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(英语)高考英语过去达成时专项练习一、单项选择过去达成时1 When Mary arrived she found all her children for nearly two hours.A have gone to sleepBfell asleepC was falling asleepD had been asleep【答案】 D 【分析】试题剖析:观察时态的辨析。这里采纳过去达成时,表示事件发生在过去的过去,由 found,我们能够发现是过去时态,但是孩子睡着这件事发生在她发现从前,故为过去的过去,句意为:当 Mary抵达时,她发先孩子们已经睡了快要两个小时。应选D。考点:观察时态的辨析。2 The girl, when why she in the exam, just lowered her head and kept silent.A questioned; was cheated8 being questioned; was cheatingC questioned; had cheatedD being questioned; has cheated【答案】 C【分析】观察非谓语动词。句意:当被问到为何在考试中舞弊中,小女孩子低头不语。When 引导的是是时间状语从句,与girl之间是被动关系,所以用 done形式,舞弊没有被动语态,应选C项。3. Father for London on business upon my arrival, so I didn t see him.A has leftB leftC had leftD was leaving【答案】 C【分析】剖析句子,因为后半句用的是一般过去式,故依据意思可知前半句的事是发生在后半句从前,故用过去达成时,应选C。句意:父亲在我回来从前已经去出差了,所以我没有见到他。4. Catherine came home happily, which suggested that she the final exam.A had passedB passC would passD should pass【答案】A【分析】考的用法:suggest做“示意”,所以不用虚气,因通考是在回来前生,所以用去达成。句意是:琳高地回来,明她通了考。A。5. By the time he arrived in Beijing, we there for two days.A. will have stayed B. stayC. have been staying D. had stayed【答案】D【分析】考。by the time用达成,依据arrive用去,故用去达成,表作先于生。D。6. By the time Jack returned home from England, his son. from college.A. graduated B . has graduated C . had been D . had graduated【答案】D【分析】考 ,By the time截止到去某止做了某事,用去达成。A是一般去; B是在达成; C是去达成行。依据句子意思“截止到Jack从英国返家,他的儿子已大学了。7. What were you up to when she dropped in?1 for a while and some reading.A. had played ; didB. played; didC. had played :was going to doD. was playing; was going to do【答案】C【分析】考。由第一句可判断出第二句描绘的事情生在去,for a while是相于 whenshe dropped in 来的when she dropped in,“我已玩一会儿了”,所以用去达成.再看后一个作,承接前方for a while,仍旧在去, had played for a while以后,因此用去未来,表示去那个将要生的作,故C。8. You went to the “ Bird s Nest ” last month,? didn t youYes. That was the second time I to Beijing National Stadium.A. have beenB. wereC. had beenD. would be【答案】C【分析】考虚气。表示“是某人第几次做某事:That/This/It is + the first/secondlast time +That/This/It was + the first/second,Tast + timethatthat clause (从句的用在达成);clause (从句的用去达成)。考点:固定句式中的虚气9. At sixty , Maugham decided to withdraw from the theater and wroteThe Summer Up , inwhich he tried to review what he from his life and literature.A. had learnedB. has learnedC. was learningD. would learn【答案】A【分析】剖析:句意:在60的候,Maugham 决定走开院,写了The Summer Up,此中他想回他从生活和文学中学到的西。从wrote The Summer Up,可知他学的西是去的去生的事情,用去达成,A。考点:考10. I the paper before my lawyer explained the details to me.A. signedB. had signedC. signsD. has signed【答案】B【分析】剖析:考去达成。句意:在我的律和我明从前我就已字了。由中点可知是去达成,故B。考点:考去达成11. As he approached the door, Mike looked into the room again to see if he anythingbehind.A. leftB. had leftC. has leftD. would leave【答案】B【分析】B观察。句意:当他快到口的候,麦克再一次看看房能否落下什么西。Leave behind所表示的作生在 look into从前,所以使用去达成,表示在去的某一或许某一作从前就生的作。故B正确。12. He said l5 people.,two of them to hospitalA. have injured ; admittingB. have been injured;being admittedD. had been injured;admittedC. had injured ; to admit 【答案】D 【分析】第一空观察过去达成时,因为主句是he said,从句动作发生在主句从前,并且是被动式,第二空是独立主格构造,two of them是逻辑主语,和admit是被动关系,用过去分词,句意:他说15人受伤,此中两人住院。