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班级 姓名 学号 考号 / 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 /级第五学期第一次月考英语试题第I卷 选择题一、听力(一)听对话,选择对的答案(每题1分,共1分)(读两遍)A短对话( )1Howmny studesar trei he class? A20 B30. .0( )2.What prnt does he oman get? A. sarf B dres. Calle( )3Where doeshmn anttog? A.To Mount Yuntai. BT Xuee Lke. CToHonghi Par( ).hat ast oy oing? Runing. BWathng asoccerame.C.Pyigocce.()Ho many tims hs Jim been Chin? AOc. BTwice C.he time.B长对话听下面一段对话,回答第6至8小题。( )6.Whee ha Pteone? .Tothe each Bo the clssroom. .o the rary.( )7hatdoe nean etrno Peter? A.His bike. Hs ditonry. Hibackpack .( )8.When will an jon Peer?A.Net Friay. Nxt aurda C.Next Snday .听下面一段对话,回答第9至11小题。( )9When willAnn m? AThi afteroon BTorrow mornin CTomorrowafternoon.( )1.hih ontry iPet from? A.America BCanad. C Autala。()11Why oes Ann come t hna? A eewht lfe s ike in ina. T eewhat Ptrlfe i.Totud Cse culture.听下面一段对话,回答第2至1小题。( )1.n didLid watch the ootba tch? Aas riday. B.Last tuday CLtSunday()13hatdi Lndalse on r way bac? A.He walle B.Hr amea C.r po( )14Wherewill lan go with Lina? A.o th bu company(公司).B.To he ank. C.T the poce to,( )1hen ilAln and Linda me? .In 10 miues. BIn 0 mines. In 30 nutes(二)听短文,选择对的的答案。(每题1分,共分)(读三遍)( )16.Wheredi the spaker n hrlitl sisrgo a aturday? A.ote sciene seu. B.To he movie heaer C.T te ity lbrar.( )7.ow di the speaker ander little sister othere? AOn oo. .By bus . txi( )18.ho did te speak meet ter? .Herin. Ber teache. Ce osin.( )9.Howlongdid ittk theeake tofind herlilesise? A10 miuts. 15 minutes C3 mins( )2Wa w te speakerS itt ster doig when te seae fou her?A.ting loudly BPlain hppil CEatng all icra二、单选题(每题分,共5分)( )21 al f classmate, Tom ithemot careul studnt.A Betwen B In . Aong D. Of( )22 Ken faily mvdtohagai Kn u geta eter duton.A.as son a . even thug sotat D. lthou( )23.Cn I your cayons?I wnt tcoo this ice. -r, but letth to Mar yeserd.A. lend B.orrw C s D. eep( )2.- have youbn toSicun Sne and Tehnoloy Msem, Bo? -Only once.owng B. How oft . How mnytims D.Howsoo( )25 Iil thnk o th gooddays snt wh faly Iearthe sng, Yesterdy Oe More. A. wheneve B. whatv C. ee D. whicheer( )26. Coud you tel e ? - ar a park. When es im lve B.Wre Jm lives C. Whe will Jm ce b . When il come bac( )27.The bst wayo ind the missi s te olefrhep.A.o aking B. ask C. toask D. aske( )2. Thopultion f Shaghai i thn Wuhan.A.lage; n B. ler; at of muh re;that n D. bigger; t s in( )29. She saihe t a rsarant an eoedhersef.A.s gone to . had one C. ha ben D. hdben( )3Tom lstnin o mui. tke iteresen B. is ittingin C. isinterestd D. ecos interestd in( )1. Caou fnihth wrkwih oneyan people? -s, I ca.A. fewr; les . mor;o C. less; less D.les;few( )2Nncy a u t scho, b nowhdes a bike.A.s sdoaki as used to ake C used totake D. usedto tkin( )3. you hv eough studets tolean theibrar ? - N, think we need studts. aoher B. tw othes C.more two D. two moe( )3. We dt know themtingillbehel son. whn B. wha C.whehr D. snce( )5. reat pitur !Wh paintd them ? A ow . Wat .Hw a D. What a 三、完形填空(每题1分,共15分) havea thosnds of classes sinc Itartd school nine years ago. But only oe3 ws emost imotant. happened las ermjustferI had gota 37 reult in n am I as sad n ost my confiden decided to o to ass hic ca tell meow to be 3 . he sker wked in the room. But hedi notsttaln 39 taher. Insted, hhldu tentyyua noe(钞票) !ho wans ts? h aked. Unsurpingly, 4 of uin thelss ed upur and. Th speaker