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-1 Red lanet7-2 Lost ine ngle7-3 The Boken Roof7-4 Te ot Key7-Th Wllow Patte Plo7-6 Submarine Advnre-7 heotoway78 Thely7-9T un for Gold-10Chinese Advenue7-11 Roan Aenure7-1 The Jigsaw uze713 The er Cut7-1 Aralian vnture7-5 he Rdle Stone Prt -16 he ileSone Prt 21 e Mystery7-1 TheBigBreafast-19 Theoke Machin-1 ed Pnetilf came to play wthCip. They madea oct shiut of n ic. Te rckt ship looked quiteod Wilf n pped i th rockhip. Thpretendd tob acemen “Th rcket is oingto take ff,”sai ilf “Fivefuthreew”Flppy ran up.Hewnted t gt i the roket ship t Wi an Chp. “Goaway, Flopy,”calledhip“he rois ging takeff!” Nad met play. Hehadis cmuer withim, ut he likedthe l of the roket ship. H ante t pla in it to. Justhen, begn o ran. “Thres not roofor al ofus,” said Chip.“Let oinse ad ly ith Ndims cmpte.” Thy playegam o the omputer. I scall Re Plane. They hado land a rcet on hlanet. if andcp cahthercket. adm dint. hewas goo a t gam Sudn, themgic ybegan to glo. hipand Wilf plled Nadim aay from he cmputer and ra intoBiffroom. “Come on,” calld Chp“t timefraadventure” Te mgicook te o a ock shi t ook Fl too. The rocket looked as f t a bt o tk of, bt he doo wa open. aim ate look isidthe rocket. “Co on,” h caed.hp idnt ant to go insid. “It may not be saf,”hesid. “Wy nt?”said Nadim.“Ts is a magic adventre.”hey wetinsde he ket Therewas nboy thee. “Lok t is compute,” aid Nadim loppy jumpd p and puths paw n abutto Fieourthreetwooe. The rocket ban to ae of. p it went andout ito ace. “Oh no!”saidCip. “I dont kno whee wreoin.” They egatofla but insid therocket. Nadim fod some ts. He uh on.“e must pt hsbtson,”h si. “Th wil keepusdoon thefloor.” They ent o heinandloedu. The sw bg ed planet.“e re gingt and on that planet,” said adim.“W ill son be here.”Nadmade te keland. “I woldt lke t o thaga,” he sad “Its oodjob Ndiknos aout cmter,” tught Wi. “I wuldt like crher.” hre was rddustal r the plat. here weed ocsan mountn. Fopy idt like the looofit. eegan tobark n bark. “There are no tre,”he toghtThy wned ogo otsie nd look t th plant. Theyfoun a pae gy. Te lkd nthe spe bggy nd oundsome pcesits. “etspuhese pacesuts ,”said Wilf.“Thwe ca go i” “Do you tik itwillbe afe otsid?”asedChip. “Idont know,” said Wl. heywen out on the pne in tebuggy. uggybuped ovr theroksad thered u fe up. “ dot kethis,” though Flopp “Imno made fo space advetues.” Sdly the grourakeada big ole pndup. “Oh he,” saiChip, ilf,andNaim as the bggy flto he hoeThy felldw and dw nsie le. “I t like thi,” thogt Flop. “I wat to go hme.”hey all laned with a bumphe buggy anded with cah and brokeintwo.Theyere nsibig cave. “What a plac!” aid il. “ok ait.” Chip oke at the bug. “ts roken,” h aid. “Its had it!” “How willwe et back to the rocket?”Flpp beg to ark. Terewee some cretues i the cave hey ooke like funnylttle people “h no!”said Ndim.“Lok a thm! Ioe they lie s” reatures lokeda the by. y cmbe on te boken bugg andped outa spauit. On ofthemrned ap on Fops spaesit.Flpppaesuitbegan o fl with air It got bggr nd bgerThenFop banto float “e Floppy!” yelle Chi “on lt im floaway!” Wilf asked th ratres o to ge out of thcav. Thold him hat tere ws no ao. Theyaid at theya nev been otside. ilf hada goo de. Hetook aacesui u ndhefled t ith air.he pacsutg bigger ad biggr.tegano flat pnp. “ld on,” calld Wilf, “and ontle go!” h pcesuit flat upuof he ca. “We can fot bac to te roket,” said hip. “Wha a ood ea!”