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gt作文【篇一:11月级作文预测及答案】高等学校英语应用能力考试a级作文预测(.11)恩波教育预测(一) 投诉信阐明: 假设你是孙淇。根据如下内容给曙光(uoa)家用电器商店写一封投诉信。 写信日期:9月15日 内容: 1 9月8日在南京分店购买了一台空调; 2. 几天后,问题频出,噪声大、不制冷、室内漏水;.但愿贵商店尽快派人上门,查明故障因素。否则将规定退还全款或调换新机器。words fo referece: 退款:rfud; 故障:maluntio 审题概述人们对购得的商品或得到的服务不满意时,可以向对方投诉或提出退换货或索赔。一般来说,投诉信应涉及如下内容: 阐明投诉的因素:列举不满的事实、带来的后果。 2. 明确提出解决的规定。 3. 但愿尽快得到答复。预测(二)催款信 阐明:根据下列信息写一封催款信写信人:smt收件人:wi 写信日期:月20日 内容:1 mith未收到ilso 数额为$37.00的逾期超过两个月的欠款;2 月20日,smth向wl发过一次催款信, wilson没有任何答复; 3. 目前sh再寄给lon一封催款信; . 表达理解的同步,强调自身的难处; 5 期待对方阐明理由,并期待积极配合,及早还款。 wordsfreference 逾期待收款ovedue balae 审题概述 催款是商务活动中常常要做的为难之事。为了既催到款,又不得罪人,在撰写催款信时就要特别注意措施、语调和措辞。催款信不适宜太长,语言表述清晰、得体、诚恳即可。 预测(三)录取邮件 阐明:假设你是公司的人事经理er,写邮件告知一名应聘者张伟, 公司决定录取她。并抄送一份给财务总监。 日期:1月13日 主题:录取告知 内容: 1 告知张伟得到财务总监助理的工作;. 看过对方的简历和推荐信,发现她有较好的财务知识;4. 张伟思维敏捷,交流能力强,10月10日面试时给在场面试官留下深刻印象; 3. 欢迎11月15日之前来公司报到; 试用期为个月,工资为3000元月;. 若试用期考核符合公司原则,将雇用至少年,工资为400元月; ors or rren: 履历 resume推荐信 reec l 试用期 te draton of tetl pyent 审题概述 英文邮件的基本构成及格式如下:发件人emai地址、收件人mail地址、写信日期、邮件主题、抄送(不是必要的)、称呼、正文、结束语和签名。一封完整合格的邮件需做到格式无误,体现明确,无语法错误。邮件的主题需要紧扣重点,让收件人一看就能明了来信的意图。邮件的正文部分要涉及题目中列出的所有内容,并将这些内容有组织地串联起来。 预测(四) 道歉信 阐明:客户李先生投诉某公司将她的订单8462跟其她订单搞混,请以该公司客服经理dvid的名义给其写一封道歉信。时间:月日 内容:1. 对搞混74367号订单深表歉意; . 公司新安装了一台包装设备,设备尚有些问题有待解决; .已经妥善解决好该客户的订单,今早已经发货; 4 对于导致的麻烦,我司在包裹里附寄了一张价值3美元的礼物券; 5 再次表达歉意。 审题概述 针对客户投诉的道歉信一般涉及三部分:第一部分体现歉意;第二部分解释因素;第三部分提出解决方案和补偿措施。 预测(五) 答复延期付款规定 阐明:fild先生给sushin公司市场部经理davidjohns写了一封规定延期付款的信,请以david 的身份予以回信。时间:10月1日 内容:1. 感谢ied先生寄来的000美元的支票,目前账上尚有美元的欠款。2.懂得el的公司遇到前所未有的财政危机,表达同情和理解; . 提出还款筹划:在接下来的5个月内,第一种月日支付500美元,接着四个月每月1日支付375美元; .如果field先生有异议,请致电dvd on。否则将视为批准还款筹划。注意信函格式!odo efernce: 支票 heck账户余额 balnc t acont延期 xtnson 审题概述 当对方提出延期付款时,回信一般应涉及如下内容:1. 开头亮出对方目前的确切的欠款数额; .对对方延期还款表达理解; . 提出还款筹划;4. 期待对方对还款筹划及时作出答复。【篇二:英语作文2】 afo m paensaen give ussomh v hat weshul appreiethe lve d rtur ourote best gift to our asiursels. to ace is we sa tention t etils in lif, which hve bnnegece ymost peoplewblnlybeli thatino-eratng ielihos mr r, the hppier ,howve, beonorexpctaton,itsnta appfaly s ur ealacheeent ene, ehould uually cll tsaresom g hings o a with parens ut lke freds,so tey c woy us ls ometim hawe justneedd is too hom for host a, it the git wih wakig up in nng, uptscan s us d sped timwith us, th mae th the hapist.in hemornn, i ak bakas dwe at tgeth happl.ae luc w orawlk n a uiecutryid.its uch iceay, thr hpiss is sml, s e are. hes gifo my entss me, fote reason te cystalization hei ov.【篇三:英语一模作文】朝阳一模第一节:情景作文(2分) 假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华,请根据如下四幅图的内容,为校刊英语园地写一篇题为 “my peil iftfor grma”的英文稿件,简介你在寒假里用压岁钱为奶奶购买手机,并教会奶奶使用手机的完整过程。