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福师1203考试批次现代语言学复习题及参考答案一本课程复习题所供应的答案仅供学员在复习过程中参考之用,有问题请到课程论坛提问本复习题页码标注所用教材为:教材名称单价作者版本出版社现代语言学教程孙丽红如学员运用其他版本教材,请参考相关学问点I. Decide whether each statement is true (T) or false (F). (1.5*10=15)题号123 45678910答案FTFTFFFTTF1. Sometimes bound morphemes can be used by themselves.2. There is a three-word sentence stage in first language acquisition.3. A simple sentence consists of a single clause which contains a subject and a predicate and stands alone as its own sentence.4. A locutionary act is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon, and phonology.5. Language is entirely arbitrary.6. The naming theory of meaning was proposed by the ancient Greek scholar Plato.7. Compounding is the addition of affixes to stems to form new words.8. All utterances take the form of sentences.9. Suffixes modify the meaning of the original word and in many cases change its part of speech.10. The most basic element of meaning is traditionally called morpheme.II. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement. (1.5*10=15)题号123 45678910答案CADABBCAAA1. The pharynx refers to the space of cavity between the larynx and the end of _.A. tongue B. hard palate C. soft palate D. vocal cords2. Morphemes that represent “tense”, “number”, “gender”, “case” and so forth are called _ morphemes.A. inflectional B. bound C. free D. derivational3. The fact that ability to speak a language is transmitted from generation to generation by a process of learning, and not genetically is usually referred to as _. A. performance B. language acquisitionC. cultural transmission D. competence4. The sound s and z are the results of air escaping under frication between tongue and _ before passing through the teeth.A. hard palate B. uvula C. alveolar ridge D. soft palate5. _ deals with language application to other fields, particularly education.A. Linguistic geography B. Applied linguisticsC. Sociolinguistics D. Comparative linguistics6. Vowels that are produced between the positions for a front and back vowel are called _ vowels.A. open B. close C. front D. central7、_ is defined as a conscious process of accumulating knowledge of a second language usually obtained in school settings.A. Competence B. Performance C. Learning D. Acquisition8、_ act theory is an important theory in the pragmatic study of language.A. Speaking B. Speech C. Sound D. Spoken9. A _ analysis of an utterance will reveal what the speaker intends to do with it. A. semantic B. syntactic C. pragmatic D. grammatical10.The most basic element of meaning is traditionally callen_A. morpheme B. syntactic C. pragmatic D. grammaticalIII. Dissect the following words into morphemes. (2*5=10)1. though _ _考核学问点:morpheme,参见P19-222. speeches _ _考核学问点:morpheme,参见P19-223. geography _ _考核学问点:morpheme,参见P19-224、morpheme_ _考核学问点:morpheme,参见P19-225、syntactic_ _考核学问点:morpheme,参见P19-22IV. Define the following terms. (5*6=30)1. the telegraphic stage 考核学问点:language acquisition,参见P482. language 考核学问点:language ,参见P33. discreteness考核学问点:discreteness参见P94. vowel考核学问点:vowel,参见P145. internal structure考核学问点:internal structure,参见P22V. Answer the following questions. (15*2=30)1. Why do we say language is arbitrary?考核学问点:arbitrary,参见P5参考答案要点:Arbitrariness in narrow sense refers to the lack of physical,logical or natural connection(iethe inexplicability of the relationship)between individual linguistic symbols and the meanings they symbolizeWe know people use linguistic symbols which are originally meaningless to refer to something meaningfulThere is no physical,logical or natural connection between the symbolic signs used in language and the meaning they stand forIt is inexplicableWe cant explain why the English people usewaterto refer to the stuff in this bottleSimilarly,we cant explain why the Chinese people use“水”to refer to the stuffSo language is arbitrary in nature2. Whats the difference between langue and parole?考核学问点:langue and parole,参见P3-10参考答案要点:Language is full ofvarieties:no two speakers speak in an identical manner;no two speakers have an identical learning experience Language consists in its varieties,that is to say,language is realized through its varieties(cpthe relationbetween fruit and apple,between phoneme and allophones and phones and between langue and parole福师1203考试批次现代语言学复习题及参考答案二本课程复习题所供应的答案仅供学员在复习过程中参考之用,有问题请到课程论坛提问本复习题页码标注所用教材为:教材名称单价作者版本出版社现代语言学教程孙丽红如学员运用其他版本教材,请参考相关学问点I. Decide whether each statement is true (T) or false (F). (15 points, 1.5 points for each) 1、 Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.2、Language is not only linearly-structured.3、Linguistic performance is essentially a social phenomenon and also a context-dependent behavior.4、General linguistics studies the basic concepts, theories, 5、descriptions, models and methods applicable are not in any linguistic study.6、Some languages are not superior to other languages. 