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人称代词练习题一、用人称代词主格形式替代下列各词或划线部分:1.Mr Li 2. er unc 3.iss Lu.my famly 5. my con n 6.u encil7is tail 8. hisgrandother 9. ou T-hirt0 b 1.teires12. the pak13.Jenny 14. te animals 15my moher ndfather16. e csred. 17. Thesbooks aeon the de1. My mthe anIa athme. 19 Mr. Sthis a ind mn.20. Her aut is a model(模特)二、用所给词义的合适形式填空:1、is a teae.(她)2、i a ooby. (她)3、 isin the clasr (它)4、 aevey smat today(你)、(你们) are stdens.6、 nt fn m rler? (我). here is ? (它)7、a a sdent. (我)_ike Engish er much. (我们)8、i my bothr.(她)、I lie he ecil cse. i nice! (它)10、_are ping ing-pongintpark.(她们)三、用括号中人称代词的合适形式填空:1.rsise is helpn _(e)2oh and I re in thesame shoo._(we)got schol togethe.3.Everyne ikes_(he), d _(you)?4. Dnyive the bookto _(you).5._(I) ave any res. Sme o_(thy)ar o t Enlish.6im is Enlish. _(I) ike plaig with_(he).7. oe_(hy)veryuh.8Miss Li oftnlooks afte_(she).9.T re waiinfor_(they).10Dyo lik i Min? N, _(I) dnt like _(he).四、填空。. (她)ia student. (我)am a tudent,to2. (我) want (你) doi toay.3. _(她)ooks ke (她) (她们)are is4. (你们) are from England. (我们) arefom China5. an (你)read fo (我们)?. (她) ia stude.人称代词练习题一、 1. she 2.e. he4. t5. we6.hyit 8.se 9. it . e 11.ey 1. 13. she 1. they15hey6.t 17 ty 8 we 19 e20. she二、1.Se 2 He 3.I 4You5.You.I , it 7 I, We 8. H 9. I 0.The三、1 us 2We 3. he, yu 4 ou 5.I , them6. ,him7 hem . er . thm10. I , him四、 She I2. I, yu 3. He, im.They 4. ou, 5.ou , us6.He英语人称代词练习一、用合适的人称代词填空: _ aunt e ften vit _.2. hin velopingcoutr. _lies in teeast f Asa. 3Proesr W ses _ a godexample Wemust lern from _. 4.Whaty is _toda? _ is Thursday.Hw far is the thnde? _is thre kiometers aay. 6 I own a blue bike.Thered onedoesntbeogto_7. esnewhouses e so nice. _ re vey xpensive. _ say ta toe ld house i brebuil . s _the lman a the do? Yes, ta _. 0.Teshemecughta lot of fish, didt _? 11. Lig Lig isgrl. _ stiein a rimary school Her brother vs with _ andhelps_ to prepare the lesons.12The hip is lyig at nchr (停泊) . _omesm Sangha 1.Thspoto of youother isery muc lik er. I like _.14. Me i mylassat_ is god tphysics 15. ate wantsa glss f ik Wi you pass tto _ ?16What theweahr lie toy ?_ is cdy. 二、用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词填空1. I atl _ sandwiche yestea. Cn I vne of _ ? 2 ell Tom ntt orget _ ook. An you mustntoret _ . 3.George has lot _ p. As ryif(与否)e will le im _ . . ack hsdo and so hve I. _ gad _hada ght (打架) 5. The teher t you to eturntatbooo _. r ad Ms. Gre andard of _ are comng to see us. 7. May wts t kno f(与否) youve see pair o glveso_ 8. are goin to Paist ywihFrenh friend _ 三、用合适的人称代词和物主代词填空 A. 从括号内选择对的的代词填空1. Yourfotbal clote re o thees Pleas put_(h,hm,ther,this) way 2.(,s,u,urs)_ ngli teaer i Mrs.G. e all ik _(h,her,h). . (I,Me,My,Mn)_ ct gtykit. Coul youhelp _(,e,y,mne)?4.omcanget dow from the tree. a you lp _(he,hi,hi)? 5.er kisbroken. Can _(you,your,yours) endit? 6. We cant ind u bies. Ca you el_(w,our,our)? 7hes are _(h,hm,his) lans The hite onesare _(I,me,mine).五、根据句意用合适的人称代词、物主代词填空: Mry works in ao sore. _lies_ workvery mh. John and are ithe sae choo._ go tochool togethr.3. Everyboy lies tha pot, o _? 4. Sh s a friend of_. Wegt to know eac other to ars ago 5. er ster makesal_ wn dresses 6. I he mayfiend. So of _ re ood at Engis 7 ay u _ike? _ is broe. 8. Evrydy her ecept Ann an _ fiendJae._ aei ibraryno. 一、人称代词人称 单数复数 主格 宾格 主格宾格 第一人称 I me w s 第二人称 yoyou you you 第三人称 he im they tem she heitt 二、物主代词数人称类别 单数 复数 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 第一人称 第二人称第三人称 形容词性物主代词 my yor hi hets or our ther名词性物主代词 e yors his hersis or or their 汉语 我的 你的她的 她的它的 我们的 你们的她(她、它)们的 人称代词主格:作主语,表达谁怎么样了、干什么了。