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1 Lecture 4 Enterprise and product introduction 2 示范作业 1 永奇塑料有限公司成立于 1995年,是一 间有多年生产经验和最新技术的 中外 合资企 业,本公司严格遵循 ISO9001的原则,大量 生产各种各样的塑料和模具产品, 它 生产垫 圈的日产量达到 30公吨以上。 3 永奇不但严格执行商品的质量和安全的 测试,而且还为顾客提供了更为全面的售后 服务。现在我们的产品还受到了很多 工艺界 的专家的推崇 呢 ! 4 作为一间有活力,负责任,有创新能力 的公司,永奇已经建立起了比较响的名声了, 而且永奇还坚信:只要我们 不断地提高 我们 员工的专业技能和不断更新我们的生产技术, 我们就会适应多变,竞争的市场需求。永奇 还承诺带给客户优质的 工艺品 和最 专业 的服 务。我们盼望能够和全球的企业建立合伙关 系,达到双赢共好! 5 示范作业 2 永奇塑料有限公司建立于 1995年,是一 家拥有多年生产经验和一些最新技术为后盾 的合资企业。我们严格按照 ISO9001认证法 规 广泛 生产塑料制品和模具产品,塑料垫圈 日输量 超过 30公吨。 6 本公司所有产品除了严把质量关和安全 测试之外,也提供完善的售后服务。现在, 我们的产品在同行里受到尊重和强烈推荐。 7 作为一个有活力,有责任的创新型公司, 我们很快就建立起优秀的名誉。我们坚信使 用最好的人才和技术能够满足千变万化的竞 争市场的需求。我们期待与全球的企业建立 互利的伙伴关系并保证给客户提供极好的 工 艺产品 和专业的服务。 企业和产品的信誉介绍 例 1:说明企业或产品获得某种荣誉称号,如 本企业“为国家外贸出口基地,荣获国家 级 企业称号”,可译为 be authorized by the government as a foreign trade base for export, and be entitled a level enterprise of the state; 本企业“是 部定点生产 的专业企业,省 级先进企业”,可译为 to be franchised producer of by the Ministry of, and a provincial advanced enterprise; 9 本公司“主要产品是 部优秀产品”,可译为 the major products are quality products named by the Ministry of ; 本产品“荣获 部最受欢迎的商品称号”,可 译为 to be conferred the title of the Most Welcome Commodity by the Ministry of ; confer:及物动词 vt. 1. 授予 (学位等 )(+on/upon) Diplomas were conferred on the students who had completed all courses of study. 修完全部课程的学生被授予毕业证书。 2. 给予 ,赋予 10 不及物动词 vi. 1. 商谈 ,协商 (+with/on) They conferred on the best way to expand business. 他们商议扩展业务的最好方法。 本产品“连续 年被国家审定为 级产 品”,可译为 to be examined and approved as the grade products of the country for successiveyears 11 例 2:说明获奖情况,如 本公司的产品“在 展销会上获优质产 品奖”,可译为 won the award of High Quality Product at the Exhibition 本产品“荣获 部科技成果奖”,可译 为 won the prize for achievement in science and technology from the Ministry of “荣获银质奖”,可译为 to be awarded a silver medal. 12 例 3:说明获得荣誉证书情况,如: 产品“获 部优秀新产品证书”,可译为 to be awarded with the certificate of excellent new product issued by the Ministry of 本产品“在各类展评中多次获奖,并获 颁发的出口 许可证”,可译为 won many prizes in different fairs, and obtained the export license issued by Fair: 名词 n. 1. (定期 )集市 ,庙会 He brought his piglets to the fair. 他把小猪带到集市去卖。 2. 商品展览会 ;博览会 A book fair is to be held next month. 下个月将举行书展。 13 广告结束语 例 1:本企业“信奉质量第一,用户至上的宗旨,欢迎 国内外人士光临洽谈”,可译为: to adhere to the motto of quality first, customer supremacy. Customers both at home and abroad are welcome to hold business talks with us. adhere to 1. 粘附 : Mud adhered to our shoes. 我们的鞋上沾着泥。 2. 坚持 /奉行 : She adhered to what she had said at the meeting. 她坚持她在会议上说过的话。 3. 拥护 /支持 : We decided to adhere to the program. 14 例 2:本企业“竭诚欢迎海内外同行加强联系”, 可译为: sincerely wish to strengthen business relationship with counterparts both at home and abroad. Counterpart: 名词 n. C 1. 极相像的人 (或物 ) The two cars are exact counterparts in make, model and color. 这两辆汽车的式样、型号和颜色完全一样。 2. 互为补充的人 (或物 );对应的人 (或物 ),配对物 The U.S. Congress is the counterpart of the British Parliament. 美国的国会相当于英国的议会。 3. (契约等的 )副本 ,复本 15 例 3:本公司“随时准备为客户提供优质服 务”,可译为: to be ready to provide excellent services to customers. 例 4:本公司“欢迎洽谈订购”,可译为: enquiries are cordially welcome。 例 5:本公司“备有各种款式的现货,任君 挑选”,可译为: available in various designs and specifications for your selection. specification 规格 规格、规范 16 例 6:本公司“欢迎与海内外客商加强合作, 建立和发展贸易关系”,可译为: Customers all over the world are welcome to establish and develop business contacts. 例 7:本公司“备有详细目录,惠索即寄”, 可译为: Catalogues will be sent upon request. 例 8:本公司“欢迎批发零售”,可译为: Wholesale and retail are welcome. 例 9:“请勿错过机会,欢迎电话联系”, 可译为: Dont delay! Call today!. 