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新视野大学英语4听说教程全部答案新视野大学英语4听说教程答案 Unit One Warming Up F T NG Listening Understanding Short Conversations 15 A C B B D 610 B A C C D Understanding a Long Conversation 15 A B A C B Understanding a Passage 15 A A D B C Undenstanding a Radio Program 1 married in ST.Pauls Cathedral 2 was a guest at the wedding ceremory 3 wore a hat with flowers at the wedding 4 is remmembered as having been naughty 5 was one of the designers of the wedding dress Culture Talk T F F T Listening and Speaking 1 They have high status. 2 They get the attentions of the public. 3 Using their fame to make money. Homework Supplementary Listening Task 1 15 D A B B A Task 2 15 C A B B A Task 3 1、shortage 2、assigned 3、centered 4、hospitallization 5、treatment 6、colleague 7、decentialized 8、Therere nurse-managers instead of head-nurses 9、decidea among themselves who will work what to do and when 10、an equal with other wise presidents of the hospital 1 Unit Two Warming Up 1、Her new book 2、Original 3、Use your own words to complete it,this question has no correct answers. Listening Understanding Short Conversations 15 D D D C B 610 A A B C D Understanding a Long Conversation 15 D A B B A Understanding a Passage 15 B C D A C Undenstanding a Radio Program 1 C 2 A 3 A 4 C 5 D Culture Talk F F T T Listening and Speaking 1(The Left Answer) It makes their point and makes you happy. 2(The Right Answer) It is difficult to do. 3(The Right Answer) Sometimes its dangerous. Homework Supplementary Listening Task 1 15 D A B B A Task 2 15 B D A C A Task 3 1、sketch 2、shadow 3、paintings 4、abroad 5、Europe 6、jewels 7、exqute 8、pictures of rooms with handsome dressed people in them 9、not only the clothes and the lines of their faces 10、but he was far greater than he would ever become 2 Unit Three Warming Up 1、god of mercy 2、money,strength and health 3、lucky ones Listening Understanding Short Conversations 15 C D C B B 610 B A C A B Understanding a Long Conversation 15 A B D C B Understanding a Passage 15 A B D B C Undenstanding a Radio Program 1 An Australian scientist who won the Nobel Prize. 2 The mysterious field of infectious diseases. 3 By accident. 4 It was probably extremely significant. 5 He couldnt handle all that. Culture Talk T F T T Listening and Speaking 1 The poor trend to be angry easily and it will fanilly make a civil war. 2 It can control the rate og crimes 3 It can increase the econimics Homework Supplementary Listening Task 1 15 B C A D C Task 2 15 B A C B C Task 3 1、September 2、retire 3、retirement 4、reduction 5、practical 6、pensions 7、leisure 8、The club arranges discussion groups and handicraft sessions 9、a member can attend any course held there free of charge 10、the financial section on Mondays and Wednesdays between six and eight p.m. 3 Unit Four Warming Up 1、Xeroxs Palo Alto Research Center 2、Verizon 3、Amazon Listening Understanding Short Conversations 15 B A D D A 610 D C C A A Understanding a Long Conversation 15 C B B B D Understanding a Passage 15 A C B A C Undenstanding a Radio Program 1 became Bill Gates greatest contribution 2 makes use of Gates system 3 was the plaything of nerds 4 became a business tool 5 made it a wish to dominate like Bill Gates 6 was not fit to comment on upcoming innovation Culture Talk T T F F Listening and Speaking 1(The Left Answer) It provides a lot of information. 2(The Right Answer) Some of the information is very dangerous. 3(The Right Answer) Some of the information is not accurate. Homework Supplementary Listening Task 1 15 B A B C A Task 2 15 A A B B A Task 3 1、fundamental 2、dramatically 3、majority 4、workplace 5、self-employed 6、breadth 7、notions 8、its applications in personal computers, digital communications, and factory robots9、still unimagined technology could produce a similar wave of dramatic changes 10、will have the greatest advantage and produce the most wealth 4 Unit Five Warming Up F NG T Listening Understanding Short Conversations 15 A D D D B 610 C D C A D Understanding a Long Conversation 15 B B A C C Understanding a Passage 15 D A B B A Undenstanding a Radio Program 1 the perfect man checklists 2 what the perfect man looks like 3 much younger for yourself 4 to develop your perfect man checklist 5 burning the perfect man checklist Culture Talk 1 Korean 2 HongKong 3 England 4 USA Listening and Speaking 1 It can cause one to be dependent. 2 Its a nuisance. 3 It will limit your freedom. Homework Supplementary Listening Task 1 15 C D A B D Task 2 15 A C A C D Task 3 1、emerging 2、residents 3、participants 4、companionship 5、soldiers 6、isolate 7、extraordinary 8、who happened to live by themselves die at twice the rate of those live with others 9、Its clear that reaching out to other can have our body strong 5 10、Only 5 percent of U.S. consisted of the person living alone. Unit Six Warming Up 1 Whether the man should return to society. 