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笨老师分享课堂:(中考阅读理解)02 学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_ 阅读单选 (一)Do you know any 9-year-olds who have started their own museums?When Theodore Roosevelt(罗斯福)was only nine,he and two of his cousins opened the“Roosevelt Museum of Natural History”.The museum was in Theodores bedroom.It had a total of 12 specimens(标本).On display were a few seashells,some dead insects and some birds nests.Young Roosevelt took great pride in his small museum.Born in New York in 1858,Theodore Roosevelt was not always healthy.“I was a sickly,delicate boy,”he once wrote.Roosevelt had a health condition called asthma(哮喘).He often found it hard to breathe.Instead of playing,he observed(观察)nature and then read and wrote about it.Roosevelts interest in nature sometimes got him into trouble.Once,his mother found several dead mice in the icebox.She ordered him to throw them out.This wasindeed“a loss to science”,Roosevelt said later.Because Roosevelt was often sickly as a boy,his body was small and weak.When he was about 12,his father urged him to improve his body.Roosevelt began working out in a gym.He didnt become strong quickly.But he did decide to face lifes challenges with a strong spirit.That determination stayed with Roosevelt his whole life.And finally his body did get strong.As an adult,he was an active,healthy person.He enjoyed adventures and loved outdoors.In 1900,at the age of 41,Roosevelt was elected Vice President.A year later,President McKinley was shot and killed.Roosevelt became the 26th president of the USAAt 42,he was the youngest leader the country had ever had.1What is the main idea of the first paragraph?A Roosevelts museum had 12 specimens.B Roosevelt had two cousins.C Roosevelt was a brave man.D Roosevelt had a small museum as a boy.2Which of the following tells about Roosevelt as a boy?A He liked playing outdoors sports.B He became the President in 1901.C He was interested in observing nature.D He was a healthy person full of energy.3It can be inferred(推断)that_ A Roosevelts mother liked mice B Roosevelt followed his fathers advice C everyone with asthma is small and weak D working out in a gym is a waste of time 4In which book might you find this passage?A Improving Your Body.B Living with Asthma.C Small Museums of Natural History.D The Childhoods of Americas Presidents.(二)The Diary of a Young Girl was written by a girl named Anne Frank.It is a true experience of a teenager in wartime(World War II,19391945)and it has also become a symbol of the victory of the human spirit.Heres one of Annes diaries.Friday,10 September,1943 Dear Kitty,Every time I write to you something special seems to have happened,but they are more often unpleasant than pleasant things.However,now there is something_wonderful going on.Last Wednesday evening,8 September,we sat around listening to the seven oclock news and the first thing we heard was:“Here follows the best news of the whole war.Italy has capitulated(投降)!”Italys unconditiona surrender(投降)!The Dutch programme (续表)from England began at quarter past I had just finished writing the chronicle of the day when the wonderful news of Italys capitulation came in.I can tell you that I have never deposited(放下)my notes in the wastepaper basket with such joy!”“God Save the King,”the American national anthem(国歌),and the“Internationale”were played.As always,the Dutch program was uplifting4,but not too optimistic(乐观的).Still we have troubles,too.Its about Mr.Koophuis.As you know,we are all very fond of him,he is always cheerful and amazingly brave,although he is never well,has a lot of pain,and is not allowed to eat much or do much walking.