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上海徐汇区初三英语二模英语I Chthe estaswe (选择最恰当的答案):(共0分)2.Whi of heoloing word atchete ond / r 0 s / ?A aceB. ros. rais. ric7Wich o theolowing underlined parts is diferent inpnciation om ohes?A. Tomsdem istwokin hospital.B.Ther mstbe areaon for hisccss. G aead!Tkewat ou atD. he so the beah i ve ot.Studtsn th fotbalcas sually play _ fotball hen chool is oveA. thB. C.aD. a2.The w Ya concert provied_wth a ood latform tosh ou talent.A B. uC urDou0As we al o, Pais is as _ its ashionblerduct.forB C.with aou1._ sloing forrd to sudyinwith anIdin h math class.ebd. AnbodC. NobodyDEverybod32.rofeso Li gave u vryusful _ n ow to repare for th exam.A adieB. informaonC. eperceD suggestion33.A: _ photo woldyouliketohngn the wa, he onewth John orthe oeon the bac?B: lie th oe o tebeach btter.A hatB. WhereC.hicD. Whose4It is not ery easyforte Chie_ fo avisa(签证)to th USA A.pplyB. to applyC. pplyin. ppld35.The waitess ked s _ a shculd makethe cusoes undertanher.A.clearyB. ore learlyCot clearyD te most leary6.A: _I go to theairportto se Unce avidof omoro mrni, mm?B:No,you neednt You may oin us you wantto.A. Ms NeedCShulD.y7.Th eggs wi go ad soo in suchhot weather _ hey are ut int frde.A.althughB becueC. unless.unti8.my is _ lte o hs grandmasbihday, s he?A. neveB often. smetimes. alay3Whe Jack ushed to the ailaysttion yteay, th train_.lavesB. wol leaveC ad leftD.s aving40.Michal rmised he _ m email as oon as he wt bckhe. woul replyB. epie.illrelyD had replied4.Liten!htees _ a discsson nh meetng rom at e moet.A. hadB. aeC. havad arehaig42ll vi yu to ne fatas so as finish _ itAecratingB. decorteC. t doate. dcrate4.Manyelerewoderng _.A. hethe is the eat fom th b ad for tei helth. wette mea frome lab isbad for their ealthC.whether sbdfo hihl te et from e la whether rm helab th mea sad frtir health44.A: Wul you lie met how you oundheBnd?B: _A Ye, gohead.B. Never mnd.C. Yes,dlove to.D Itsvry kindofyou45.A: How do ouike the Dsny im rozen?B: _A. Te tickes ell well.B. ntthink so. Its realwh wchingD. Thalrit.II. ompe he folowng passage with th word or hres in th x. ac an y be us oce(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词或词组只能填一次):(共分)A. openB.achievedC. finallyD. halfE. surprisesDear Ronny,Years ago you cam to me or hl.You ai, “Gnp, ho is it hat ove _46 so uc i your lfe? oe stil ulof eerg, and Imaredy tired of tryig hrd.Wt sould do?” ereis wt believe.I tnk lot f it hat o wth hwa solooks attigs all i keping yourees ie 7 .First,ralizthatlfe is fledwith 48 , but ny egod ns. Iyu dont keep tchig or hm,youl miss 49 of teexceent. Wlcom challenge(挑战) Theyllme yu wie, srongr, ndmorepoweflthn you were the d before. Whn yoae mistae, tanklfor tehig heyteach u.A. so that B. bestC. exactlyD. as well as E.familiarItalso imrtant o deie 50 wha youwt. Tenke ur mindfocudo it, ad b pparedt reeei.But r to end inom new lace too.A yogro up, ol be gv biger soes o fil So b redy f nns51 chalngng begnins. Smties hvetobe bav ouh o mvefrm th 52 tothe nfailir.Remembrtat udecision ilcreae yor sccsseand filures(失败). So oer all t rod aha,and dci whih