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住在富人区的她考研考博-英语-湘潭医卫职业技术学院考研模拟卷【3套】含答案详解(图片大小可任意调节)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第一卷一.单项选择题(共100题)1.Text 4 Eva Ullmann took her masters degree in 2002 0n the part that humour has to play in psychotherapy,and became hooked on the subject.In 2005 she founded the German Insiitute for Humour in Leipzig.It is dedicated tothe combination of seriousness and humour.She offers lectures,seminars and personal coaching to managers,from small firms tO such corporate giants as Deutsche Bank and Telekom.Her latest project is to help train medical studenis and doctors.There is nothing peculiarly German about humour training.It was John Morreall,an American,who showed that humour is a market segment in the ever-expanding American genre of self-help.In the past two decades,humour has gone global.An Intemational Humour Congress was held in Amsterdam in 2000.And yet Cermans know that the rest of the world considers them to be at a particular disadvantage.The issue is not comedy.of which Germany has plenty.The late Vicco von Biilow,alias Loriot,delighied the elite wiLh his mockery of German senousness and stiffness.Rhenish,Swabian and other regional flavours thrive-Gerhard Polt,a bad-tempered Bavarian,now 72,is a Shakespeare among Lhem.There is lowbrow talent ioo,including OLto Waalkes,a Frisian buffoon.Most of this,however,is as foreigners always suspected:more embanassing Lhan funny.Germans can often be observed laughing,loudly.And they try hard.They cannot produce good humour,but they can consume it,says James Parsons,an English man teaching business English in Leipzig.He once rented a theatre and got students,including Mrs Ullmann,to act out Monty Python skits,which they did wiLh enthusiasm.The trouble,he says,is that whereas the English wait deadpan for the penny to drop,Germans invariably explain their punchline.At a deeper level,the problem has nothing to do with jokes.What is missing is the series of irony,overstatement and understatement in workaday conversations.Immigrants in Germany share soul-crushing stories of atlempting a non-literal turn of phrase,to evoke a hoffified expression in their Gennan friends and a detailed explanaiion of the literal meaning,followed by a retreat into awkward politeness.Irony is not on the curriculum in Mrs Ullmanns classes.Instead she focuses mostly on the bas-ics of humorous spontaneiLy and surprise.Demand is strong,she says.It is a typical German answer to a shortcoming:work harder at it.According to the last paragraph,Germans seem to believe that_A.sense of humor is vitalB.humor can be insiructedC.demand decides everythingD.humor derives from spontaneity答案:B 本题解析:观点题。定位到最后一段。该段的classes、humorous等词说明Mrs Ullmann在课堂上教授幽默;German、Demand is strong“需求很大”等信息说明许多德国人参加了Ullmann的幽默课堂,暗示了德国人认为humor can be instncted“幽默可以被传授”,即B正确。选项Asense of humor is vital“幽默感很重要”;该项在原文无直接说明,相比B项,B更加准确。选项Cdemand decides everything“需求决定一切”;该项原文没有提到,也无法推断出来,故排除。选项Dhumor derives trom spontaneity“幽默是自发的”:原文说“she focuses mostly on the basics of humorous spontaneity and surpnse”,虽然提到了“humorous spontaneity”,但是并没提到德国人认为“幽默是自发的”,故该项不选。综上,本题选择B。2.Text 4 In recent weeks media outlets in the U.S.have been fretting over what would ordinarily be considered good news-the roaring American economy,which has brought low unemployment and,in some places,a labour shortage.Owners and managers have complained about their problems in finding people to fill low-wage positions.Nobody wants to do manual labour any more:as one trade association grandee told The Baltimore Sun,and so the manual labour simply goes undone.Company bosses talk about the things they have done to fix the situation:the ads theyve published;the guest-worker visas for which theyve applied;how they are going into schools to encourage kids to learn construction skills or to drive trucks.But nothing seems to work.Blame for the labour shortage is sprayed all over the US map:opioids are said to be the problem.And welfare,and inadequate parking spaces,and a fallinp:birthrate.and mass incarceration.and-above all-the Trump administrations immigration policies.But no one really knows for sure.The textbook solution to the labour shortage problem-paying workers more-rarely merits more than a line or two,if its mentioned at all.So unwilling are business leaders to talk about or consider this obvious answer that Neel Kashkari,the president of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank,scolded them last year:If youre not raising wages,then it just sounds like whining.If you study the Bureau of Labor Statisticsnumbers on wages for nonsupervisory workers over the past few decades,you will notice that wage growth has been strangely slow to pick up.Hot economies usually drive wages up pretty promptly;this recovery has been running since 2009 and it has barely moved the needle.How could such a thing happen in this modern and enlightened age?Well,for starters,think of all that whining were hearing from the USs management,who will apparently blame anyone and do anything to avoid paying workers more.Every labour-management innovation seems to have been designed with this amazing goal in mind.Every great bipartisan political initiative,from free trade to welfare reform,points the same way.The labour shortage is mainly concentrated in_A.trade-related jobsB.low-paid jobsC.manual work positionsD.basic management positions答案:B 本题解析:事实细节题。