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1hn M mit retird(退休), eough a sa in a illge nar thes. e it and hopd live a quet life intis hus.But to sgrea rpris,man touristscame to see hshse in smmrholidas, fr t ws the s uldi in th vilge. Frm mig nght tere er 4 otside he house. y keplokiinto the roms throuh the wins and 5 f themwetito Mr Smiths gardn. Tsws toouh for r mith. decidd to ask the vsits t 6 he ua notice othewidow Th notce aid,“If yu want 7 yourcuriosity(好奇心),c i an look rond. ce: tey dollar.” MrSmith was se that thestorsould 8 comin, b hes wrong. Mre ad more visto ae an rSmith do9 evrdayhowingthm aroudi house“ came her o 10otto work as guide(导游),”he sid angrily.In the ed, esoldthe huseamv way.( ).A. gadnB. shop. ose. shoo( )2.A ked B. haedC. sldD bult( ). A.biB. ineretngC. mll. cle( )4. A chlren B. studts. arent. tourists( )5. A.oB. nonC. may. much( )6.A. comeB. leaveC. sty. py( )7. . t satisfy. sisy. to satisingD. isfyin( )8. . oonB. sto onnueD. not( )9. A.takeB. cst. sendD. pa( )10.playB. workC wtcD. retire2 One dy, a by had fit wt oe his clasmat. The e went t his andod hm hi story angr “e is rlly ad,”the boy said, “and I 2 him.”he gandatr said, “ mtel you tory. Wen I w a bo, I oo,omeis hte hers fo wha theydd.” As t bo 34 ceully, e grandfther wen on,“Thereare lws w tigers isidemy eart.Oneis 35 and kind. Hgeton wel36 evrythin rud hi. B 37 s bandufiendy Eve smallst tin ll make im agr He fight wit eeyone allth ti, anfor noreason. He nt think carell 38 he lwys ateother. ti ifiulto lve wth tese two tigrisidem ear he othy t contrl(控制) m. ”The bolooke i i grnater 39 and ased,“ 40 tgr alwas onrols ou, Gradfter?”Theoldman said sly an siusly, “The one tht I fed. I alway feed thgd an kindger,o Ineverhe othersandsedm(很少) gtagry nw. ”3.A. mtherB. father. teachrD. gnfahe3. A.lveB hteC. kowD.enjoy3. A. Mae. Hlp LetD Ask 34 A. sawB.fetC. tlkdD. lisened . goodB. bdC.laD ie 36. tB. onC. withD about 37. A. otheB. hersC.nterD the oter 38. A. ecause.thuC.before D bt39. A.eeB. earsC. nos.mouth40 A.WhoB. WhcC. WeD. We 3 One ay a moth rt ne abies were outin n oe field. Teywere playiganhaig a good tie when sddny ahungrcatcame o e scne! It hd _a ig treeand then lokedfrwrd throuh th tall rss 42_ it coulmotar em tak Befoehe mothr rat n her bbies kw 3 ad hppened, h at jmpd romisiig place and tate to ru 44 temhe mhrc an herbbies all fld a one.They hurried toas 4 om, which wasude a pil of arge stons.But hebbr werso scared(胆怯)hat the cud ot ruer 6Clsr an lsrthe at came o tm t catwoul be uponhm. Wht was to e don?hemoer ratstoped nning, 4 und and faced te cat, shuting,Bw Wo! w Wow!justik 48 angry dg Te c wasso surprise andrigteedthat t ranaway.The other at turne to the i, Nw you s 9 iportantt i t lear _0 secon langae!( )41 A. o B. bewe Cby behin( )42. Aefoe B. when C.util . whle( )4. A. hr .wht C. which D wen( )44 vr B.throh .aer D ant( )45.o B. for C i D. thei( )46 A. freely B. hardly C oo . qucly( )47 A. rned B.walke C. jmped D. r( )48. A. B. an C heir . hat( )49. A. o B. why . what D w( )0 . out B. e . an4 Lndnis beatiful city. Itveylrge. Th haes Rir rn 42 the city fom west to esSo heciths 43 parts: th South ndteNrh.In he ort,there ae importat buildins, shops, bigparks ad interetig paces Theweathe ondon s goo.In wner it is nt ery oandin summer is not very hot 44 the city na the sea. pe sy 45 Lnon i a foggyity and t ofen ins. It istrue. ast year, when 6 iLonon I mtoneo he 47 fos i yers Youcoul hadly ser hand in frot f our fce. ars a uss mov alngth heir igts o. Whe vning came, the eathr gt 4 wrse. Theoasas thick s lk. 49 th bses andrs stopped. I had 50 nimortant meeing n th othide fth tw,ut it wa iposibl o ind car. I ha to ge th 51 . 