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Uni 1 Otsiview Covrsatio 1Li:Whaa wodful view! This issuch a gat ity!o you ever get tired of ling in Lndn, Andy? A;When a man istre of Lndon, he is tred of ife, for thes i Lonall tha lifecanaffrdL:That a qtatin bySamue Johson,snt it?:Correct,so do yu hve plas when youfnish t Oxfod?L:ve gotanothr yea ogo anthn I suppos ll o ack hom.; Adyuil ind a job?i:Ithnk I have t omy aers befe I lok fr work.ut I mus admit London is very special.Do yotin youwudeveeav dn?A:ur, I loe tcome to chiaone day, and liketvelig ut i n Illalwys come che.Li:Wl, your rts are hre nd tre arso ny oprtnities.;ut ave u ee thoughtof livng n London fora yar rt?Li:Yes, butwhat cod do hr? I had plaedt become a teahr.But i have oftetought i thre a jobicouddo ere inulihing,ab as n edit, ll go fr i.A:Tas sods lk greidea.think that woud elly sit ou:ye sld updaemy CV ad en ito ne oropubliserA:Dot make lok too godLi:Why not?A;Well,f yu enjoy rking wth ondon Tim ff,we dont watou wrkg wi aone lseL:Oh, rkin iyouan Je ts rea fun andealy intersting. I couldnt thiko abette wa t find ot aout a iyA;S mab yu should tnkbot applyg or job wit s Li:Bu do ou thik d stand chnce(有也许,有但愿)? mea,m not sur if Joe kes meA:nt en thnk aouti!Jo very straigt alkg and romis yu that youdknw f heidt like youLi:ehas w shoud th uae ur CV anokfor jbsogeher:Hy,rigt!hto befunLi:Wt woerful view! This i uareatcity!D yu r gtied o livig i non, Andy?李:多美的景色!这是一种伟大的都市!你与否厌倦了伦敦的生活,安迪?;When ama is tieo ondon, e is tied of life, otherei n Lndoall that lie a afor一;“当一种人厌倦了伦敦,她就厌倦了生活,由于伦敦拥有生命可以承当得起”L:has quotai y Saue Johson, int t?李:这是塞缪尔约翰逊的一句话,不是吗?A:Cor,so d yo hav an lahe you finihtOfrd?答:对的,那么你有无什么筹划,当你完毕在牛津?L:Ie got other yarto g an thnI spo Iloback home.李:我有一年去,我想我会回家的。A; nd you will in a jb?一;你会找到工作吗?i:I thinkhave t do my asters bore I oo for work.Bt mst admiLodon is eysecalDoyou think ou would ver leae Lndon?李:我想我要在我找工作,做我的主人。但是我必须承认,伦敦是非常特殊的。你觉得你会离开伦敦吗?A:Sure,dlove to ometo cinaone day,an lik traveli. ut i hink Ill alwycme ckher答:固然,我想有一天到中国,我喜欢旅行。但我想我会常常回来这里。Li:Well,you rootsar heand there ae o man oportniies李:嗯,你的根在这里,有太多的机会。A;But have ou ver thought oflivig in Lndonfr yea r two?一种;但是你有无想过,在伦敦居住一年或两年?i:es, but hatoul do hr? I hadlanned tobeome a teacer.ut iae oten touht f there wa a job i oul o ere inpubishn,ye a edit, Il go forit.李:是的,但我能做些什么呢?我打算成为一名教师。但我常想,如果有我能做的工作在这里出版,也许作为一种编辑,我就去了。A:Thatssounds like getia. thin that would realy si you答:这听起来是个好主意。我觉得真的很适合你Li:Maybe I ould uae y CV andsnd itto e or wo blishe李:也许我应当更新我的简历发送到一种或两个出版商。A:Dontmke it look too good答:不要让它看起来太好了Li:Why not?李:为什么不呢?A;Wll,if y enjoy wokiwthoon Tm O, we dont want yo oring with anyone els一;好了,如果你喜欢伦敦的时间工作,我们不想你和其她人的工作Li:Oh,wrking with yo and Joe its rea funandreall iteresti. culdthk ofa tter wayo fid out aot a cty李:哦,你和乔的工作很有趣,真有趣。我想不出更好的方式来理解一种都市A; mybousoud inkaboutppling for jb withus一种;也许你应当考虑找工作和我们L:Butdo think td chan(有也许,有但愿)?I mean, Inot sre i Joe likesme李:但是你觉得我会有机会(有也许,有但愿)?