选 D。13 As long as my drive tester instructed me to pull into the parking lot, I was sure I .A passedBhave passedC was passedD had passed【答案】 D 【分析】试题剖析:观察时态。选项A为一般过去式;选项 B为此刻达成时;选项 C为一般过去式被动语态;选项 D为过去达成时。句意:只需驾考教练让我把车停到泊车场,我就确立我已经经过了考试。当“我”把车停到泊车场时,我确立自己考试经过,此时考试结束和考试经过是同时发生的动作,所以经过考试应在 I was sure 从前,故应用过去达成时。应选 D.考点:观察时态。14 By the end of Last year, we more than 1,100,000 cars.A were producingBproducedC had producedD would produce【答案】 C 【分析】试题剖析:观察时态。句意:到昨年年末,我们已经生产了一百一十多万辆汽车。by thetime+从句,从句用一般此刻时,则主句用未来达成时;从句用一般过去时,主句用过去完成时; by the end of+时间点,时间点是过去的时间,主句用过去达成时;时间点是未来的时间,主句用未来达成时。“By the end of Last year 指的是”过去的时间,主句用过去达成时,应选 C。考点:观察时态15 I_there little more than a week when I set to work with the scientist.A would beBhave beenC had beenD will be【答案】 C 【分析】过去达成时表示一个动作或状态在过去某一时间或动作从前已经达成或结束,即“过去的过去”。依据所供给的情形“when I set to work with the scientist 可判断出”与这位科学家一同工作从前已过去一周多一点的时间。应选 C项。过去未来时表示从过去某个时间看将要或将来发生的事。此刻进行时表示说话时正在进行的动作或事件。一般未来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。16 That was the first time I to Hongkong so I had great difficulty the hotel.A. went, findingC. have been, foundB. had gone, to findD. had been, finding【答案】D【分析】试题剖析:句意:这是我第一次来香港,所以我找旅店有点困难。固定短语:have difficultydoing sth做“某事有困难”,清除BC选项。句型: it is the first time从句“这是第一次做 that+that从句则用过去某事”假如主句谓语是is,则that从句用此刻达成时态;假如是 was则达成时,选D。考点:观察固定句型和短语17 . She stared at the painting, wondering where she-4t.A. sawB. had seenC. seesD. has seen【答案】B【分析】试题剖析:句意:她盯着这个画,考虑什么时候她曾见过它。依据语境可知see这个动作发生在stare从前,所以用过去达成时。应选B。考点:观察时态18 . Mandy adoption since her sonA. has consideredC. is going to consider【答案】Ds death, but her husband didn B . has been considering D . had consideredt agree with her.【分析】试题剖析:句意:她儿子死后,Mandy考虑过收养,但是她的丈夫不一样意。依据后边的动词形式和句意可知,前方的句子应当是过去达成时,A. has considered 此刻达成时;B. has been considering 止匕刻达成进行时; C. is going to consider 一般未来时;D. had considered 过去达成时。didn t agree说明动作发生在过去,所以在过去从前发生的事用过去达成时,故选D。考点:观察动词时态。19. We -to finish the work before dark, but the heavy rain held us up.A. meantB. was meaningC. had meantD. would mean【答案】C【分析】试题剖析:句意:我们本打算在天黑前达成这项工作,但是大雨耽搁了我们。Mean to havedone和had meant to do 表示“本打当作但是没做成”,近似用法的词还有plan,intend等,选 C考点:观察动词时态20 Dad, we the zoo-trip you promised us last week. Sorry my girls. I to t ake you there this week, but ve been too busy.I Aexpect; intendB had expected; had intendedC are expecting; had intendedD expected; intend【答案】 C【分析】试题剖析:观察动词时态。句意:上句:爸爸,我们想去你上周承诺带我们去的动物园。下句:对不起我的孩子,我上周打算带你们去,但是我实在太忙了。依据对句意的剖析和理解可知对话中没有说起是从前的对话。所以对话就是发生在此刻,而在第一个分句中表达了想要去,而 be going to 即为想要做某事的意思;经过在第二个分句中表达的意思可知爸爸打算在过去带她们去动物园,并且对此刻的结果也造成了影响,所以要用过去达成时,应选 C。考点:观察动词时态21 In Beijing, more than 21,100 people to donate their bodies by the end of 2017,as the city promoted a body donation campaign from 1999.A have applied B had appliedC would have applied D applied【答案】 B【分析】【详解】观察时态。句意:截止到2017年末,北京已经有超出21,100人申请捐赠自己的遗体,而1999by the end of 2017“北京市从年开始就在展开遗体捐赠活动。依据可知此处指过去的过去”,用过去达成时态,应选 B。22 Did Linda see the traffic accident?No, no sooner than it happened.A had she goneBshe had goneC has she goneD she has gone【答案】 A【分析】【剖析】【解】考部分倒装。