17 Practice 1 Hong Kong Praise Industrial Co., Ltd. is specialized in national trade over ten years, trading with a large number of various enterprise groups and has established long and strong business relationships with them. We have set an export and import department in Hong Kong. 18 Our company is a specialized supplier of various kinds of hardware, textile, pet products and toys. Its our pleasure to offer you what you want with high quality, reasonable price and good service. 19 Practice 2 Since 1989, Firstar ltd. has manufactured various plastic products, electronic products, household electric appliances and medical care components. Our market is worldwide and our products have passed the ASTM (ASTM是美国最老、最大的非 盈利性的标准学术团体之一 ,ASTM系美国材料与试验协会的英文缩写, 其英文全称为 American Society for Testing and Materials), CE(代表 欧洲统一 ) and EMC(电磁兼容性 ) certification. 20 With advanced-equipped factory facilities and excellent QCs through all stages of production, we guarantee total customer satisfaction. Our experienced R&D team actively expands our product range to meet changing market trends. OEM projects are welcome. QC: QC即英文 QUALITY CONTROL的简称,中 文意义是质量控制,其在 ISO9000:2005的定义是 “ 质量管理 的一部分 ,致力于满足质量要求”。 21 Notes OEM( Original Equipment Manufacture)的基 本含义是定牌生产合作,俗称“代工”。 就是品 牌生产者不直接生产产品,而是利用自己掌握的 “关键的核心技术”负责设计和开发新产品,控制 销售和销售“ 渠道 ”,而生产能力有限,甚至连生 产线、厂房都没有,为了增加产量和销量,为了降 低上新生产线的风险,甚至为了赢得市场时间,通 过合同订购的方式委托其他同类产品厂家生产,所 订产品低价买断,并直接贴上自己的品牌商标。这 种委托他人生产的合作方式即为 OEM,承接这加 工任务的制造商就被称为 OEM厂商,其生产的产 品就是 OEM产品。 22 ODM( Original Design Manufacturer)原始设计制造商。 OEM的特征就是:技术在外,资本在外,市场在外, 只有生产在内。 OEM的厂商设计方案分为买断或不买断的方式供应: 1.买断方式:有品牌拥有方买断 ODM厂商县城的某型号 产品的设计,或品牌拥有方单独要求 ODM厂商为自己设计 产品方案。 2.不买断方式:品牌拥有方不买断 ODM厂商某型号产品 的设计, ODM厂商可将同型号产品的设计采取不买断的方 式同时卖给其它品牌。当这两个或多个品牌共享一个设计时, 两个品牌产品的区别主要在于外观。 23 The only one idea in our mind is to make our customers and consumers smile, so we are producing products not only by the machines, but also by our hearts. We hope we could enjoy our partnership in the near future. 24 Practice 3 Protronics Company Limited is specialized in the manufacturing of mirror and electronic giftware(可当礼品之物 ) . Our company was founded in 1995. Since then we have put our emphasis on performing research and development along with the reinforcement of our production system in China. With our continuous endeavor, we have gained a high reputation for product quality together with a rapid expansion of business volume. 25 In order to meet the fast growing demand and competition in the mirror and electronics industry, we keep on developing new products. Meanwhile, we remain constantly aware of the need to improve the quality of our existing products. We also provide comprehensive services on OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer,原始设备生产商 ) projects and produce a wide variety of products with international standards. 26 Production is carried out in our own factory located in Jiangmen, Guangdong, China. This 5,000 square meter manufacturing plant represents a high production capacity. Our production units are divided into six specialized departments. Apart from the rich facilities we possess, efficiency and effectiveness are further enhanced by our expertise in engineering, product development and marketing. 27 Having successfully operated in the electronics industry for more than 12 years, we have established our presence in international market. We are recognized by some of the most prestigious( 有名望的) brand name companies in the world for our ODM services. It is the objective of our company to fulfill the commitments we made to our customers. We pledge to continue our long tradition of outstanding service in the years to come.


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