根据定位词定位到文章第一段。该段指出,雇主和管理人员已经在抱怨找不到人来填补低薪职位的空缺,故劳动力短缺主要集中在低薪职位,故B项为正确选项。【干扰排除】由以上分析可知,A项“贸易相关的职位”、C项“体力劳动岗位”和D项“基础管理岗位”均不符合文义,只是利用文中个别词汇作干扰,故排除。3.Text 4 As the country with the European Unions faslest ageing population,Gennany has repeatedly adjusted its pension system to avert a slow-motion demographic disaster.The biggest reform came during Angela Merkels first term as chancellor.Then,as now,Christian Democrats were yoked with Social Democrats in agrand coalition.In 2007 the coalition decided that the normal retirement age should gradually rise from 65 t0 67.Mrs Merkel has since preached similar demographic and econonuc wisdom to most of her EU partners,crilicizing France in particular ror straying off the right path.So it comes as something of a shock that Mrs Merkel,now in her third term and running another grand coalition,is reversing course.On the campaign trail for last Septembers election,she promised to raise pensions for older mothers.The Social Democrats countered wiLh promises to let certain workers retire at 63 instead of 65.As coalilion partners,they will do both at once.It falls to Andrea Nahles,the labour minister and a Social Democrat who likes to wave the banner ofsocial justice,to push the pension package through parliament by the summer so that it can take effecl on July lst.A previous reform let women with children born after 1992 treat three of their stay-at-home maternily years if Lhey h8d worked and paid full pension contributions.The newmother pensionwill be for the 8m-9m women who took time off for children before 1992.They will be allowed to count two of those years,instead of just one,as working years for pension purposes.The second part of Mrs Nahless reforms,retirement at 63,is aimed at people who have contributed to the pension system for at least 45 years.But Mrs Nahles wants to count not only years spent working or caring for children or other family members but also periods of short-term unemploy-ment.Separately,she will also boost the pensions of people who cannot work due to disability,and spend more money to help them to recover.Individually,these proposals may seem noble-minded.But as a package,the plan isshort-sighted and onesided,thinks Axel Bersch-Supan,a pension adviser at the Munich Centre for the Economics of Ageing.It benefits the older generation,which is already well looked after,at the expense of younger people who will have to pay higher contributions or taxes.The financial and psychological costs of the pension al 63 are disastrous,Mr Bersch-Supan says.There wiU no longer be any incentive to keep working longer.In some cases,people may,in effect,retire at 61,register as unemployed for two years,and then draw their full pensions.Merkel has astonished the public because she_A.changed her curriculumB.made a unrealistic promiseC.overtumed her old decjsionD.criticized her coaliUon partner答案:C 本题解析:细节题。根据Merkel、astonished等关键词定位到第二段第二句:So it comes as something“a shock that Mrs Merkel.is reversing course.其中astonished“惊讶”=shock“震惊”。答案句为:Mrs Merkel is reversing course.“默克尔颠覆了之前的路线。”选项Achanged her curriculum“更改她的课程”;该项把原文course误解为“课程”,是明显的错误选项。Bmade a unrealistic promise“作出不切实际的承诺”;下文提到她的承诺,但是与答案句无关,故该项可以排除。Covertumed her old decision“推翻她之前的决定”;该项与答案句reversing course是替换关系,其中overtumed=reversing;old decision=course;故该项正确。Dcriticized her coalition partners“指责她的联盟伙伴”;该项与答案句无关,可以排除。综上C为正确答案。4.Intelligence makes for better leaders-from undergraduates to executives to presidents-according to multiple studies.It certainly l that handling a market shift or legislative logjam requires high cognitive abilities.But new research on leadership suggests that,at a certain point,having a higher io can be viewed as 2.3 previous research has shown that groups with smarter leaders perform better by 4 measures,some studies have 5 that followers might subjectively view leaders with extremely high intellect as less effective.Decades ago Dean Simonton,a psychologist at the University of California,Davis,proposed that brilliant leaderswords may simply go 6 peoples heads,their solutions could be more complicated t0 7 and followers might find it harder to relate to them.Now Simonton and two colleagues have finally 8 that idea.The researchers 9 379 male and female business leaders in 30 countries,10 fields that included banking,retail and technology.The managers took IQ tests,an imperfect but robust 