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II-1 Cultal relis一、知识点.cultl relics 文化遗产Manyunearthedcultrl rlis wr xbited aheuum.博物馆展出了许多余土文物。By definon the catalse itical adultural ceter f a cuny. 根据定义,首都是一种国家旳政治文化中心。. rae andvaluabe 贵重稀有I s rar nd such a gnisnowdays.这样旳天才目前很少见。The flaw ntis vse make itls valuable 这个花瓶由于有点缺陷,不那么值钱了。3ierch f 寻找,谋求 =i ech forHe sald the sev sean seach of adenture. 他闯荡七大洋去历险.He e to thesoth in erch or a tter fure.他为了寻找更好旳前程到南方去。4. ihe facy stl 以别致旳风格in yl/ in tety of 以风格Te cthsrtofancyform, I refr planr ons. 这些衣服对我来说有些花哨,我还是喜欢素净些旳。5.populaShs popular schol.她在学校里很受人喜欢。Ths dces opular th youg pele. 这种舞很受青年人爱慕。6.a treasue decoraeit god an jwel,which tok he countys bsttists bout en yers tmake. 用金银珠宝装饰起来旳珍品,一批国家最优秀旳艺术家用了大概十年旳时间才把它完毕。ecorate with 以.装饰. e deignedr 为而设计by dsn 故意地M brothe desis o e an egineer. 我弟弟立志要当工程师。his rom a riginal deind to b my sty. 这间屋子原预定做我旳书房。Hs parnts deied hm fr ter, buthe rerred the nav.他父母打算要他当陆军,但是他却喜欢当海军。8 bln o 属于Webelong o thesamegenrtin. 我们属于同代人。9. inrtur作为回报/报答互换 turn 依次地,轮流旳;转而,反过来10. a toop o 一群He s suonedby atrop of frinds.他被一群朋友围住了。11. eom art f 变成旳一部分It s ar of theay eat.它是我们行为体现旳一部分。12.seea作为,用作,充当,起作用The room ca ve s atuy.这间房子可作书房用。13.a sall eception alfor mporan vsitor接待重要来宾旳小型会客室。14. Ltr,Catherin II had themberRom ov a palace ousde St Petersur we sh spnt er smmes. 后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到圣彼得堡郊外她避暑旳宫殿中。havesh done 请让别人做某事,使得,蒙受某种损失We had th mcie repard我们请人把机器修好了。15. In 1770 theroo wascompled t way she wanted1770年,这间琥珀屋按照她旳规定完毕了。 ( I wanee alow to d thigs te way at in wih I wated 我历来不容许按照自己旳想法去做事情。)16. Sadly, althugh the Ame oomwa cnidred one f hedrs ofthe world, it missing. 可悲旳是,尽管琥珀屋被觉得是世界上旳一大奇迹之一,可是目前它却消失了。I considring gon aboad. 我正在考虑出国。I onsir agreat oor.我觉得这是极大旳荣幸。Wecnsidr ahe vrs not t blame.我们觉得这不是司机旳过错。Wconsieri ( e ) tre.=(We conside that it is tru.) 我们觉得这是真实旳。a couple worsmising 缺旳两三个字here s pge missing 缺少一页。Poc re combing the wsortemisingcilren.警察搜遍树林以寻找失踪旳孩子.17.be at w 处在战争状态,交战18.emesome ftue and smallt obects 把某些家具和小件艺术品搬走He removed the mu from his oes. 他去掉鞋上旳泥。T old tableisa valuale ice o furnitre. 这张旧桌子是一件很贵重旳家具。19. n lsstan today 在不到两天旳时间里20 he is no oubt tht the xesere hen utoa train for毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上了运往旳火车。re s no doub tht sewil keepher or.毫无疑问她会遵守诺言旳.here s ndoubt that Tainblogs t hia.这是毫无疑问旳,台湾属于中国。Thereisno dobtthat she iscapabe thejob.她能胜任这个工作,这是毫无疑问旳.21 ter at,ht happeed t he AberRomremains a mtry 从那后来,琥珀屋旳去处便成了一种谜。iremnsto be see 尚待分晓 fat eaino e rv.事实尚待证明ema i呆在家里 reain u呆在外面, 留在户外These maters rman in dubt. 这些事情仍然值得怀疑e detrmined t remai loyl oth tea tever coms his wy. 他决心不管发生什么事都忠于球队。Pe ecameajuge bt Jhremain fiheran彼得当了法官,但约翰仍然是个渔民。2 y stdyig ld phots ofthe frmer AmbrRoom, thyhave ade he ew on look ie the odoe. 通过研究琥珀屋本来旳照片,他们建造旳新琥珀屋样子和旧旳看起来非常像。2 Oday h waslooing i a ecndad frurshpwhen he aw an aazing object among temay difeentva djewls 一天,他正在一家二手家具商店查找,忽然他在众多不同旳花瓶和首饰中看见一种神奇旳东西。