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2023 年中考语法英语特殊疑问句精讲+精练+答案 基本概念 通常以特殊疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。常用的疑问词有:what who whose which when where how why等。可大致分为 3 种:(简单了解)疑问代词:what,who,which,whose,whom 疑问副词:when,where,why,how 疑问形容词:what(which,whose)+名词 特殊疑问句有两种语序 ()如疑问词作主语或主语的定语,即对主语或主语的定语提问,其语序是陈述句的语序:疑问词(主语)谓语动词其他成分.如:-Who is singing in the room?-Whose bike is broken?()如疑问词作其他成分,即对其他成分提问,其语序是:疑问词一般疑问句语序?如:-Which class are you in?-What does she look like?-Where are you from?-What time does he get up every morning?-How do you know?特殊疑问句的回答 ()回答特殊疑问句时,不能用 yes/no,即问什么答什么,尤其是简略回答。如:-Who is from Canada?-Helen(is)-Wheres the restaurant?-Near the station -Why do you like koalas?-Because they are cute ()特殊疑问句一般读降调()。一、由 what 引导的 注释:what 即“什么”,属于高频使用的特殊疑问题。1、What+系动词+sb/sth?1、询问“是什么”Whats that?Its an apple.那是什么?那是一个苹果。Whats it in English?Its an orange.它用英语怎么说?它是一个 orange。2、询问姓名 Whats your name?你叫什么名字?My name is Jenny.我叫詹妮。3、询问职业 Whats he?他是做什么的?Hes a driver.他是一名司机。4、询问状况 Whats the matter?怎么啦?(多用于表示慰问和关心)Whats the trouble?是否有麻烦?5、询问最爱 Whats your favorite fruit?你最喜欢什么水果?My favorite fruit is banana.我最喜欢香蕉。6、询问号码 Whats Dannys telephone number?丹尼的电话号码是多少?7、询问日期 Whats the date today?今天几号?Its June 1st today.今天是 6 月 1 号。8、询问天气 Whats the weather like in winter in Shijiazhuang?石家庄冬天的天气怎么样?Its cold and windy.寒冷风大。9、询问运算结果 Whats nine plus eight?Its fifteen。9 加 8 等于几?15。10、询问外貌特征 Whats she like?她长什么样?She is short and thin.又矮又瘦。注:这里的 like 是介词,表示“像”或“如一样”。用于要求对方描述某人/某物特征,或给出他们的意见,也可以写成:What does she look like?2、What+名词+动词+sb/sth?11、询问颜色 What color is your shirt?Its pink.你的衬衫是什么颜色?粉色。12、询问时间 What time is it?It is 8:00.几点了?八点。13、询问尺寸 What size do you want?您要多大尺寸的?14、询问种类 What kind of questions should we ask?我们该问些什么问题呢?15、询问星期几 What day is today?Its Monday.今天星期几?星期一。16、询问存在范围 What grade and class are you in?你们是几年级几班的?We are in Class Two,Grade Three.我们是三年级二班的。3、What+助动词+sb/sth+实义动词?17、询问正在干什么 What are you doing?你们在做什么?We are studying hard.我们在努力学习。注:这里的 are 是助动词,而不是系动词,它跟 doing 一起构成现在时时态。18、询问将要干什么 What are you going to be?将来要做什么?Im going to be a teacher.我要成为一名老师。注:这里的 are 是助动词,而不是系动词,它跟 going to 一起构成将来时时态。19、询问某人职业 What do you do?你是做什么的?Im a policeman.我是一名警察。20、询问生活习惯 What do you usually do on the weekend?你通常在周末做什么?I often go hiking.我经常去远足。21、询问一日三餐 What do you have for dinner?你晚饭吃什么?I have beef and rice.我吃牛肉和米饭。22、询问上课 What classes do you have on Wednesday?星期三你有什么课?We have English and Art classer.我们有英语课和美术课。23、询问观点 What do you think of this book?你觉得这本书怎么样?I think its interesting.我觉得很有趣。4、What+情态动词+sb/sth+实义动词?24、询问能力 What can you do at home?你在家能做什么?I can sweep the floor.我可以扫地。25、询问意愿 What would you like for lunch?午饭你想吃什么?I would like some green beans.我想吃青豆。注:这里的 like 是行为动词,意思是“喜欢”。五、其他特别句型 26、What about you?那你呢?你是什么情况?询问情况或打听消息时,若对方不明确时,可用这一句型。如:Id like a cup of tea.What about you?我想喝杯茶,你呢?寒暄时用作承接上下文的转折语。如:Im a student.What about you?我是学生,你呢?27、Whats up?最近怎么样?(日常问候语)28、Whats new?有啥新鲜事?(日常问候语)29、Whats wrong?出什么问题了?30、What happened?发生什么事了?二、由 who/whose 引导的 注释:who 的意思是“谁”,询问人(做主语);whose 的意思是“谁的”,询问物体的所属。Who are you?你是谁?I am Cara.我是卡拉。Whose book is this?这本书是谁的?Its mine.它是我的。三、由 when 引导的 注:when 即“什么时候/何时”,询问时间。When shall we meet?我们什么时候见面?Tomorrow 明天。When is her birthday?她什么时候生日?May 1 is her birthday.