11 0f performance in many areas,and each was rated on leadership style and effectiveness by an average of eight co-workers.10 12 correlated with ratings of leader effectiveness,strategy formation,vision and several other characteristics-up to a point.The ratings peaked at an io of around 120,which is higher than roughly 80 percent of office workers.Beyond that,the ratings 13.The researchers suggest theidealio could be higher or lower in various fields,depending on 14 technical versus social skills are more valued in a(n)15 work culture.Its an interesting and thoughtful paper,says Paul Sackett,a psychology professor at the University of Minnesota,who was not involved in the research.To me,the right interpretation of the work would be that it 16 a need to understand what high-IQ leaders do that 17 to lower perceptions by followers.The wrong interpretation would be,;Dont 18 high-io leaders.,The studys lead author,John Antonakis,a psychologist at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland,suggests leaders should use their intelligence t0 19 creative metaphors that will persuade and inspire others.I think the only way a smart person can signal their intelligence 20 and still connect with the people,Antonakis says,is to speak in charming ways.2选?A.harmfulB.promisingC.insignificantD.essential答案:A 本题解析:本题考查形容词辨析。空格句指出,但是关于领导力的新研究表明,在某种程度上拥有更高的智商可能被视为。由句中But nLxv research.suggesis that.可知1空格句与上义所述研究结论形成转折逻辑。上文研究结论”智慧造就更好的领导者”指出商智商的益处(better)故空格句应指出其有害之处A.harmful符合文意。C.insignificant形容某事物”无足轻重或微不足道,不值得担忧”,侧重重要性,而文意侧重利弊,故排除。5.The outbreak of swine flu that was first detected in Mexico was declared a global epidemic on June 11,2009.It is the first worldwide epidemic 1by the World Health Organization in 41 years.The heightened alert_2 an emergency meeting with flu experts in Geneva that convened after a sharp rise in cases in Australia,and rising 3_in Britain,Japan,Chile and elsewhere.But the epidemic is4in severity,according to Margaret Chan,the organizations director general,5 the overwhelming majority of patients experiencing only mild symptoms and a full recovery,often in the 6 of any medical treatment.The outbreak came to global_7 in late April 2009,when Mexican authorities noticed an unusually large number of hospitalizations and deaths 8 healthy adults.As much of Mexico City shut down at the height of a panic,cases began to 9 in New York City,the southwestern United States and around the world.In the United States,new cases seemed to fade 10 warmer weather arrived.But in late September 2009,officials reported there was 11 flu activity in almost every state and that virtually all the 12 tested are the new swine flu,also known as(A)H1N1,not seasonal flu.In the U.S.,it has_13 more than one million people,and caused more than 600 deaths and more than 6,000 hospitalizations.Federal health officials_14_Tamiflu for children from the national stockpile and began 15 orders from the states for the new swine flu vaccine.The new vaccine,which is different from the annual flu vaccine,is 16 ahead of expectations.More than three million doses were to be made available in early October 2009,though most of those 17 doses were of the FluMist nasal spray type,which is not 18 for pregnant women,people over 50 or those with breathing difficulties,heart disease or several other 19.But it was still possible to vaccinate people in other high-risk group:health care workers,people20_infants and healthy young people.7选?A.realityB.phenomenonC.conceptD.notice答案:D 本题解析:词义辨析【直击答案】本空格所在句是The outbreak came to global_7 in late April 2009,when Mexican authorities noticed an unusually large number of hospitalizations and deaths_healthy adults.根据空格所在句后一句信息“墨西哥当局注意到因该流行病住院、死亡的人异常多”,可推断出此流行病的爆发已引起了全球关注,所以本题答案为D项notice“注意”。【命题思路】本题考查名词的辨析,同时也考查对上下文的理解。【干扰排除】A项reality“现实,事实”具有一定干扰性。但是此段中讲到墨西哥当局注意到大批健康人住院就医甚至死亡的情况是在2009年4月底,当时甲流还未形成全球蔓延的状况。6.Doctors must stop telling patients to finish an entire course of antibiotics because it is driving antimicrobial resistance,and patients should be encouraged to continue taking medication only until they feel better to avoid the overuse of drugs,experts from bodies including Pubtic Health England and the University of Oxford are now advising.Current guidance from the NHS and the World Health Organisation says it is essential tofinish a courseof antibiotics to avoid triggering more virulent forms of disease.But in a new article in the British Medical Journal(BMJ),10 leading experts said the public health message is not backed by evidence and should be dropped.They claim it actually puts the public at greater risk from antimicrobial resistance.Historically,antibiotic courses were driven by fear of undertreatment,with less concern about overuse,said lead author Martin Llewelyn,professor of infectious diseases at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.The idea that stopping antibiotic treatment early