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【常见几个连词的用法】一、概念连词是虚词,起连接词与词,短语与短语的作用,句子与句子的作用。二、常见的并列连词。1、 and一般用在肯定句1)和,并且 (连接谓语时态、结构要一致)He stood up and put on his hat. 他站起来,戴上他的帽子。I went to the Summer Palace and he went to the Forbidden City. 我去了颐和园,他去了紫禁城。2)用在祈使句中。Use your head,and youll find a way. 动动脑筋,你就会想出办法来。2、or 或者,否则1)否定句I dont like playing basketball or playing football 。 我不喜欢打篮球和踢足球。2) 疑问句Which do you prefer, coffee or coke? 你喜欢喝咖啡,还是可乐?Is your English teacher a man or a woman? 你的英语老师是男的老师还是女的老师?3、but 但是 表示转折,一般用于否定句。He likes the piano but doesnt like the violin. 他喜欢钢琴,但不喜欢小提琴。4、 so所以 表示结果。(注意:so不能和because并列使用)The cat was hungry, so I gave it some food. 猫饿了,所以我给了它一些食物。Because the cat was hungry,I gave it some food. 因为猫饿了,我给他一些事物。5、 bothand和;既也Both Beijing and New York have traffic problems. 北京和纽约都有交通问题。6、 eitheror 或 或 ;不是 就是Either you or he is right. 不是你就是他是对的。7、 neithernor既不 也不Neither he nor I speak a foreign language. 他和我都不会说外语。三、易错考点1、如连接三个或三个以上的单词和词组,and 一般放在最后一个单词或词组。Tom, Jim and I are playing football now. 汤姆,吉姆和我现在正在踢足球。There is a apple, three pears and some grapes on the plate.(there 或 here 后跟谓语动词用单数还是复数看最靠近 there/here 的名词是不可数、单数还是 复数。)2、由both.and.构成的词组作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。Both Tom and I are good at English.3、either.or.和neither.or构成的词组作主语时,谓语动词随其邻近的词。即随or后面的主语而定。如:Either you and I am right.不是你就是我是对的。Neither you nor he is right. 你和他都不对。=He was tired, but he still worked hard.4、though (虽然)与but (但是)不能连用Though he was tired, he still worked hard.专项练习:一、用 and, or, but 填空。1. Id like to go with you, Im too busy.3. I can speak English French.5. There is no milk _ no fruit juice.二、单项选择1. Be careful, _ you will fall off the tree.a. sob. orc. butd. and2. Never give up, _ youll make it.a. andb. butc. ord. yet2. I dont like apple juice orange juice.4. Are you a teacher a doctor?3. Lucy and Lily are twins. Lucy likes playing basketball,Lily doesnt.a. and b. as c. but d. or4. Mr Brown knows little Japanese,he cant understand the instructions(用法说明)on thebottle of the pills.a. so b. or c. but d. for5. My uncle doesnt have much money, he always enjoys himself.a. but b. so c. and d. or课后作业单项选择1、The shop doesnt open until 11 am, it loses a lot of business.A.and B.but C.or D.for2、Because I got up very late this morning, I was late for class.A.and B./ C.or D.so3、Keep off the drugs (毒品), you and your family will be in great danger.A.andB.butC.orD.so4、 Leo is my good friend. He likes tennis ping-pong.A.andB.butC.orD.for5、Cross the road carefully, youll keep yourself safe.A.andB.butC.orD.for6、Its late, we decide to go back.A.andB.butC.orD.for7、-Lets go traveling. -Come on. I havemoneytime.A.both, and B.not only, but also C./, and D.neither, nor8、Do you want to stay at homego shopping with me?A.andB.butC.orD.with9、Linda went into the housesaid hello to us.A.andB.butC.orD.for10、Li Mingand I aregood at Chinese.Either he I can help you with Chinese.A./, nor B.Not only, or C.Both, or D.If, or 下列每个句子都有一处错误,请找出来并改正.1. Both Tom and Jerry is in Class Two. 2. Either boys and girls are going to clean the classroom. 3.Id like some bread or butter. 4. Because the river is clean, so we can see the fish.5. Neither Tom or Tony is student.


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