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四川遂宁市初中毕业暨高中阶段学校招生考试英语试卷本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。总分15分。考试时间1分钟。第卷(选择题,满分1分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案填写到指定的答题位置。第一节 (共5小题;每题15分,满分7.5分)听下面短对话,每段对话后有一种小题,从题中所给的、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。1 What is Erc ginto o oorrow?2. ha oem faher do?3.Wha kd of oks sPeter have?A. ography.B. hysic.C. Hry.4. Where is h mannw?. na sore.B. In estaurnt.C. In lbray. hat dese an now?A. Monkeys. Lion.C. Tgers.第二节(共5小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几种小题,从题中所给的、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6、7两个小题。 ow isony goi to aghai?A Btrain.B. plane.C. ar.7. has Lisa doing?A.Radig gaine.Chatting with ergrndothr.C.Sleeping.听下面一段对话,回答第8至10三个小题。8 Wooes the auy a hrtfor?A. Hi ucleB. Hsfatr.C. Higrndfather.9. t colr sirt e th mn wnto u?A. A whieone.B. A een one.C. A brownon1. muchdoes thea py?A.50B2C 2听下面一段对话,回答第11至13三个小题。11. hy didn Cudia go toscool? Her mother was ll.he s a fever.C. Seut her g12 owws he wether yeserday when Claudia was gong hme?A.Snowy. ainy. nd.1. Whoigt Mr Sth e?A Claias ftherB. Cladis eachr.C. Clauis docto.听下面一段对话,回答第4至20四个小题。14.Wa dosZhang Yon plan to o thiweend?A. Atend a pr.BSee a il.C. Hel collct he ubbis1 Wo willhelp dohouewok on ary?A.ng ng.B. ZhangYon.CXieLli16.ow many student il joinnti actviy?A 1.B 2.C. 3.听下面一段对话,回答第17至20四个小题。7. Watdid Mr. Brond eforehe left?A. e wosm words on ece of er.B. He asked his snto go ouwih him.C. Heid othin efore he le. Wy dd Tom brntht bun piece of aper?A. Someon askd m torn t.B Becu M on as com back.C. Because he thoughttat piece apr ws no re us.19. W id the anisit Mr.Bron?A. The futh day. Th fitday.C.e snhday.20. Whic ei tueacording the pasge?A Mr. Bow wa dead.B. r.rwn ws burnt. Th madidn ee Mr. Brownthtday.第二部分英语知识运用第一节:单选2.We s Mar lying? he is yigt Frace oon. Sh willarrie iais _ eornig of Jul. A. at B. n C n . o22. Le! I hink it _beM. Whe sng in h ffic.No It _ be him.He efrLoon just now. A. must;ustnt B. y; mutnt Cmust; catD. an; can3.Aice prefers sies tt shotndfny. A. are B is C. as Dwer24. ourcasroo is so clea. Of curse. It _ veyda. A. is clane was claned C. cans. claned 5. id youvst theGret Wll in r ?_. Infact,i. A. Eitr . Neithr C Both D.All6. How do yo proyou Englis?_you speak, _ ur EnglishillbeA. The lss; th mr B. Th mor; th etter Te s;te ette . he mor; h less2.rteaherofen tel u _ time.A. not waste B. don waster C. nt wase D. desntwe8. Tim, wee going toBeijigfor acto. lease _ ome nfomaion on line.O. A. look at B. ook ou C.lotr D. loo p29.old yuind i tae h et nex o?_.Theperson owahr haiished his luchnd lft. A. Certinot . Enjoy yulf C. Dnt truble me D. Yes,plse30. Could u el e _? A ninclock, teminus A. o wl he lav. hn e hs left C. hy heis laing D. when heill leave第二节.完形填空Ther was one a oo oan wt ol on on. One da, sekedher so i thwas aything he wated. Th b said he wnted a 3 . Thoterleft or the aret,felin veryad, 32 hedid ot have enoug money 32 a drum.Ote ay home,se 34 pece fwoodandav 35 to rsn to ply wit. 6 tha , theboy wen utsid o pa.Ao t oad, hs an old womn 37 .The old omn wstrig t srtafire tocok some foo, 38 sheddnt hav anwood Hearintis, th y avehi c o wod. The woman avehim a piec ofrad semd. Then,rthe own therd, heboy 3 a taos(裁缝)wiend e cring child. Theboy asked her wa as ron. The woan aid sh