ost folow Then eieein yorsel, et up,a eton.Mst prtt oal, neve ive u ylf.The prson tat dsuas awinnr is thene ho has he stnwil to w.Give lifeverthing oue got,and lie willgv s 53 ckto youLvelwys,andpaIV omltthsentene with he gven wrdsin tir pro form(用括号中所给单词的合适形式完毕下列句子): (共8分)5. Jeff reeied qite fw _ s prss his birhday. (toy)5. Yow lieei te _ job hs one. (ix)56.Jennysaet now tht thidaughter ca slv herbeby_. ()7writrote tis bok accorng tohi_ expics. (ruth)58.It _that theMalaysianairp 7sddenl isappered at miiht.(surrise)59. I doesnt oudk ise_ Yohadbetterik i. (choos)0.lly was ocarefutat sh sel al te ods_ in the tet. (core)6.hebradat of e Osar Academy Awardanalway _ man peopl (atraci)VCompetefollwnnteceas required(根据所给规定,完毕下列句子。每空格限填一词): (共14分)62. Fredflew ooko busines at ek. (改为否认句) Frd _ _to Tkyo on business las wek . can oen the r o the safe wth the ky Tim gae us (对划线部分提问)_ we ope te dooro the fe?4.eryoesnt avesupper t ho. imondent hae sperat hme, eith. (保持句意基本不变) _ery _Smon hs super at oe.65.Aliceltery onfientto give speeh onthe opening remony. (改成感慨句)_ _ Ali fet to gie apeechont openig ceremny!66.They tooksm stdn o tenescool ildig jus nw. (改成被动语态)Se tudents_ _ to the nschobuildng jus no.67 In the end, the teamsccded ifndng a god lace to cam (保持句意基本不变) I teend,the team_find agoo plcet mp. 6.to,yo, rtun, th libay, cold, themgazine (连词成句) _?at Reag nd riting (第三部分 读写)VIRedig cmphenson(阅读理解):(共0分)A Cose the bestanswe(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): ( 12分)hiwthefirsrtask rciv in mynewsl.tsed imple: go the Interet and fnd ifomatonaboutan ame Geoge Wasington.s searcd thna, foundtattherewer twfamo peop vin same name o loked coletely dffren!ne iventehuredsf uss for peanut(花生),lethe othe le ome sort of aryacros merca. tare t teceen, wondeng which n m cher ment. caled my grnfatherfor a goden piece f avice; lt to e. fliped(掷) coin nd A! ail(背面)! My report woud beaout the great manwh vent pnu bttr, orge Washington Cave.Week lar, I sod i frnt of the clsom and proudly read myhomewok. u thing strdto t srange ooed around the ro, ny dy classates ith big smiles on their facs and tearsitheireyesand ytoe-aced teaher. was completely lot “What culd be cusingveryone toac tis way?”Oh wll,I dropped te papr and a dn at my sk, burnng of out wha I had done wrong.As aclsaebgan h rpo, it llbecamecler,“My repot is Geoge Washintn, the m woarted the Ameicn Warof ndepndece.”Th whoerld beae quet!How coud I knwth yteaer meant tha George sno?Of cuse, mybjectresultwsf.Sad but fles,I ecied to turn this aond.I kd to th heaaster is ancelot,buthe sid imly:No e-; n ne re. I flt that i was not fair,an I bieved Isevdaseondchace. S I he msf heartiy no y wok r he retof the shear. n mt lter, I sat in the headmter offie aga, bt th tm a ompety fer conesti. smle a fashd back t heterrie momat hebgining f he yea asthe hedtr tolde I was odenouhto skp(跳过) te 6graadateth7h gradenextterm.69.e ak I recevedwas o fin infrmatin b _.A usesfor peautsB. Ameria War of Indepnne. Georg astonD haater Lanclot0._helemedecide wat y repo ould eaout.he IntretB.My clstes.y randaD. A coin1.Peopin