Unit 8 Holocaust

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nt 8 Hocahcan ouin frmthe folowig cture? Culualknoleg:1. Wha oct?It s t term generly usd to eribh gencideof aroxately sxilon uropan Jews urinWr Wa I, aprogrammeof sysemati stespnsrd extrminatob N Gemn.2 Wha ai rty? z ry was pitil rtin Germany between 1919ad 94.It waknow asthe GeranWker Pty(AP) piorto a hnge of nam in 920 Thplas adr, Adofitler, ppointed hancelo of Germny by ient Paul Hdbug 133 Hiler rapily esabise totataan rgieknowns Trd Rec.Nazi ilogspted th acialrty o t Gera people and ta ofe NortweternEuropean. The Nazs persecue te heyperceived a rce ens, that iife nwrthyflivi. This includd Jews,Ss,Rom, nd socalled Mschinge (person whixe l ) ang th Comuniss, hsexuals, he mentaly dphysicalydbled, nd others Te prcution rachd its lia whe aty ad the Grma e which it ontroled organizedhe sstmc muder f apoxiatey ilion esa x millonoterple om e ohtargtegoups,n wat hs omeknown as e locau.Htlers desire tobuil Geman epr hrough epsinis poie ld t heutakof World ar IIin uope.3. So stastiTtal mber ofele kll:5,9,12Tota numerofJewish Suvivr fro the Holoast: 3,46,11Tota numbeof Chilren killed: O 5 mlionTa nme ofCams: 2,wihovrsvbing xernio cmps Sectio A irectins: You re ectet studyts section ls. on prevewrd rees Foreach itaicied wdorphase, choose te steaibelw . yhav bn overcomi dificule since heeton fhe eterise A. conpion B fomati C. rth.Thmi nk n their lecn ograme i te pomiso ctaes . plan B. policy.aoden oad. Anreocabe deciso wainally b t omitte. .naltrbe B invital. cabe.he smuggld goos wriscated byte usomauhortie.A. olcte B.seize . ce5 eyweregult fbabaou troitie. acon B.ueles intas. I ma wat I houht as a erfect inncuosrrkndhe go mt use. .casl. r Churtin.Wenthe oldirs at ndefianceof ore. They wil sveelysh. A. efse B.diobiee C. violaton. Se cud ftm wMc Cury a cang such ene. A. masre undrstad C.beliee9 H i unr the dlsn tt he an bat i oppoet.A. opiinB. fale impssionC. beef1Chlk d hese ar disatesustances . simia B. difern C rlevatThe oocas1 Fro its nctn, te a antiSeiti majorlank fis pocal latform. Its rgrmmof90, ic ecle obeirrvable,mnaied tat rac as the basi o the Grma stat d dni Jw rit o Grm citizehp: O who isaflk-omrae cnbe ciize. Onlh whoi ofrmalo gardless o hishurchn eafk-comrade. No Je, heefo, cane flk-comae. 2 Tesam progmmeledgeth Pary o opostin gins“th Jew sri iti ndround s”.Th ani-emtism f Hte, wh bcmeFue o th Pi 921,ountedto eeprania: Min mp (1925), hs politiclteme nd teazi rtys “gpe” , nta aniSmtimoftecrustanmot osle kind.3 n te 120 ndeal1930s, ai antiSitimwas epessd poaanda an inislaed actsofviolnce ast Jewish indiviualsndhe proprty.oweve,thtuaion chaneamacay in1933 Hitl bcmehncelo of Germany o a onpystaeTheNazi wer thnaltoplment anti-Smitic poiy bcke by thpow andsourcesof a mao,oern indtrial tae. 4 Te Nz osaghtotJews cab iied intotmanphases Theft phaseextnde fom Hlers csson topower i1933 untilabt 194; the secnd phaselasted from 1941 to the endofthe war 1945. 5 In thfist hase the zis concetate princia o frcgte Jew o leaveGrmany. TheiriwtomakeGermany e ews,nd ccomplisthisthey rtsed “eal”anLaws, suc as the RicCiteshipw 95, werepse to de e of Grm ctzen,exle tem frm universiie, pblc office, the civiservice, the profesons n tisticle, a t confiate a “Aranize” ei busieeThe reut wa tatheleihood f Jwsnemny wer dtroedd theirsvival inGermanybcm irtuay psile.At ame ie, eNziorcetatedaureng rod f acs of thuggery gainstthees,whicthey oftnepeentedas spontaneousprisigs f e “Aya” ase aans theirJewshppessos. h cuated i te s-cald Kritallnacht(“nigh o brkn glas”)o 9-10 Novmber1, whenJewis he, shops, ehousean sagues re ataed throught ermn, alleely in retaltinfor therer by alih Jw of arnest Vom ath,tir secreta oftern embsy in Pari. Theseaacks o pae in a clmcretd by astant arrgf ani-Semtc ropagnd aimed vifingth s ndustfyngte measures taken ainshem. T largeetent,th Nazsachvdthi bjeie: lif ecame intolerblefrte esan anyletGeany 7 Te secnpase fthe Ni onsaught nte Jews wa enmoe exreme, nd nuded the ntorious“Fna olution” (slaughtrpan)This hase wa given ipetus y a mbrf facors. Firt, fer h oubrak ofar in 193,Jwishemiraon bca ncreaiglyimprilan, n 941, thzis theselv ut an en to it. Son, azi toris ih arlypa oth arbogt vs numbes of wsune Germanonol. hi s mosaked dring theestwarut the Germa armieino oand (939) a Russi(41), th two ctr o Jwisoplaioni urope. hs ctre nified te “ei prblem”fr th Nas anprompted more radical solutions.inlly,in e1930, he atta te es adbeen carrid otin fullviewf t wor. Drn te w,oe, iheedia ighl tl anwith arme nvlian t move, trociie coul be omtted ithoutatraigch tntion. In Ja 19, a umbe f leingNas met a anee, a sub Beri, o l ad co-ordinte the “FnalSolution”, whicnvolvenohinglsthn the eerntiof thws nuope9 Th Nasreful guarddhe seecy oheoperai. All dcmet elaito t e cssifd asto eet, adevenwithn hse dmen,oddlaae ws sed t onealwhatwa reallhapenin spect ofthperaioislf ee referr o by nouous andup-beexpsons: example,gssdJews wereecoed as hai be“ppriately dalt wh”. 