A. old . Hot Rain5. What does th n liket? Playig puter gams . Reding os C go shoppn6Wha the ma oing to do next Satday? A. Watchmovie . Go out fo a alk C o tothe bokstor17. What is he probl rlaionshpbetwee the sekers? A. riend . Mohr and n CTeachr anstuen听第10段材料,回答第至2题1. What ar the oplegong to do nStry fernoon? A. Ride their icyes B. Ta som exrcis C. Liten o a alk Whatprogramwill th ople watch a 8:4ay night? A.A pgramou sme famous sose B. A pogrmabot ayig baskbal C. A program abo water pors20. When wll t hf mrhon eg onSuday? A. At 7:0 am . At9:0 am At 1:p第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分4分) 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每题1分,满分1分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上21. -MissWang,I hear thayou aretravelig ang thekog Rver. Havyou got everytn rdy?-_ A.ou will . ctally C. dike D. Almost2.ysier_ t Legu ltmnthand se ha decid t _ t activtestohelp e age in town ext week A. joine; joini B. joined in; join C oined; join D. joine in;join23.It wsbeaseof bad wether _ fotbll match hatobe of. A. so Bo tht C. why D. that24. Inno cnyo orkotthepoblem. Id lke t gie ou _ Woul ou_?A some dvice;reeie it B. some dvics; accet it C.a piece favice; take it D.an advice; aceptt2. Hh so troube_ his cassates, but e s n troubl_ ding hileson.with; ith Bn;in Cwth; in D. in; wit26.If bt ei _ yu pare time,yll mke great proges inEnglih A. pnt B. de C. taken md o27.e nsed at he _thtand that he _ ree A. adt done; was et B. has don; is se C. hadnt doe; e set hadnt dn; huld set8 .Mantnts ee_feoo resist te cold i in teild.A.put u . put up Cput on D. u aside9. tis te shop _sells childresclthng?A.wch B.her . wich D. what0.Esme, wht ie _ the ple _? t 7:5 pm. is, aingoff B.are , taking off C. i , ten f . ak off3.Look! The by_ mis mnis playing soccr with is friendsho Bwhose . whch D. wm32.- e i conidred _ f Lodon - Yes , Im cosdig_ hereas wlA.leavng ; going .to lve ; to o C.t ae left ; ing Dhaving left; to g3Hesaid thatonly becausehwlate _. .hwasfired B hat ewasrd Ca he been fire D. ws e fire. Ladis ndgentlemen, lease reain_ unil te pa ha come to a comet sp. A. seted B. ating C to set D. seat5. Dn kill time playn olnegams, yougman! Yu shoulddevote yrslf _ somethng useu A. to lrn B. learning C. to earnin D. and lan第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每题15分, 满分30分) 阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 itle boy invte his motr o atd hichools ist tacer-paret eeti.T te litteby36_, h sai he wou goThi_3_ be hefist time tha hs clsmaesnd eahe _8_ imoher and he et_39_of her apearane.ltuh he as a batiful oman,th ws a severe scar (疤痕) th _ nerly the enirght sieoh facTheboy ner wanteto _1_ wh o howhe ot thcar.At the etig,the peple w42_bythe kindess adnar beaufismother _43_ tscar,bu the ittle by was sti embaased (尴尬) and _44 _ himsffrom evrHwever ,he ld _4_ a conversatintwee hi the anhisteache.Tetacer asd _46_, How id yogt te scar onyour fae?Te mthr elied, _47 my sn sa baby,he wsina romthatcught fie.Eveyoe was _48_ raid t g n eauste r as_4_,o Iwi.As I asrningtoa s bed,Isa long piece o wo omi down n Ipledmelf ovrhimtying to rotect hiI knocked _50 bu forunately, afireman came i and saved otos. Sh _51 he rned side of he Thsca wl be _2_,but o thi ay, I havenevr _53_ what I dd. t this oint,th little boy ame ou unintoward hismtherwthtearsinhse.He eld einhs arm nd flt a great_54_ of thsacriice (牺牲) tat his oth h m fohmHe elr hand_55_ fort rest of th day.36.njoyment B. sappointme(失望) rpre D.exciten37.Auld ould .should D.t8.Anoied B.greed C.ccepted Dmt39.A.sc .ashamd(羞耻) Cafrai D.tired40.Aincludd Bassed C. vere Dshdd4.Atalk aout Bthinkabout C.cre abt .hear bout42.prese (留下印象 )Bsupised. xite Dcofotd43.n igt of Bby mean of Cb wyo Din spt o(尽管)44hd proeced C. sparate Decaped4.Aunderstan Bremnd C. er .ear46.afly seriously C. nevouy D.anxiusly7.A B.When C.ne While48.As Bmuc C.quite D.o49Aoutof conrol nder corol Cin nto .over cntrol50hlles Bhopeles C enseless Duselss1A.pointe B.shoed C. wiped Dtouhd.Auy .lsting C.seros Drightning53.A.fogot Brecognized onsder egeed5A.honor B.sense Chappiss D.ride55.Aqietly Bslil C .tightly Dsudely第三部分阅读理解(共2小题;每题2分。