重大版英语五年级上册Unit 3《At the table》ppt课件3.ppt

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重大版英语五年级上册Unit 3《At the table》ppt课件3.ppt_第1页
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Unit 3 At the Table Lesson3 Story corner rabbit pig cat dog hen This is a_. presents I have some for animals. vegetables I bring some . for rabbit bread potatoes I bring some_ for pig . and chicken rice fish Guess I bring some_ for_. cat dog hen Read the story corner ,and try to act out the story with your friends. 读故事,并与朋友扮演。 Mr. Brown Aha, what a nice morning! Happy New Year , Mr. Brown! Happy New Year , Rabbit ! I bring you some vegetables. Thanks , Mr . Brown. Happy New Year , Pig! I bring you some bread and potatoes. Thanks ,M r .Brown. Happy New Year , Cat and dog! I bring you some fish and chicken. Many thanks!. I bring you some rice for Hen. But where is she? . Shes in the coop(鸡舍 )。 Happy New Year , Hen! I bring you some rice. Many thanks , M r . Brown! I have some presents for you ,too. PK TIME 1、 Work with your friends. (请小组合作,组长督促完成 ) 2、 Read correctly and fluently. (音准,流利) Make a service: Tips Wish you have a good body ! Homework: Play the story with your partner. (和自己的搭档进行故事练习 )


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