新概念一册 第35课教案

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Lesson3 Our vlag Techingais: 介词Wrd:1photograp n.照片(正式) poto(单)一般 htos(复)picuen.图片,照片 drawn n.绘画,素描 paintng n油画,水彩画tak togrh / tke ahot / takea pice photographr .照相师(者)2.vllge n.村庄 egThi i a icture of our village 我们村庄旳照片 ina illage 在村庄里 village 村民3.vley n山沟 inthe valey在山沟里4.betwe prep.在.之间(两者之间) eg.Imbtwen myfther nmoter. Itbetweenyou anme. 不要让其别人懂得。ao prep.在.之间(三者及以上之间)eg.Wich girl s yu dauhter mong tem?I lk is oe etamng tee.5.l 小山 muntai大山,高山mount 山名 Mount i6aothr d.另一种(后跟单数可数名词) eGie me aoher iece f ae.Idnt lie his pe. Can you ivme anohe oe?7.wie .妻子(单) wives(复) usband .丈夫 houswfe (单) housewivs (复) -家庭主妇 8.alog rep.沿着 lng thetreet 沿着街道 wlk alonge reet 沿着街道走 cross prep. 横穿(表面)wlkass the sre9.bakn河岸,银行 each 海滩,沙滩1.water n.水(不可数名词) .Te s some water n th lass. .浇水 water te floers11.swi v.游泳 eg.Sheis swimmglngthriver. wimingpool 游泳池gwimng 去游泳 e.Lts go wimming.2.uldng n.大楼,建筑物(可)e.There is a squae ang h ulins offce buildin 办公大楼 buil v.建造 uda hose13.ark .公园(公共) rden 花园(私人) v停车 park te c e把车停在这 No arkng.严禁停车。 1.int pep.进入(强调过程) - ut of.出来 in prp.在.里面(状态) gShe igoing ino theoom.(过程) Shei n theom.(状态)gint 进入 -goo of 从.出去 om to - omeout f e.e ildrn arecongouof the scho blding he is goin into te hoTet :Qustios:()Wher is he boy n the otraph? ()wtisthe by din? (3)Wher i th school uilding?1. a togrh ur vilage a phtograph f myfmil全家福 of 介词,表达“.旳” the windows f he room2in avall 在山沟中3.beween在.之间(两者之间) among 在.之间(三者及以上之间)eg.man isitting eteen to oliemn. He s runingamn he ple.4.Te illae snarier. on在.之上;临近,接近5Her i anor photorap the vllge.倒装句 Anoher photograh of th villae shere. eg.r cmes an elephant.6.M wife and I ae walkng lon thea of h rier (1)my wfe an I (2)thebanksof te rver7.on the left otergh n themddl.Itsbesid apark. beside (next to)在.旁边 e.Te by is sittin besd the drver. Theei villagebesdethe sa.9.go ino 走进 come int 走进 go out of从.出去 come ot of 从.出来.someofthm .当中旳某些 gSome of te studs ae n th paygud. Grammr : 介词of .旳 betwee 在.中间(两者) on 在.中间(三者及以上) alon 沿着 across 横穿(表面)o 在.上;临近,接近 besid 在.旁边 ou o 由内而外 in 由外而内随堂小测(L3)一、翻译词汇photoaphphotographervillag ilaer valleybetell mountinanotherwife(复数)ousewfehusbandaong acrsbankbahwate(两个意思)swmbuilngficebildngildpark(两个意思)itoou fon the lefon the right二、 翻译句子1.Here isanothr hooaph ofthevillae._2. wif an I ar alking long t banks fthe rive._3He is imng acrossthe iver._Th prk ion the f._5. Some chilen are coming u o e building._


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