满分0分) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Onornig I w kenby mohersay vice. I oped my yes an foud was seven fty , so jmped out ofedandused anearby ssopwihout braast.Fotunatelyhb startedgoing s son as I go it I was sue udrch he scholbeforethel ang. oe, tebus suddnly sopped. There w omehng wrg wih it an we hd o ff and wait foanoheron. I flt I coudwtand school ws onlyfifeen minutes wak, so I r thechol fast a posb.Jut a tis omen, itegan toain ard I reached thecassro with llmy coh trgh.Mr Sith, our hysis tacher, had begun hsclass Iws always afaid ofim I hsitatd (踌躇)fra omet, an then I opnd the door.“Itsyou agn, Ji,” r Smt aagrl “veto ou not to b lae, butyu.” Then he uden stopdwhen he noticed my wet cothes.He quickly tokoffsow jacet andkedmeo putitn “I atyou to catha cold,” h ai ndl. I wntto my seat wit mthsjacketon. It wa a i larg fo e bu I ltvy warmin it I fou,or the firt time,r. Smihs hsics class s inteesting andcangd mymnd, theread th,about bing afaidfim. 56.Accordig o is assage,cases in Jimshl proably began t_.A. 9 am . 8 am C. 7 am D7:30am 7. Wy did Jimot opthe oo t first? A.Hewa afri of facigM. Smith. B. dintke to have te hysics lass. C r. Smith int let him gonto the lassroom. D.He ddn want o iterrut oters58. Jim fund r. Smiths phics lesso interestint dy ecause _.A. he knew pysis as vey important B.he wanted tgo afous coeC.he dint want t ll behin teoters he was mveby is physics tcher59.e cainferom the aage tha_. A. Jim sually wentoscho y ike B. itwas the frtme im hdben late C.m wa of latefor school . Jis mother alo go up lte tht moringean Dcollcn go fastr in herwheecair tan the worls et marahoners(马拉松运动员) cn run!In Apri, Jn inshed the Bton Maathonin 1 hur 34mites 2 ecns. Thats abou minuts ater han th winni mal runner! S competed onthe rac, too. Sh was econd in te 800meer whelcair rae at te 1992 Olympics.Jeadesntike to e tol hes bae. “ in sprts bcae I acomie person!”Je wsbrn wit spinbeida(脊柱裂), birtillns thadaagesh pine(脊椎). She ganto use a wheeha to get around higchool.Then s tried heelchai racend a amazed”Playerscashein each th and flout of ter chairs,” she sas, “Itwas fn.”Jan tied oherhlcrports. At theUiversty of Illinos,herwheelarbasketbalteam won tw iona ite.ow Jan coahes nd eches.She tri to et eple to et gls.“hn I sign atrh(亲笔签名),says Jean,“I writ, re bg and wrk r.”60.Whatme Je ae art in sts?A.hwas brave. B.She ws copeitive. C.Shewarog. D.he ws isabd61.What kin feducaton did she rece?A.High school. B.Junoriddlehoo. C.High educati. DPrarychl.62.hat is Jnsdvice o ho to suced?A.Wrkhard. Bop freestC.Da a lot. D.Hve great wisesand wor hardC From thearles ime,man as been itereted inrt.Pepe ave often orkedtogeter to coleadsavethe words at treasre. Fine arttesue from maycotres ae ket nan usum caed th Louvre iaris,ace.he wks fart ae een olctedby thepeople f Frnce vr may cenres Theore hs nt alwyen a muse.he irst bildig ws a fort(炮台).n 10,it wa th knscasleith hi walls ada rondtower.Ita a moa o prve hs enes f king in . verthe yars,the mberof buildings aoud thecstlegrew.By 350,the castle was no loerneeded as afortThe Louvr becam a plaehome or Fre kngs anque Durin ie peace,ewtreasrs er ro iungdays o war,an resue were stole,and the bldingsere damaged. WenFacis ecame king of Frce in151,e bughtin ariss fom an countri.One of the artists as Leonrdoda ini from tly.D VincisMona Lsai te est nown ainting in t useum tda. In 173,he ouvre bcam apublcuseu,stas it s nois pacewhere t treasureshav bee aved fo everon o enjoy 63.On thewhe,hpasae s mail abou_. Aa ar uscaled ouvre Ba Italian atst ameLeoard da VniC.aking fFrancenam FraisI Dh est nown atin in Louvre 64.Whyis it good for gre art to b kept in ublicmuseums? AI elps peoleemembewho the Kig of Fance is. It kees opout ofthpalae. .It gves evryone a chceto o god at. D.It elps peple t ow hois hegreatest artist. 