smiled. Then he put p the note on te blackard d akede sae qui. Agan, e l pt upr ands. Thpeaker ldagin, but 41 nohng.Sddenly, he hr tete ono theflor! Tnh kedte sme 42 a thirdim. I din t 43 wha he spekerwa doi. Wy sheskig the ame uestionagan ad gain?didntow wht todo. I wntdhe te, 44 I myhad up aain. Afte wile, e 5 th noe n strtd t agh. ou hv lljust td e ho o becme succesful, 46 satous with te noe is a. Te not s wot wenty yuan. It is47 oth twent yuan, eve hugh hrow ontheflor ou relke te nte No matte 8 aenstoyou,y still hav or t.Whe ead thos word, I as deepl movedSuddenl, I 9 I waswothalo I may hav one inan exam, bu esnt 50 I cnt do wel ite treIf Ieliv myself, I wll besucessul!( )36. A. classroo subjecC cssD.shl( )3 A.sameB. goodC. lckyD.bd( )8. .comfortableB. succesfulC famos. rich( )3A.lkeB forC. abotD b( )40. A.botB. eithr. lD. none( )41. A. saidB. bohtC. s. wanted( )42. A. stentB. eacer C. uestion. w( ).A. remeberB. ndrsnd. nieD. in ( )44. so B. tughC. if. or( )45. A.ok ot B. hrew aayC.pikedupD down( )4.A. youB. he. seD. hey( )47. . never B.soeme. hrdlyD lws( )4 A.whe B woCwht.o( ). rlzedB forgoC. deame dcided( )50. now B. meanC hn opin四、阅读理解(每题1.分,共30分)A阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误,对的的写“A”,错误的写“”。ay pople ay not go o liraries js bease he re ar way.utasmall counity(社区)in leun,Texa,doest hav isproblem。Theirlirary iqtenear ei home Aroup fstudes inGrae builta“Litte Free ibry”outsi the ommniys cetI is bx ullo boksAyne cpt i or pick u book here.The stnt gav awaymoe an 80 bo the library ayplaces in he S e bilding ch librrieWhen they arndthis frm the es,the tudenfrom te Buildes Clubat het Mddl Scool cided tomake neo their o ommityThey st wo eks coectg mn boo in thir eihbrhood.Theth st noterweekmaighe ox. “Thisi a grea rojet,”Rahll, o othe studentfot Cleurn id,“tmens a lt to be le to hareook withso anypel.”( )51.Fom the paae, no that mnpolmy ot g lbraies just beaus they dont kboks( )52“LitteFree Lira”s special rom o e ored for ree( )5.Nw, many placs in erica are uildin th libaries lik“LittleFeeibry”.( )54.Te studets frm heat Midde School pent wee collectn bok admakig the box( )55.ro thepasae wcanlern tat it geatoshare ookswiother pol intat wayBor in 198,Talo Sift sees have eerytngthat everyone dreams bei talted,batfu n fams.Shis nw thems pular ountry usicstar e U,In hr irstlbu(专辑)sold moe than 3 llion copiesi he wold.er scon abu came ou lat Novemberadcm ve pulr with e yung peopl. Howeer,suces oso reasonsSwifts h soy.h newse wntdt be a inger t avry early age nd dieverthigshe culd tachieve Se ped o gearecoreaThg eas efuseda oto ies,e eer gav pHerprit nally rough hahaceA 6,she a hr fist recordeal. 班级 姓名 学号 考号 / 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 /A a talenesiger, Taylorsng like a teenaer.In heongs,tereis alwas omtingtre an honest.hey semlke trs froadryAn that ctainhlps i t many fansTayr expec herongtochange as el.Sh also tre o become a rck or pp star . “That the cool tnautingingAsyouchane,heusi chans,”Sw sid“Bt one thig oudnevehange-Ive ver tred oig bout thngs dt kno”( )5.Ty Swift sa opulr coury muic sig B.move sta C.writer( )57Fom hrticle, we learnat Tayor wries d sing lik an aultogh e s ounBmadehr firstti tNasville hen he was6 C.never gives upaievig hrdr o be a sr( ).The unerlied word“rck”in thpassage mens“ ”A岩石 B摇晃 .