我的意思是,我不拟定乔与否喜欢我:Doneve think abou i!Joe sver stright tlkng an Iproi yo ta youdkno if edidnt lie you答:想都别想!乔非常直率,我向你保证,你会懂得如果她不喜欢你。Li:Perhaps shouldoth updaeu CV ad lo frjob toetr李:也许我们应当更新我们的简历和找工作在一起:Hy,ight!h ouldbefu.答:嘿,右!那会很有趣。Converation 2Li:Tlknbut uur ns,hod o s your carerdveoping?A:Mcareer?W,Ikeworking f Londn Time Of.ts a part o a larger media compyled Lift o US,s there re lots of ppounities.Bu.i:Bt.Wt?A:It not alays very eay workigwh Jo.I mean,I kind of think he hs a diffeet aenda(ieentyf thnking fom A不同样的想法)I like hs wrk, but smee I dttikhis heat i ihisjo.L:wid he end up in London?A:He dimiastude n teState,nd hn fun work as a gfer(杂工) atLft ff USA in ewYork.L:Wats gofe?A: or thi,go forthatIts aword fo th leat eperieced peson n thfilan idutry.Then h came to Londn and got prper jobas resarche af ff U,and tener afe yerhe gotte poduce jb in Lndon Tm L:He i god a his jb,int h?A:Y,he isconfdentad compten at ht hedoes,so theeople whowrk wthhmrae uie highl(peak higly of).Li:cept o?A:o,I rate him oon Iget o wi himquite wll,athoug e are not bstbudies or anythg like ta,itsjust. a his jb!Li:Now w knowyur lttle eret romise wont elayoe:anet,thrwassomething wsgoing toas yo.Li:Sure,wh ii?A:Iws wring.oh,it othing.Ayway,allhis alk abotyor futur caeer is making me hirtyLts go ora dnk.Li:Who is round ?:You. Li:Takngbot ftue plan,how do you seeor rerdeelpin?李:谈论将来的筹划,你如何看待你的事业发展呢?A:Mcreer?Wll, ik wrkg for Lond Ti Of.t par oa laremeia companclled Lft o USA,so thrare lotsof opprtntieBut.答:我的职业生涯?嗯,我喜欢伦敦的时间工作。它是一种大的媒体公司的一部分剥离美国,因此有诸多的机会。但是i:But.Wh?李:但什么?A:It nt alays very easy working wth JoIean,I kindofthin has a ifeent agend(dffrent way of inking from Ady不同样的想法).I lkhis work, but oemes do think his ea isi h job.答:这并不总是很容易与乔的工作。我的意思是,我想她有一种不同的议程(来自安迪不同样的想法思维方式不同)。我喜欢她的工作,但有时我不觉得她的心在她的工作。i:How id hen up i Londo?李:她怎么会在伦敦?A:He didmia studies n theSa,and then ound work as a ofer(杂工) tLift of SA NeYrk.答:她在美国做媒体研究,然后找到了工作作为一种皱褶(杂工)在剥离美国纽约。:Wa a gofe?李:一种勤杂工是什么?A:Go is,o for ht.ts awrd or th least pericd eson in the fil and TVindsyThen e cae to Lndon nd go aroperjob as a eearher t Lift ffK,and hnaftrafw yeahe gohproducers jo in LonTie Of答:去,去。这是一种最有经验的人话在电影和电视行业。然后她来到伦敦,得到在剥离英国研究员一份合适的工作,然后几年后她得到了制片人的工作在伦敦时间Li:He igood at his job,isnthe?李:她很擅长她的工作,不是吗?A:es,hs confident ncmetent a wh e does,so the eol howork withhimrate im itehighy(spea hihl of).答:是的,她在她所做的事情有信心和能力,因此她给她很高的工作的人(赞扬)。Li:Excep y?李:除了你?:No,I rae hi to.nd get on wth him quite ll,lthgh we ae nt t bie or anythinlke that,itsust.I waijob!答:不,我觉得她太。我和她相处的较好,虽然我们不是最佳bdie或什么的,只是我想她的工作!Li:Nw weno yor litle scre.I prmse I wonttell anyoe李:目前我们懂得你的小秘密。我保证不会告诉任何人A:Janet,therewa omehig I was gong to s u.答:珍妮特,我有事要问你i:ure,wtis it?李:固然,它是什么?A: was wodring.oh,its nohAnwy, this alk abou your futre career is mag me thirs.Lets gofor adrik.答:我想懂得哦,没什么。无论如何,这一切谈谈你将来的职业生涯使我口渴了。我们去喝一杯吧。L:Who is rund ?李:谁是圆的?A:You.