6.ro e assagwknow tat_ A.it i nt poible fotures o be stole B.ld forts alwas ake theseus C.reat art shuldb sha ith al theeopl king Fraci Francebugh inartists from n ld frt 66. he thir pararaph e wrdatprobbly means_A.a igh twruilt in frmer time we soldier watchedotorenemies B.a lon addeep ditc(沟)ugroundacate and was usual filed wt water .acat(车) plled by hoseon hich dies fought Da long ad hgh wl aoundstleBim brohes Lu adJean-ierre Dardnnw te Canesil Fsival to honofor The Chid.The lm, seince, els the stoy of oung anh sel his ebr son r oneyneries t ge hebayback aftr ralizin thetpain he hascaue hsgrlfrendThe Child dea withsial roblems of Belums strgli poorThe idea fo theflmame o he brohers one day aste wached youngwmwaby wth a baby caria.“e ftenthog back tothi oma, the sleeping chld, adthe missin ftherthechildsather.is mig chacte(人物)wuld ecomeimportant i ursoryo fathr”was the second te thta mveby othersJeanPierre and Lu Dadenne ha onthe ophonr.The film osea took th maiCes prizesix years go.Recivng the secon-lace ran ize wa US dior Jim Jamuchs Broke Flower, a funny flmtarrng il Mura.“Imseeles,” sad Jarmsch,whoe the eremonys longet ech“Im honored to ave m im preee aog withyurs,” Jarmusc said.“I ould realy lie tocet thson half a he filmkers ho ollo eir rtsan make films.”Te hid-pae prize ws gen toChneseector Wang iaoshais Shanha Dreams, a lve tor witspeciatteion o he liv ofworkr i he undeeloped uihou Pine in e 1960s.Te ot pla ovesduring te 12-day estial wee wo fils that plyeside thecompeiion.nof the moviswasStarWars:Epiod II Reenge of theSth67.Wen ithe flm Roetatake the Cns rze?AI .In C.n 999.In 196.68.Te passag ainly tlls us _.A.what flms e mospouar during the Canne tivalB.wht tefilms taokte grananes prizesare autCw diret h fis that tookte grnd Cnns rizes2,4,6Dwhy t filmsook thgrand Cannerizes69Iwas_ tat most li mresed the ges of te Cane feivlA.socilprob f he strugglngpoor Bth missng atr.te filmb set n FraneD.th love tory70If ouwatto e na good mo lik bei hapy,ou roablyhoose t see_AShanghaiDreamsB.roken FowrsC.The ChildDStarWas:Reege fe i 第二节:(共5小题;每题1分,共5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Speakngi pblci most peopsleast avoe thng. Threass tt we are al frid f making fo oourelves .Bt sp biting you finge-nails. Public spainiseasyIt jut pintking, nd you tal ll he time. Alhough Im asialy sy (honest!). Ive beenin speches d tak n radio n evsio fr methan 30 ers. AdI can tel tha publc seaing is nota “gif” lik mica taent , so 2 .Her aresoe ofthe essosI avelened:You aenc i gong to awy wth oneor two f r main ieao toot tn or tenty. 73 .And i yu dot ave ceidea o what yo watto y,heresnway youaudien will 74 w are goi to open, wht majr points owan to kand how youre gong tcloe.Wen I do arioor TV piee,I ft wrie thelast sentence ir. 75 .A strong ose i ctia(重要的); te asthng yu ay is watour audin wil mst lily remmberTe stnard legth of a audio-visu act is uualy 12 inutesIl toeperformrs sinin and dacingthei hts outoudnt go n longrwithoutboin the udiece,wht makes youthink yucan?A. So peo ar to be good t maki specB. Abdy who cn l cn sea in public. Try to relx ursel eoreaking th speeh.he moe mtan he peci, themor rigtnd we ecomeE. f ocant xprss i eteneo towhat yuinend to getcross,th you peec is not foused wel eoh. .Whnyou knwwheeyoue hadng, you cn chosean roe toget theG. Nomatter o o r shoryor seech is, eg t get youides rganze.第四部分写作(共两题,2分)第一节 短文改错(1分)r editor, Im wriinto te you a prolm tat tubeme ora long te.t s he eltiosip amon my moterde. m studet ndMter is n universty eachr, who t uywi erwrkta e haslittle time to talk to m. loe herndI dwe in my tudies,but Iifel afra of er bease she muho trict ithe I dot nowwhy ommnicate wit he.Mabits becaus weve selomsatdwn nd ecange ourfligand thoghts Iope we can kow mch abou ea oher andunderstand ah teretr. hat can w d? Loking forard to he from ou. Bet wishe! Yous snerel, aohua 第二节 :书面体现15分 目前社会上流行种菜,偷菜网络游戏,人们对这一现象褒贬不一,请你根据如下要点用英语写一篇短文,并刊登自己的见解。赞成反对你的观点1 体验田园生活,享有种植乐趣;2 忘掉生活烦恼,减轻学习,工作压力;3 增长农业知识。1 沉迷网络,影响身体健康;2 耽误工作,学习,睡眠;3 也许影响孩子的价值观,导致盗窃。?注意:1 词数10左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)2 可合适增长细节,以使行文连贯。3 沉迷于网络 e aditeinteretowaas,rowigan talig vetablesonlin s becomi mor andmoe popua. ieretpelehave iferetin _


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