ad ofood to ieher 4 child. Tbgath woman te piece o 41 ,and se gaei anew cat he o walkd on. Net t boy saw a n 42 adn shirt. The mand he had ben rob(抢劫)nhisay hom. herobershad tkenallthns: is money,hisshi 4 hore. thebo a the mahis ew coa. The nwas 44 apy that he gae the boy hi orse.nll, on his ayhme,thoy me a 45 o opleginto weeding. Theeere musicias, thebdegrom(新郎), anhis fmily. Everyon loked 4 .Th bridgroo ftesid, “Wea 7 fora hos. f i oen cme son, e elte or the weddng”. he boygave thm is 48 . Tegrop askedthe boy 4 thyoudgive , ande repled,“ rm.” So,th musicians gav himthirum. The b ran hometo te his thr howh had a ast gte te drm he hadwanedHis moe thought fo whil thn told him tathepin othrs is hlng 5 .3.A.coat B. r C. drum D.hose2 uness . and C. so D. becue33 . tbuy B buyi buy Dboug3. A. un out B. found C lookedor D. e3. A. it B.thm C. self D.theselves6.A ar . Ago C Beore D Unil37. . smile B.milng C cyi D. to cry38. A but Bif C one . ecas3 A. met B. sked . isit D. stoppd40. A ful Bhungry .apy D. os4 A woo B. et C. pape D. read42. A.wse Bho C.wht D.er43. A. besides B. ct C.ad . th.A. such B. so Cvery D.too4.A. set B pair . grop D. ma. A hapy B.happiy . rrid D. saly47.A. waited . oped C. wanted D waing4. A.rad B dru C.shit D. hoe. . o B. wen Cwha D. who0. A. yo B temelve C the .urseves第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每题2分,满分4分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(, B, C, D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答案卡上将该选项发涂黑。AMstof Ts neighbors were frendly. There ways rad to hep each ter when theyre inrouble. ut hee wa on m who wa dske y eeryone because shes alaysbrrowing hins from her neighbo bu orgetng give tmbck. One morn, Tom hea a knockat is frt dor, and whehe opned the dor hfound this man ousie. “od moning, Tm!Ihae totake soe thigs to msit in e twn toay, but Ihaentgoahorse, as o kno. W yu lend your?I wil ring it back ths evng” “Imorry,” aswered To “Ifmy hrswas he, I woud ledit o yu, btit isn.”“Oh?”sa he mn. was hr lst niht becaus sawit une the tre n orarden. “Where is t nw?”“M wif too i t ton ealy this mornng,” answredTom.Jsthn hose mdbi noise. “oueo ellig the rth, !”“Icanhearr horse Yo souldtelth trutto you neghor.” “ure!” aid T. “Isis good aners t believe a horseswordrter thn that ofyour ow nighbo?” Tomn leithout aword.51 ow wrmostf To neigbrs?A. Thy ere impolite . The we riendl.CThey wee unfriendly. D Thy ere inroubl.5 When didthewomnknok tTodo?A. On mori. B. One noon. C. O ftno. .Oneevning.53. Whatdd twoman wntto o? Shwant toreturn soethn B. hwsokingor n horseC. e anedto see Tom. D. hewantd t browoms horse.54. Why dd te wm ecause anry?A.bcuseTom didn lt her in. B. Bause Tomswife too te hse oth town.C. ecauseTom didt tel he the trh. D. ecau her rs isg.55.Wha cnwe ife (推断) fr te assag?.Tm en hihorse to hewoman. B. Tom idnt d hi horse to e woaC Tomshorse as nota hoethen. D. Te woman tl a lie.Bew Energy in te TwentyfrstCenturynrgy from wiin s kindf clean eegy,ad ther ltof it, but, if theresno ind,her is n win nry. Energy from thewater hn watrom a highplace t a lower plae,i an make elcrity(电)wihout olluion Howeve, peopl havtobild dams(水坝)us thisergy, andbuilng dms iveryexpesve.Enegy fro te eathTere i heatin th rcks unde the er.Scientists us theheatto maeeothermal(地热的)enr. Thi kinf energy eap nd clea, bu i only sble in few plaehe oldEnegy fromhe suSolaranels(太阳电池板)on the ofs of hseanturn enrgyfr th su noeecticity. Sola poer s canand letiful(丰富的). When the wathris ba,it oesnwork.56. Hw man kins o nergy os hpassge takabout? 