答:你Outsideiew:Hw tgt a job rdui.Whata bi da!Yor f is abo to egin!nd then your prentssay.et a job.I ell you!Looknor yourfirstjob outof cllege be pret hardRaing al th jo listing s so anying.en ryingto fgureoutwhatactal jb is an bediffcult.Searcig through th was cn be so borg.And iingyoureum is reallyhard work. I nt hae a open.Geng a jo interview,an e gon nthewoepocess isprettyoug orry to kep o waiing.U,hav sat.I haveyour reume ee,ad you are intrested i the assisants positi. Yeah,a Wel,he rht cnddaeorthisobas o b vry otg and socle.After alli isa sal posiin. Wel, I rel ovt(性格外向的人)Deinitely nd the righandite has to hae gr efcoidence.Cutomer ned toeel tatyouow whatyoure takingabout Well, Imrallyself-cofdentm I know at Im alkin abt and I hi I can rjt tha So,wht sks wuld youig to tis job? ell,I aiz tht Im comleey oeualifid fr thi ositio.I ean,m,nmy las o,I asrunnngthe hoe pla. Oh,oouve supesepople? Yep,fveofthemSo,obviouslyI cou o this ob,noprbm.Ialshav ral odcomptr skils.m whateledoyou ant to kwau m? Eh. Een houh I wastryig realyhrd,ven togh had sntut aou 00 sumes,een houg I ased allmfriend an elatives if they knw f nting.I wast gttinganee!Desptallmybet efors, was sill nemploye. leae,why dont you e a crer counselor(顾问)?Illpayfor i.Anytin t elp you gt a jb! Smatha,Im PllisStn.elmeh,h,PhylisNice tot you. So I igre,hek,why no?I metwit Phylis Sein, prossialjobcoah. Interviwing s vi to tg te job tht ou ant.Sh shwede ho pepe fr an ntev by doing eea onte ostion and t company.Andlatr,she cochng e o y nteviewig kills Ia going to prtend o be you iterviewer,and hen wll stop it nd replai adloo at the vie and see wha we could lean from at.OK?I dnt thnkhatyou hould gonto an interviwhvn not pratied ith someof the quetinthat are pretty sanard. Tel me aou orsf. We,y penmy o ia soia worker,and y dad is an enneer. Your preprationis raly imotant. What d you kobout r oraizaion? Well,I aw n,um,o the Internet hat ,ou o bunesspublishin?Rit? There is a wole rangef thgs that have do withhow youpre yoursl hy should Ihir you? Oh,ell,um, Im a all ugoing pen,and I like,Ilik peole lt.I esonslendnce. Y ee tthn aboutwhah ntrvieer is actualllookig for. Samanha, wt wa aorproblem that ov countre and hw did you sove it? haen rallyhad any prblestod with. Thnyou.N le lk yur mck ineiw on videotape. I thnk i boils (归结为)toprearation,reeation, a urstndig whtthe interviewer is looing fr (ahin t veoap) notherwa o answeing i s not teling about orel ,but tling your rlatnship toth job.So,ey dont cae mhabou our parensanhat oan t lve n Cmbig.Thmay ne youto e able to a troubshotrYouue m xaple i yr lie fom ben a oubeshooterOn of thetngthat someone wh is n assisnt in a te show doing, deain wth rbemu ee o b su tat yo tay,srt of ,on tret wih preening,prsetinyoursel the snst osile way.The fe t mo conien when went in forttview. havedeelope strongcomuncatinskils.ncolleg I ored n te shl apeand I bougt ome rtingamples toshow you.I also woreevey mmr t a d-and-bakfs.I ok lotit ou uestsIboked reeatin v he phoe,got thmhat thy eded,ad anded any omplainsWel,I eel lke id rellywell.Wel see. Making a good firt impresonis th mot iota at oajob intrviewArivin on time abeng confdent