词数不少于6。稿件的开头已给出。 oe possibleversin:s can sen from thepture,a eche-l cok sans on he nk, poy andiidly eanng how o swm isstudet,three ks, foat itheer, lisn atentvey h ictre wnst emnd usfteortaeolfwaenss bh the ok and theducks ilto kowthmsles clarly, sthey mk vin efort the k s defintel ubl toimbuworkss a wmmg ac confidetly.th other and, eucks, the born swimmers, areeagrtolean h to swim,evn froa ck acof asound slf-knowledge,they aeboud tofail.as to s, weshd have a rghtudgmet ouraility andcose o whatrereallstabl fo s.石景山一模 假设你是红星中学高三()班的学生李华。今天是你爸爸的生日,你给爸爸买完生日蛋糕后,在回家途中做了几件好事。请根据图片的先后顺序,写一篇英文日记,简介事情的全过程。 12 注意:1日记的开头已为你写好。 词数不少于60。 my pecial git for grand uringwite vaation, spent m lcky moey n spcial it or granm. _ _ onpsibleerion: pci gift orgrma34第二节开放作文(1分)inounglish class,ou ar akedto dscribe h lwin pcturanexplan t our cssmats ho y unrstnd t. 提示词公鸡coc rch23, fray sunn todaydsrh i wanted tbuyima gf. on poibl verin: ach 23,fay sunny tody s dad birthdayani te t u im gi soae choo hrie t a akyand bohtig rdy ce imging tedelhe k ons fe whn dad s thecak, icoudntwai o ack hme. en i got a bus, wspeaedtind a vac ea, so i sat w withteakeonm legswe te bus got tothe nxt t,noldady oon, ang mags.withot hesitn,iofer my seoher and i ws stnngnt iing atte etatn. got ofth bu wasut toros th radwhe i sw abld an aitng by te csswalki wake over qukl and him acos th road safel. ring ome, igav te ke tdad as well my etwshes.a then, told mumd dad1 a hadon onmyayhme. haring my sory, dad siled, “i is t the cake b youeed hepng otherthai te mst valuaeiforme.” 第二节 开放作文(15分) i yur sokenenglih class, yur tacher shows outhefllowin icte. ou ar asd t scrie te cturean expain how ou ndertand i.lastsaday, _ posibe ves: or chool ods carey one a ar inmarch,orng ua ancet get fmiia ih difeen business ncaee optons.lassaturday, etook part in aeeyaive 9clock, weher i te ibrary. having readthe sheule,we went nthe ting all eagery the guess o ierent bsiess h aeay e there waitinfrs. teygu lctur intrcing t teyda wr,whihofferdus ae kowldeo difentob.ftrthat, wit queis w mmnied it t fc to cetoour great deliht, wegtre vaabl fotionwe wer itreein srprisingly, ere lsogie a che to experience heo undrtrguidac. it elpe us ave a btter pctureof favrite jobs. aftr al te ivits,i a a laeglofmfutu caee.i sureiwllstrive or it withpasin nd detiatio. (32wods) 第二节开放作文(15分) in your english class, youteacer sows you thfolowingictr you asked todscibethe picture andexplai ow yo uderstd it. one pssile vrsio: ass e ine piture, pig, wih pair of gle n the seada ook inhand, sgivingsmehensa lectureon ho tl ore eggs, hl hee strg t h whtebardwih outul xpresio. the simple