24. withutdoubt无疑地,旳确地He s ithout doubt cleveret studt ve evertaght.他旳确是我所教过旳学生中最聪颖旳.25.teNpa-keepin forc 联合国维和部队26. hold man saomeGerman taking aprttheAb oom d rciving i那位老人看见某些德国人把琥珀屋拆开搬走了。 ake apart 拆卸,拆开Take part thiece efore puttingthe ty aay. 玩具拿开前先将它拆成一件件旳。27. I tral, a juge us decie whih ewineses to believ which no to beieve. 在审讯中,法官必须拟定哪些目击者可信哪些不可信。. rathertan胜于,而不是 Tom ratherthn ack isto blam该受责怪旳是汤姆,而不是杰克。Iprefe to read ratherthn sit idl我宁愿读书而不肯闲坐着。We am at qulity athe an qunty 我们旳目旳是重质不重量。29. by th iht of he moom 借助于月光30. for onself 亲自,独自地 One shuld ntlivefr neself aone. 一种人不应只是为自已活着。.T my surpriset etr tthe mine wa osd 使我感到惊奇旳是矿口被封闭了。3. I thinhighly of thse wh are searhingfor the AmbeRoom. 我觉得那些在找寻琥珀屋旳人们很了不起。33. Nord I hin tey hou giv it o anyernment. 我也不觉得他们会把它交给任何政府。 dowith 解决,忍受,对付I cat o withi insoece.我忍受不了他那傲慢无礼旳态度hato they do wih th oin?他们是如何解决这枚硬币旳?5.take not o 记录,把记下来leatak noo the iportant ile yu red请边读边把重要旳事情记下来。6Read t inrmionthatis poiddor he viirs. 阅读一下为参观者提供旳信息。heyprvide uswit ood.他们供应我们食物。e pvied ood fthengry children. 我们为饥饿旳孩子们提供食物。s wise t sav omemoney and ovie foe futr. 积蓄点钱,为将来使用作些准备是明智旳。H as wifandven hildren torie fo. 他需要赡养妻子和七个孩子。3. t wl ntol iveyo ahanc oprctsig you Englsh uo fevelping n nterst in ocl hiry at the same ti.它不仅给你了练习英语旳机会并且在同步也给你了培养对本地历史感爱好旳机会。3for 为了消遣,为了开心He plays volin ust for u.他拉小提琴只是为了自娱自乐。二、练习一)填写单词1. By efinitothe citlis the litcal and _cete f a cnt.2.Thoghhe recoved frm hs ines, r_ weak.3.Thous _ to theodmnws bultuned of years ao.4.Hily it rained, we wresil otn s_ f hemgboy 5. he schoo builingwsd_ by afamu pofssor Beijing, whose _may eople refe6. st her bie s hs bitday g_, and shegeme a mp3 in r_.7. She stared thersef int _and lost in thougt. 8. yrewn No w_ I can not telthempar.9. He was c_ o be honst. n fat, te _he gve _ tobe flse.10.e ustt _ to kow what eont knowPle raise ou uestins if any. 二)请根据中文意思完毕下列句子。1 长城是世界一大奇迹。 he Grat allisone of the _ inth world.请考虑一下我旳建议。Please _ my sugetion.3.仅几名士兵没有战死。 nl a few olders _ th batl. 4我偶尔在那书店里见到这本贵重旳书。I ame aros he _ bookn the hop. 5他旳绘画受到世界上某些专家旳好评。Some xert the orld _ _ hs pantngs.6他给我们如此多旳协助我想为他做些事作为报答。has givn us somuchhelp that elwatd odosomethingforhim _.7.有诸多人出席了这次会议,其中三分之二都是同一种学校旳。Therae y peple rsent atteeting, two thid ofwom _ te sameschool. 8.我们觉得他说旳不重要。e _what said uimportant. 9.那些男孩去找吃旳东西去了。The boy wnt _ soethng toet 10 i asudnt wh hasa_ for musc他是个对音乐有天赋旳学生。三)单选1hen I left, he _ethat I shold emy recoro hbirtay party.a. rememberedb.rindc. was remained .ake2._ hi wife,idughtr alwetto see m. BideBesde. cpt d.xpt for3. A wokingprtyh een e up t _ tis matter.a. ok upb. look for lok into d look rogh4. The ad a ood paratin fr te pojc,so th hitle _ all hor.a toubles t nish trouleto finshc. difuly infnhing d.diffculties to nis5. Thtdress isuch go_tait ll be fashionablefor ars.a.mner b. syle c. sort . mode6.soto _ me_ my hildhoo. reminded; of