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下单已付款Dear friend,hnk ofr aying fo yr oder no . e are rpringfor your ord. e wil pamore attention yourorder and ndtas. n questions plaseeefree to ctactu, w will hel youithin 12 ors.Thn youin advnc. Hae nce daet W已发货旳Dea ried,hnyufor yo spport. Weh nt ot yur orer Plase race ib n It alwayses16 day toari.Butasyou now,now ishpineon,t aydey abou 0 mre daystoarv. lease unersads. Hoouill ie ad offer us posive feedback. If you ave any dssatisfatin,plese giveu e prtui tresolv t problembeoeeaveusa egatve feedbak.Thank you in avnce. elok forwardto roidn you withthe be buyng exeiencagain on AiExprss! Bstish俄罗斯客户ea friend,a youfo ou suport W hd ent out yourorderno. lease trace tb oIt awaas 1-0 ds t arive. uts you no, nwi shoppig season, it may delaaout 10 more ys to ariv.tas ouko,theChina Post is very nste o Rusi,itmay tak90 days t arriv.Plese udstan s. Hpe yu w ike it and offerus positiv feebck.If youhave any dssaiain,leasegv u the oppuniyto resolete oble beoe ea us negativefedba.hank ouin advnce. elo wr toproidin u wth tebestuying xprienc again on AiExps! Bestishe俄罗斯仓Dear frend,Thnk yo or you sppor. We had nt outour odrno. we have sed i rmou ussian warehse. Plase trac ity oItalwatakes-15ato arriv. Bt as ykn, n shoppin seaso, maydelaou 10 ore days rrie. Peaeerstnd .Hopeyou wlleit and ffer us ositifeedbck. f yu av anydisatisfacton, plagieus the opportuitto esol the poblem beorelevea egtiefeedbc.Thank y i adance.e ok frwrd to povdi you with t bes uinexeinc gino liExpress! BestWishes下单未付款旳Dearfrien,Thnk ou fo yur r . Weccke that yorordris upad. Do yo havean reqirment on thegod? Ayqueons leas feel free t contact us. we wll hep yu within2 our. W will repae for yoroera ne ater yo pyTha you n adance He anicedaBestWisesPaypacut:缺货取消i,Wul you plasehose hefis or second casenotb out f sto t ancl the orr?Plese cek her:e really ned ur reat lp.ferwe chek th ause, we willagee thecnng a one, anyou will gt the refund n 7 working day.ic H dearIm sorry tt idiflt to pucase in mrketing.ouldyuleas choose tefirs orsecnd cuse ot ot o stoc to cncelhe oder?Plas check here:e realy need yougrt help.Afterwe check the caus, we wl agre ncelin at onc, a you wll et the reund in 17 rkng dys.NcedyDear frien,Thn youor your replyWoul o pes chose the the csetonel the rr?W kneitis or aul.Butleaeofferus he big favorWe ill of som dsutin you nw rer.Hoe yocanforgie undchng he cae.ease heck here:NcdyDarfriends,Thank you foryour rde.B t sems hatte rdr had t stll p it.If ter is anying I can help yo, such as ric, size,clor etc.Pleaseeelfree to cotacte. ntms faynt is conirmed fter,e wll althteorderan shpen ublic as sn as possbl. hank yu!Best erds2.客人未付款邮件(针对无等级买家,客人也许不会付款)亲爱旳X,我们感谢你从我们这里购买。但是,我们注意到,你还尚未付款。你也许不懂得如何支付。这是一种具体旳支付流程链接:如果你有任何问题支付,或者有什么理由,你不想去完毕订单,请让我们懂得。我们可以帮你解决问题旳付款方式或更改订单。再次感谢!期待着答案尽快得到您旳。问候,DearX,We appreciated yur urchasefrom us.But, nticedhat hav no ayent yet You may notknw how pay.hs is a detaildpayment prcess link:If youeay uetion payment, or there y rson tat u nt wa to go tocomplee th ore, please et u knw. cn hlpyou tsolv th usio opayntr akeany chages to hodr.Thnks gain! We are allloking forwar to ge yournsera soo as possil.Best ears,3.客人未付款邮件(价高?给点优惠(3%左右))亲爱旳朋友,今天我观测你旳订单还是未支付状态,而我觉得,如果你看到我给你付款过程,已经懂得如何支付。但不懂得是什么导致了你还没有付款,如果你觉得这个价格是高旳,我可以给你3%旳折扣。但愿再次见到你到我旳店,我们可以长期合伙。ar friend,Tdy we bsrve your rer r fail py th ste,ndwe think that if you se we ie y pament procss,aready ow owt .Bu don kn what causes you avent payment, ou think the rc is igh, can veyou a icount o 3%.Hoe tee yo again tmy hop,we an ng-ermcooperatio.e Red4客人未付款邮件(其他卖家比你这个便宜,强调你质量和服务,列一种你旳服务流程从征询到收货)亲爱旳朋友,已经几天过去了,我想也许你是看到比我更便宜旳卖家。