“I hope it wontgopop,” thouhtloppyThy floated bck o the cket Wet the air out of thespacsitdicam don o he gud. “Good old Wlf!” said Nd. “Idontlke foaing,” thougtFloppyheywent nside te rocketand ioko. admturnedon tcmpter and ookdat the sreen. “Wel oon home,” h aid. Justethe magic key bgn oglw. “Thats goo,” thougFloppy. “Theywo hvto land the ocketDogs dot like pa dentures”T agitook them back ome. “I liked hatadnture,” sid Wilf. e loke t theittle spaut. “So did ,” sai Nad, “but Im gla int hve to andthat ocke agan.” 7-2Losti he uehe extda was Mus birtday.Chipa a box of cclates or her. Kipper had maeera monkey a scool. Bif idnt know watto get. Bifasked Aneenasum t eher bya plat Ty wnt ino a ig geenhouse. The rno ws ot,ndt was ull of plas.“What lot f pant!”sd Bif.“ts lik a ul in er dot knowhich one tobuy.” In h en, she fd e thathe liked “I ge hs onefMum,” he ai. Te nex dywas Mms birhay nd h chldren aeh thei presents Mu liked the all “Takou,” shesaid. “Whata loely lant, Bif!” Da a reent fMm It as lant. “ didn kno if ad a plan as el,”sad Dad “ nt mnd abit,” said Mum.Aeena cm t ply with Biff ndChp. “Ths is frm m mum,” she said.ilsmum cme rn wt a pla too. “Thak you,” sad Mum. “I v pnt. tsquite lik jngein here.” The hidr wet o lyin ifs rm Aea loed a thelite ous. “Ce have mi adventue?” hesked. “We aif the key glws,”saidKippr.Just n h y did egato low The magc tok hem into junge. The junge w full of plas.“Its wondeu,” sadif.“Lookat that n;itsten me bigehan he on I ga Mm.” The swamonke up tree. t jue up ad down othbrch“That monkelooks cros,” sa Kipper. “ dont think it lkes us.” “Itoos ik ou,” said Chip. The mnkey wasagy th the chldren. I shooh branch Then t began to thowhigs t the “e ant sty her,” sai Biff. “Ce on” hey ranthrouh thejungle, b suddeny hp soped.“Oh n!” he sad. “Loo at tis.”There s a bg snkein the wa. “We cnt g ths wa,” said Cip. “Comeon.” Thy cmto a rver Trewer aligas aseeonthe bk.“Dont akthem u,”sai Kipper. “Thy migtget agr.”“he itleyoufr innr,” a Biff.uenly the fll ito a bg bet. It puldhmup i h air. “Ohhelp!” cale Aneea. “Were inatrap.” The chlren wre hanig in he net The et was atr o athanimas. “ep! Hel!”calledthechilden.“Le s dwn!”called Kppe A man d alady came out o the treeheywereexporers.“ot worry,” adte lady, “wel songe u dw.”“What e you doing in theunle?” ashe an. “re yo ost?” “Ye,” si Bff“I hinkwe ae.” “S are w,” said he lady, “bu thn we hav beenlot or yar.”Shesowed them ctur.“Wre looing fr is la,” sh said.“Its alled th Lost iy.Nobd li there. Itsben losf arn year.” The cildrn ik eeplorer. Theywaned olp them find theLost Cit. “aybe we can find tay,”ad ippe.“ nt hink ,” sadhe ma “We haen lokio ears.” They cae to ap rge “Mayb hot Citsover thre,” sid Biff “es go adse.” Ty bega t cross hebridge. “I hope it safe,” said Ke. Th ond ot n the ank o there heboat wuo wae. “O good!” sai te explore. “We lost this boat yesag” They go in the ot anpadle p the river. “ok at ll the alligator!” sad Chi. “Ipets ntthirdinnr tie”Ty came to awatefall.Th plore coul n top th oat.Theple hadboke. “Lok ot!”hecalled. “Wer gointoget we.”The oa went hough heterfal.“Oh help,” id Aeena, “ dot egettngwet.”“Think f thallgtors,” sip. “s bettertngetti eae!” Behind h atrfll therewere somstes. he stpsn upanupfr a lg way. Ndy ud se ow fartey went.“Thismay e th aytothe Lst Ciy,” said the lad. “Coe n.” A thy cmbe hestes, ome btflew astthem. “If tisitwyto the ciy, I cansee ho t go st,” said Aneena. “Itsuc a long way up.” “s he Lost Ciy!”shoute t explorrs. “W ha fou itast.” The mtrew hishai the irand hiswif juedup and wn. Inew ed indttoday,” said Kipr.Noody had ben in t ciyfryeas Ter welants and rees erywher. Biff plled lntut ofa al.“Ths s le te one I gave Mum,” se said They ent to a bigbuldngand heypend the doors. “Oh ook!” thy ll gapd. Evythig inde he buildng asade ofgld.T flor was gldandtheall wre gold. r were somegold stpsthwnup o a old hron. “Wha a wonderfl pce!”aid Ann. “Theres gld evywhere”ippesat on gld oe. A mnkeyjumped dn bn hm. “Look atm!” he said.“Look at tha moy behindKiper,” said Bff.“Whic ne is he mokey?”asked Chip. Sudenly,the ky ba t gow. “It time o ome,” sad Cip.