0 Th gnoide f the es wa ffete tomain ways.Frt, pci mobeuts folowdhavacng emnmiesand shtllthe Jethy ould fid. Thesenits operd ith paticula fficeny inussi.Second,s were hred ito camps (suh asBeren-Bsen, Trebika,Majane anAschwitz - Birken) where he wee eithe orker rketo deat, strveosed.hese cas wereeahfcore iwhthe Nazisppied teinustateniqus of msspouctin t thdetrnofhman beins with ruthlesefficency. 11 Dring e wa, h e ade occsional tempt to esis. Thesurme (typic) exml f tsreistance ashe Wrsaghetto (cnenr aaof s)upis, hih th Nazis n mana putdown conidrable ost o (fo)temseves Tre ee alsoprisins n t cam. But such ats o defiancwerethe excption. Thei manage tdecive,disientatean teorize heir vts sefectvl ta ms wetuessting o teir daths. 1 nrvention fomous Nazcolle Europwaslargely infftal, especialyt th oubrak o war. It k sme tiefr newsf he exteminaionrogram to lakt,ndeven wen itid itnddtobe mewincreity afirs. Howv, sme rs oeraio wr uccelly mute, hu pitiuy smal ale.Atr he w, vaiooganzions,bo Jewshndnon-Jeish,odn Euroe to hep thesuivors,nyfh expresstundrtanable wih to egate ad aebhind e tum of hirfe in Euope 13Itisno sy t penetra thenty o heNzs, norfatho her reass f ommiing scs farall rbarsm. Ther w, udoubedly, aeemet prnsm ndexpiency (priapof) i their poi. Ati-Semitismwas ndei (regina)in Gemaniy, ad tJew waa opul “bogyan” (tribl an, evi)agais whom veryncol unite.Th,heve, anno the lesory, a th Niscotined kln Je almost to the ve edof e wa-long fter, on yraialaculaton, thispy oud hae ielnyoble“benefits”. lmo tthe end, tranport and materls dsprtly nedeothe aefore divere to ep tap running.This sugests hat te Nazrelbng under th lusion thawa te Jws, and no teAlie, wh were hei min enm, des cmkrne ol i th onet of smzar aocalyptision f theworld.1I hi pliical last ilntestamn,dictedin hisuke Berlncolapse flamdroud hm, Hierwoe: “beall,I nd teeadershi ofh to andits sordnates o he anlbserncof theracial ad mriless eistance ainstthe world-prsoer o all ntions, inentioler.” Ts monsr vision of te orld fud gether wih ead clrit al tedisprate elemntofonehusanyears of eologcl ndracialanti-emiti nd eophobnEurope 15 Te Naindher collaborats uredaroundsi millonew, oall dsoing he reatis commnities Geranyand of cerandeasern Ere.sa rs,therf gty n Jish utue oed ireoabl fromErpe to Irael adteUA. h Holocus was a pivtalelmn owetiet-centuJewih istr,aneve uld sn hae a rfoudimpact on ewi li athoughTalWods: 4Total Rdn Te:_Te tex isbasedon The Jeih nigayDadEnglander, eOpnUiversity.eing omrehensi:ile the letterof hbe swe.1. Ati Semitibecmaajr politica of h Nazarty fromthetme wh_ hNazPr wsounde . Hiterbeca Chnclorf rmay .Gmy bcaa ne-y ta.TheNazi oslaughtonth ews an edividednto to ainphse:_ A. 9252 nd 192719 B 19391 ad 191-195 C.938 -141 an1-1945. Twincenterso Jwsopulatin Eopewre_A. GeranyandRussa B. PlandadRa C. Gemany an Plad4. “The Fnalouio”n te secnd phs of heNzonslaug n e Jews mns_. Athe prisonmntfthe ew Gem B. h xterinanf he Jews in Gerany C. e xemination ofhJewsinEuope5.In he cam,the ursinof theJews were rare bse_ Ascatsfdefiance d littl ue.tr reistance would t toomany lives . e Nazmngdo deeive, iientae a eoie he Jes . Peolotszotre urope rected tthe newsof etermatonprgamme wit _atfirs. A curosiy B.beief C. ndgi7. Adigt h aor,_A. teNis elievdthe kil f t Jews ould yiel“s”.the reasn for he kin of h Jes ol b fund inthe Nzimnsrs in theorl .th azs inall raliz th llis ere ma enmy.TheNaz a tei colabrator murerd round _ millio J.A. two. ur C. sixSmarizng rai: Summriz the coore aragraphwtsmple ord, phassetnces.Setence nderstandig: entence i paagah1 Sentenein ragh 10 etee n ragrap 11 eec in parap12 Snenci paragraph1canngpracce:Dusso: hadoou tinkar the cass oanti-Semitism?


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