重大版英语四年级上册Unit 3《Wash your hands first》ppt课件1.ppt

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重大版英语四年级上册Unit 3《Wash your hands first》ppt课件1.ppt_第1页
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Unit 3 Wash Your Hands First Lesson 1 1. Look listen and say Key words head body arm hand leg foot Text : Grandma, may I have a pear? Gr: Sure. Are your hands clean? Du: Yes, they are. Gr: Show me your hands. Du: Err Gr: Oh, dirty hands! Go and wash your hands. Du: All right, grandma. Max: Are your hands clean, Rex? Rex: No, they arent. 2. Listen and number 3. lets practice Are your hands clean, Hao Tian? Yes, they are. Good. Are your hands clean? No, they arent. Go and wash your hands. All right. 4. Listen, sing and act put your hands up put your hands down 把手放下 Jump 跳 Jump high 跳很高 5. Look and circle long short big small 长的 短的,矮的 大的 小的 Lesson 2 Key words clean dirty left righ 左手 左脚 右手 右脚 left hand left foot right hand right foot 1. Look listen and say 快来,温蒂。 是的,爸爸。噢,我的腿! 你怎么了,温蒂? 我的腿痛。 那一条腿,左边还是右边?。 左边,我左腿痛。 噢,很抱歉,我们休息一会吧。 Ouch My head hurts! Whats wrong? Whats wrong? My arm hurts! Which arm, left or right? Which book is clean? Left or right? 2. Listen and circle 3. Lets practice Take off Put on 4. Fill in the blanks and say Lesson 3 过来 好的 很棒 胜利 好运 很差 Story corner 故事角 Goodbye


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