athe mos importat part f aj itrvie.It very imprt that you are bein cofident ad youreeing car in yu aes anlistening careuyNotfieting(坐立不安,烦躁)ad ben cnen are t mo impotattng najob interviWrt a hnk-y ote is the ms imott thin you ant ftera job neiwAnd g in thre with ir hndsake Gaduatio.What a big day!Your lifes about to bi!Ad then yourparents y.et a jo.I tell yo!L oryourfirt job ut oolleg can be prety hard.Radig all te jb istig issonnoyngEvn tyng figure out ht theactua job s can be dficlt.Seching thrugh he want dscan booring.And writing you resum really hrd or毕业。真是个大日子!你的生活即将开始!然后你的父母说“找份工作”我告诉你!寻找你的毕业后的第一份工作很难。阅读所有的工作清单很讨厌。甚至试图找出实际工作是很困难的。通过搜索广告可以这样无聊。写简历是很辛苦的工作。Idont hvethat daope.Gettg ob nterview,ad he gon on itthwhlerocesis rtty togh.“我没有那一天开。“找工作面试,然后将它的整个过程是非常艰难的。Sorry o eep you waiing.Uh,have aat.Ihaveyo resume hee,d you ar ntrsedinh asistats positio.“对不起,让你久等了。嗯,请坐。”“我有你的履历表,你在助理的职位感爱好。”Yeah,yea“是啊,是啊”Wel,he righ canddate or hsjobhast b ver outgoig ndsociabe.fer ll it i asae poiton.“嗯,这个职位的合适人选必须非常外向。毕竟这是一种销售的位置。”We, m a ea extrert(性格外向的人).Definely.“嗯,我是一种非常外向的人(性格外向的人)。绝对。”And th rightcanditeha to hav eat sel-onfienc.ustomers needto l hat you nowwa your talkig bot.“和对的的候选人有很大sef-cnfidenectomer需要感觉到你懂得你在说什么。”ll, m realy s-coiden.Um I kowwat m alkn about andI think I cnoject hat“嗯,我真sl-confident.um我懂得我在说什么,我想我能项目”,hat sills woulyu brin to this b?“那么,什么样的技能将你带到这个工作吗?”ell, realze that I completeyoerqulifiedforths poiton.I mean,in m latjb,was running he hollce.“嗯,我意识到我完全完全能胜任这份工作。我的意思是,嗯,在我上一份工作中,我跑了整个地方。”,s uve perised peple?“哦,因此你的监督人?”Ye,ive oftem.So,obviously coud do th j,no pble als have ally good comuter kl.Um whalse d uwantto kow abou ?“是啊,她们五人。因此,我固然可以做这项工作,没问题。我也有较好的计算机技能。嗯,你还想懂得我什么?”Eh.“嗯”Een thoughIwas tryng really ha,evnthogh ad ntubout 3 remes,vethough I ask all my riednd rlatisif they knew anythgI wasnt gettng anyhere!Despte amy be ffort, ws sll unemloyed.尽管我非常努力,虽然我已经发出了大概3份简历,虽然我问我所有的朋友和亲戚,如果她们懂得我没有得到任何东西!尽管我尽了最大的努力,我还是失业。Plese,why dont you see a arer counllor(顾问)?Il pyfor it.Anthingtohelp ou et a jo!“拜托,你为什么不去看职业顾问(顾问)?我会付钱的。什么帮你获得一份工作!”amaha,m Pylls Sein.eh,i,Phylis.Ne ome ou.“萨曼莎,我是菲利斯斯坦。欢迎”“哦,嗨,phyli.nice见到你。”SoIfigu,he,whynt?met with ylls Stein, rofeional job coach因此我想,哎呀,为什么不呢?我会见了菲利斯斯坦,一种职业教练。Iterviein i itl t gen the jobhat you wat.She howedm ho to repae for interviewby doig eseah n hepsiton and the comny.Ad latr,heoachng e on y inerviwigskill.“面试是得到你想要的工作是至关重要的。”她向我展示了如何通过对职位和公司研究面试准备。后来,她辅导我的面试技巧。I amgoin trted to beyou ineriee,n thenwesop it andeplait andlooka thevido and sehat wecouldlearnfrom hat.OK?I ontthnktat you souldgo in an intrvie hvingnot rctised wih oe of the usons thaare prety tandrd.“我要假装是你的面试官,然后我们会停止回放,看视频,看看我们能从中学习。好吗?”我不觉得你应当进入未实行了某些美丽的原则问题接受采访。”Teme aout yoursef.“告诉我有关你自己。”Wel,my paetmy mmis ascia orer,and y ad i anegieer.“嗯,我的父母,我的妈妈是一种社会工作者,和我的爸爸是个工程师。”Your prparatois ll impot.“你的准备是非常重要的。”What d you know butou orniztion?“你怎么懂得我们的组织?”Wel,I a on,um,on theInrnet that,youd usns ublshn?Right?“嗯,我看见了,嗯,在网上做生意,你出版?