句意:-Linda看交通事故了?-没有,她走,就生交通事故了。本考固定句式:No soonerthan,“一就”,主句中用去达成,no sooner 位于句首用倒装,马上 had 置于主从前,故A。【点睛】一些句型,如 scarcely when, no sooner than, hardly引when的主从复合句主句要求使用去达成式。注意:在部分倒装句中,只有助、情或系等能够置于主从前,其余部分都要置于主以后。23 I to send Peter a gift to congratulate him on his marriage, but I couldn tit.A had hopedBam hopingC have hopedD would hope【答案】 A【分析】【解】考去达成。句意:我原来划在Peter 婚送他一个礼品的,但是我没有做到。第二个分句中“couldn 用t的”是一般去,所以生在它从前的作用去达成。故A24 By the end of last year, another new hospital in our city.A would complete B would be completed C was completed D had been completed 【答案】 D【分析】【解】考及。句意:昨年年末止,我座城市又建了一个新的医院。句中有bythe end of表示“到止”假如后边接去的,句子要用去达成。本句中by the endof last year , by后是去的状,句子要用去达成,故D。【点睛】By表示,意“到止”;常与达成用。假如后接by后边是在的,句中就使用在达成;假如by后边是去的状,就使用去达成;假如后面是未来的 ,就使用未来达成。By the time he was ten, he had learnt about 1,000 English words.到他十,他已学了一千个英By 2012the population of this city will have risen to 20 millon.到2020年,个城市的人口将增至二千万。By the time Jane gets home, her aunt will have left for London to attend a meeting.当简到家时,她的姑妈已经起程去伦敦参加一个会议了25(江苏)I was sent to the village last month to see how the development plan in the past two years.A had been carriedB would be carried outout C is being carried D has been carried outout【答案】A【分析】观察时态。句意:上个月我被派到村里去看看在过去的两年里发展计划是怎样执行的。依据句中时间状语 last month 和 in the past two years 可知,空格地方用的动词 carry out发生在sent从前,所以是“过去的过去”,故用过去达成时。应选A。点睛:本题观察时态。句中包括的时间状语是解答本题的打破点,所以要做好此类题,必定要注意题中有没有明确的时间点,或许其余能够取代时间点的词,所以依据时间状语可以看出正确答案。本题的重点在于抓住题干中的两个时间状语 last month 和 in the past two years,进而得出答案。26Did Alan enjoy seeing his old friends yesterday?Yes, he did. He his old friends for a long time.A didn t seeBwouldn t seeC hasn t seenD hadn t seen【答案】 D【分析】【详解】观察时态。句意:阿伦昨天见到老朋友快乐吗?是的,他挺快乐。他许久没看见老朋友了。说明是昨天从前很长时间没看见老朋友了,该动作属于“过去的过去”,应用过去达成时,应选 D。27 I got to love Hangzhou I went there in 2001 and that was the first time that ILongjing Tea A the first time; had tastedB for the first time; had tastedC the first time; have tastedD for the first time; tasted【答案】 A【分析】【详解】观察时间状语从句和过去达成时。句意:我第一次去杭州是在2001年,那是我第一次品味龙井茶。 the first time 为时间状语从句的附属连词,所以第一个空为 the first time 。 It/This is/was the序数词time that从句。假如前方是is,后边就使用此刻达成时;假如前方是was,后边就是过去达成时。本题前方是was,所此后边使用过去达成时。应选A项。28 . I saw Jack in the lift this morning. Hearound here for a long time.A. wont be seenB. wasnt seenC. hasnt been seenD. hadnt been seen【答案】D【分析】【详解】观察过去达成时态的被动语态。句意:今日清晨我在电梯里看见杰克。他许久没在这邻近露面了。依据this morning 可知,这是过去的事情;再依据 for a long time可知,此空是更靠前的动作,且句子主语He和see之间是一种被动关系,所以用过去达成时态,应选D。29 . As soon as I got to the airport, I realized I my ID card at home.A. had leftB. has leftC. would leaveD. will leave【答案】A【分析】试题剖析:观察时态。句意:一到机场,我就意识到我将身份证忘在家里了。依据语境可知,leave my ID card at home是发生在 realized从前,用过去达成时。应选A。【知识概括】过去达成时态表示过去的过去。When I got there, the train had left.当我抵达那边的时候,火车已经走开。考点:观察时态30 . It was the first time that the doctor making a mistake concerning the patient.A. admitted B . had admitted C . has admitted D . would admit【答案】B【分析】【详解】观察时态。句意:这是这位医生第一次认可关于这个病人他犯了错。