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科普版小学英语六年级下册复习要点 一、中英互译。1、in the middle 在中间 2、talk with 和某人谈话 3、in front of 在前面 4、go out 出去 5、look for 寻找 6、on ones way 在路上 7、climb up 向上爬 8、get down 下来 9、go on 继续 10、in the world 在世界上 11、have a good time 玩得愉快 12、at home 在家里 13、do ones best 尽最大努力 14、take photos 照相 15、read books 读书 16、have a look 看一看 17、wait for 等待 18、get up 起床 19、go to the park 去公园 20、see a film 看电影 21、watch TV 看电视 22、make a kite 做风筝 23、do ones homework 做家庭作业 24、in the evening 在晚上(傍晚)25、at night 在夜晚 at noon 在中午 26、be afraid of 害怕 27、notany more 不再 28、fly away 飞走 29、wash clothes 洗衣服 30、at last 最后 31、play a joke on sb.和某人开玩笑 32、laugh at 嘲笑 33、a few 几个 34、every four years 每四年 35、get on 上(车、船等),骑上 36、come up 过来 37、grow up 长大 38、bring about 引起 39、take a walk 散步 40、Tree Planting Day 植树节 41、keep from 阻止 42、flow away 流失 43、blow up 吹起,刮起 44、more and more 越 来 越多 45、plant trees 种树 grow rice 种水稻 46、sing songs 唱歌 47、go to town 去城里 48、on ones way home 在某人回家的路 上 (home 本身是副词不要加to)on ones way to the school 在某人上学的路上 49、begin to 开始 50、last Sunday 上 个 星 期日 51、on Sunday 在星期日 52、on Sundays 在 每 个 星 期日 53、on Sunday morning 在星期日早上 54、in the morning 在 早上 this morning 今天早上 every morning 每天早上 55、near to 离很近 56、far from 离很远 57、drive along a road 沿着公路驾车 58、have to 不得不,只好,只得 59、walk up 走上前 60、with on ones back 某人背上背着 with on ones hand 某人手上拿着 61、across the road 过马路 62、sit down 坐下 63、walk off 离开 64、keep birds 养鸟 65、different kinds of 不同种类的 66、FoolsDay 愚人节 67、come back 回来 68、say sorry to 对 某 人 说 抱歉 69、hop up 向上跳 70、try to 试着 71、have an English test 有(进行)一场英语考试 72、tell sb.to do sth.告诉某人做某事 ask sb.to do sth.叫某人做某事 let sb.do sth.让某人做某事(let 后面不要加 to)73、a few days ago 几 天前 74、Childrens Day 儿童节 75、Teachers Day 教师节 76、National Day 国庆节 77、have a sports meeting 举行一场运动会 78、succeed in tricking someone 成功地捉弄某人 at,in,on 表示时间的区别 at 多用于钟点时刻前 on 用于在星期几、具体某一天或某一天的早、午、晚或节日前。in 表示一段时间,用在年、月、星期(周)、四季、morning、afternoon、evening 前,但当 morning,Sunday 等前有 this,that,next,last 时就要省去 in。学过的语法:1、一般过去时:动作发生在过去,现在已经结束了。从句子中过去的时间和动词的过去式可以看出是过去时。过去的时间就用动词的过去式。如:I was happy last Sunday.am 的过去式 过去的时间 2、一般将来时:动作发生在将来。一般句子中会出现将来的时间和 will,will 要加动词原形。如:It will be rainy tomorrow.It will rain tomorrow.3、一般现在时:经常性的动作或者一种状态。主语是第三人称单数(she,he,it)时动词要用第三人称单数形式,通常与 always,often,usually,sometimes 等词连用。如:I usually have lunch at twelve.单三 I like swimming.单三形式 He usually has lunch at twelve.单三 He likes swimming.单三形式 一般情况下:(1)第三人称单数形式就是在词尾加 s;(2)以 s,x,ch,sh,“O”结尾的加 es;(3)辅音字母加 y 的,y 变 i 再加 es;另外,不规则的有:havehas,do-does 等.likelikes,watch-watches,fly-flies 4、现在进行时:动作正在进行。be 动词+动词的现在分词-即 am,is,are+动词+ing 注意加 ing 的方法有:(1)直接加,如:play-playing (2)去 e 加,如:take-taking (3)双写加,如:sit-sitting,stopstopping,beginbeginning swimswimming,hophopping,skipskipping,forgetforgetting,traveltravelling,runrunning 例句:I am swimming.He is running.What are they doing 5、形容词和副词的比较级(-er)是两者比较,最高级(-est)是三者以上比较。