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车床主轴箱设计毕业设计12020 年 4 月 19 日文档仅供参考编号潍 坊 学 院毕 业 设 计 技 术 报 告课题名称:车床主轴箱设计学生姓名:学号:专业: 机械设计制造及其自动化班级:机制本二指导教师:年 06 月22020 年 4 月 19 日摘 要CA6140 作为主要的车削加工车床,被广泛的应用于机械加工行业。随着经济的发展以及对国外先机技术的学习和引进,中国的车床行业在世界上起到了举足轻重的作用。主轴箱是车床中重要的组成部分,整个车床的动力传动就是由它控制的。主轴箱直接影响着车床的工作效率,由此可知主轴箱的重要程度。本设计是主要针对 CA6140 车床主轴箱的设计,车床主轴箱是一个比较复杂的传动部件。根据当前实际情况,考虑到经济性和效率性等相关因素,对车床主轴箱进行合理构思构想 , 最终完成对车床主轴箱的设计。设计的内容主要有参数的确定,拟定传动与变速的结构方案和传动系统图,传动设计,传动件的估算和校核,各部件结构设计和主轴组件的校核几个部分部分来进行设计的。以齿轮、带轮、皮带轮、轴承、等的参数设计为重点,并利用制图软件进行了零件的设计和处理。关键词: CA6140 车床 主轴箱 传动 零件文档仅供参考I2020 年 4 月 19 日AbstractCA6140 as the main turning lathe, CA6140 is widely used in mechanical processing industry. With the development of economy as well as to the learning and introducing foreign advantage technology, lathe industry in China has played a pivotal role in the world.Spindle box is the important part of the lathe and it controlled the power transmission of the whole lathe.Spindle box directly affects the work efficiency of machine tool, thus the importance of the spindle box is goes without saying.This design is mainly for CA6140 lathe spindle box design,and lathe spindle box is a more complicated driving part.According to the current actual situation,considering the factors related to economy and efficiency, to reasonable design idea of lathe spindle box, finally completed the design of lathe spindle box.The major design content including the determination of the parameters, formulate transmission and variable structure scheme and system diagram,transmission design,the estimate and check of transmission parts, the design of the components structure and the check the spindle component. Focus on the parameter design of gear, belt pulley, bearing and so on, and use the graphics software for designing and processing of the parts.Key words: CA6140 lathe; spindle box; transmission; parts文档仅供参考I2020 年 4 月 19 日


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