对吗?”Tr is hl rangof things hat hav owith you reset yourelf“有一种全方位的,都与你如何体现自己的事情”Whyoud I hire yu?“为什么我应当聘任你?”Oh,ell.,um, aealyutgoi persn,an I like,I lie pepl lotmesponsible andnice.“哦,好的。,嗯,我是一种很外向的人,我喜欢,我喜欢的人诸多。我负责好了。”Youneedo tik bout what the neriewr is actualy long fo“你得想想面试官事实上是在寻找。”Samanha, hat was amajorprble thtyoue ncounereandhw did yosolve t?“萨曼莎,你遇到的一种重要问题,您是如何解决的?” havnt realy had a robemstdeal with “我真的没有任何问题的。”Thnk you.Nowlet ook t r k intervew videapeI thnk t boisdow(归结为) o prparatio,pesetaton, nd nesanding whatthe interviwer is loking for “谢谢你。目前你在录像带上的模拟面试一下。”我觉得它归结(归结为)准备,演示,并理解面试官在寻找“(acingthe vee)(观看录像)Aoter way f anweig it i ottelli abo yurse ,bu telng your relatinshi hejo.S,ey do cae s much bout or parents and htyo wn to live in ambridge.hy mayneeyou be able to e a troubehoter.Yu use so eamplesin your fe fo ingarobeshooer.Oof tngs th oene whoi a asstant in a tad shows oing,is dealngth pblems.Yo ned toe re thatyo stay,sorto ,on arge wit prevntng,presenting yurel in he strongst obl way.“另一种回答是不告诉自己,而是告诉你的关系的工作。”因此,她们不在乎你的父母,你想生活在剑桥。她们也许需要你能解决问题。你可以使用某些例子在你的生活从一种疑难解答。”一种人谁是在一种贸易展助理是做事情,解决问题。你需要保证你保持,种,在目的与避免,呈现自己的最也许的途径。”This tmeIfelt lomoecnidnt he Iwnt in for the intrview.这一次当我去面试我感到自信多了。Ihve devepd strong cmunition sils.noleg wrked onhe chool aperand I rough som wriingsamps toshow ou lsrdeverysr at abe-and-breakfat.I worea ot wiou gets.booked resrvationoer the ph,ottem wh they neeed,and hadled ny cplains.Wel,IfeellkIid reall wel.ll se“我有很强的沟通能力。在大学我曾在学校的纸,我带了某些写作的样本给你。”“我也曾在每年夏季的床和早餐。”“我的工作诸多,我们的客人。我订了预约电话,得到她们需要的,和解决任何抱怨。”“嗯,我觉得我做的非常好。我们会看到的。”Makng a god firstimpssin ist ms imortant pa of a jo interie.制作一种好的第一印象是面试中最重要的部分。rrvin o ie and beingconfidetare te os iportatparts a jbitervi达到时间和自信是面试中最重要的部分。Itsvrmportantthat youae being nfident and yure beigclear in yu aswes andlisteing carefuly你布满自信,你明确你的答案,仔细听,这是非常重要的Notidgeng(坐立不安,烦躁) and being nident are te st iortatthings i a job intrvw不要坐立不安(坐立不安,烦躁)和自信在面试中最重要的东西。Win a thnk-yo nte isthe mos importan thigyou nt to d frajointerw/写一封感谢信是你面试后要做的最重要的事情Ad o in there wiha irm hanshke.和去握手。Listeng in t not eoughtoask wat succsulpople are lke.Itony by aking whee the ae omtat we ca unrave e ogi behin whuccedandho doent This is the basc iea of intriguinboo called uti,by the AmericanjounastMalclGldwl.he bokexplorethe actrs which cotriuteo peple who are xreey ucssul teir crer, fo mle, the le the fmily, clturand friendplay. Gdwel nesthe causes f hy the ajority f anaa ce hoy plaers e born in he ist fwmot of the aender year,wthe ouner of Mcosoft BillGates dd to ahiev s extrainarysucss,andwy hBeatlesmaed t rdfn he wole ofopula musicin t 960s. ladwellpoinsout that h youth hckeyague n Canada rcrut from anuyth firs, tht plaerborn early i h yar arbiggr,stronger d tter ahletesa ther bor le in te earAnd ecase they haveths avanagat hestarf their sotscaree,heyre ivnxr coahing,and soheres reaterchcehat thellbe ce foan elte hoey tem i te ftre. He calls tiphenom


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