he clas ctestragelybecaue _.A. was to rud of y homework. I mistoo watthe hmewrkas aboutC.the whl word suddenlybecamequiet e teaces facetrned t asoe72.I _fter failed t subjct A. wrked hrerto prv my biltyB trteo study fro the hgaeC. wao frighted at h awful rsDwas ivn a seon hneto edo e wo73. can inr(推断)fm t passgetht _.A. the headmastrddntlike te riter at alB. the writr clasates fe sadt his istkC. thewrtr ne littleabouAmeria horyD t wrirs gndpwsaveryise man74.Whch f thefollowng proers can best descrbeth maindeao his story?A Seeig isblievin.B. Whre here ia wil, thre isa way.C. One isneverto d lernD. friend i eed is a frideed.BCo thewos or xressios ndcopet thepsage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完毕短文):(12分)WenIwas sixten,I made my frsvit o he UntedSates.I wasnt the frst ti bn arad. Lk ostEnlish cilrn,IlearndFenc at shl AnI hd tn en orac, so Iwas usdto eainga foin lngageto poplwho didntundrstn ench. I elved tt I wouldnthav ny75 robls whn I wet t AmiaSo Is realy ookingorward to havng ani eas lday ther.How_76 I ! Themindstandig (误解) begn athe arport. I ws loking for a publi telhoet cal y frinDnywh had bee in Amerc frtoarsnd toldhethat had arried. A rienly old man saw me oing ofuse a akedif he cod _77 me.“e,” sad, “I watt givey friend a in”“Wll,thats i,” he said. “re yo getngmarre?But rent you a bt too 78 ?”“Wo is tlking abut arrge?” plied “I jst want t ive m friend a ing to tellher e arived. an yu elle79 the n boxi?”“Oh! Isee ” he said, “tres a phone donstars”Wn Dnyand I meup, sh explaindthemidersandig toe.“Dnt worr,” he adt m.“I had so maydiculties at first Ther are los of ords wich te Amrin use differety nmeaningfrom te Briish.Youl son et used to al the fnny thngs they a 80 Mos of teteBs andAican pole ndersan each ter!75. oneyB. tmeC sepD. langag76.xcited.wrongC porD.succef77.A wB. elC. sectD.eac78.A.sictB. luckyC. youngD. ordiary9A. ow muh. woseC. whereD.hoheavy80.at present.atnce at he sae time.at lastC.Readthe pasage and fill ine lk ith prop word(在短文的空格内填入合适的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)Lbraries giv kids quiet and safe la t read d earn. Fmore than 0yars,iarieshv played an mporantrle i Ameicans e 81 Bu ow are thseokilld blings chagng it theimes? You may be supised find outBenami raklin faoslyfdeAmerics firs lening liary n 171. But te publicliaryyste gitb_2 evelopment i he American historyinth lte 100s Buinssman Andrew Cangie ont(捐赠) mlons of dollar ohelp ildfee puic ibaries across he ounry. etn1886 nd19, Canegie dontis helpe bid ,679 nw librrie.Crnege elid inthe ances thatlibraiescould o_8 Aerins,oug and ld H knewtat the more iraris here we, he more ople woud hav accss(接触的机会)t ooks,lcures, nws ad oeChance ar tht the i abliclirar n o near your 84 Y cn easily fidone cose to yourhe. Aterall, thUntdtates 9,25pli libraries. Toay, librarie kep groig.Seen out f ten lbrri have re Iternet. Thips may doos fr ole wo cannot go onlie t hoe,i_5 th pportnity t apply fo jb nlin.iraie relso echigkisabute fnof eding. Th e prgamRe! uild! Pa!adsreadng iopaytime. As kds stn t bok beng ead aloud, he u egs (乐高积木)to uid