“When Mr.Koophuis enters,the sun begins to shine,”Mummy said just recently,and she is quite right.Now he has had to go into the hospital for a very unpleasant abdominal operation and will have to stay there for at least four weeks.You really ought to have seen how he said good-bye to us just as usualhe might have simply been going out to do a bit of shopping.Yours,Anne 5The underlined phrase“something wonderful”refers to(指代)that _ A Annes family could listen to news B Italy capitulated C the Dutch programme was uplifting D Mr.Koophuis was cheerful 6What is the most probable date that Mr.Koophuis returned from hospital?A 10 September.B 24 September.C 3 October.D 17 October.7Which of the following is probably NOT true according to the passage?A Anne often faced unpleasant things.B Annes family got news on radio.C Mr.Koophuis was welcome in Annes family.D Mr.Koophuis was quite afraid of his operation.(三)In films,spies(间谍)are lucky people.They are smart and adventurous.But a real spys life is not that exciting.They must live a life of lies.Their work is dangerous and they may have to pay for it with their lives.American spy Nathan Hale(1755-1776)was one of these people.Why does someone want to be a spy?Some do it for their country.Some for money.Some just love it.Nathan Hale became a spy for the first reason.He lived during the American Revolution(革命).He and his people fought the British army.In 1774,Hale joined the American army.Before that,he was a schoolteacher.Two years later,he chose to be a spy.He had to get information from the British army.He went to the city where the British army was staying.He told them that he was a schoolteacher and wanted to find a new job.He tried to get information for the American army.Hale finally got something important and decided to go back.He hid some papers in his boots.He went to the riverbank and waited for a boat to pick him up.However,British soldiers caught Hale at the riverbank and found the papers in his boots.It turned out that as a young spy,Hale didnt have enough experience.He had told his secret to somebody else.But that person sold him out to the British army.Hale died on Sept 22,1776.His final words were:“I only regret I have but one life to lose for my country.”He died at the age of 21.8What does the underlined word“adventurous”in Paragraph 1mean?A 爱撒谎的 B 爱冒险的 C 爱冲动的 D 爱幻想的 9According to the article,which of the following is TRUE?A Nathan Hale was a spy for the British army.B Nathan Hale joined the army at the age of 19 years old.C Nathan Hale worked as a teacher for 2 years.D Nathan Hale had rich experience as a spy.10What was the correct order in which these events happened?Hale joined the American army Hale got information for the American army British soldiers caught Hale Hale became a schoolteacher Hale told his secret to somebody else A B C D 11What do Nathan Hales final words mean?A He regretted that he had to die for his country.B He felt scared to die at such a young age.C He wished to continue working for his country.D Its unfair that his country didnt bring him a reward.(四)Vienna(维也纳)is a beautiful old city on the river Danube.Its the centre of European(欧洲的)classical music.From 1750 a lot of composers and musicians came to study and work in Vienna.The most famous family of musicians was the Strauss family.There were two composers called Johann Strauss:a father and a son.The father,Johann Strauss the elder,wrote and played music for a classical dancea waltz(华尔兹).His waltzes made him famous all over Europe.The son,Johann Strauss the younger,was even more successful and popular than his father.His most famous waltz was The Blue Danube.He wrote it in 1867.Strauss and Mozart were two of the most important composers.Mozart was born in Austria in 1756.Before he was six he played not only the piano,but also the violin.He wrote his first opera(歌剧)at the age of 12 and hundreds of beautiful pieces of classical music.But he died in 1791 when he was only 35.Some people say he was the greatest European composer.12Vienna is the centre of European _.A classical music B folk music C country music D rock music 13His _ made Johann Strauss the elder famous all over Europe.A opera B