五月一号是她的生日。When do you get up every day?你每天什么时候起床?At 6:00 a.m.早上六点。四、由 where 引导的 注:where 即“哪里,在哪里”,询问地点。Where will you spend the summer holiday?你会去哪里过暑假?Im going to Hawaii.我要去夏威夷。Where is your coat?你的外套在哪啊?Its on the sofa.在沙发上。五、由 why 引导的 注:why 即“为什么”,询问原因,回答从句一般由 because 引导。Why isnt he at school today?他今天为什么不在学校?Because he is ill.因为他生病了。Why are you so busy?你为什么总是这么忙?Because I have to make money.因为我得赚钱。六、由 which 引导的 注释:which 即“哪一,哪一个”,问一定范围内特指的人或物。Which box is yours?哪个盒子是你的?The blue one.蓝色的那个。Which book do you like best?你最喜欢哪本书?The Little Prince.小王子。Which country do you come from?你来自哪个国家?China.中国。七、由 how 引导的 注:how 即“怎么,怎么样”,询问健康状况、程度以及做事的方式等,可以和形容词一起用构成含有具体含义的特殊疑问句。1.日常问候 How do you do?你好吗?(初次见面用语)How are you?你好吗?(熟人间问候语)How is your mother?你妈妈好吗?(询问他人情况)2.询问看法 How do you like the English teacher?你觉得英语老师怎么样?She is so warm-hearted.她很热心。3.询问感觉 How do you feel?=How is your feeling?你感觉如何?I feel happy.我觉得很开心。4.询问年龄 How old are you?你多大了?Im nine.我 9 岁了。5.询问方式 How do your sister go to school?你姐姐是怎么去上学的?She usually go to school by bike.她通常骑自行车去上学。How can I get to the cinema?我怎么去电影院?You can get there by bus.你可以坐公交车去。6.询问意见 How about going out for a walk?出去走走怎么样?That sounds good!听起来不错。注:How about 句型有时也可切换为 What about,区别在于 How about 后面通常跟动词现在分词,What about 后面通常跟名词。如:What about another cake?再来一块蛋糕怎么样?No,thanks.不用了,谢谢。7.询问多少 How many books are there in the library?图书馆里多少本书?There are thousands of books.有成千上万的书。How much money do you have?你有多少钱?Only 3 dollars.只有 3 美元。8.询问价格 How much are the apples?这些苹果多少钱?Five dollars.5 美元。How much is the car?这辆车多少钱?About$20,000.大约两万美元。9.询问距离 How far is it from here to your school?从这儿到你学校有多远?Its about ten minutes walk.大约十分钟步行的路程。How far is it from here to the zoo?从这儿到动物园有多远?It is only a five-minute ride.只要五分钟路程。10.询问长度 How long is it?它有多长?I dont know.我不知道。How long is the river?这条河有多长?About 500 km.大约500 千米。11.询问次数 How many times do you read English everyday?你每天读多少次英语?Once or twice.一次或两次。12.询问频率(多久一次)How often do you have a music class?你每多久上一次音乐课?Twice a week.一周一次。13.询问时长(多久或多快)A.对 for时间段提问,表示多久,疑问词一般用 How long。How long will you stay there?你将在那儿呆多久?About two weeks.大约两个星期。B.对 in时间段提问,表示多快,疑问词一般用 How soon。How soon will you come back?你过多久回来?In two hours.2 小时以后。以上就是 What,Which,Who,Whose,Whom,When,Where,Why,How 这些疑问词,及由其引导的特殊疑问句的相关知识点啦 练习 一、用“what,why,which,when,how填空。1.-_ is Li Ming doing?-He is reading a book.2.-_ did you go to Shanghai?-By plane.3.-_ do you like winter?-Because I can ski.4.-_ season do you like best?-Fall.5.-_ did you come to Canada?-At 7:00.二、单项选择。1 _ is your dictionary?10 Yuan.A.How much B.How manyC.What D.Whose2_ subjects do you have?Seven.A.How long B.How manyC.How much D.How far3_ do you like best?I like math best.A.Which subject B.What foodC.What color DWhich sport4._ do you like science?_its interesting.A.Why;So B.What;BecauseC.Why;Because D.How;Because5.When _the girl _ her homework?A.does;does B.does;doC.do;does D.do;do6.Does he want to go to a movie?