“oodby,” sadhe pore. “Thank you r elpingus find heLost ty.” “I wsh w ha aagicey,”aid th ma.Th mgic ok the chidrn he Biff still h t lntsefund i the Lot City.“I pu it nMum jungl,”sesd. “ kw here waet amonke oo.”73 The Broen Rof wa gmes tim t school Te children reode n te field. een n uo Mr May.“Come an seesoting,say,” se said. Someon had broke e ence dwn and dumped nk on theield.Wlf wascros.“dontwat juk onourfield,” he said. “eiisn admp,”sa Ms May TenMrs Ma a sehig ihejun “Doyoue this?” shesk he childen. “Is magle. It tth waouto wet othe.” “Hodes ito tht?” ked Anee Mrsa toote mangle it the clroom. Se showdte ilrnow itworkedirstse got g shet and m it tThen Ndm turned he hande nd iffhelpedr Ma puthe seet throuh.e water ranut fth shet nd wnto aucet “We ont ue ages n otclothes ry,” saiMrs ay“What do we ue?” Mrs May shwed te cilden pture somonewshig lot a lngtme ago Mrs May askit childre if hdany tigs t o m of tehldren si heyhad. Wen Bffand Chip ot home rmshool they lookdat thlitl huse. “T house loks vry ol,” aid Cp, “n so do these ittl hildren. Lets takehm to choo” Kipe dintnt them t tke the little hue o school.“What ut te agi?” heake Bif. “The mgcwont okif e dontakethe key,” sa Bif Some of thehidretookoldthigs tohool. “Wht a lt of things,” sa r ay. “W canfnd out all abt emand hav a displa.” Ms M lied the litle hs ad didall th chldren if nd chp dnt sy tha the houe as gc. Tha ws a secr. Wilfwa being sily. He clibe on Mrs ystbl ad sh sm boksver T boos el onto the lttle house with cash. “Ono!”said BiffOe of hook ade a oe inh oof. Wi as ry upset when he sa t rof as broke. “Iory,”he sid. “PerhsI can get myad to mnd t.” Biff ndChip took tee homKippe was cros wn h saw that twasbrke.Hhad te mgckeyin is had “Will the agc tillwok?” he asked. Jus hn tkey bganto low. e advntue bega.e agic ook th chldebac in tie. Itoo he o thihouse long tim go. The house look ne but th roofwabroken Ther werethrehldrenplangude adwo menwer medng the rof. “Didt or oueooknic a lo tim ao?” sai Bif.“But howdid teroofet roken?” The hidren awBiff,hp ad Kper, and rn u to them. “Hello,” th sai. “h ae y?” “ Bff,” aidBf. “Thii ip, and is iipper“Whafunn nams!” aid the grl“My name sictoia, his Edwrd, and this iWill.”“ht funy clohs you ae!” i ill.“ot afnny as yors!”saidipper Kppr lookdup the e on he oof “Howidtheoofge brok?”he aske. “We dnt kow,” aEdad. “It asrokn whenwe woke p.” “Thtsfuy,”sid per. A lady came u andcalled o thhildn “Go insid ad sourhads,” sh said “ts imefo tea.” Is that yurmor?” Biff ased.“No,” aid Edwrd “at ourcok.” The chilen ent itohekitchen The cok ooe t Bif,Chip ad ipper. “Matheysay tota?” kVitoa“hey have funnytes,” said Cok, “t yes.” Bifflked rond thkithen. “hisi notl our kitchen,” haid. Coookeat Chipshan.“Goandwash you hads,” he said“Youcant hetea til youd.” After tea,Cok md the cildrnwsh heir ns agai.Thnse tolddard to take som tea othewokmn. “Cmand e rrom,”sai dwar. he broken oof wain Edward rom. “t meded e?”he ae. “It wont be lg o,” saidthean “Tank othtea” Th cldre went intVictora oom.Vicora had attleroom i edro.It as theone Biffad“We eeto i he,” said Victoia. “omeand look.” if, Chip, nd ippoed hehildren toys “Iish weha ahose lie ti,” Chp said“o do I,” si Bf. Vicria tok Biff, Chi, an Kipper ino e lit room.“Come d see his,” she aid. “Wat is i?”aske Kpper. Vitoia od the a litte hous. She tld them tha erather aming it orthe. “I willlok ithishouse,” hesid. “e kno,”saidf. Edwar looke thipswch nd Cp looked at Edwards boat. “Do youwnt t w?”ak Eard“Yes, pase,” saidhip, “then a takthe boat o hoo to show MrsMay.” ueny th icke began to gow. “Is tie go,” a Kpper, “tIont want.” “Will yo come bk?” asked Eard “e dont now,” id Biff.“Mayb.” Themagictookthe cldr he. The looke a the tle hoe.