2 15 years. 3 Use your own words to complete it,this question has no correct answers. Listening Understanding Short Conversations 15 C B C D B 610 C A D D B Understanding a Long Conversation 15 A B C C D Understanding a Passage 15 C D D A B Undenstanding a Radio Program 1 Centennial Olympic Park 2 North Cardwell,New Jersey 3 Oklahoma City,Oklahoma 4 the FBI laboratories 5 ground zero 6 an Atlanta abortion clinic Culture Talk 1 USA 2 Germany 3 Singapore 4 Canada Listening and Speaking 1(The Left Answer) Punishing the criminals will deter others. 2(The Right Answer) It is good for society. 3(The Right Answer) It has no victims. Homework Supplementary Listening Task 1 15 D C B A A Task 2 15 C B B A D Task 3 1、impeach 2、scandal 3、gambling 4、Representatives 6 5、accusations 6、procedures 7、opposition 8、resigned as secretary of social welfare and urged the president to resign 9、five economic advices to the President have resigned 10、some committees in the House of Representatives Unit Seven Warming Up T F NG Listening Understanding Short Conversations 15 B C A A D 610 C B D A B Understanding a Long Conversation 15 D A C C B Understanding a Passage 15 C C D B B Undenstanding a Radio Program 1 shows Gods part in creating the universe. 2 shows the existence of a man thousands of years ago. 3 shows messages inscribed in DNA. 4 shows a court opinion against Intelligent Design. 5 shows Gods existence. Culture Talk T T F F Listening and Speaking 1 Groups are similar biologically except for skin color. 2 Groups have different culture 3 Groups provide something unique. Homework Supplementary Listening Task 1 15 D D A B B Task 2 15 A C B A D Task 3 1、would-be 2、intelligence 3、genes 4、athletic 5、medical 7 6、disclosed 7、consideration 8、the sum American egg donors expect to be paid 9、plus all the costs of medical treatment and insurance 10、almost half the cost of fees for the students four-year college course. Unit Eight Warming Up 1 going to quit 2 work harder 3 majority race Listening Understanding Short Conversations 15 C A A B C 610 D D A C B Understanding a Long Conversation 15 D A A B A Understanding a Passage 15 D A B B A Undenstanding a Radio Program 1 Bill Gates 2 Warren Buffet 3 KP Singh 4 Martha Stewart 5 Ronald Lauder 6 Louisa Kroll Culture Talk 1 Japan 2 UK 3 America 4 HongGKong Listening and Speaking 1 Society should be fair. 2 Women should enjoy representation. 3 It makes leaders help to do something for women. Homework Supplementary Listening Task 1 15 A C D B C Task 2 15 A D B B B Task 3 8 1、greeted 2、freshman 3、spite 4、fluke 5、agitated 6、faculty 7、particularly 8、I had the highest average in the freshman class 9、Then,she took out a copy of the examination paper 10、I was so angry that I started punding her Unit Nine Warming Up 1 Whether its Chinese enough to appeal to Chinese people 2 American culture 3 Use your own words to complete it,this question has no correct answers Listening Understanding Short Conversations 15 A C B D C 610 D A A B C Understanding a Long Conversation 15 D A B B A Understanding a Passage 15 D B B C C Undenstanding a Radio Program 1 His brothers two daughters. 2 They drove there. 3 Children under three. 4 They watched the parade. 5 He sat down and had a rest for a few minutes. Culture Talk T T F T Listening and Speaking 1 Fantastic rides. 2 So much to see. 3 Great memories never to forget. Homework Supplementary Listening Task 1 15 C B A C D Task 2 15 B A D C B 9 Task 3 1、Authorities 2、grant 3、opera 4、not traditional 5、staged 6、journolists 7、tunnel 8、Great performer is special for new introduction of the story 9、who kills all suitors who can answer her three riddles 10、Some Chinese audience complain that the princess has none of the grace of a true Chinese lady Unit Ten Warming Up NG T F Listening Understanding Short Conversations 15 D B A C B 610 B B C B A Understanding a Long Conversation 15 D B C A B Understanding a Passage 15 C B D D A Undenstanding a Radio Program 1 is something not known for sure 2 is trying to figure out how dreams help in solving problems 3 is something everyone should do 4 is important in interpreting dreams 5 is something a person might be afraid of Culture Talk T T F T Listening and Speaking 1 It causes stress. 2 What area you may develop. 3 High score can bring you confidence. Homework Supplementary Listening Task 1 15 C D C A A Task 2 15 A D C B A Task 3 10 1、rarely 2、consulting 3、renting 4、agent 5、appointment 6、exchange 7、praises 8、the people who work there actually know where things are and theyll take you right to them 9、I will tell you what I really like about Publix 10、Theres a different grocery store near my house, but all that the employees do there is to grunt 11


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