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中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文) 题 目: On business interpretation skills 姓 名 : 0000000 班级、学号 : 0000000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 0000000 开题时间 : 2009-04-10 完成时间 : 2009-11-02 2009 年 11 月 02日21目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-5正文6-24答辩委员会表决意见25答辩过程记录表26课 题 On business interpretation skills 一、 课题(论文)提纲0.引言1.口译人员的专业能力1.1基本翻译技巧的综合使用1.2全面熟悉商务专业知识1.3明确译者的位置和行为准则1.4对商务法律法规的了解2.对商务专业口译人员的三个基本要求2.1记忆力很好2.2记笔记的基本原则2.3标准的灵活把握3.口译人员应备的某些基本素质3.1对双语及相关文化的熟练掌握3.2快速反应能力3.3养成搜集整理有利资料的习惯3.4对数字的敏感度4.总结二、内容摘要随着改革开放的不断深入和对外经济交流的日益频繁,我国对口译工作者在商务翻译方面的要求日渐提高。本文阐述了口译人员的专业能力, 对商务专业口译人员的三个基本要求和口译人员必须具备的素质四个方面。对如何提高译者自身素质,做好商务口译工作有一定的认识,以帮助译者加强对口译工作的认识,更好地做好口译工作。三、 参考文献1胡庚申:怎样学习当好译员M合肥:中国科技大学出版社,1993年版2朱佩芬:实用英汉口译技巧M上海:华东理工大学出版社,1995年版3崔永禄、孙毅兵、徐正华实用英语口译(英汉)新编G天津:南开大学出版社,1994年版4刘和平:口译技巧M北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2001年版5刘宓庆:口笔译理论研究M北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司,2003年版6高原:国际商务谈判口译的策略与技巧探析J 广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院, 2008年, 第28期On business interpretation skills 00000Abstract: With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up and foreign economic exchanges become more frequent, the interpretation of the workers in business translation requirements steadily rising. This paper interprets professional competence, three basic requirements for professional business interpreters and the quality of the four aspects the interpreter must possess. It helps enhance the interpreters translation skills, strengthen the awareness of the interpreters, and do a better job in interpretation.Key words: basic quality; professional competence; basic requirements; interpreters Introduction: With the further deepening of reform and opening up as well as Chinas accession to the WTO, China and among overseas business activities become more frequent, and inevitably this requires interpretation must first understand the characteristics of business English interpretation, then master the well-known business knowledge to work interpretation good. Business interpretation is a demanding professional career. To become an outstanding business interpretation interpreter, we must have two kinds of solid languages foundation. Language foundation is including translation of the original language. And language proficiency master, that is not only a passive understanding of the bilingual can take the initiative to express both bilingual master the basic knowledge, but also has the flexibility in the use of bilingual ability, and has the indirectly- the mediation cultural communication ability. Below on how to do business interpreters work in a specific analysis: 1 Professional Competence 1.1Integrated use of basic skills Consecutive interpretation and the interpretation simultaneous interpretation. Most of the business interpreters are consecutive interpretation. This is the bilateral talks a translation of the most common methods used. Interpreters, we will use similar translation as a means, such as the literal translation, fan translation and simple translation, the translation sentence, paragraph in the translation section, provincial translation, cut in the complex translation, completed translation, and so on. Interpreters in specific interpretation activities must be good at using comprehensively various means. At this point, they are interlinked with ordinary business interpretation interpreters. Business interpretation, by definition, is limited in their scope of business activities in the translation. The process of interpretation should particularly pay attention to the specific circumstances in a specific treatment. When referred to quantity, quality, product nature, demand, features, prices, and other aspects, the interpreter must use literal manner. This translation, stressed the original language in the form of the surface structure and meaning, without regard to the original language in any form other than the surface meaning. However, the business activities are not a single quantity and quality of the negotiations. Negotiating parties to the negotiations progress smoothly, the project implemented as soon as possible, often require interpretation certain ideological, it suggests certain tendencies, targeted, and to give the other side also needs timely response, yet bearing, and not over-anxious. Thus, relative to literal translation, the translation used more in the translation of business. Translation, which is the original form of words on the surface to be completely abandoned by the deep meaning of the expression after regrouping with the target language expression. In the process of interpretation to avoid stop at the sign language of mechanical switch to avoid listening phrase translated phrase, listening to a translation of the sentence translated sentence, or listen to the words translated words (common primary Translator) fan translation. This will only in a few words the two negotiating parties, nonsensical. Translators responsibility, in addition to assisting exchanges, should also promote the exchange as smooth as possible, if it is found that some of the leadership negotiations with synonyms-loving, speech rate is tend to slow, repeat the high side, and other phenomena, the translator can be summarized, removal repeat words, the translation method used SR concentrated understand the meaning. When a party in the negotiations proved their point of view, for a logic of strong, inconvenience interruption of the floor, the translator should also tried to take the speakers intention, we can not rashly interrupted, and to a high degree of concentration listened attentively, and strive to capture the original case meaning by the true information and, if necessary, can be done Notes. Speaking at the end of the whole paragraph, the translator should be immediately translated the whole meaning, but not all the words. Human memory is limited, so interpreters should discard the original surface form, meaning only credited with the target language fluency re-expression. If the original is too long, wordy, repetitive high side, chipped in a frequency, for example the content is far away from the topic, etc., and can be used completely translated briefly, be cut translation method. Of course, avoiding the omission of the use of excessive, if encountered by the people did not understand it, the interpreters has obligations to retranslation realistically. 