7、Compounding is the addition of affixes to stems to form new words. 8、 Not all utterances take the form of sentences.9、Morphemes modify the meaning of the original word and in many cases change its part of speech.10、The most basic element of meaning is traditionally called morphe.参考答案:1-5 F T F T F 6-10 T F T T FII. Choose the ONE choice that best completes each statement. (20 points, 2 points for each) 1.Whcih of the following best states the behaviorist view of child language acquisition?_.A. Language acquisition is a process of habit formationB. Language acquisition is the species-specific property of human beingsC. Children are born with an innate ability to acquire languageD. Humans are equipped with the neural prerequisites for language and language use参考答案B2.The pair of words lendand borroware _. A.gradable opposites B.relational opposites C.co-hyponyms D.synonyms参考答案B3. The discovery of Indo-European language family began with the work of the British scholar . A.Jacob Grimm B.Rasmus Rask C.Franz Bopp D.Sir William Jones参考答案D4. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as _. A.unusual B.something to be feared C.abnormal D.natural参考答案D5. _produce fast and fluent speech with good intonation and pronunciation but the content of their speech ranges from mildly inappropriate to complete nonsense,often as unintelligible. A.Brocas aphasic B.The linguistic deprivationC.The damage on the angular gyrus D.Wernickes aphasic参考答案D6.Some Southern learners of English in China tend to say night as light.This shows: . A.They cannot pronounce/n/ B. Interlangue interference because there is notthe sound /n/in their mother tongue C.The teachers do not have a good teaching methodD.They do not like to pronounce nasal sounds参考答案B7. A word with several meanings is called _word. A.a polysemous B.a synonymous C.an abnormal D.a multiple参考答案A8. The function of the sentence A nice day, isnt it?is _. A.informative B.phatic C.directive D.performative参考答案B9. The most recognizable differences between American English and British English are in _ and vocabulary. A.usage B.grammar C.pronunciation D.structure参考答案C10. _deals with the way in which a language varies through geographical space. A.Linguistic geography B.Lexicology C.Lexicography D.Sociolinguistics参考答案AIII. Define each of the following terms. (30 points, 6 points for each)1. phonetics考核学问点:phonetics,参见P122. phoneme考核学问点:phoneme,参见P163. stress考核学问点:stress,参见P174.reference考核学问点:reference,参见P355. idiolect考核学问点:idiolect,参见P41Answer the following questions. (35 points)1. How, in your opinion, does pragmatics differ from semantics?考核学问点:pragmatics and semantics,参见P28-35参考答案要点:Pragmatics is the study of the meaning which is not included in semantics and whose interpretation is dependent on its social contextsSemantics is the science of meaningSemantics is concemed t11 encoding and decoding of meaning,(finding out how people encode their meaning and how people try to interpret their meaning),identifying and classifying meanings,lexical meaning,sentential meaning,and utterance2. Whats the difference between sense and reference?考核学问点:sense and reference,参见P35参考答案要点:There are two different meanings of meaning:sense(the meaning that relates linguistic forms with what is in the non1inguistic world)and reference(the meaning that lies in the relation or contrasts among linguistic forms themselves,iehow the meanings are divided by the different linguistic formshow different linguistic forms may be used to express meanings)3. Explain language production with some examples. 考核学问点:language production,参见P51参考答案要点:Language production is more difficult to study than language comprehension for the following reasons:the way thoughts are turned into speech(We dont know how thoughts are turned intospeech);indirect approach through analyzing errors in speech production(We can only use this indirect approach to infer from these errors how we produce speech) Following Carrolls model of speech production,there are four stages:construction of thought to be expressed(You must have something in your mind to be expressed),formation ofthought into linguistic forms(When you have some thought,you should turn it into linguistic forms),construction of a motor command for the utterance(You need to prepare the command for the speech organs to speak),execution ofthat motor command(Youre actually saying what you want to say)福师1203考试批次现代语言学复习题及参考答案三本课程复习题所供应的答案仅供学员在复习过程中参考之用,有问题请到课程论坛提问本复习题页码标注所用教材为:教材名称单价作者版本出版社现代语言学教程孙丽红如学员运用其他版本教材,请参考相关学问点I. Decide whether each statement is true (T) or false (F). (15 points, 1.5 points for each) 11. Sometimes bound morphemes can be used by themselves.12. There is a three-word sentence stage in first language acquisition.13. A simple sentence consists