形容词的最高级前要加 the。比较级:You are a month older than me.最高级:He is the tallest boy in his class.He jumps highest of the three.6、序数词的用法以及与年月日相关的句型。如:The teachersoffice is on the third floor.Childrens Day is on June 1st.五、常见的对划线部分提问。1、My parents took me took you there(谁)谁 me 变 you(第一人称变第二人称)2、We went to the zoo by did you go to the zoo(问交通方式用 how,did 加动词原形,注意 on foot,其他都是交通工具前面加 by)3、I was born in May,were you born(问节日、生日等用 when,问几点用 What time)4、I often have lunch at 12:time do you have lunch 5、I am old are you(问年龄用 How old)6、Im are you She is not well is she today(身体状态)7、It was June 20 was the date yesterday(日期)8、Its Monday day is it today(星期几)9、Its sunny s the weather like tomorrow(天气)10、The pen is colour is the pen(颜色)11、They watched TV did they do yesterday(干什么)12、He will be a spaceman when he grows will he do when he grows up 13、My mother often has some cakes,eggs and milk for breakfast.-What does your mother often have for breakfast(问三餐吃什么)14、John is in class is John in(问班级 What class 问年级 What grade)15、The teachersoffice is on the third is the teachersoffice 问地点用where)16、How many+可数名词复数形式,How much+不可数名词,问价钱时可数名词和不可数名词都是用 How much。17、询问最喜爱的东西:Whats your favourite 18、How tall 问身高 How heavy 问体重 How often 问频率 How old 问年龄 六、感叹句两种句式。1、How beautiful the dress is!How+形容词+名词(复数)+is(are)!这条连衣裙多么漂亮呀!2、What a beautiful dress it is!一条多么漂亮的连衣裙呀!What+a/an 形容词+名词(复数时去掉 a/an)+it+is(they are)!七、名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的用法区别 如:This is my book.(my 是形容词性物主代词,后面接名词。)This book is mine.(mine 是名词性物主代词,可以独立使用,无需后接名词。)改错:Last Weekend Hello!Im Tom.I am happy last weekend.On Saturday,I watered the flowers and play the football with my friends.Then I watch TV with my mother.In Sunday morning,I played computer games.In the evening,I do my homework.What a happy day!上个星期日已经过去了,动词要用过去式 am-was,playplayed,watchwatched,InOn,do-did My last Sunday Hello!My name is .I m years old.I was(very)last Sunday.In the morning,I (with).In the afternoon,I (with).In the evening,I .What a happy/day!参考词汇:busy/sad/happy/tired/excited .did homework listened to music played football/.went shopping watched TV washed clothes visited grandparents read books 2、也可以仿照书上 P53 的内容写。(去了哪里谁带你去的怎么去的看到了什么心情如何)如:Last Sunday I went to the zoo last Sunday.My parents took me there.We went by bus.We saw monkeys,pandas,elephants and many other animals.We had a good time.(注意作文格式:题目、正文首行空两格要有开头结尾的句子,尽量用学过的自己有把握的句子,不能有语法错误。)(二)用一般现在时写人:自我介绍或我的朋友、家人、老师。姓名、年龄、外貌、爱好(运动、食物、书籍、颜色等等)班级、学习(工作)地点IamI likeHe/She isHe/She likes(注意单三)。(三)用一般将来时写理想。可以仿照第四课的阅读部分内容写。(四)写一些地方的天气预报。写英语作文要注意从时间去判断用什么时态来写(过去时、将来时还是现在时)天气预报一般都是用一般将来时来写。如:It will be rainy in Nanchang tomorrow.(明天南昌会下雨。)It was rainy in Nanchang yesterday.(昨天南昌下了雨。)It is rainy in Nanchang today.(今天南昌下雨。)人称代词-宾格 单数 复数 第一人称 me us 第二人称 you you 第三人称 him/her/it them


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