1.2Comprehensive familiar with the business expertise Interpreters are demanding a professional career, although know two languages roughly who can do some simple interpretation work, but they are unable to do formal interpretation task. To become an outstanding business interpretation interpreter, he not only must have a solid foundation in both languages, and understand the background culture behind the two languages, but also strengthening the mastery of expertise. Interpreters must have profound knowledge, for expertise should have deeper understanding. The master of business knowledge, we can start by prior preparation, prior preparation of background knowledge, including knowledge of language and knowledge. Translators will be talking about the need for the greatest possible preparation for more knowledge and sufficient information to memory so that make immediate reaction after hearing this, and then to the accuracy of the translation. We should know that the business negotiations discuss the same professional knowledge by several experts, what they discussed is not everyone know, but some specific detailed questions. In addition to the background knowledge to be prepared, the language knowledge should actively prepared. This work is mainly with the subject matter and content of interpretation, interpreters should collect all the relevant vocabulary, professional terminology. Take the example of the procedures of merchandise trade, a deal usually undergo the four steps as: inquiryoffercounter offeracceptance. This seemingly simple process involved price, methods of payment, insurance, shipping, packaging, and other expertise, special circumstances will also encountered such as claims, complaints and arbitration professional terms. Only just the methods of payment, there remittance, collection and letters of credit as a payment method of choices for both buyers and sellers for negotiate, and these three methods of payment can be divided into many kinds. Business interpreters heavily depend on the skills of familiarity with the background knowledge. With big business and the formation of large economic and trade structure, business no longer limited to the import and export of the past, business negotiations, such as letters and telegrams, but covers trade and financial, economic, commercial law, marketing, etc. Interpreters is needed to collecting and collating interpretation activities involve professional terminology and proper nouns before start of the mandate, and find another kind of work in their language of the semantic equivalent to be strong in mind, do use blurted out. Business interpreters may not become experts in a particular field, but all of these elements of business knowledge are not unknown. Related topics such as the WTO and agricultural policy, anti-dumping, trade-related intellectual property rights and measures, technical barriers; macroeconomic environment associated with globalization, the United States trade policy, and enterprise management-related leadership art, enterprise organizational framework, project management, and so on. Below for specific analysis, for example: in a process of interpretation, the subject of negotiations is the processing and sale of beef, concerning beef (bovine meat) have used the word meats salted meat, meat in brine, smoked meat, dried meat, edible offal, carcasses and half-carcasses, pure-bred breeding, and so on, if these words do not see in advance, or only know how delicious of the beef and steak, and think the selling and purchasing of beef that nothing remarkable, then negotiations interpretation is impossible. 1.3 Clearly the location of translators and code of conductIn interpretation, the interpreter should be noted that when the expression of tone, manners eyes, clear understanding of their position and code of conduct. Can not “unoriginal”. Must not “behave properly”. Example, Mao Zedong during the meeting with Khrushchev stood up and pointed that the “Our own urine flow into the U.S. empire, beaten ass.” Interpreter can not and will stand up and be reprimanded for pointing Khrushchev, on the contrary, he must select the appropriate tone and appropriate expression of Mao Zedongs words will be translated into Russian. Negotiations, both sides sometimes because of their own interests and win the “red in the face”, or even “battle each other”. Some people were talking bad language of emotion also sprang to. Translators must be buckled down, learn clever to deal with such situations. Therefore, clear understanding of their location and standards of conduct can not be ignored.1.4 Understanding of laws and regulations on businessInternational business laws and regulations is to adjust the organization of international business transactions and business relationships of the laws and regulations combined. In business trade, business laws and regulations play an important role. Quite familiar with its interpreters is one of the indispensable conditions. Especially in business negotiations, interpreters, if the interpreter did not understand the laws and regulations of the deal, then they will have a fairly unsuccessful transaction. Because you can not help the negotiating parties be familiar with all kinds of laws and regulations. Not every one businessman quite familiar with international commercial law. Therefore, in the negotiations, they need interpreters with the knowledge to communicate and with business organizations. If even buyers and sellers are at a disadvantage. Even you can not get a satisfactory solution of business organizations. For example, in negotiations, the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission stipulate on dispute: In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation, the case shall then be submitted for arbitration. The location of arbitration shall be in the country of the dormitories of the defendant. If in china, the arbitration shall be conducted by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, in accordance with its rules of arbitration. Understanding of laws and regulations on business in the brain has the semantic equivalent to effectively eliminate the interpreter translated before and during in the translation of being nervousness and ease its tense mood, and the psychological pressure, so that the interpreters have confident to complete, and accurate, speedy and easy-spot interpretation.2 Three Basic Requirements for Professional Business Interpreters2.1 Good memoryInterpreters must have a remarkable memory by the characteristics of the work. Interpretation is actually information decoding and encoding process, in the process, interpreters in the brain of the information heard by the rapid decoding, and then memory curry search for a response to information compiled into a new and receive information relative the information should be output. The interpretation is twinkling CODECs process. This requires that the process must be completed in a very short period. Generally speaking, the coding information than decoding is more difficult, because there was a process of searching memory. If interpreters has no extraordinary memory, the brain will to repeatedly search for and confirmation all the information transferred, will be delayed the coding process, delay in time, affect the smooth interpretation, so that the memory mean a lot to an interpreter. 