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M6U1单元验收卷第一节单选题1.Soon the thief who had stolen some clothes from the supermarket was caught and fined 3 times _ he should have paid.A. as much money B. the amount of money C. the money as D. more money2. This problem is not about who _ , but about saving lives and developing the programs as well as possible.A. blames B. should blame C. Is to blame D. Is blaming 3._ in the leg made it impossible for him to walk to school every day.A. Being injuredB. InjuredC. Having injuredD. Injuring 4.Mr. Tiger insisted that he _ the money back to his boss but his boss said that he didnt receive it.A. should payB. had paidC. payD. would pay5.The company has been performing poorly during the past few years. In my view, it needs to _ its image.A. hold upB. take upC. step upD. polish up6. Certainly it makes sense for us to look forward, _ back, since our future is much better than it used to be.A. other than B. rather than C. more than D. less than 7._ about 66,50 kilometers, the Nile is the longest river in the world, running through ten countries.A. Measured B. Being measured C. Measuring D. To measure8.- What is your idea of the Internet ? - _ Internet can broaden our mind , I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it .A. If B. While C. Since D. As 9.The leaders set out to deal with the present situation _ deserves their immediate attention.A. where B. when C. what D. which10.Please tell me the problems _ at yesterdays meeting quickly. The manager is calling me!A. being discussedB. to be discussed C. discussed D. having discussed11.The singer told us that her new album would _ the next month.A. come upB. come outC. come off D. come across12.The new department store will be built at _ used to be a park and the new apartment will be constructed _ there used to be some old buildings.A.that; which B. where; what C. what;where D. which; where13.Practicing Chinese Kongfu can not only_ ones strength, but also develop ones character.A. bring up B. take upC. build up D. pull up14. This year, the number of the students in our school reaches 8,000 , which is more than four times _ it was fifteen years ago.A. Which B. That C. As D. what15. How did you catch the thief? Well, he _ some goods into his bag when I came around a corner in the shop. So I caught him.A. was putting B. was putC. have putD. had put 16.You should try to get a good nights sleep _ much work you have to do.A. however B. no matter C. although D. whatever17.The couple _ last week, which surprised their friends and relatives greatly because they appeared that happy all the time. A. broke upB. put upC. turned upD. made up18.The kind of cloth _ well and lasts long.A. is washed B.washed C. washes D.wash 19.The newly published book referred to _only for beginners.A. intended B. be intendedC. intending D. is intended20.When Kim Jong-il passed _ suddenly on December 17, 2011, most people in North Korea burst_ tears. A. away; into B. out; in C. by; on D. down; out21._in a friendly way, their quarrel came to end.A. Being settled B. Settled C. Having settled D. Settling 22.I dont believe what he told us about the accident. I think he _ up the story.A. had made B. was making C. makes D. is making23.Dear, I hope the engine will _ until we get to the next garage.A. hold downB. hold outC. hold backD. hold up24. The student, _ to be reading, glanced at the workers _ next to the building for a rest.A. pretending; seated B. pretended; seating C. pretending; seating D. pretended; seated25.My study of biology has _ much of my spare time, but it has given me a great deal of enjoyment.A. taken in B. taken down C. taken up D. taken away26. I have never _ that you referred to in your life.A. one such book B. one such a book C. such one book D. such one a book 27.With the recent increase in tourism, our hometown has _ a new look in recent years. A. taken up B. taken on C. taken in D. taken off28. Is Peter there? _ , please. Ill see if I can find him for you. A. Hold up B. Hold on C. Hold out D. Hold off29. - Any better now? - Just so-so. Its going to be some time before I recover my full strength _ in it.A. Participating B. to participate C. to be participated D. Being participating30.I could do the job if I spent some time _ my English.A. taking up B. polishing up C. holding up D. making up 31.The poor mother, who had been ill in bed, had to have her little son _ by his uncle.A. adaptedB. adopted C. adjusted D. applied32.I would appreciate _, to be frank, if goods could be delivered as soon as possible.A. that B. it C. this D. you 33.By the time Jane got home, her aunt _ for London to attend a meeting.A. will leave B. left C. will have left D. had left34.Born and _ in a zoo, these animals would not be able to survive in the wild. A. risen B. raised C. developed D. grown35.It was a long way. Why didnt you come to borrow my bicycle?Oh, I thought it _.A. will be used B. was usedC. had been used D. was being used第二节 完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分) My grandma, Jordan, had to give up working because of health problemsYou can imagine how 36 she was, as work was almost everything to her In 1998, because of a serious disease, she lost her 37 Fortunately, she regained some vision after several years treatment, but she was no longer able to 38 Suddenly, she had a lot of time on 39 Feeling a lack of purpose in her life, Jordan 40 her days