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频率副词:一般用来表示动作发生的频率。往往放在句子中间,实义动词之前,非实义 动词之后;非实义动词分为1系动词be.2助动词帮助动词构成时态 (do,does,will,shall,have,had,has).3 情态动词(must,can,may)。除此之外,都叫做实义 动词。常见频度副词按频率大小排列如下:always ( 100%)usually ( 80%)often ( 60%)sometimes ( 40%)seldom (20%)hardly (10%)rarely never(1%)1. 频率副词是表示与次数,频率有关的副词,如:always(总是),usually(通常),frequently (经常)often (经常)sometimes(有时),seldom(不常),rarely(极少),never(从不)once(一次),twice(两次),等。2. 频率副词等级:all the time 100%;almost , always 90%;generally , usually 80%;often , frequently 60-70%;as often as not 40-50%;sometimes , at times 20-30%;occasionally , from time to time 10%;hardly , seldom , rarely 5%;never 0%o3. 频率副词用在be动词后。He always gets up at 6:30.他经常六点半起床。4. 频率副词用在主要动词前。My father usually walks home.我的父亲经常步行回家。5. 频率副词用在助动词与实义动词之间。I will always love you.我将永远爱你。6. 频率副词用在ought to之间。You ought often to write to your mother.你应该常给你母亲写信。7. 在答句中,频率副词必须放在助动词前。Do you often go there?你常去那里吗?(误)Yes, I do often.是的,我常去。(正)Yes, I often do.是的,我常去。8. never (从不),seldom(很少,不常)用于句首时,句子要用倒装形式以加强语气。Never have I been there.我从未去过那里。Seldom do I watch TV.我很少看电视。9. sometimes(有时)和usually (通常)可以放在句前和句末。Sometines I go to school by bus.我有时坐公交车上学。I go to school by bike usually.我通常骑车上学。2用法编辑在否定句中的用法在否定句中,有的频度副词位于否定词之前或之后均可,而有的频度副词则必须位于否 定词之后,还有的频度副词却必须要位于否定词之前。大致情况如下:1. 频度副词usually和often可位于否定词not之前或之后。他们不常开这样的晚会。正:They don t often hold such parties.正:They often don t hold such parties.星期日我们一般不在9点以前起床。正: We don t usually get up before nine on Sundays.正: We usually don t get up before nine on Sundays.在否定句中,频度副词用于句中或句首,有时但会导致意思不同。He doesn t usually sleep for two days at a time.他很少一连睡两天。Usually he doesn t sleep for two days at a time.他连续两天不睡觉是常事。2. 频度副词always总是位于否定词之后,不可位于否定句之前。Things are not always what they seem to be.夕卜表往往是靠不住的。Silence must not always be read as consent.沉默并不见得一定意味着同意。3. 频度副词sometimes总是位于否定词之前,不可位于否定词之后。Jim is sometimes not very punctual.吉姆有时不太准时。Debbie is sometimes not responsible for what she does.黛比有时对她所做的事不负 责任。位于句末的用法1. sometimes常可用于句末。如:We all get into trouble sometimes.我们有时都会遇到麻烦。You can t work all the time,it does you good to go out and enjoy yourself sometimes.你不能总是工作,有时出去放松一下会对你有好处。2. often有时可置于句末,但通常会带有very, quite, fairly, more, so等修饰语。如:We ve been there quite often.经常去那里。When I was young, I used to play tennis very often.我年轻时经常打网球。Diana used to travel a lot. These days she doesn t go away so often.娜过去经常旅游。这些天她不常出门了。Were not exactly on intimate terms, but we see each other fairly often.虽算不上关系密切,但还常见面。注:有时也可不带修饰语,但主要见于否定句或疑问句。如:He writes to me often.他经常给我写信。Do you come here often?你常来这儿吗?I don t come here often.我不常来这儿。3. usually有时也用于句末,其前不用修饰语I m not late, usually.我通常不迟到。I get paid on Fridays usually.我通常在星期五领工资。4. seldom 一般不用于句末,除非其前带有only,very等修饰。We go out very seldom.我们绝少外出。I play basketball very seldom indeed.我很少打篮球。5. always 一般不用于句末,偶尔用于句末,此时它不表法“总是”,而表示“永远”。I ll love you always.我将永远爱你。另外,有时用于句末是因为句子有所省略的缘故。Generally they walked together on Sunday, but not always.他们一般在星期日一起散步,但并不总是如此。句中的 but not always=but they didn t always walk together on Sunday。位于句首的用法1. sometimes常可用于句首。Sometimes she comes late.有时她来得晚。Sometimes she didn t agree with me.有时她和我意见不一致。Sometimes we get a lot of rain in August.有时在8月份雨水很大。2. often用于句首时,通常表示强调,且其前一般有quite, very修饰。Very often he comes in late.他常常迟到。Quite often the phone rings when I m in the bath.电话经常在我洗澡时响。3. usually有时也用于句首,其前不用修饰语。Usually I get up early.我平时起得早。Sometimes he comes by bus, but usually he comes by taxi.有时他坐公共汽车来,不过他通常还是打的来。Usually cooking pots have two small handles but pans have one long handle.通常地深底煮锅有两只把手而平底锅只有一个长长的把手。4. always 一般不用于句首,除非是用在祈使句中。Always remember this.请时刻记住这一点。Always look in the mirror before starting to drive. 一定要先看看反光镜再开车。另外,never也可用于祈使句的句首。Never tell him the news.千万不要告诉他这消息。Never ask her about her marriage.决不要问她结婚的事。5.在正式文体中,表示否定意义的副词seldom, never可位于句首,但此时其后要用倒 装语序Seldom has there been such a happy meeting.过去很少有过这样愉快的会议。Never did he think the book would be finished so soon.他可没想到这本书会这么快看 完另夕卜,once a year (每年一次),twice a week (每周两次),three times a day (一天三次), every Saturday afternoon (每星期六下午)等,这些时间状语也表示频率,它们可以和频 度副词用在同一个句子中,表达上没有重复。如:We usually go to the cinema four times a month.我们通常一个月看四次电影。3口诀编辑频率副词位置记忆口诀:be后实动前助主间对频率提问用how often或how many times


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