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学习必备 欢迎下载 不规则动词练习题 1.A _(light)cigarette burned a hole in his clothes.2.A woman next to me _(weep)silently,her head bowed.3.A world depression would have _(sink)all boats.4.After he was released he put the plans on paper and _(begin)producing his calculators in 1947.5.After the earthquake only a few houses were _(leave)standing.6.After the old gardener died,the garden _(grow)wild.7.As she reached the age of thirty she _(become)convinced she would remain single all her life 8.as the trees _(spread)across the globe,so did the early creatures.9.Astonishingly,43 per cent of those new riders said they had _(ride)during that week.10.Be careful,you could end up by getting_(hurt).11.But these days,poverty _(strike)North Korea badly needs economic aid and Seoul wants better relations with Pyongyang to ease tensions.12.By the time the fire-brigade arrived the fire had _(burn)itself out.13.Day had _(break),and he cast his net for the last time.14.Did you see his face when I _(show)him the falls?15.Government officials who travel on business are _(give)traveling allowances.16.Half the fruit crop _(freeze)out in the sudden severe autumn.17.He _(shoot)four people dead and fled across town.18.He _(fall)behind when we were climbing the mountain.19.He _(give)me a lot of help.I owed much to him.20.He _(sell)very specialized equipment for the electronics industry.21.He _(foresee)that it would rain before morning.22.He _(rewind)the tape and replayed a few bits and pieces.23.He came in and _(sit)on the edge of the bed.24.He didnt buy drugs,for example,but he did sell _(steal)jewellery.25.He had lost weight and the suit _(hung)loosely on him.26.He had never _(forgive)her for reporting his shortcomings in front of his friends.27.He has _(cast)her as an ambitious lawyer in his latest movie.28.He has got through all the money me _(lend)him.29.He hid his earnings in a pocket _(sew)into the inside of his pants.30.He knocked the tiger about fiercely until it _(lie)dead.31.He says Haitis children also need schools _(rebuild)and basic social services.32.He told me the name of the salesman to ask for and I _(shake)his hand.33.He toured the United States in luxury Pullman cars,_(ride)the queen Elizabeth ocean liner to Europe and fended off offers from western banks.34.He was _(choose)as President because he was a fully qualified,charismatic statesman.学习必备 欢迎下载 35.He was _(freeze)to death on a snowing night.36.He was _(hung)for his crimes.37.He_(read)books until midnight last night.38.His mind was at ease and he _(feel)confident in the future.39.His only way of dealing with his problems was to go out and get _(drink)40.How much money have you _(pay)him since your husband died?41.I _(shut)my book and opened the window to look out.42.I declare to you that I have never _(lie)about the affair.43.I didnt think you _(mean)that seriously;I thought you were teasing.44.I dont know why I feel so _(feed)up this morning.45.I dreamed of the sky of my childhood when I _(sleep)under the stars and counted through my dreams.46.I never knew a chick could get so _(wind)up on a bike.47.I shall seek this man,as I have _(seek)truth in books.48.I still have a ring I _(steal)as a teenager.49.I was _(wake)up at some unearthly hour of the morning by someone knocking on my door.50.I was completely attracted by that car.And I swore that one day I,too,would own one.51.I was only able to make these moves because I _(overcome)my shyness and learned to be confident.52.If two people or two groups of people are _(swear)enemies,they dislike each other very much 53.If you are _(bite)by a snake or a small insect,it makes a mark or hole in your skin,and often causes the surrounding area of your skin to become painful or itchy 54.If you get _(lose),you do not know where you are or are unable to find your way.55.If you get a larger size,it will fit you even after it has _(shrink).56.If you have never _(swim),then you really should have a go.57.If you wonder what has _(become)of someone or something,you wonder where they are and what has happened to them 58.Im glad that ridiculous plan has finally been _(lay)to rest.59.In a little over two hours,the titanic filled with water and _(sink).60.In many countries,confidence in the local currency has been severely _(shake).61.Increased consumption of water has _(lead)to rapid depletion of groundwater reserves.62.It is difficult to relate these results with any _(know)cause.63.It is possible that the card has already been _(tear)beyond repair 64.It was surprising the government was re-elected,_(give)that they had raised taxes so much.65.Its significance is lost if it is not heard _(sing)and seen acted.66.Jack would not have _(hit)the boy without provocation.