imae fo hestory 8 Tod libaries r lws loin for ceativ pograms to brigpeole nto the lrary.jan Frklin oce said, “The doorsofwisdom r never s 7 ” lnas te dors of publi lbris repen,hat hesaids ostcertily crrect!D. Answer te uestions(根据短文内容回答问题): ( 12分)How muc pocktoney do you get? ow o you end it?T Blue BoChinse Teenae inancia(金融的) Sudy shwsthat socal atvits nowtak p morf eeaersspedng. The ook was aut teenagers spndinbits.It wasbased on tie in ni cts i Chia, uhas Bijing,Shangaiand Guagzou. he ults ho thattdents arpendin moread mre on thir relatioships wit frindsanclassmae, suh s haing ls toeher an buyigbih ift. Onlyonethrd of ih sool tuets thin about the ricewhn choosig gis. ost say they only are abot wat her riend like.Xi Hao, 1, atuent t Gaoyou Norma Schl inJiansu, spenmr tha1,00uannhi irthday al ths February.“Th had given me gf. I I adtone anyhig in retrn,dhve lost fae,” Xa sai.Xi expience is ite uul among th unstden. A meal can cost a sdntspketmonefr monthanyjut sk more fom paents whenthey e up thi money.Zhan We,n epert n eenagers finial sudy, suggsed tat eenagesshuld lear to make bdet. Audet ia pla o ho one wll esent.Ielpsak decisosauton. o mkegue of yur me, ou an alsoseta limi.Ler to balance yor wantsad needs. Wen chooin gfts fr friend, lthem kow tht yo care. Sometimes hndmade gif is uch bettr tha axpensieone.88Werhee ite in Chinatakig par inthesd?(1分) _,_8 Accoring to th relts, hwdo studets spe ostthepoce mone?(2分) _90. hicdo most stdnts onsier when hoosig aif, te prieo the things thir friend like?(分) _. ow mch moneycan a mealuualyct? (2分) _.92.Wat suggestions are give i the passe t hp student ak good use of thoct oney?(2分)_.93 Whch of the gin sest o you think s the most useul to yo?Why? (3分) Itink_because_.IIriti: (20分)94请仔细阅读如下有关初三学生睡眠时间调查成果的数据图表,以图表为根据简朴分析初三学生的平常作息状况,谈谈你的感想,并就如何安排好复习迎考提些建议,写一篇不少于60个词的短文。(标点符号不占格)Wrte aassagbasd on thegiv grahic th at eat 60word (注意:短文中不得浮现任何人名、校名及其他有关信息,否则不予评分。) 上海徐汇区初三英语二模参照答案Part I I. 245CBBADBAACAII. 4-49 BAED 50-52 EB.tos 55.sixth 5hersef 57. true 58.surrsig 59cc 60.crrectly 61. attract. 6.ddnt ly .ow can 6.Neithernr 6 w cniet 66.weretae 7. mangeto6. od ou rern te magin t the lbrar?Part IIIIX (A) 6-74 CDB ACB(B)758 DBB CCD() 8edctio82.bigges3.offer84. commuy 85.incldng86hppily8. sut(D)88. N, there weren 89.On socilactivites/n tir relnshipwith frieds and claas. / (In) having mea geter an yngirthay gifs90. The tings er fredslike 91.meal ca usuallosta tdnts pcket money or a moth.9. It is sugged that tenages udearnto mka bgtnd se aim t balace wantnd neds an let idsknow yo ar when chosing gfts. / Mking a budgand setting a limit are sggested inth page. 9 I tink kiga dgts he motusefl t e becaus cn pl h moeil be spent n it helps makwise ecisios but moy X. 4. 略上海徐汇区初三英语二模解析阅读理解:6细节题。文中第一段第二句话就给出了答案。故答案为C。70.细节题。文中第一段中“ ad my randtr ora gldn pice f advic; lt t ci decide.”故答案为D。7.细节题。根据文中描述,由于我和别人描述的对象完全不同样,自己的误解导致了人们奇怪的反映。故答案为B。7.细节题。从文中的后半部分描述得知,我由于被人们嗤笑,从那后来特别努力学习。故答案是A。7.推断题。由于作者对美国历史不理解,才会导致做作业的错误。故答案是C。7.主旨题。文中描述了一种男孩由最开始学习的生疏到成功跳级,阐明了毅力的重要性。故答案是B。


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