摇滚乐( ).Tayr dosntopeto Ahang heong b aroc or pop star sing bou thingsshedosn w( )6The aril minlytalks abot. Ahow Tylorbecame a sucesssingr BhyTaor wantd t be singer C.what kind o musicTylorsngsCWenw your lat visitt a sem?Yo m ay t he musum youviited wsbong.Butthere ar may excitingmuseums.My lth isInternational Museum aOn that day.10ts o museumsaru he wld wilon fo ree.et me introuce some of theto ou.In Ioa(爱荷华州),U,therei ancecream seuI has itheater hereyou ca larnthe hitorybehind theicy weetFor example.as ear a 0BC,Chnese peole ixdsno withmilkndrie.Viior can alsearn abutthbirth ofthi-rem coe(甜筒)in,1904Whats mre,the museum i pouof itsef on th oer3,00 dfferetkind ofic-crem。,andth3 kids you a se.And would yo leokno orebouttoiets? I youo o ew el i nda,thre i suc a muemItshowsall kid toilet signs us i ifferent conts.You can alo lrn ut he hisoy i t deveopmet o toletsrxmple,i 39,heirstseparate(分离的)toilets,foren an womenappeardat party i Pris.en i 182,thfir pulic oietsappeareinParis.( )61.Youan is ma muems in the wld ithot paing th tickts Aon y 8th .every a C.o wekens( )62.You can in the cecreamsum. Amk ic-cream yourslf B.tche moves abou th cecrea Clarn he istor othe ceceam a een tati( )63Te toilet musem is i Aina .ap C.dia ( )6he firtpublc tolet pare in . A.in 1904 B.in 184 C.in1739( )65Th title ofthis aag cn be .ooluseums,do oukno? .Vii ToiltMuseum on Mueu DayC.A ot of Fun in The Ice C MuumDI you ae aa many senncesrom ombodys wten works yourown without pmission,s alled plagiarim(抄袭),bt i you ae th knowlede ro a piecef work by othe nd changtewrds,then ts not paiismThisis e diferenc betwee usng th InereandlagiarsmIf you aregivnhomerk to rout math poblms,ten yu hld usyor ain(大脑)wthut a cmpte Ithe teche ks you to lean somethiau a faous rar person,yo an se te omptf tak dwn th mnmortnt infmaio f hesk,iOByusg apuer,stues mygt uful anwer ast,to nish homewk,butwhhe avetoacena,the will ot be rady for ithouhtechs say fwstuets ndor buyowork answe oliinshols,n iterviewwt shl stuents sowsonly10%hope to fnih teir holidy homewk b hemselv.hey clt thehomeor s too much for tmto fiBsides,any sudent hvogo to al kindoftraining lsssdurng he holidaThs ae aymuch f ther time fo dnhomeworSo hey want find or even yanswe onlineor oy ach othrS homeorkStudents sould lean that bingastuent is abot geing skls,butn just gttng quic,chea“answers”fromeork pblesI mean w souldusth comput ropey( )66.If u tto lok p soe nrmatin abou mthng or someody,o .shuld wrk it u y yoursef .cn tur toa copute for hel C.ust discsst wihyr tear D.wil meetprobles withlaiaris( )6.Wich elong to plagiasm acodingtthe tex?A.Aswering questions in u words BBuyin omerkansw nthe Inernet.C.Coyin oerwritt wor withu perission.Ding o hmor wih he helpof a computr.( )68Wht do tudentsendmc tie ondurngthhoidy?A.Training classes B.Compute gas C.Surfingte Itenet. DDoigheir oework.( )69Wh do the stdentshope to by hmework nswrs nine acorig o Paragraph ? ATheanswe arechp and quic BThe nswersaeays crrect C.The can chek thei n anserst DThyave too much hmewoofnis.( )70Whatsthe autorsttitude(态度)twad using thecoputer fr hmework nser?AUsing i fmah prolems. B.Using it all hetime o the homework. C.sin it t get oe nfomation on the answersD.Usngi h te too uhomwrk t fiish第卷 非选择题五、听长对话,完毕表格。(每空最多不超过三个单词)(每题1分,共5分)(读三遍)Prblemsuggso 1 ogoif s i nted t ve mas n the USIs iporant o be 72 What to tkA ml giftlike 73 /Hw long stayr heml,itsnot olite to leave 4 s fran eveniinnr, youshould say for t 75 evng.