2 B. . D.7.Whatkindofenergyis ver expensiveif we at o et it?A. nerg frm wid . Eney o te aer .Energy fro the earh D.Ene from sun58.Wha inds of eneryepnd muchon the eathracordin o the paage?A.nergy fom the wte nery romthe wind.B.Energfrmthewtr and nr frthe erth.C. Energyom theearth and energy rom theun. Enrgy frote indand eergy fro te sun.59. Thse kis onergy hvesomethingin coo, it is_.A expensive B. clea C. easytoge D. difficulo get6. Accrdi hepssae,e can knw al tese knsof nergy _. haadvatagesand disdante B. a wl usin ChnaC.are widely used Amra D are idelyusd n the woldCToday,rller skatg(滑旱冰) ssyand n. But m years ag,it wan eas at allBfore 1750, ee e tred kating n whel. Ttcange beaseofa man amd HoephMerln. Merlns r s aing istunts. In fee te e liked to y the vilin.rlin waama wit may ideas a aydramPeope aledim dreaerOedayMerin receivedninvtato o g to a important arty.was ve pleed n a ittl ecited As the of th party cae near, elbeganttink e wanteo fnd wato mk a wodrfletrcete y. Mrl a andea. H touht tt hewoud attt a ot ofatetion he could skte into t room.erin ried diffeen way makeherll.Fily, he decided t p whels under ah sho.These were the irt rolr sk shes. Mrlin verproud them Hereamed ariving a epay nd sang ito the oom whileaying he olin H was sure ta evre woud ver surpised.On nigh o h py Merln rlle int th room, paying isii. Evrne wasellysuprised tose him. here was st one problem.Mernhad no wto stop hiroller skating. He rlled n,laying th violn Thn, wi al eye on im,Mer t t a hugiroron thwal The ir rok into many iec with ery loud nise. Bt nobody frgot Merli onderful entrnc ft h.61. WhasMerls job?. Making nsruments.B. Plan e vioin. Rollersatg. Making oller sate h.2. Pe cld rin a dreamerbecaus_ A.he slet a dreed a ot . he lys mde eples dream coe tuC.he invented he irst roler sate shoeD.e was fullofany difeetieas6. Why dd Men hinkof skgon wels?. ecae h lovdhis wrk.Because he wand tmaeaonderul enrnce t artyC.Because he nte ti play the violn btD.Beause ther a a ge mirror.64.Wt w Mers probem fter he roled into the oom?A e cudntophis rer-sking. B. Hecoudtattract a lot of atton.C. Everyoe was srisd t hm eoul play the violin whil rlig65.Whatdoesthepasge talk aou?. Ho set ller skate.B.Hw eoe enoyehemseve nthe 18th cenurC. How th lle sking w inent. w peope mde srmentDTourim (旅游业) today is much o iprtan hafore. n the ast, oly pope withlot money cold tvelo holidysto otrcoutrie Mor eopletrael toay tan n thepst because thee is a groin idlecls in mn parts otheorl; tht to ay,peopl nwave more mone or travel. Special plaefare(特价机票) for tursts make tavel less pesiv and more atraive (吸引人) tan ver beore. n persodosnttral fr emereson as anoher. B most peopejoy ing countr tat r difen mtheir own. hey aso like to meet ew popeand t tastnew food.Tourism ausesmany age ina ountr ani peoples lives. Peopleuil w hotes and estauns andtrin in th navs asguies t sho visitrsround pace o trs.hrre nght lu and theacivities. Iteraioltourimis clearly big busis.66. Moreople avel todaythan n the pst bcause _.A. peole have thig do B. eoe ca mae lot of mny oer ounte. pepeowhave more mney for trveD.treare English cases n mapatofteworld67. Whmaks trave mreatttithan efore?A ewhotels nd resura ha been buit. B. Moe gidesarebeingtrained show beatifl spts.C taying in the othe couries i les exesi.D Trelig by air uhhpe tay8. What des h unlned wor “atve” men?A. 