I am ecer.ou are studnt.He istudent, toW/You/hey are studens人称代词宾格作宾语,表达动作行为的对象。Ge i to me.Les go (lets =let us)形容词性物主代词(my/your/hseits/r/the)+名词而名词性物主代词(mine/yors/his/hers/i/ors/thirs则相单于形容词性物主代词+名词,故其后不必加名词。如:ths yourb?No,itisnt, s hers(hrbook)Jis, ms,Mar 代词练习一、选出括号中对的的词,在对的的词上打勾。1. This i(my / )oter.2 Niceo meet (yur /o).3. (e / is)name is Mak.4. Whts(h /hr)name?5Euse(me / my / ).6. Ae(our / you)MisLi?7.(I/M)am Ben.8. (Se/ e)is mysistr9. Fin, than (our/ ou).10. How ld is (he hi)二、用所给代词的对的形式填空。1. hs re_ ( e )bothes.2 Ts _( se) str.3 iy is _ ( Lucy ) sier.4 Tm, this i _(me )couin, Mary.5.Now _( paret)ainAmeria6.Thse _( child ) re_ ( I ) fates students. D ou know_ ( t ) ne?MkanTo _ (be ) frin.9. Thans forhelig _( )10. _(An安)mother is _(we)teacher.三、单选。1. Myfmil _ bigfamily My aily _all hereA i, i B. are,ae C is, D are, 2. h is _.A. aicure of amily B a ictreof m faily C. a familys picre. a faly of ypture3 Lts _god fends.be B. are . D. (4. Is sheyur at? Y, _.A. ses B. her i she is D.e is5.e _ coats yours? Yes, t are .A. they B. thse C tis D. tere6. s tha _ nc? o, t sn.he B she C. hes7. Ms. Gree _ granmoe. im nd Kate . JiandKaes .Jims adKates . im andKate8. yu know thenae _r.Green son?A. i B.f .n D. 9. _hegrea pot ofyourfamily.A. tank for Bhank forC. Thank fo D.thaks fr10. Are hose o friends? _.A.Ys, tye B. , t ar . Yes,th areD es, o re四、填上对的的人称代词和物主代词1_ sy iend.她是我的朋友。2My og like _. 我的狗喜欢她。3.Who is ther?ts _.是谁啊?是我。.Cme wit _.跟我来。5._ sro s ige hn _. 你们的教室比我们的要大。6._ are hine. 我们是中国人。7.Iant buy oe balloonfor _. 我想买些气球送给她。8These a_ phts. 这些是我们的照片。9._ lik _ erymc.她们非常喜欢它。10.et _ ive_ a b. 让我给你一本书。1.Thisis _ father.这是我的爸爸。1s thbie _? e, it _. 那辆自行车是你的吗?是,它是我的。13_ lke _ car. 我喜欢她们的小汽车。14.Our scholis her, and_ s tre.我们的学校在这儿,她们的在那儿。1.Wose bike s tis? Its_ (= _ _). 这是谁的自行车?是她的。16.Is that ar _?Ys,its _ 那辆车是你的吗?是的,它是我的。物主代词可分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。 1. 形容词性物主代词起形容词的作用,作前置定语,用在名词前。例: 1) Thi is my bok. 这是我的书。 2) W lv our motheln. 我们热爱我们的祖国。 2. 名词性物主代词起名词的作用。名词性物主代词= 形容词性物主代词+名词 例:1)L at th two pns. The red on is yours nd he blue on ismine= Te re one your penci andhe blueone smy pncl. 看那两支铅笔,红的是你的,蓝的是我的。 2) e li my en He desntlike hes=H desnt like r pn. 她喜欢我的钢笔。不喜欢她的。 3 注意:在使用名词性物主代词时,必须有特定的语言环境,也就是要省略的名词人们已经懂得,已经提起过。 例: It her. 是她的。(单独使用人们不知是怎么回事,不可以这样用) Ther is aook Itsher 那有本书。是她的。(先提及,人们才明白) 4 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词名词 为避免反复使用名词,有时可用“名词性物主代词”来替代“形容词性物主代词+名词”的形式。例: My bags yellow,er baised,his bag s bnd your ag is pink 物主代词为避免反复使用bag,可写成y bis elow,hersisrd,hi is le ad yousispnk 名词性的物主代词在用法上相称于省略了中心名词的 -属格构造。 例如: Jacks c 意为 The cap is Jack. His ap 意为 Thcap ishis.练习: .hi s ot _ dek My dsk svr te. -Ca yu sell _ e, Hay? orrTm and Ja aebohers.he o is _. W arein the same la._ claroom i ery nc5. Ms Gen s myteachrIm studentof _. Tts a cat. _ ame is ii.7is in he m. This pncil-box s _.8.am and eter, ooat _ hads.Thy aeso dity.9ike, sthi pcure _? Yes, i.10 -Canwe ut _ coas he? , you can.11. Mum, tyare_ camaes os ad _otherDaid用物主代词填空:1. Iow that cat; htcat is _ .2. Yu wncat: thaca _ .3. He own that;hact is _ . he own at cat; thtcat _. hey ow tht ct;thatcat i _ .(二) 用形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词填空 . I cant find _sandwchesCan ave on of _?2. TlT not to forget _ bookAnd ou utnt frget _.3. Georeha lst(丢失)_ pe. sk Mary if se wllledim_ .4. W e having _ dinne; re they having _ ?5.T teace wantsy to reun tht okof _ ha se lent ou. Mr. d rs Green and ind _ ecogtosee us. W ar ing t Prs to stay wita Frenhfedo _


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