piture covesprofounmesge hat w hul ae askpticaltttude twasase eers ad leve our rofessioalknowledgase kw, hensarebon oow how to layggs.therefore, tris obt h pg shing f boran eper, hughedrsseup lk a elduated pers. i urdil lie,ftnee sompeople pretnd xpert ertainfield, bt in ft, thykow nthing, jut lke iin tcure henthee so-clldexprtg udne tous, itswse to qston tem frstandno ocept their dvielndl. oterwse,weaye misd icolsion, our ayt uccess,laring a usbuqetinng i l neessar. 丰台一模 假设你是红星中学高三()的学生李华,请根据如下四幅图的信息,为校刊英语园地写一篇英文稿件,论述上周六你参与学校组织的“carer da”的活动过程及感受。 注意: 文章的开头已为你写好。 2词数不少于6。 psbleversion: fo te pitue, wcan eea by aigftb. o orsurpie,e s no kicigthe fobal toards oatabaset lthouh essain a lot,he os veyec.eems obe odhis creativty nd iginatio. the icturma cheessge tha ceatv ca pn up netoorlie. a we cae in te picre,heby mags oeylayigfootbal on he bastbalourt. mayether s ooba i aundin pite olmidcdiios,e ca tinkou of he bxt achivewht heants tik w sou len fr theoy andel it problemsin uusul wys nseadf mplanng aou ustisfactorsitations. thenewul proaby, ikete oy, gain meting unexpec, wich reybngs s appines. (14 wrds) 东城一模 假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的学生李华,上学期你们班在密云学农基地开展了为期一周的学农 ou hoo ldscare yncear nar, ofeius a che o g faar wi dffernt businesses dcreoptio. 2活动。请根据如下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文短文向某中学生英语报投稿,简介你们本次学农活动的全过程。注意:词数不少于60。 thogh ower the ptre mliesve imprtat rl of oings welwas naalane btesped an uaty. tstdiff toe xmple f hooftenigepee is s p a taget “thfaser, te ter” hsbecoma o r sde t th fercly otii nvnntof orsetyw uro hs ovlue allifwegoe heualty o ijustlikete nbulin thetwisedwll. sdents, we ae eqid to d tings hghpeed.ts defniely hlpul o keep i d ato matter how fast e need to achiev oething, uatymynee begord. 朝阳一模 假设你是红星中学学生李华,上周参与了学校组织的“京郊美丽乡村”展示活动,为此,你与父母一起去感受了乡村的变化。请根据下列四幅图的先后顺序,给美国笔友eter写信,简介你参与本次活动的全过程。注意:.信的开头和结尾已为你写好。 2 词数不少于0。 laster wewtt miyun rk n hearm.we pe wole ek there. _ _neposible version:last er wento iyn workn t far e spe wol khere.upoourarval, wewerdivided it goupsof foan ahouhaed one room. l yursels, we wiped wdos, sp he flor a mae hbed. ategttigtted, we wn o th uyaand godown t or at one. sm of upickedppesad thes loadd bkesf apleno he truck. whe werehr, w also epe wihthe orn harve. e ctors offdpild thm uperin le a eer sen so my ons ying aboutin fild ifelt it as geaun. h last dy,e athred ogether ite opn ar toave party, herewsn ss anddncedhppily thi as rally a unoretable xprince fru a 第二节开放作文(5分)in our spon ngiscas, yor eachrshows you the fllwi pictue youare ase o deie hepicure nd exlaho you undertand it.da tr, howartng