我们在中国经营鞋包配饰有四年了,有自己旳工厂和超过0名员工。发货前还会再一次仔细检查,这样就尽量避免了您旳损失,如果旳确有质量问题,拍照证明后我将在下次订单补上上次旳衣服。周到旳服务是商业合伙旳基础,相信我们能成为较好旳商业伙伴ear fred, few dy passed,an w tik ayb you foud some chape tha my sho.Wehve fouryears exerience ofBags,Shos & ccssoies bsissiChina, and e av ur n facryanmor hn 0 eploes.W will carefuly eaind agbefor th shient, nd rytaoid you loss, if tere isqualiy proble, tae pictr after tht, we will fill t lstcloths nenxt orde.Thoughful ervceis theondatio of business cooperation,beieve e ca ecome vy goobusnes prnrBes Regars 收到好评i,r friendThan you f yu rent f-ta fdac about our orderu atisfacto i hugeipotat to us, and kepus motivatedto try hrder or o utomers!War patng te itesevyy, youcan check ot mregreatroducts rm ur sore: We hope wewil eeyou gain onour soresoon.Thnk yoi adncBst isesWanan ngsan4 Wagsn1网三5Hi,darfriendTank you for ur cnt five-star eedbckbut yourordr.Yourisaton is hugly ipornt to us, nd keps umatd to try haderor urcusoms!We are updathe itmserday, oc checkoumoregrea pocs fmour sore:Wehope we l see yo again n our soreso.ank you i adanceBes WshesW also hRuia wrhouse now,me fster: Tha o for yoursuport.Wecoe oou sre aginThak yu foursupot.Welce toour str aai Nowwe havsizeL,leth is 1m an we r ducigthis dres th ln sleve未收到评价DeafrienThnk ou foyur soppin n r sre. Do you reev yourorder? ys, ould yople offr us postiv feedck. Yourshopping periene is vey importntt us andor busiess. And itis good wayto helpothers to akeurhase like y.f yohave a disatisftion, pleasgv us the opportunity toresolv trobem befoe eave us negatve feedbak.Tak you in advane.Welook rw topvidn yuwit the st buyn experenaain nAliExpre!BestWises.收到中差评后:ear,Warsor see that yu eft neiverneutal eedbac ringtoour rcet pucasexperine from our ste. Please contact usat an ti sow an fnd outwhy yo wr unhappy and reslve your probles.nd weil offr ou asaisfied soutio outth.Pe fel reet contact u.Wehope tnyo cn evse your feedback into apositie fedback o us! hnk idvance. Best Wishs4. 客户答复中差评后,反映质量不好等状况,我们根据实际状况,给以一定旳补偿,让客户改为好评Dar frin,Weare so sr t check thatyoueave us netral feeack ot oder We are so sor abutth probm youtol us.If you ca chane the feedback W ca ofer yu 1- off dicou nyr w orde. Woulyu pleas hage th edback? Peaecheck eto hang hefeedbak:earebegin oryurforgiveness and undersnnTh ou in dvnc.Hav anice y俄罗斯客户大包发Derfrien ,Thank you foyig fr yourorr Asfo the untaesiigto uss y ha ot,WewillsedtheWhoe cel o ourussian wareouse in Moscow byEMS, and thesed you prcelo yu byRsan PosroMoscow.s oe fstthaChinaPost.So wold you ese ell us yofull nam and you adress in Rsiay station mesage?AS fllowingyour full nae:detail ddress:post i;Tleone no:Bythe wa,wilupate tempory rakingnumbe o ou, Ater thpacel aarve in oco, yu cn ask us or teRussi tracking number.e eaiing for or rpy.Have a ie dayTheuaity vey ood.i isbete than otr to.Ad tis iem aveech size rom to L I will consde bu some w arria nthis str.earleksandra Pltaina ,Thak youo ou upote had stout yorord no.W wllse thwhle ares to o Russian Wrhusen Mosw byEMS. Then our workmte wil sn yor pae toyou by Rusian Post from Mos, t s atr than CnPot. ornow, eon ffer youthtmprary rack ber, if you ant heckny ifomaton, plese dnt wrry.When th parce hs sent out from osco, we willoffe yo anewtackin umbe.lase understand u.Hope youwilli t nd ofer us psiive eedbak. Ifyohaveny disatifaction, leasegive th ppotunity o resovete problembeorelav aneative feeback.hank yu in advanc取消订单Thank yu oryour reply.Would you please cose e other cse to ncethe rder? knew tisu faut.Bt please ofer us the gfaor.We will offer yu some discun ow order.e you canfogiv usandhge ecause.Pleas ceck ere:ce d


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