学习必备 欢迎下载 67.Jane let out where she had _(hide)her fathers birthday present.68.John passed through a difficult period shortly after his marriage_(break)down.69.Just then a friend _(drive)up and gave me a ride.70.Last nights storm _(bring)several trees to the ground.71.Let me read that over.I must have _(mistake)the name.72.Mary placed her sewing aside when the telephone rang 73.Medicine should not be _(keep)where it is accessible to children.77.My wife tried to stop them and they _(beat)her.75.Nothing is concrete,nothing is _(set)in stone.76.Rivers are being increasingly _(make)use of by man.77.Science _(seek)an effective method of containing the disease.78.She _(sing)and we clapped.She joked and we laughed.79.She _(spend)lots of money on books last year.80.She _(write)to him during basic training and decided to give Ian a chance.81.She _(fight)down her excitement and went on with her work.82.She _(withdraw)her previous remarks,and apologized.83.She has _(fall)in love with a man half her age.84.She hesitated,and then _(put)her hand on Graces arm 85.She tried to sell the shares as the stock _(slide)to$32.86.She was totally crazy!She almost _(tear)my head off.87.She was very creative and talented and _(speak)a lot of languages.88.Since then the youth-unemployment rate has _(rise)by over a third.89.Smoking is _(forbid)here.Please put your cigarette out.90.So at the end of this exhausting day,I _(swim)long at the village pool and then went home to sleep.91.Some confusion has _(arise)as a result of the new system.92.Something in me had been _(awake).93.Suddenly the kids,who had been eavesdropping,_(fly)into the room.94.Thanks for reminding.Ive _(forget)all about his coming this afternoon.95.That stupid lorry driver has _(go)and jammed our car in.96.The _(write)constitution of the United States was adopted in 1787.97.The banquet is being _(hold)in an atmosphere of friendship and cordiality.98.The candles on the Christmas tree _(light)up the room.99.The chemist has _(win)worldwide recognition.100.The children _(eat)until no food remained on the table.101.The company has _(grow)rapidly in the last five years.102.The decision has _(split)some families.103.The girl had hardly _(ring)the bell before the door was opened suddenly,and her friend rushed out to greet her.学习必备 欢迎下载 104.The more they are _(understand),the more mysterious they become 105.the most serious violent incident came when people _(throw)stones at opposition leader 106.The night before the test I was _(overcome)by fear and despair 107.The play will be _(show)again in the Beijing theatre,on September 25.108.The proposals are an attempt to get the country _(rid)of political corruption.109.The remains of the meal were _(feed)to the dog.110.The sun that _(shine)on the British Empire had passed midday.111.The tomato is technically a fruit,although it is _(eat)as a vegetable.112.The train _(draw)in and all the passengers got off.113.The union decided to stop out until their demands were _(meet).114.These are Grimms fairy tales _(retell)in English.115.They _(dig)in and waited for the enemys attack.116.They _(hide)themselves in the mountain for half a year.117.They are_(send)abroad because the Chinese firms they work for are expanding.118.They have_(begin)to piece together the whole history of the universe,from the big bang to the present day.119.They waited until the moon _(rise).120.They were _(beat)to death with baseball bats 121.This part of the hospital was _(build)on later.122.To investigate that,they_(run)a follow-up experiment which had two different descriptions of the dead David?123.Tom used to be very _(withdraw)but hes really come out of his shell since Susan took an interest in him.124.We _(sow)our vegetable seeds yesterday.125.We asked about our pilot after he had _(fly)over the enemys land.126.We have _(deal)with that firm for many years.127.We have not always been _(teach)to think for ourselves.128.We now enjoy these comforts of which formerly we had only _(hear).129.We sought long and hard but _(find)no answer.130.What is the most difficult task you have _(undertake)?131.Wheels are in a machine _(drive)by an endless belt.132.When I _(arise)from the chair,my father and Eleanors father were in deep conversation 133.When I _(awake),I found the ship devoid of all crew.134.When I entered the room,the clock _(strike)five.135.When the bombing started,the population _(flee)to places of safety.136.When was the last time you _(sweep)a room?137.While cleaning his shotgun he had accidentally _(blow)his own brains out 学习必备 欢迎下载 138.Why would you hire someone who _(bid)higher than me?139.Within months the family had _(take)back control of the company and the investors had earned returns of more than 50%.140.You _(mistake)when you thought I laughed at you.141.You have _(throw)the same face as I make any money,is it?142.You have certainly _(catch)the sun today.Your nose is red.143.You know who _(stick)him with a knife last night?144.Youve became quiet since you _(quit)baseball.


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