with helping sick children that she had 41 through the online prayer chains to which she belonged 42 , going blind and becoming disabled turned out to be 43 It gave her a new directionShe made a _44 to give suffering kids a little joy and a little hope Because daily she received many emails _45_prayers for children suffering from different types of cancer and other illnesses, Jordan 46_ the Love and Hope Foundation to help those childrenShe decided to 47 their stories with pictures on a web site so that others who wanted to help these kids could join and 48 She once believed that she wasnt of much use to anybody 49 How wrong she was! What began as a hobby 50 into a full-time job almost overnightPeople from every walk of life are getting 51 in Love and Hope and it is developing very well “ Whats required to become a messenger of hope to a sick child? _52_the desire to help “ Whatever your 53 is says JordanYou can use it to benefit 54 children andtheir familiesIt can truly make a 55 to the lives of these children and you can also get a lot from it36Aembarrassed Bsatisfied Cdisappointed Damazed37Aconfidence Beyesight Chearing Dsense38Awalk Bspeak Cwork Dsee39Ahand Bmind Cshoulders Dduty40Aloaded Bfilled Cadded Dcovered41Alearned aboutBthought of Clooked after Dreferred to42AHopefully BUnfortunately CSurprisingly DParticularly43Aimpressive Bharmful Cuseless Drewarding44Asuggestion Bliving Cpromise Dprediction45Aanswering Brequesting Crefusing Dpretending46Asearched Bheld Cbuilt Dcreated47Asell Bpost Cedit Dstick48Ashare Bkeep Crun Dwork49Aas well Bas usual Cabove all Dany more50Aturned Bended Creturned Dresulted51Ainvolved Bemployed Cprepared Dconcerned52AEven BExcept COnly DYet53Aeducation Bability Ctrouble Dcondition54Ahelpless Bfrightened Csuffering Dpuzzled55Ameaning Bmistake Cresponse Ddifference第三节请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。注意:每空格1个单词。Art education, be it in the form of drawing or music or dance, is very helpful in the development of a childs overall personality and skills. Some findings suggest that students engaged in an arts program in school are much more unlikely to drop out of school compared to those who are not into any kind of arts. Maybe the school authorities as well as parents need to understand why art education is important. Given below are some of the advantages of art education for students.First, art education can develop creativity in children. During art programs, students are often given materials and asked to draw whatever they feel like. Such free-flowing art activities make children more creative and help in developing their imagination as well as decision making skills.During art appreciation classes, students are made to interpret and draw conclusions from various pieces of art. This makes their interpretation skills stronger, which can be used in other subjects as well as in all other aspects of life.Art develops a childs intelligence. Studies have shown that exposure of children to art helps in promoting brain activity. A child learns how to solve problems. He also learns how to convey his thoughts and ideas in numerous ways. During art classes, various pieces of art are discussed in detail. This discussion makes the students capable of expressing themselves well during debates or in speech classes.Art forms such as drama activities develop the overall personality of a child. They build a childs self-esteem and make him disciplined(守纪的). A child due to his engagement in art becomes much more creative and innovative(创新的). He develops motivation and also learns how to cooperate with others. The importance of art education for children can be understood from the fact that engaging in art activities gives the child a better understanding of human nature. A child develops sensitivity and becomes considerate enough to think from the others point of view. He starts respecting other peoples feelings and thoughts.The importance of art education can be understood from the fact that the whole of human history that we know of today, has been conveyed to us through various art forms such as literature, music, visual arts, dance and drama. Art can bring imagination to life and give life to imagination. So to conclude, it can be said that engaging in art activities is a must for children for their social, emotional, intellectual and personal development.Art Education in schoolsParagraph outlineSupporting detailsThe (81) of Art educationu Art education helps develop childrens personality and skills.u Children taking part in art activities are (82) likelyto drop out of school.CreativitydevelopmentChildren are asked to draw whatever they like according to the (83) materials.Interpretation skillsChildren are made to interpret and (84) something from pieces of art.Intelligence developmentu Childrens (85) activity is promoted by being exposed to art.u Children learn (86) of solving problems and conveying their thoughts and ideas.u Children can be better at speaking by discussing pieces of art in art classes.(87) developmentu A child becomes disciplined, creative and innovative through engagement in art.u A child is motivated and (88) with others in art activities.u A child becomes more sensitive and (89) .u A child starts respecting others feelings and thoughts.ConclusionStudents should (90) art education for the sake of their overall development.


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