六、选词填空(每题1分,共10分)the icude oto in lae tica(典型的) covr thosnd e to t soTh 10th FIEA Word Cpwl ake plcen rzl(巴西),ant fromJune 13th o Jl 14th (Beijng time). Welcto Brzl!Ii e 76 countryn uh Aer. The ounty atracts(吸引) e 77 al ove twrd wit its nturl beaty nd rihulur.The Amazonis t ge orst n hworld. isn t nor of the count and 8 alf ofrazil. It i home to lots of nials, andthese anl 79 mny edgreonesarbecue(烤肉) sa 80 raziian dish If ut resarant,youcn epope oon meat on longskees(串肉杆) vern on fire.Thniterhod thskewrs and moe rmtle totabe. If yo wan themet, hywill cutsme 8 your at.In Brail, soccr s 8 popula hatt haseor of tir cultre. Pplhr will e very hapy rud ithei natinl tem 83 teWorl Cp.Many childr begin t lern cc arlBefoe the g of 14, hey playsccerin their own wy None ill teh 84 kilsa em hp. Ty r enorgedt kep cretieThis summer, 8 ofEad fan wlloto cher or thir e i Bazil, ee though the trip could ost eaho them 10,0pouds(10,00yan)!七、任务型阅读(每空不超过三个单词)(每题1分,共分)Bs or est frien.Ty ae very quie,but w can awy d bot fu and knowlege(知识)oc we pen them.Here eome god books u cn read uring he ig summr vacatn.The Kite ner by US writer Khaled HosseiniThestoy happenedi Afghaistn(阿富汗).Tbs,Am nd hiservt Hasn,wre ood friendsDring a it fg,san art b agrop ofb peple n ordero elp mr gethis ite backmi saw it but ranawabeause h was afaidof tem.He felt orry for hmelf ndcoldnt aceasan an more.He eve o otrs hat Hasan aceataskd hi t eave.WhenAmgrewp,h dcide o find Haa t say sory to mThe Kteuneri Hossins irst boo anda hugcesaroundhe wolReads wil udrstan o moe aout Afnistan hrouthe bk.T Suceed on nesOw By Liu Ynfrom AmeicaLu Yong wrote this boohis dauhte:It provide oluinsf ngpeople who at t ucceed.Took teachesyo abuthe elionshipit you teacher,hot s ourfee tie an en w todres.oSuceedon ns On answers many othe imptan estionsha tenagers ha tday.n hs bok,Liu den want to pushile osuceed,e ust triesohelp hem to do it ontheir own.Hewrite l of thingsththve hppene o hs daghter ten tlshesestriet hepeaders dstand andfllow he rule.Tbookis fr from boingiuiesus intresting soies and daogues,with objecte nlyi(客观分析)andope fom a arin atTheile:Summer Vacation 86 Te ae f te bokuthoNationlit(国籍) 87 88 to readThe Kte RunneKaled osseinmeriaItsabot who learns to 9 th mtkes he hamae 90 a kie and rie hibest fnd te boy whhe has verhurt.ts e wrters 91 ad hep t eaders o lar oe aboufghaistan. Scd on OnsOwnLi YongAmrict prvidesung peopl wo wt to succed withseting that teyeed, likte eltionhp 9 yo and yr teacer, oreven hw o ressLiu trie p teegesto ucceed 93Youwilbe 9 in bok because is 9 o oman iteresting toies nd alogu七、书面体现(15分)为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,某初中英语学习报正在举办以“How t b a good learnr”为题的征文比赛,请踊跃投稿。 规定: 1、用上所有的提示内容,语句通顺,书写规范; 、词数80左右。级第五期第一次月考英语答案15CBC61BB 115AC12BCACB15CBCA230BCBD31DC3640CDBAC14ACAC 6BCB5155BBAB50ACA165ACCBA667BCADC1.When 2.on time 3. ors 4soon 7. whoe76.argst toriss 8oes 79. incle 80. typical8.nt 2. so 83. in 84.the 5. housnd8. rading 87 Man eas 88. Wy/ass 89. ce 9.bcauef1.frst ock 92. ewen 93.ohir ow/byte selve . interste 95. ul96. owt Be a GooLeanerTo bea gdlarnr, w shouldhave o hab d wayi lerning. We neeto get ed fr our sson befo cls and aways lite carfuly iass. Aftr lss, we must go ve thelssons and finih our omork on time s goodto std in gpsadhel each other. Aa tuent,orkng had isortat,


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