encourages antibiotic resistance is not supported by evidence,while taking antibiotics for longer than necessary increases the risk of resistance.We encourage policy makers,educators,and doctors to stop advocatingcomplete the coursewhen communicating with the public.Fears that stopping antibiotics early could trigger more dangerous forms of disease date back to Alexander Fleming who found that bacteria quickly becomeacclimatised to penicillin and patients who take insufficient doses may transmit a more dangerous strain to family members.In his Nobel Prize acceptance speech in 1945,Fleming warned:If you use penicillin,use enough.But in the BMJ article the experts argue that when a patient takes any antibiotics it allows dangerous strains of bacteria to grow on the skin and gut which could cause problems later.The longer the course,the more the resistance builds.They also warn that current guidance ignores the fact that patients often respond differently to the same antibiotic,with some needing longer courses than others.Commenting on the research Alison Holmes,Professor of Infectious Diseases at Imperial College London said it wasastonishingthat doctors still do not know the optimum duration for taking drugs even though a long course raises the risk of bacterial resistance.Thecomplete the coursemessage directly conflicts with the societal messages regarding the changes needed in behaviour and attitudes to minimise unnecessary exposure to anribiotics,she said.However.Professor Helen Stokes-l.ampard.Chair of the Royal College of GPs,said:Recommended courses of antibiotics are not random-they are tailored to individual conditions,and in many cases courses are quite short,for example for urinary tract infections.three days is ofren enough to cure the infection.We are concerned about the concept of patients stopping taking their medication mid-way through a course once iheyfeel better.because improvement in symptoms does not necessarily mean the infection has been completely eradicated.Its important that patients have clear messages and the message to always take the full course of antibioiics is well known-changing this will simply confuse people.Chief medical officer Dame Sally Davies,also said that the message to the public shoulcl remain unchanged until there was further research.National Institute for Health and Care Excellence is currently developing guidance for managing common infections,which will look at all available evidence on appropriate prescribing of antibiotics,she said.The Departmcnt of Health will continue to review the evidence on prescribing and drug resistant infections.As we aim to continue the great progress we have made at home and abroad on this i-ssue.Martin Llwelyn held thatA.more studies were required to decide whether to change guldance for using antibiotics to the publicB.enough antibiotics should be used to prevent the spread of deadlier forms of diseaseC.patients under antibiotic treatment had long been worried about overuseD.patients should stop taking antibiotics as soon as they became unnecessary for themE.many advised courses were too short to treat diseases as minor as urinary tract infectionsF.changing thealways complete the coursemessage might bring about confusion to peopleG.doctors were supposed to have known the ideal length of antibiotic treatments答案:D 本题解析:根据题干Martin I。lwelyn定位至第三段。该段第二句Martin指出:在没有必要的情况下继续服用抗生紊会增加耐药性风险,明确传达“如已无必要,应该停止服用抗生索”的观点ID.与之一致。排除干扰C.利用第三段首句Martin之言设置干扰,但将文巾undertreatment(治疗不足)替换为形近的under.treatment(在治疗中),将Historically(历史上)误解为had Iong been(一直以来),并强加主体“患者”,捏造出“一直以来患者担心抗生索使用过量”的信息。但该句讲的是历史上“抗生素患不足而不患过量”的情形,并未提及患者当下态度。7.Thinner isnt always better.A number of studies have 1_that normal-weight people are in fact at higher risk of some diseases compared to those who are overweight.And there are health conditions for which being overweight is actually_2_.For example,heavier women are less likely to develop calcium deficiency than thin women.3 among the elderly,being somewhat overweight is often an_4 of good health.Of even greater 5 is the fact that obesity turns out to be very difficult to define.It is often defined 6_body mass index,or BMI.BMI 7 body mass divided by the square of height.An adult with a BMI of 18 to 25 is often considered to be normal weight.Between 25 and 30 is overweight.And over 30 is considered obese.Obesity,8,can be divided into moderately obese,severely obese,and very severely obese.While such numerical standards seem 9,they are not.Obesity is probably less a matter of weight than body fat.Some people with a high BMI are in fact extremely fit,10 others with a low BMI may be in poor 11.For example,many collegiate and professional football players 12 as obese,though their percentage body fat is low.Conversely,someone with a small frame may have high body fat but a 13 BMI.Today we have a(an)_14_to l


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