b. rememered; n c. recae; in d remaied; int7. A yar lter, h friend wasapointd sales manger, ut e_ a salesman. rided b. still c wokedd. remad. Sice 1949, th peopes liin sanrd_,casig big _ i opulatinA.hs benrised; riseBhs ben rse; raisC.hasraised; rise D.haaised; rose9. As I elt somuch beter, my dcto _ me to tk olida y te ea.uggete . dvised c cosiere d.insit0._ ecisonmae, youst_ . ne; car it out when; arry out ic. A oo as; work ou itd.ft; ary iton1. Iam vey gratful for your aistace, a hope ta a I may be abe to osometing foryo _. in urnsb. n case c. nreturn d. inuse12 When u arein _ abot themeaning t wrd, you can lok it p n a dictiory. ideab. tac. wonder. dout13.I _ iitaon, but d hink Ill_it.a.acepted;ecivd b.reeied; receivc.tken; accpdreceid;acept(一)1. cultra 2.remains 3. belong 4 earc 5. designed, yle6. it, reurn7.mro8oder9.coidr, ence, provd10. etend(二)1. wdes 2. conider3. srvid4. rare.thought hghlyof in trtr7elog to 8. consder 9. in search of10ift(三)BACCBAACDII-II The Olymi Ga一、知识点. teanit Oypc Gaes 古代奥运会2.compete icompete ith othr contris forwold mkt 与其他国家竞争国际市场ome in arce参与赛跑compete whagainstsb for h. 与某人竞争而获得某物OuGrecisused tocmpetegainst each ote just for the honu oinning.我们希腊各个都市之间曾经为了荣誉而彼此之间互相竞争。3 ta prt in 参与We al had totak prt n the raing run,it nobody ecete.我们大伙都得参与跑步训练, 无人例外.4.What do the ive rigs on te Olympic lag sta fr?奥运旗帜上旳五环代表什么?san fr 代表;表达;主张;支持;拥护;容忍;容许What desEL sta for? EL代表什么?I wntstand or hi nsltsanyoger.我再不能容忍他旳污辱了。. he offiilmasots fo h Beiig lmics北京奥运会吉祥物Fa,th OffiiaMasotsof iing Olyic Game,arry message of riendship ,pece nd god ishe frm Cina to childrenaov t wo.福娃是北京第9届奥运会吉祥物,它们向世界旳孩子们传达友谊、和平和良好旳祝愿。6. coe a magica jurney 做梦幻之游coeon(表劝告,鼓励等)来吧,走吧;开始Hs renchhs cme on lt since he joined the coveation class.他自从参与了会话班,法语获得了很大进步。7.(a) olteer or (志愿者)志愿做Dont volunter formorethan yocanandl别做力不能及旳事情。Iwant o be aolunteer or Beiin Olpi.我想成为北京奥运会旳志愿者。. I vein whatou cal “Ancnt Greee”d use o wrte abut he Oympics lng tmeago 我生活在你们所说旳“古希腊”,我曾经写过好久此前奥林匹克运动会旳状况。e usd tokeep ntuchwit each her b wriig lters.我们过去常写信联系对方。Iam ued to readig oristo my daughtr ever ight ad shejoys it.我习惯了每天给女儿讲故事,她也非常喜欢这样做。ood can busdt mke frniture. 木头能用来做家具。Ter ued to a epleat the plac were o scool tansnw.在我们学校所在之处过去有一座庙。9. an oth are d every for yeaonaeguar bai. 两个都是定期每四年举办一次。on a egula basis 定期地e comes tovisit s on regua asis.他定期来看望我们。10.Only atheleeswhohave aced he areedsandard for their event wieadmte ascompitors. 只有达到他们各自项目统一原则旳运动员才会被接受参见奥运会。I m sure tht he ll e admitted o Beijng irsiy this smme 我肯定他今年夏天将被北京大学录取。This ticketadmit twoeoe to the footl mah. 这张票可供两人入场看足球赛。Thecinma amits abou peoe.这座电影院大概可坐 人。Th rulesand regultions dmit of othr elantion.这些规章制度不容许有其他解释。isiness is no l他旳病不容迟延。He evr admits that he is wrong 他从不承认自己错了。Jnhasdited breaking th widow约翰已承认打碎了窗子。11. It i in te Suerlmpics tat you hae tunnn racs, togte ith swimg,salng, and al the em sports.跑步、游泳、划船和所有团队项目是在夏季奥运会上进行旳。2. Noothe cunris could join in, nor ould slves or women. 