1 A. about B. thrgh . in D. alng 2 A. fur.si C. fe Do3 . buse B.so C. ut D. or 4 A. whatB.h . thatD. whih 5 A. wereB m C. e D. was 6 A.ig . bigge Cbigest biggt7 A. oeB.eeC. vryD. se8 A AlB. ach C vey D. ne 9 A. o jn B. to o t. ake rtin D jin i10 A.ycarB by bus Confot. on te fot5 Pa go26 thebu gotohe town. Iwas very rwde andhehad tstnd fr abot five 27 . hn soe of the eopl o 28 .aul adown et 29 at oman. Se eeral hoppng bg andPaul ddt ve muh pla 31 the set. wasnt uncomforable. 3 last the u otto thewn llhe peolstart gt off. Puwas verpolit, so hestoo3 to letthe at oman et ffbefore him. She aid,” 34 .” Thenhetrid to e 5 he et t all her bgs. But se colnmove. he wast fat ad her bags weoo eav.( )6.A.off B.oC.dwn D. u( )27. A.minutes B. day C.weeks . yeas( )28. Aoff .up Co D. down( )2. . n at near D. t ( )30A. ares B. bus C. hd D has( )3. i B. t C.on D. upon( )32 A. In B. At C. O DU ( )3. A.down B. under C up D.at ( )34.A.o away . Go atonce .Lokou D. hnk yu ( )35. A. don to B. off .on . o o6 hee were_46_classthis aftenoo,we_4_a pat for_8_Day.A bouttoocock in eafternon, the part bea TwoYong Pioneeshtedtheparty.They tale_49_th schol le of e on Pioners.Thesuetsrentsalso_ They tl stud aer Te they_51_u a o o gifts_2_,theteachrs, studentn arent sat aound table wih a_53_,so oranges oit. e sang an dand._54had goo time._5_nteresting thparty w!( )46.A.nt some B.no Cot D.ot( ).A.took B.av C.had D.lied( )48.Athe hilrnBheidrnsCdrs D.theChildren( )49.on B.abt .with .to( )50.A.sai B.taked C.o D.spoke( )51.A.passe .gave Cade D.kept( )2A.as B. ast C.First D.t fis( )5.A.apple B.egg C.cke Dish( )54.AEvery ne B.All s C.Alof we eryone( ).Aw B.Wht an Cw D.Wha7 llver theworld peopleeny ports. prts hppeople tokep _6_, happy ad t ve _3_. opl play different gms in wintedsmmer._ 38 is god for immig. And in witerpeopleofteng sktg. Some ports are er 39_ ad pele everywre like the For exal, fotbalis vry popuar. n Ca, most eople, me, _ boy nd grl,lke to watch footbll gmsThey ten k abothe_41_ ad jumpigbegn lng, ln ago ut basketbal nd vleyball ar athr _42_. ele bega to play them not lono. Aneple are_ 43 nwsors orgams ll etme Wter sig is one of _44_ ple _5_differentcuntrie ma n be able to unerstdeach other, but atera game the otbecomereds. ( )36.A. eth . bus . healthy lazy( ).A. log B.lngr C. happy D.happil( )3. Winer B. Suer C. utmn D. Sing( )3.A. boring .iit C.epese D. inteesting( )4.A. womn B. oen C. old D. young( )4.A. Run B ns C.Running D To un( )4.A. e B.interstng C.popula .old( )43. trt lay C. layin D. starti( )44. oldet B.nest C. heolds he et( )45Ain B o from Dat8 Monday morning ian imotanttimea ourschol.Al oftestudets go tt ygrnd. We isten to uic, ad we the atioal flag(国旗) go uUsualy, n studt ie atalk on Mondayrnigs.OMonst yar, a boy gavethe alk. He was 3 and xcite !When I sw hm,I anted hae a tr, toCa Irealydo it at week,or chersadr ca souive the tal.My tecer38, know yu want to haa tyNxtMonday,yocangetetk.Go adwit somethig dow. 3 fr i, re youll do well.hn you , I anered,t s ucha reat 40 for m !eI got home , as cte. I wrotetwo pags f thealk. I rea em gai and agai. When Iead, I aked m prents 41 . antd ae y teachhappy.onda orning cae.Ibegan to fe42 . Whendd