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常用比较结构总结:1. 同级比较: 是说明两个比较的事物是同一级别的。1)as.as.这是英语里最常用的同级比较结构,第一个 as 是副词,后接形容词或副词, 第二个 as 是连词或关系代词,后面接从句。如果该结构中出现作宾语或表语 的名词,则名词放在两个 as 之间。如果该名词时复数可数名词或者前面有 some, a little 等修饰时,则该名词放在第一个 as 前面。With the deepening of the reform, the economy along China s eastern coast is as developed as those of developed countries.(随着改革的深入,中国的东部沿海一带的经济已和发达国家的经济一样发 达了。)There is as much orange juice in this glass as in that one. (这个杯子里的桔子汁和那个杯子里一样多。) I will give you a book as interesting as this one. (我会给你一本和这本一样有趣的书。) 需要注意的是,英语里有些习语含有 as. as. 结构,但并不表示同级比较, 女如 as many as.(达之多),as well as.(也,同),as good as (同样,实际上)等。2)as. so.这个结构中,第一个 as 是连词,后接从句, so 为副词,通常放在主句句首 或省略,如果省略,则主句用正常语序,并同时加入also等类似的词以补充 意义。如:As a man lives, so shall he die.(人有生也有死。)3)A is to B, what C is to D在这个结构中,what引导名词性从句。意为:“A之于B正如C之于D”。 如:Food is to body, what knowledge is to mind. (食物之于身体,正如知识之于心灵。 )4)the same. as. 这也是英语中常见的同级比较的结构, as 是连接代词,用来引导从句。The little birds color is the same as its mothers. (这小鸟的颜色和它妈妈一样。)5)may/might as well. as.该结构表示“正如. 也. ”, as well 后面是被比较的事物或客体,而第 二个 as 后面才是比较的主体,如:You might as well like interesting books as like delicious food. (正如你喜欢有趣的书一样,你也喜欢美食。)2. 差级比较 表示相比较的两个事物之间的差别程度的。1)more.than.这是差级比较中最常用的结构,与形容词副词比较级连用,意为“比更” 如:He eats more food than you do.(他比你吃得多。)She runs faster than you do. (她比你跑得快。)2)less. than.这也是比较常用的结构,表示“较. 少,不及”,与 more. than. 结构相同。 如:He knew much less than he should do. (他知道的远比他应该知道得少。)3)如果在 more. than 和 less .than 结构中于 hardly, no, not any 等连用 时,表示比较的双方相似,这与同级比较含义相同,对于比较双方均进行否 定,而 not more. than 仅对前者进行否定,而对后者进行肯定,试比较:Jack is no wiser than his brother. 杰克和他的哥哥一样不聪明。Jack is not wiser than his brother. 杰克没有他哥哥聪明。另外,需要注意的是与 no more. than. 不同, no more than 后面直接接 名词,表示“只”。试比较:There are no more than three books on the desk. (书的数量是三本) (桌子上只有三本书。 )There are not more than three books on the desk. (书的数量可能是一本、 两本或三本。)(桌子上不超过三本书。)no less than 和 no more than 的用法相同,不再赘述。4)有一些短语本身具有比较的含义,不需要再借用其他的比较结构,如: Inferior to. (次于) superior to. (优于) prior to. (先前的) senior to. (年长的)等等。如:My sister is 3 years senior to me. (我姐姐比我大三岁。)3. 极端比较: 极端比较一般与形容词副词最高级连用,表示极端的情况。1) the most/least. +比较范围 该结构是用于描述极端情况时最常用的结构,如: That was the best period in her life.那是她生命中最好的时光。That exam was the most difficult that he had ever taken. 那是他参加过的最难的考试。This is the least interesting book Ive ever read.2) more/less.than该结构与否定词连用可表示极端情况,如: Nobody is more kind than she.没有人比她更善良。4选择比较 表示在所比较的两个事物中进行选择。1) more. than. 与其说是. 不如说是 女如 He is more clever than diligent a student.与其说他是个勤奋的学生,不如说他是个聪明的学生。She is more friend than wife for him.对他来说,与其说她是妻子还不如说是朋友。2) not so much. as. 与其说是. 不如说是如: It was not so much the score as cheating that hurt me most. 与其说是成绩不如说是作弊让我最伤心。3) better. than. 与其说是. 不如说是 如: Its better to do than do say.说的好不如做的好。4) as well. as. 与其说是. 不如说是 该结构语气比 better. than. 弱一些。如: You might as well sleep as play games all day.你与其整天玩游戏还不如睡觉。5) would rather/sooner. than.宁. 不. 如: I would rather read than swim.我宁可读书而不游泳。I would sooner die than talk to you.我宁可死也不想和你说话。6) would (just)as soon. as. 宁. 不.如:I would just as soon go out for a walk as stay at dormitory. 我宁愿出去散步而不是在家呆着。7) prefer. to.该结构也是非常常用的比较结构,意为“宁 . 不. ”,在使用时要注意前后 的结构要一致。如:I prefer reading than walking.我宁愿读书而不是散步。I prefer to read than to walk. 我宁愿读书而不是散步。I prefer soft drink than alcohol. 我宁愿喝软饮料而不是酒。4. 渐进比较 用于描述逐渐增加或累积的状态。1) the more.the more. 这是用于描述该状态的最常用结构。如:The more he understands her, the more he loves her. 他越了解她就越爱她。The harder you study, the higher your score. 你越勤奋成绩就越高。2) more and more. 越来越如:Its becoming darker and darker, and fewer and fewer people are in the streets. 天越来越黑了,街上的人越来越少了。5. 对立比较 用于描述前后两个相比较的事物是对立的状态。1) while.女如 I like reading while she likes walking.我喜欢读书而她喜欢散步。2) on the contrary.如: I have almost finished the work, but on the contrary, she just began to work.我都几乎要完成工作了,她才刚刚开始。6. 数字比较1) A +v.+数.as.This year we have enrolled twice more students than other universities in our country.(今年,我们招收的学生是国内其他大学招收的三倍。)2) A +v.+ 倍数 +比较方面+ of.如: The road is three times the width of that road.这条路的宽是那条街的三倍。3) A +v.+倍数+more than.如: In the last few years, the young lady did three times more than her husband.(过去几年,这位年轻夫人干的活是她丈夫干的四倍。)


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