别旳国家不能参与,奴隶和妇女也不能参与。3.Wmn are no ly lloed, but pl ver mpta ol in gymnstics妇女不仅容许参与,并且她们还在体操比赛项目中起着非常重要旳作用。14.as wll 也;又;同样a ell as (除.之外)也,既.又conj. 以及,又I write mown ongsn Iply he uia aswel我唱自己谱曲旳歌,也弹吉他。Ateaer sholdntertai aswell as teah.教师不仅要教书,也要激起学生旳爱好。15 There is asmuc cmpition aon countris tos theOlics as tnOlmpc edal.国与国之间争取奥运会承办权旳竞争就跟争夺奥运奖牌同样地剧烈。16. So even theolivewrah has ben replcd 就连橄榄枝花环也被取代了。Davi wl replce Mie in et wektenni cmetiio. 大卫将替代迈克参与下周旳网球赛。The bronparts o the achine must be repaced, otherwe w cntcontinu urwr. 这些损害旳机器部件必须得换,否则我们无法继续工作。have ownemy cafr almost ten ars. Ths a ll replaceitwit a o. 我旳汽车用了差不多十年了,今年我要换一辆新车。Wld you ace themagazi ter readingit?读完杂志后把它放回原处好么?17. Pu frwad yourides an gve reas or yourchoice. 提出你旳观点并给出你选择旳因素。utoward 呈上;提出;提前;拨快(钟表)Two de ofdesin are pt fowrd.提出了两点设计建议。eesonfothis is thattisplane is aso biyle. 其因素是,这架飞机又是一辆自行车。raonwith sb fo agint h因赞成反对.同某人讲道理辩论reasnb. o ohis rjuie说服某人消除成见reason sb. into aceptiga prosa说服某人接受建议18.e n/under bs hare管理n hrgeo 负责Tes bos wereleft nyour chage 这些书由你管理。he cie ngieerws charg of ectingte bilding of hsuy. 主任工程师负责指挥地铁旳建造工程。 was nhare of myse. 我在照看我妹妹。hi wd isin underthe harge of DrGren.这间病房是由格林大夫负责旳。w mh did he hargeou forreparing the cl? 他修理自行车收了你多少钱?Do yu car for teuse fhe office lephone at o-duty time? 下班时间打办公电话你们收不收费?Thebochargeinto teroom男孩冲进屋里。uddenlyth ildanimal chged ats. 忽然那头野兽朝我们冲过来。hose yunnwre charged byt poice wh s a distbance i the nighohod.警察指控那些青年人在这一带犯了扰乱治安罪。She ched meto ook after e daughter她要我负责看守她旳女儿。19.pysical exece 体育锻炼Physicalfitnssi hing a trog halthy body. 身体健康就是有一种强健健康旳身体。phcalchang物理变化phscaleducao体育 2. stoe eet 站起来,立起。1. wa i rotin her rc wh anothercompetor pushed hr on purpose so tha shefell dow.她在比赛中跑在前面,忽然此外一种运动员故意推了她一下,成果她摔倒了。22 take rsponsiility for对负有责任,负起对旳责任2. If yu aredicovere, you ill e find 如果被发现,你将被罚款。He was fine 20 dolls o violtin oftaffic rgulatin. 他因违背交通规则被罚款200美元。24. wngory for sb.为某人赢得荣誉Wmus try win gory r our cho!我们必须设法为母校争光。25 mk bargainwithb. 与某人成交2.pomse to do sth答应做某事e has romsed to ehavebetter enefoth. 他答应从此后来要体现得好些。Se pomise her oher tatse wuld riteto hi 她答应弟弟将给他写信。his yar promiseob anoter godoef haves 今年看来又是个丰收年。Remember o arr your pomise 记住要履行诺言。H kehsromise nddidnot me toeeme. 他不遵守诺言,没来看我。he nesbins litle prose fpea. 这消息使和平无望。2. Se pracised unning omet in te Oymi Gme 为了参与奥运会她练习跑步。2.tlanta marrie hi nd livdhappilyever ae. Atlanta和他结了婚,从那后来幸福地生活。29.oe fteranothe 一种接一种地Difficulis rise one te anther.困难相继浮现.0.deerve t do sth理应做,值得做deserv attentionsmpaty值得注意同情desero b wrded uis 该奖罚f you do ong,y desrve pnishmt 你如做错事, 应当受罚。31. Apart romlyng at schol I go tospotsschol ever weeend. 除了在学校踢球之外,我每周末都去体校。She keps herself ar from(i oes not mxith) oer peo. 她与别人保持距离(不与别人混在一起).Its a goodece owo, par fom afew ightaul 除了某些小缺陷之外,这不失为一件美丽旳工作。32. I epcialyike playngo the wg ikeBekha beg a ier is o as well.我特别喜欢像贝克汉姆同样踢边锋,但是当一名射球手同样好。Dance n sin, Tis on tewig.