2.2 Fundamental principles of taking notebooksCompared notes with the length of talk, how many will be good for taking notes? Is there any united standard? Generally speaking, if you do well in comprehend, the dependence of the external world will decline. Maybe you dont need to take down too much things during a long talk. Its enough for you to take down the figures, proper none, and special words. On the contrary, if an interpreter gets a little knowledge of brief talking, he will have to take down more information. How many you can take down, which is related with the logical of talking, the theme and the degree of interpreter understanding the contents. Furthermore, it is also related with the content you have taken down.Its unnecessary to take down a large number of notes during interpret. The most important thing ought to brain memory. In addition, notes are listening, understanding, after seizing information and the aids of expression. The mission of an interpreter is not to take down all contents, but to indentify, analyze and sort out information. The fundamental principle of taking notes is mainly relying on brain memory and assisting by notes.2.3Accurately to grasp the important pointThe standard interpretation opinion, but the theme remains the same: accuracy, fluency, and timely. Some believe that the interpretation is accurate, and some considered being loyal, some think direct and clear, some think that proper. Business negotiations, involves the number of quality, time and place of the specific issues, the translator must accurately grasp the standards, and concentrate on, so that the two sides discussed the specific projects in specific provisions to avoid major errors, if necessary, one side can verify once again, must not use such as “probably” and “perhaps”, “may” and so on ambiguous words. The process of interpretation, because two different languages, a language communicative personality caused the limitations and it will often lead to the loss of information, is also as the under-translation. Business interpreters make sure that they must to minimize such losses. Of course, because of the language untranslatability exist, some loss is inevitable. But business activities often involve large amounts of projects and even to the hundreds of millions, billions, the loss of interpretation may cause irredeemable affection. Instead, another phenomenon, over-translation is to be avoided, such as: In order for QVC to meet its obligations we will require for each first piece sample submitted the weight of packaging cardboard, and the weight of packaging plastic that individual pieces will be shipped to us in. Outer cartons which will hold multiple units need not be included. This will help us in our calculations of recovery and recycling obligations. This information should be provided with immediate effect for all new samples submitted, and without it the samples will not pass first piece inspection. Therefore, the business interpreters must be strictly taken seriously in the process of interpretation of each important data to ensure accuracy. Make profits is one of the main purpose of business negotiation is an important objective of profit. From time to time the negotiating parties will express their views on the inclination, and through a variety of means, to be revealed. As interpreters, his mandate is not only the successful completion of interpreters activity itself, but also be an outstandingly interpreters who played the role of assisting and helping the parties in a win-win situation, or to safeguard the interests of the country, not too much losses. This requires the translator to avoid all kinds of conflict-induced cross-cultural misunderstandings and contradictions, as far as possible so that negotiations carried out smoothly. Such as some Chinese entrepreneurs as compared to some peasants is more arbitrarily on something, sometimes concerning the packaging, transportation not comply with the requirements, actually the losses is their own, once a representative, said: “Go with the flow, you said you and I do mine, and done accordingly”, the foreigner looked at me, I immediately said: They say they will try their best to keep to the accepted norms. The foreign delegates are very glad and said: Good, lets call it a deal. I turned to the Chinese representative and said: “compliance is successful.” From this example, you can see the translator does not translated word by word; it seems that not enough faithful, but the effect of this flexibility translation is very good. Interpreters are in the driving cross-cultural awareness, consciously or unconsciously to conjunct, the original remark, properly grasp the speed and tone of the speech, and choose the appropriate words to express, so that the target language in line with listeners thinking habits of language and culture. This interpretation seems not entirely faithful, but as long as interpreters eventually convey the meaning, can handle the language forms between the relationship and the ideological content, the speech will be the intention, purpose, or even send out connotations, are not completely faithful interpretation still desirable. What is more, when one talks sensibly enough, uncivilized expression blurt out, translators should be mediate, not to translate, or change in tone, or change the wording to ease the atmosphere, and make an explanation. For example a foreigner proposed apparently unreasonable and excessive demands, but Chinese representative was angry and said: “Damn it, the foreigners was mad!” The foreigner looked at me, I said immediately: This is really too much. If you insist, Im afraid we cant go on. Tr


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