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广东广州五年级下学期单元测试M1-M2 一、词汇检测单词类别字母编号Seasons(季节)_(国家)_CountriesMonths(月份)_Vehicles(交通工具)_Places(场所)_A. AustraliaB. cinemaC. trainD. marketE. ChinaF. MayG. summerH. undergroundI. JanuaryJ. autumnK. hotelL. OctoberM. libraryN. AmericaO. springP. DecemberQ. winterR. taxi二、完成句子完成句子。根据图示情景,填写所缺的单词,把下列句子补充完整。1.We are going to_Guangzhou_this weekend.2.Its snowy and cold. Lets_a_outdoors.3.October is in the_autumn.4.My family usually_during summer holiday.5.When it is _, I can_trees.三、单选() 1.A:Whats your favorite season?B:.A. BlueB. SummerC. Football() 2.It is Apriltoday.A. twenty-oneB. twenty-firstC. twentieth-one() 3.A:Why do you like winter?B:Because I can.A. go skiingB. go fishingC. go swimming() 4.Spring is the best time for.A. swimmingB. planting treesC. skating第 1页() 5. A:Whats the?B:Theof June.A. day, firstB. date, sixC. date, first() 6. Wesee a film tomorrow evening.A. is going toB. are going toC. are going() 7. The school#is on May 9 .A. open dayB. opening dayC. day open() 8. We will travel to Hainanfive days.A. inB. atC. for() 9. I dont like drinking coffee. My father doesnt like drinking coffee,.A. tooB. alsoC. either() 10. Look at all the. They are so beautiful.A. flowersB. flowerC. grass四、选词填空going,wouldtake, like,stayA: What are you_to do on Sunday?B: Im going to_at home.A: We are going to Xiangjiang Zoo. Would you_ to come with us?B: Yes,thanks. That_he great.A: Lets _some food.五、信息匹配阅读问句,选择正确的答句,并所其字母编号写在括号内。1.What are you going to do on Friday?A. No, I wont.2.What time is your plane going to fly?B. March the twelfth .3.Will you visit a farm tomorrow?C. At 8:00.4.Why do you like summer?D. Because I can swim.5.When is the Tree Planting Day?E. I am going to play football.六、任务型阅读Hello, my name is Linda. Everyone likes a different season in my family. My第 2页grandpa is old but strong. He likes traveling in spring. So his favourite season is spring. My father is tall and strong. He likes sports. So his favourite season is summer. My mother is thin and beautiful. She likes fruits very much. So her favourite season is autumn. I like making snowmen. Of course my favorite season is winter.() 1. Lindas favorite season is autumn.() 2. Linda likes to eat fruits.() 3.Lindas mother likes playing sports.() 4.Making snowmen is Lindas hobby.() 5.Lindas fathers favorite season is winter.() 6.Lindas grandpa is old but strong.七、书面表达请用英文写一篇小短文,描写你下个周末的安排。要求:表意正确,语句通顺,书写规范,不少于30 个词。_第 3页


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