“Thbrkenroo h been nd,” sad Biff. “How did thathaen?” “In know,” said Cip, “mae Dad mnded it” “ tine wormenin t dveur did it,” sad Kper. “We saw them.” “ hink itwas mg,”ad if.“I like that ne best f al,”aidBff. “I ikedtos chldrnlonago. Id liketo go back nd se thm agn” “Met,” saidhip, loing at heboat. “Mybe I cold e my athback!”7-4 The ost KeyKpper ted mg adveture buthemgic key wul not gl. It had nt glowd along tim.“ybeit wlglow i Ieept tme,” he ught,s he pu it n hi poketMm ha o go shpping She wante Kiper ogo wih he.“I wat toet osoe e trainrs,” s said, “o oe n” Kipper forgot adte keyin hisoed On th ay t te hops,Mu let iper stp n la.He an t te rocktan the ey fllut of his pet an on to th a. “Lok atm, Mum!” hecalled. ip lood i h poketut te keywas not ee.“Oh n!”id pper. “re is he y? I cat have os , a I? Bt alot thkey ippewntd to nd lok fr the ky, tMum ld not let him.It had strted tan adMm wantd o gt hoe. “skBiff dChip to oo for t,” se sad. Amn ae to cutthe gss. Hecuit ith a ower. The moe rn ver he magc e with acang. “aw hat?” sai te man. Tekey d roken the mowr “rrrr!” hensaid, crosl. “NowI sall ato end themwer” e was so cros he thrw the gicky in bi. Two bo cameto play on theswings. e of he y look e in an fond theky. “Lok at ti od, nt ky,” sd. “Whashlw do ih?” The oys tok he eyh them Onef temh som srig e tie thekey ohstrig and spun tround and ron. Sudenly the tringbroke andthe flewthrug the rIt agenuse ih a crash ad bokethass.“Oh no!” sad the bos.“Lok m greenhu!”yed t mn “he gla brn.” Th boys ran way as f s they could. “Jst yo ome back ere,” aled heman.ipper hd t tell ff and Ci that he had lotthe magickey. “I tink I los itb th rocket,”e said,“b Mum wuldntlt me loo or i” “Comen,”said hip. W mst fin.” Wil and Wilma heled them lokfor the lt key. Biffsed he man f he a sei “Yes,” aid hema “I hrew t n hat bin,ut two boys tok it out.” he cildre saw thetw bys. ey asked thm if theha found thekey. “Yes,”aid the boys, “u we los t gain.We brk mn greenhouse with it.”The saw te manwtthe grenhuse “We aresoryabutth bren glas,” sid ip,“b could e hae the ky?” “Srry,” sad hema.“ sol te eyo thejunk sho to hl pay for the las.” Thechlre wento th unk sopTeytld lady aoutte key and ased hrifshehad it. “rry,” sai te l. “ ave ust ld it” Th ladyol tem whoha it. “A man came n,”he sa. “He wntedme od kes.”Shetold hemthatthe ma hada shop w thereet. Thechide went othe an shp. In thenw therewre pictures ndpintin. “Wh dyou k than wants olke?” sedWif lma lookeiside th shp. It was closednd shcount se them W must g o pokt mony,” sid Biff“Wemay ae to buy th keybck.” “Les g ome,en,” saidChip. Mum ent to the shop withthechiln. he tol h an abut the ey and ow Kipr ha lstit She ased if tey could ve he key back. “es,” aid he mn. “Ifyu can fin it” emana pited som pitusa hd tlots ofks i hem. ll thekey ha bee paine. hechldrn oked at he pis but theyoul e thmagi key. Thy oked alth pictues. “Al theeyslok the am,” ad Biff. Sudeny Kipper saw alitlepictur. Iha ke in i“Herit is,”hesaid. “Thisis our key.” The man old thm that thywould ve t u tepue. Bif ipgave Mm their pcke moey, adMupi the man.“Its a ot tpyforan ol key,” she said. hilren ulld heeyfrohe icue nd rubbed f th pit. Then tey looked at it. “The ke ha gowfor a gtime,” sai Bif. “Perhps it has lostit ai.”“Itsee ut inhe rai,” si Wi,“and itbeen bent by a mwer” ts een throuh wido,” said Cip, “ad its ben tuck on a pinting.” “Isd a bdtme,” s ia. The childrenwnted te key ogloWilma pikdit up“ you thkit i vrglow agin?” shesid. “o ou thinkthe agc wistill work?”“I do kno,” sid Biff “I hop so.” ut th k ddnt glw and t ag wodnt wrk. Kipper told the kyabu te avntures he ould like to hav.Butstill e mic woulnt work he ex day, Wilf and Wlma cametohe hoe wth adim anAneea. Te chilrenwere srry abot he ey. It sillouldnt gowad thy ere a r ad“How canwe maetemgic wokag


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