of a single clause which contains a subject and a predicate and stands alone as its own sentence.14. A locutionary act is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon, and phonology.15. Language is entirely arbitrary.16. Articulatory phonetics that studies speech sounds from a physical point of view, focusing on their physical properties in transmission.17. In speech sound production, lower part of the oral cavity are relatively stable and function as a foil to the upper part in its articulatory movements.18. Consonants are sounds made by a closure or narrowing somewhere in the vocal tract.19. Stress may play different functions in different languages.20. Affixation changes the grammatical class of the word.参考答案1-5 F T F T F 6-10 F F T T FII. Choose the ONE choice that best completes each statement. (20 points, 2 points for each) 3. The pharynx refers to the space of cavity between the larynx and the end of _.A. tongue B. hard palate C. soft palate D. vocal cords4. Morphemes that represent “tense”, “number”, “gender”, “case” and so forth are called _ morphemes.A. inflectional B. bound C. free D. derivational3. The fact that ability to speak a language is transmitted from generation to generation by a process of learning, and not genetically is usually referred to as _.A. performance B. language acquisitionC. cultural transmission D. competence4. The sound s and z are the results of air escaping under frication between tongue and _ before passing through the teeth.A. hard palate B. uvula C. alveolar ridge D. soft palate6. _ deals with language application to other fields, particularly education.A. Linguistic geography B. Applied linguisticsC. Sociolinguistics D. Comparative linguistics6. Language has that distinguish it from other semiotic systems used by humans and animals.A. function B. design featuresC. importance D. performance7. the main source of energy for speaking, initiating the airflow for speech, hence pulmonic airstream mechanism.A. Mouth B. HeartC. Nose D. Lung8. The phones that can be grouped together as variants of one phoneme have to be similarA. phonetically B. phonologicallyC. sound D. seem9. morpheme is a morpheme that contributes to the lexical meaning of the word.A. Functional B. LexicalC. Grammatical D. Performative10. According to , language determines the framework of speakers perception and thought.A. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis B. Positivist theoryC. Use theory D. Speech Acts theory参考答案1-5 C A D A B 6-10 B D AB A III. Define each of the following terms. (30 points, 6 points for each)1. pragmatics考核学问点:pragmatics,参见P352. semantics考核学问点:semantics,参见P283. phonology考核学问点:phonology,参见P154. linguistics考核学问点:linguistics,参见P105. syntax考核学问点:syntax,参见P22Answer the following questions. (35 points)1. What is psycholinguistics?考核学问点:psycholinguistics,参见P48参考答案要点:Psycholinguistics is the study of the relation between language and mind,especially language acquisition and learning,and language comprehension and production2. Whats the difference between free morpheme and bound morpheme?考核学问点:free morpheme and bound morpheme,参见P20参考答案要点:Morpheme may also be classified according to their role in word formation Inflectional morpheme is a bound morpheme that shows the inflectional changes of the wordand that expresses a certain grammatical meaningMost of inflectional morphemes in English arerealized through their allomorphs,egpast tense-一ed,一d,An inflectional morpheme doesnot change the grammatical class ofthe word,egchange)change is a verb,andchange)+pasttense)is still a verb Derivational morpheme is a morpheme that is added to a word to form a new wordDerivational morpheme may be a bound morpheme such as affixes,but it may also be a freemorpheme such as those used to form a compoundThere are six key terms used in derivational3. Explain pidgin and creole with some examples. 考核学问点:pidgin and creole,参见P43参考答案要点:Pidgin refers to a kind of lingua franca which is also known as“marginal language”It has areduced grammatical structure,lexicon and stylistic range and has no native speakersTheformation of a pidgin usually involves two or more speech communities and requires considerable motivation on the part of the speakerPidgin usually flourishes in areas of economic development and of substantial trading among different speech communitiesPidgin English used in trading among the English and the Chinese in Shanghai in the old daysPidgin English used in Asia in trading includes elements from Malay,Chinese and Portuguese Creole refers to the pidgin which has developed from a mixture oflanguages and expanded in its vocabulary,grammar and stylistic range,which has acquired its own native speakers and assumed an equal or similar status ofanyhumannatural language11


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