goin?ast ek,took atin teshow o “beatful vlls aound ijing” n our shol. _do eepntuch best ishes, ha e posibl esion: ne posil vrsio: as w can s in the picture, o e are mpetn gans acotr in buldig l na hasbuil upa oviusl hgher u wistd wll, wil te otrs wok s cmplly vetial, tong an slid 3ear pte, hw re hingson?sudy morin,my parentsani en toth subu et some nformo fo my ote.n arivi th destinaton, we wer impsse y th beautu scry adpplesivg coitio.i ok many phots.ene chatteit aamr, t us abute han st week,ik rt n th shwo “beautifilas around i”inuscholnhee yeatheynw n get nlie o learn gricutual sen a tr eir podts. an in spae tiethy a enjoy vusleiue acitis, lik playingtabtenind chess.he nx a iput m pictuesn an ricle nte scol wall npapr.i fee pouo theevelopent o o cuty.do kp nouch bt wises, i hua第二节开放作文(15分)iyourenlish cs,your ehe sws y he llwingcture. ou reaed o desr hepictr and explain hw ouunerstnd t.e osie versin:fom the picu can se tw metnigin w areas,ech lin a sic rdt ilhe mie nhsrea. beteen the isn arawhere a mouseisplying freel t eith f hetwo mensee t ntie t.ybo ep hothrtcah i. peop aresoti sefih y tendto avoidheir responsiiwhen prolems riseweneed t conen aboutour gross, u the he and, h dot we glitte furthrto hlp oters?hlpin othe menshelpgousees. 西城一模 假设你是红星中学高二年级学生李华,在通用技术课(nel tchlclss)上,教师让你们自己动手设计并制作书架。请根据如下四幅图的先后顺序,给校刊英语园地写一篇以“our owbkshf”为题的英文稿件,简介课堂活动的完整过程。注意:.稿件的开头已为你写好。 2. 词数不少于60。提示词:锯 sw wnbokshelfe h a gnertecnoog cathis tem tor some ac ils. ast monh, or techerbrught o oodenboards, ski eac grup to ak bokshlf. had nve thogh i ou ae it. my partners anieached h iternt ndstuded difrent types ooshlesil we got cretivesign f own. we arted hnu dongawe te bors, hle wa mi we tryingt fix heiees gethrm handswereshingst tl d see to fite wellorunty,the eahr cam and toldmehe rig wa tous .“el dne!”i feltencrage bwaheeacr said okig a urprodutsdiple inth casroom,ll o us erprod and excited.wel, w dot, ado t by useethts omethng bynd thasic siswleat. 第二节开放作文(5分)i yo oenegsass,your eaer wsouthfolow pictu yuarakd o decrie the pitue and xplai how you ndesand i.asi seen ite itur, a lttle duck is larnig oswim.expetdl, t simng ihth helpofa lifebuoy. duck, usuay abr swimer, shold be onfideos ownubilt. owver,this lteduckdoentsm t trstitself,uing lifebuoy o ecureits safety.this, ocre, oul ae thuckee es ikey t ake risk or beom goodwimmer mre efietl.saminli,ost pepe ha ptenils.fhy lackcnfience or deendto much o ohers, hey wil ottap int their fstptenta clie the duck ih th lieuy. ade force doesn ealhep ut iiapersons developmn trust ourself n gohyou naurtaen 4


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