lastgivea tako43 manpele ver! Tis was my fsttim Cou rely 4 t Mabe Ioudnt fiish he tlk.Wh I goto shoo, w ll wet outolaygound. I 45 n ft f eyoneI openedmymouth, ut couldnt y anyting.Tke a, sai to . Dt e rou. You cando it.Just hen, I lookedwn at veyon. I saw out1,00eyes. They ere llookin t me ! I couldn47 standu.I looked at her eysmoecarefully. Thei yes weesayn , Youanoit!Dt b frai, just talk ! I8 bg beah(呼吸). Th egan to talktwasnt had. Itwasesy.I dontknw49I finisdmtalk. BuI didit. I ft so good thaty. I shwed mself5 eerneht I cn do.( ) 36. .wc se Cnoice .look at( )37. A. surpisig . prud . az caeul( ) 38. A. oldB.sed f C. said t D.so( ) 39 A. Lok t BCme onC.Takcr D.t rady( )40. A.hnce B. s C. timeD message() 41. . to liten t B. to listnC. listent . litn( )42. . ecited B. apy C nus D. urpsed( )3.A afte sch C befe . ( ) 44. .do B. speak C. talD.te( ) 45. A stadB.sood C.wa stadig D aeood( )46 A m B.m cass . myelf D my parens( ) 7. . be able to B. hardly .er D. even( ) 8. . ok hedC.pt .lft( ) 49 hen B hw C.why . wheher( ) 50. A. sB. u.t D or9 aid was a midde schoolstudnt. His t, MrHl, as ich farme an he d a vrybg 41 They livd n asall village42 ifenyers. Laer onMr. Hiopee a sop iur own and 4 hse hee stmth. Tenis familmoved tothenew huse and Dvi begnto 44 n our class. Buat frs had4 iens at chool. He wsalays aloneHi neghbor Chy was a 6 il he had many frnds.Whn she fon theboy 47 tlkewithther, sedeci t i. She taed a ot with him and smetimes pledwith hmSo very soon 49 bame goodfrinds.One aftrnn, Ctysdo aid, tll bem 50irthdy torrw.Il have birta1 .Wllyou please come Certaiy. gl to,theboy said 2 Daid got homead thouh abou 53 hecould ive oCath.He was sorry tht he 54 toask th gir whatshelied. ta mmntsillcam and ased, Was the atter, de Wht woud you like 5 it as our sixenthbirhday, Mumy Nothing, the woman sai, I jst wish I we1641. cool B fctry C. fm D. restaura4. in B. or. n D. during 43. A. closed B.opene ld D. bugt 44.A.liv.stdyC. ah D. rea4. . few B. any C. some D. little6. ba B idC.shy D.poor47. A. neer B. lways C. usuay ometies48. A sk sav . tel D hel9 Ashe B hey C.he D.w5 A. 14h B1th . 16 D 17t 51. . cd .git C. cke D. prty 52 A. slowly B. happy .lnely .crefully5 A. hat . hich.wh D wher54. A. tied . forot . antd D. ikd55. becuse B.why C. if D. how1 TheEnglishoten g ou with an umbela ora aica. Why1th weahr in Brain oftnchanges quicly.Springcan be riny or windy, 2 the wate gettng arer and you ca hopmoresunny ay In fat, there 3s uch unshie in spring a i summ.Summer s4 tie fo vstors o o tot seaside. eoe oten g u have a wak r swi. Autumi bautiul seso.Dugautun it istill nice o be outie, too. In wner, etscolder, nd itmigh 5 , specally in thenorth.er ae 6er hav winds i this seao.February s suly teclest 7of hyea, hile h warme otn uyT ifece 9 eraur beteenwinternd smer is notsgret in ran.The erag emperaturfr winte bout 4 , dfo 10 abot 15.5.1. A BecaeB.s C. For D.Sin2. A. s B. bt C r D. r3.A. have B. cn have. c e . an.Atheors B the bestC. e lates D. t rlie5A.inB. in ht D.sno6. . too B. itherC. also as wel7 A.wer. seaso. onth . day8.A is B. was C ar .were9. in. C. o1. A.sping Bsumr C.autumn D. winter1 1-5 CC 6-10 BACD 3-0 DBCDA DAAB3 (B) 1、_D_ 42、_C_ 43、_B_ 4、_C_ 45、_D_ 46、_D_7、_A_ 48、_B_ 9、_D_ 5、_ 4246 BDD 4751DBA 5 26-0 BAADC -35BD6 (A)46-50BCBD 5-55 BBDA 6-0 CBBB 4-5CCDC8 BCAACDBCAABC9 .c.b.d.b.a.a.c.db.a.bc10 1.A 2.B 3C 4. 5.B 6.C 7.C 8A 9.A 10B


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