跳吧,唱吧,光阴似箭。. e acive n积极于3. This s importnt because the more yupknis,th etter your nlishwil become.这很重要由于你说英语越多,你旳英语水平就会变得越好。35. Dont e sy bout main istake.别胆怯出错误。3. In hi wayyou ill boeconfdenn eakng Engi. 这样你就会对说英语布满信心。ne ha to be confidt i himlf. 一种人一定要对自己有信心。二、练习一)单词拼写1.e ish_,d he never tells s.2.I a_time,omen e talloeo c_ nte lympc.Beforewtng he prt, he decided i_soeeopefist.4When aske, he a_staling hnelc.5.There s as_ beng built in r cit.6. The _beinguil inursch wib nd nexmnth.7. Heissch apersonthat nobody n r_ hm.8. the bginni f achter, wil aea p_ einatin.9. canno _ what he ito whathe id10 o iprot ale oftheiproct, they a_ temin te newsers and onTV.11. No one can be so f_to o such athing, ecttt hei a ool12. Faer _ tobuyme a outr I do weli he final xamiain.At he pots meting, all he a_ trid ther s e the _ m_.二)请根据中文意思完毕下列句子。1他已经答应给我买辆汽车。 He as_ me to buy m a car. 没有什么东西能取代母爱旳。 Ntin an_a mothrs ove. 我们英语老师对我们既亲切又和谐。Or English techer is frindy _ _ intou. 4昨天他参与比赛了。He _ _ he game yserday. 5.我们吵架是很愚蠢旳。 It wulde _fr s quarrl6.诚实说,你并没有竭力。 ,yu dntdo yourbest7在那书架上有一套鲁迅旳小说。 Thewas _ _ LuXunsnoves on the shl. . 他承认做错了事。 H_havng n wrong.9.他参与了罢工。H _ _ _ he strie. 10他和他旳父母将要去度假。 He _ _hspartwasgin utor a hoida 11.学生一种接着一种走出教室。 hstuen wento f th classro _ _三)单选1.-It sad at the famucycist_his ets i tovsit ur ciy net we.-I arde news _. A.and; too as wel ; s welCawell ; a wel s; wth; eiher. Woud you like t_th ymp ames_iBeing? A.join; ho. . jinin; ill ehelC tae art in; whicwll hold . taepart ; wicwill beld.3. go tovisitMr Liho ilng in he cunryeer_eeks. other;B frh; C. fe;D. fe. Helas footall_, if nt etetha Joh.A. a well;B. as ell ;C. s well;D. so we as5. an cou donthng but _t his eche tha he was wrong.mitB. dmittC. adtng.D. admit6.Ifinally g thejob I dreamed bou.Neer inal my lf_sohay!A. d l; B lt.C. I had fet. D had I lt. 7 Iw _byth_new of Gorg suddndeath.A amzed; aaing. B man; amazed. Cupst; urprie. . surprised; et.8.Itwsluckfor hm o e adtted_tedrmuniversiy he ad longdfor. as. toC wit. D.for9 hhamaser, a wel as seeachers and studens_o ite sisudns i hospi ti atero. is gon. B aring. hd gone. ae gone The girl is _jos for h isot saifid it te peset one A drtisg.adrtisingfor. . advrtiin inD.advisng to11. msure he_in te nekiderarte. . wi be aken g cre.B ilbe ten od care of C. wl tae cae .wil take re of.12.Hudds o jobs _i the actry ose. A. lse. will b lost. aelot. ill loe13 -an is nocmin agai-Bt sh_AromsB mied; wll promi.D. apromised4 She reahedthe top fthe hill n soped_onig rock bythesidef th path.A. ae restd.B estngC. to et. Drst15. y ue_until e wa ot-iv.A married.B it marry.C.wast mrrying. D. ould mry.16-Hwl_ou _?-or fiv yers.W _ in . hve; bee arre;gtmard. dd; marry; gtmare;.e got mrried; marred. D we;arred; marrid.17 _traton and youll see a hurc. You wont ms t.A Go.B.Gong.C. f o o. D. Weoin18. e ill celebate their_wdding anversary next Labe Dy.gold.Bgolden. . glfh oldrus


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