本地人 B.游客 C. 外地人 D.陌生人69. ost ole travl o manypars ofthe wold. This isecaus _.A. hy wan to aka sty o egrahyB.the wanttospend moneyC. tey ant o seediffent cotrs, etdifferent pepl ad hv neoD. ey ont wat to anhg lse exeptthat te visitfrieds70. a sthe s tilfor the pag?. Intodcton Som lace fneres B. orism inthe astC.Howeople Tvelo hCuntries D. The Cne o ouri第四部分: ( 四川遂宁)口语运用((共小题,每题2分,满分10分))根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答案卡上将该选项涂黑。A: H, Liui. I hventse yu for ays, 7 B: I haven to BjinA: hatdid yo do ere?: 72 A: Relly? o youpef?B: 3 A:ongatulato! oe lways the et Whoepoem did you hoe?B:I chose LiBais H s my favouite poet.:Ilve his poes, too. 74 B: Fatic. You know, u Chinese ancie pomae eally gra. Wld lernmoe.: 75 Is or dutyt kend pread u tritionaculture.B:ats alit. agre with . Wee have you een?C. I tok pti the Poem edinCompettin.D. nd at d yu thin o thcmpeitin?E I o the ft prize.71 _ 2 _73 _74._ 7._第I卷(非选择题,满分40分)第五部分:写作(共三节,满分40分)第一节:词汇(共0小题,每题1分,一空一词,满分10分) )根据句意和提示,在句子右边的横线上写出空白处所缺单词的对的形式。(共5小题,每题分,一空一词,满分5分) 7 Weae ful of ergyand_ (渴望的)f kowd. 7. Ma_ (isi)aethe homtn of the gratmn dring thacati. 78 ll th students are _ (划分) intofourteams . Can yo _ (想象)wh you wilbelikei te yars?8. Thans a lotYour _ (友谊) isimportantme.B)根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,并将对的答案填在短文后的横线上。(每个单词只用一次)。(共5个小题;每题1分,一空一词,满分分)successful, ad , hoped, the, dauter angal摔跤吧,爸爸 is g sots lm from Inda The ovie isbasdon tru ory. on-profession wrstr(非专业摔跤手)rom ndia 81 t wi a oldedaforhicountry.He coutake part in n interntonal cotiion without govrmnt upo,inted hebeame an offc Bu heturnetwo f his 82int wrslrs. Atfirst, ot t sisters sowed nonerest in wrestig. They even began o rydffren waystoge out f. t once threalized tat 83 fthr wated hem haveore haces in lie, thy bcame very interstednit, trained very hrdAt last,afer may fiuesth site got 8.第二节:短文改错(共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增长、删除或者修改某个词。增长:在缺词处加一种漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多与的词语用斜线()划掉。修改:在错误的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出改正后的词。注意:1.每句不超过两处错误; 2. 每处错误及其修改仅限一此; 3.只容许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Der ies an genlmen, I Zhao We. I am an juior student. Id like to bcome ne of you oulteer I hv lared nglish for year I eda lot of mee ime listn nglish newsad aching Engish moes, ut mooat Enlih. Tht i tosay, its iffcult for e talk with oplin nglis Ihave ben iteste sciencesince Iwas chil y favorit boksare about ciec. Iofen haveew ides which have nourage me alo. Besids, I likehat making riends wth dfrt peple, n mattr whrtey co fro Im sue ta wllet ag wel wih it. I od b very hnkfuuls ou ld give m the chace. ank y!第三节:书面体现(满分20分)保持一份好心情(keep in a oo mod)有助于身体健康,也有助于学习。加入你是周川,你朋友李玲近来心情始终不佳,请你用英语写一封信建议她如何保持一份好心情。 要点提示:1积极参与体育运动;2. 保持健康的饮食习惯;.与父母和教师多交流,与同窗和睦相处;4 积极参与公益活动。参照词汇:公益活动volnteer actvity注意:()文中请勿提及你的真实姓名和学校;(2)80词左右(短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数);(3)注意信件的完整性(必须有过渡语和结束语);()短文必须涉及要点提示中的所有信息(不要逐字翻译),并在此基本上合适发挥。ear LiLin, headwer ia bad Howis it oing recently? A we no, een in good mo is good for heathand std _


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