固定句式:It is/was+序数词+ time + that sb have/has/had done sth 意为“这是某人第几次做某事的时候”,假如前方的is,后边要用have/has ;假如前方是was,后边要用had。本句前方使用了 was,后句中要用had。故B项正确。31 . When enough years to enable us to look back, we sometimes discussed the eventsleading to his accident.A. went byB. were to go byC. had gone byD. goes by【答案】C【分析】【详解】观察动词时态。句意:当足够长的时间过去后,我们能够回首过去,我们有时议论致使他发惹祸故的事件。联合下文 we sometimes discussed 可知“足够长的时间过去”发生在“议论”从前,而 discussed 为一般过去时,故 go by 发生在“过去的过去”应用过去达成时。应选C。32Did you have difficulty finding Annhouse?Not really.She_us clear directions and we were able to find it.easily?A was to giveBhad givenC was givingD would give【答案】 B【分析】【详解】观察时态。句意:你感觉找到安娜家的地点困难么?不会。她告诉我们很清楚的方向,并且我们很简单就找到了。依据题干可知,安娜告诉他们方向发生在他们找到她家之前,所以,发生在过去动作从前的动作要采纳过去达成时。应选 B。【点睛】本题观察学生对时态的掌握状况,此刻达成时和过去达成时都是考试中常出的考点。剖析前后两句两个动作,判断出后者的动作发生在前者的动作从前,是过去的过去,用过去达成时。33 As things didn t work out the way we , we found ourselves trying to force themand struggling to finish them.A plan B are planning C had planned D will be planning【答案】 C【分析】观察动词时态。句意:当事情不像我们从前所计划的那样发展时,我们发现自己正在试图逼迫他们并奋力达成它们。依据前句didn t,后句found可知,该句应使用过去时态;因事情的发展和结果发生在计划以后,这里要用 plan 的过去达成时态 had planned 与前方的一般过去时形成对照,以表现动作的先后,即当事情不像我们从前所计划的那样时”,所以C项正确。34(海淀二模) I up my mind what I was going to say in the seminar, but it wascancelled.A have made B had madeC was making D would make【答案】 B【分析】观察时态。句意:我已经决定了在商讨会上要说什么,但是,商讨会被撤消了。“ make up one s mind 这个行”为发生在商讨会被撤消从前,依“ it was cancelled 可知,”商讨据会被撤消是过去的事情,那么,make up one s mind是发生在过去某个动作从前的行为,故该空应用过去达成时态。B选项正确。35.Got your driving license?No. I too busy to have enough practice, so I didn t take the driving test last week.A. was B . amC. have been D. had been【答案】D【分析】观察动词时态。句意:一一拿到你的驾驶执照了吗?一一没有,我太忙了没有足够的练习,所以我上周没有参加驾驶考试。表示上周考试从前很忙,用过去达成时。应选D。36. I found the film hard to follow because it when I arrived.A. had begunB. was beginningC. has begunD. would begin【答案】A【分析】观察动词时态。句意:我感觉这部电影很难理解,因为当我抵达时它已经开演了。依据所给时态arrived可知,表示抵达前已经开演了,用过去达成时,应选A。37 .一 It s really a surpriseathI happened to meet Will, my old schoolmate in the art gallery last week.If my memory serves me right, you each other for more than a decade.A. haven t seen . Bhadn t seen . Cdidn t see . Ddon tsee【答案】B【分析】观察动词时态。句意:一一上周在艺术长廊我刚巧见到了老同学威尔,这太令我吃惊了。一一假如我没记错,你们在那从前十年没见了。依据happened to 能够推测出,在过去动作从前发生的动作用过去达成时,应选 B。38 . Li Hua his money for dollars before he went on a holiday in America.A. exchanges B. has exchangedC. will exchange D. had exchanged【答案】D【分析】观察时态。句意:李华去美国家假从前他把钱换成美元。依据句意可知用过去达成时态,应选D。39.- Did you have to do much for the dinner party?- Helen everything by the time I got home.A. finished B . was finishing C . would finish D . had finished【答案】D【分析】观察时态。句意:你一定为晚宴做好多事吗?我到家时,海伦已经做完了全部的工作。“到家是过去”,“做完是过去的过去”,所以用过去达成时态,答案为D。40-Peter , where did you guys go for the summer vacation?Webusy with our work for months, so we went to the beach to relax ourselves.A wereB have beenC had beenD will be【答案】 C【分析】【详解】观察过去达成时。句意:-彼得,你们暑期去哪儿了?几个月来我们向来忙于工作,所以我们去海滩放松了一下。由“so we went to the beach to relax ourselves 可知,“”向来忙于工作”发生在“went to the beach 之”前,所以本句为过去达成时。应选C项。


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