_.A.Yes,he does B.No,he does C.Yes,he doesnt D.Yes,she is7._ kind of movies do you like?I like comedies very much.A.Whats B.How C.What D.Why8._ are these bananas?Five dollars.A.What color B.How aboutC.How much D.How many9.Can we play football in the street?No,you _.Its dangerous.A.can B.mustnt C.may D.may not10._ does he play football?In the afternoon.A.When B.Where C.How D.What11._ is your father?Does he still work as an engineer?Yes,he has been an engineer for thirty years.A.Who B.How C.What D.Which12._ does your father go to the fitness center?He exercises there twice a week.A.How soon B.How often C.How long13._will the invitations be sent to our guests?In three days.A.How often B.How soonC.How long D.How far14._ is it from the New Town to the old city centre?Less than 30 minutes by underground.A.How soon B.How often C.How long D.How far15._is Mary?The girl with short hair.A.Which B.What C.Where D.Why 三、按要求完成句子。1.His favorite subject is art.(就划线部分提问)_ _ his favorite subject?2.They like broccoli.(改为一般疑问句)_ they _ broccoli?3.I like thrillers because its scary.(就划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ thrillers?4.My book is on the sofa.(一般疑问句并回答)_ _ book on the sofa?Yes,_ is./No,it _.5.His sister likes to be a musician.(就划线部分提问)_ _ to be a musician?6.He does his homework after school every day.(改为一般疑问句)_he _ his homework after school every day?7.John has P.E.on Monday.(就划线部分提问)_ _ John have P.E.?8.Mrs.Yang works in a shop.(就划线部分提问)_ does Mrs.Yang _?9.They are under the bed.(一般疑问句并回答)_ _ under the bed?Yes,_ _.-No,_ _.10.My father is OK.(就划线部分提问)_ _ your father?11.Does she like ice cream?(作否定回答)_,she _.12.My bed is yellow.(就划线部分提问)_ _ is _ bed?13.Thats a box.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ _ a box?_,_ _.14.The notebook is in the bag.(就划线部分提问)_ the notebook?15.I can spell that.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ spell that?四、通读下列对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容。A:1._,Mrs.Chen?B:Im fine,thank you,Allen.A:Mrs.Chen,your classes have been great.B:2_.Allen,what do you hope to do in the future?A:I hope to pass the exam to get into senior high school.B:Sounds great!3._?A:I want to be a pilot when I grow up.B:4._?A:Im going to study math and physics really hard.They are helpful.B:5._?A:Im going to work in Shanghai.Its a good place to work there.B:I think you can make it one day.A:Thank you,Mrs.Chen.Im sure I will!五、书面表达。动物是人类的好朋友,你一定有自己最喜欢的动物。请你以“My favorite animal”为题,介绍你最喜欢的动物以及你喜欢它的原因,要求不少于 60 词。1.What is your favorite animal?2.Why do you like it?-参考答案-一、1.What 2.How 3.Why 4.Which 5.When 二、1-5 ABACB 6-10 ACCBA11-15 CBBDA 三、按要求完成句子。1.What;is 2.Do,like3.Why,do,you,like4.Is,your,it,isnt5.Who;likes 6.Does,do7.When;does 8.Where;work9.Are,they,they,are,they,arent 10.How,is 11.No,she,doesnt12.What,color,your13.Is,that,Yes,it,is14.Wheres 15.Can,you 四、补全对话 1.How are you?2.Thank you./Im glad to hear that./Im glad you like them.3.What do you want to be when you grow up?4.How are you going to do that?5.Where are going to work?五、书面表达Everyone has his or her own favorite animals.Of course,I also have my favorite animal-the dolphin.It is very cute,also very smart.The dolphin is one of the most precious animals.Their bodies are very long.Dolphins live in the sea.They live on fish,shrimps and so on.Dolphins are very friendly and peaceful.They never attack people.Instead,they have saved many people in danger.Dolphins are very clever.Dolphins are my favorite animal.Please protect them and take good care of them.


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