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Unit19William Shakespeare(1564-1616)Main WorksTragedies:Romeo and Juliet(罗密欧与罗密欧与朱丽叶)朱丽叶)Macbeth(麦克白)麦克白)King Lear(李尔王)李尔王)Hamlet(哈姆雷特)哈姆雷特)Troilus&Cressida(特洛伊特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达)罗斯与克瑞西达)Comedies:A Midsummer Nights Dream(仲夏夜之梦)仲夏夜之梦)Twelfth Night(第十二夜)第十二夜)The Merry Wives of Windsor(温莎的风流妇人)温莎的风流妇人)The Merchant of Venice(威威尼斯商人)尼斯商人)Histories:Henry IV(亨利四世)亨利四世)Henry VIII(亨利八世)亨利八世)Poems:The Sonnets(十四行诗)十四行诗)A Lovers Complaint(爱人爱人的怨诉的怨诉)Reading and Integrating Skills the Merchant of Venice(1)1.It seemed that the Duke in the court supported _.A.PortiaB.AntonioC.ShylockD.none of the above2.That Portia was able to defend Antonio was due to_.her cleverness a famous lawyers help C.her husbands support D.Both A and B3.Shylock was a moneylender,who _.A was glad to lend money to others without conditions B worked hard to make a lot of money.C was cruel and hated Antonio.D feared nothing 4.Shylock refused to have mercy on Antonio because _.A he hated Antonio and intended to kill him B he had done nothing wrong and feared no judgment C he trusted the laws of Venice and refused to change his mind.D he thought his money had gone 5.Shylock lent Antonio three thousand ducats on condition that _.A.Antonio would not scold him publicly for being greedy and cruel B.Antonio would return the money within three monthsC.Antonio would return the money with a pound of flesh D.Antonio would let Shylock have a pound of his flesh if he failed to repay the money in time6.Antonio was not able to pay the money back to Shylock,because _.A he lost all his ships at sea.B he didnt want to pay the money back C Shylock asked too much money back D he neednt pay the money back 7.What did Shylock really want?A He wanted three times money that he was owed B He wanted a pound of Antonios flesh C He wanted justice D He wanted to kill Antonio 8.The phrase“so young a body with so wise a head”means_.A.a man who increases in age with his increase of wisdom(智慧智慧)B.such a young man with so much wealth C.such a young man with such great wisdom D.a man who increases in wisdom with his increase of age9.Find out the right order:Shylock insisted on having one pound of Antonios flesh.B.Portia asked Shylock to show his mercy on Antonio.C.Antonio said his last words to Bassanio.A.D.Portia warned Bassanio of the impossibility of changing the law.B ADCthe Merchant of Venice(2)1.Shylock was charged with(指控指控)_.murderB.stealingC.cheatD.ill-treatment2.To punish a murderer,the law of Venice would _.take everything that he owned awayB.cut off a pound of flesh C.sentence him to deathA.D.both A and B3.Which happened first in the text?Shylock wanted to take the money instead of Antonios flesh.B.Portia permitted to give shylock a fair judgment.C.Shylock promised to leave his money to his daughter and son-in-law.A.D.Antonio forgave Shylock.3.When Shylock heard that all his money should be taken away from him,he asked the Duke to take his life too,because _.A.his money was as valuable to him as his own life B.he loved his money better than his own life C.his money was more valuable to him than his own life D.he loved nothing but money in the world 1.Read the texts,Place the pictures in right order.123456 2 According to the whole text,answer the following questions.The text mainly tells about_.Antonios kindnessB.Portias clevernessC.Shylocks cruelty D.all of the above2.Antonio was a _ person.warm-heartedB.strong-willed C.open-mindedD.ill-tempered.3.The main idea of this play most probably is _.A how Shylock was punished B how Antonio was saved C how a judgement between two merchants of Venice went D how Portia helped with the case 4.What do you think is the end of the story?A Antonio was able to marry Portia.B Shylock lost all his land and money C Shylock got the money three times Antonio had borrowed from him.D Antonio got Shylocks money 5.From the story we can conclude that Antonio was _.A a merchant who was always happy to give others advice.B a moneylender who was always ready to lend money to others C a merchant who never refused to help others D a moneylender who was greedy and cruel Read the following sentences that could be spoken in the play.Who says what and to whom?sentencespoken by spoken to“I feel sorry for you.Youve come to face an enemy with a heart of stone,who knows neither pity nor mercy.”“I dont have to give you answers that will please you”“Dont worry!Before he can even take one drop of your blood,he will first have to take my flesh,blood,bones and everything else.”“Dont feel bad that a friend paid back the money you owed,but feel bad that you lost him.”DukeAntonioShylockBassanioBassanioAntonioAntonioBassanioHomework:1.Do the reading comprehension on English Weekly 2 Preview the language points of Unit 19 9、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。2023-3-152023-3-15Wednesday,March 15,202310、雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-153/15/2023 7:34:08 AM11、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-15Mar-2315-Mar-2312、故人江海别,几度隔山川。2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-15Wednesday,March 15,202313、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-152023-3-153/15/202314、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。2023年3月15日星期三2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-1515、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。2023年3月2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-153/15/202316、行动出成果,工作出财富。2023-3-152023-3-15March 15,202317、做前,能够环视四周;做时,你只能或者最好沿着以脚为起点的射线向前。2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-152023-3-159、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!。2023-3-152023-3-15Wednesday,March 15,202310、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-153/15/2023 7:34:08 AM11、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-15Mar-2315-Mar-2312、世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限完美。2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-15Wednesday,March 15,202313、不知香积寺,数里入云峰。2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-152023-3-153/15/202314、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。2023年3月15日星期三2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-1515、楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。2023年3月2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-153/15/202316、少年十五二十时,步行夺得胡马骑。2023-3-152023-3-15March 15,202317、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-152023-3-159、杨柳散和风,青山澹吾虑。2023-3-152023-3-15Wednesday,March 15,202310、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-153/15/2023 7:34:08 AM11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-15Mar-2315-Mar-2312、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-15Wednesday,March 15,202313、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-152023-3-153/15/202314、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。2023年3月15日星期三2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-1515、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。2023年3月2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-153/15/202316、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2023-3-152023-3-15March 15,202317、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。2023-3-152023-3-152023-3-152023-3-15MOMODA POWERPOINTLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit.Fusce id urna blandit,eleifend nulla ac,fringilla purus.Nulla iaculis tempor felis ut cursus.感 谢 您 的 下 载 观 看感 谢 您 的 下 载 观 看专家告诉


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