writing C waltzes D dance 14_ wrote the Blue Danube.A Johann Strauss the younger B Johann Strauss the elder C Mozart D Beethoven 15Mozart wrote his first opera _.A in 1750 B in 1756 C in 1768 D in 1791 16The best title for the passage is _.A Strauss Family B Father and Son C Famous Singers D Great Composers (五)Eric Liddell was known as the flying Scotsman(苏格兰人)because he ran so fast.But he is most remembered as a man of honor and bravery.He was born in 1902 in Tianjin,north China.Eric lived in China until the age of five.After that his parents sent him to school in England.In 1920,Ericwent to the University of Edinburgh to study science.Sports played a large part in his life and he was chosen to be part of Britains 1924 Olympic team.The games were in Paris.At the Olympics,he won a bronze medal in the 200-meter race and then a gold medal in the 400-meter race,setting a world record.Though famous in Scotland,Eric still loved and remembered China.He wanted to go back to the country where he was born.In 1925,he went to China and worked as a middle school teacher in Tianjin.Then he went to Hebei Province to help the poor people there.During the Second World War,Eric chose to stay.He wanted to help the sick and give hope to the Chinese people.In 1945,Eric was very ill.He had a chance to leave China but he refused.Instead he gave it to a woman.This great man died six months before the end of the war.Many people still remember his service to the Chinese people.17Eric went to China to _.A study science.B help Chinese people C attend the Olympic Games D set a world record 18Eric lived in China for about _ years all together.A 5 B 20 C 25 D 30 19What does the underlined word“it”mean in Paragraph 4?A the service B the chance C the medal D the race 参考答案 1D 2C 3B 4D【解析】试题分析:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了美国前总统罗斯福小时候因体弱多病,所以花更多的时间观察自然,因此对自然很感兴趣,并成立了自己的小小博物馆。后来他坚持锻炼身体,渐渐地他变得健康、强壮起来,成为了一个积极进取、敢于面对生活中的压力和挑战的人。在他 42岁时,他成为美国历史上最年轻的国家领导人。1题意:第一段的主要意思是什么?考查文意理解题。根据第一段内容 When Theodore Roosevelt was only nine,he and two of his cousins opened the“Roosevelt Museum of Natural History”.,简单介绍的是罗斯福自然历史博物馆,可知选 D。2题意:以下哪一个是关于罗斯福作为一个男孩的故事?考查细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Instead of playing,he observed nature and then read and wrote about it.”可知,罗斯福小的时候喜欢观察大自然;而“喜欢户外运动、成为美国总统、成为一个勇敢、活跃的人”,都是罗斯福长大后的事情,可知选 C。3题意:我们可以推断出 。考查细节理解题。A.Roosevelts mother liked mice 罗斯福的母亲喜欢老鼠;B.Roosevelt followed his fathers advice 罗斯福听从了父亲的劝告;C.everyone with asthma is small and weak 每一个哮喘患者小而弱;D.working out in a gym is a waste of time 在健身房锻炼是浪费时间。根据 When he was about 12,his father urged him to improve his body.Roosevelt began working out in a gym.,可知他听从了父亲的劝告,故选 B。4题意:你在哪本书里能找到这段文字?考查综合理解题。A.Improving Your Body.改善你的身体。B.Living with Asthma.哮喘病。C.Small Museums of Natural History.小小的自然历史博物馆D.The Childhoods of Americas Presidents.美国总统的童年。根据短文内容,主要讲述的是美国前总统罗斯福成长的故事,可知本文可以在美国总统的童年一书中读到。故选 D。5B 6D 7D 【解析】试题分析:本文是一篇日记。这是一个名叫安妮-弗兰克的女孩在二战时期的真实经历,也成为人类精神胜利的象征。5题意:下划线的短语“奇妙”指的是 。词义猜测题。根据日记中“Here follows the best news of the whole war.Italy has capitulated!”可知上文的“something wonderful”指的是意大利投降。故选 B。6题意:Koophuis 先生从医院回来的最有可能的日期是什么?细节理解题。安妮写日记的日期为 10 September,根据日记中“Now he has had to go into a hospitaland will have to stay there for at least four weeks.”可知 D 项“10 月 17 日”最有可能是 Mr Koophuis 出院的时间。故选 D。7题意:根据文章,下面哪一个可能不是真的?推理判断题。根据日记中“You really ought to have seen how he said good-bye to us just as usual he might have simply been going out to do a bit of shopping.”可知 Mr Koophuis 像平常一样和“我们”告别,就像是他可能出去买点东西,可推断出 Mr.Koophuis 是一种乐观的情绪状态,可知 D 项“Mr.Koophuis 很害怕手术”与文意不符。故选 D。8B 9B 10C 11C【解析】【分析】文章讲述了美国间谍内森黑尔的故事。8根据 Their work is dangerous and they may have to pay for it with their lives.可知做间谍工作很危险,他们也许会付出生命的代价;因此猜测是爱冒险的;故选 B 9 根据American spy Nathan Hale(1755-1776)was one of these people.和In 1774,Hale joined the American army.可知他 1755 年出生,1774 年参军;故选 B 10根据文章可知黑尔加入美国军队前曾是一名老师,然后做了间谍,由于经验不足,把秘密告诉了别人,正当他为美国军队收集了一些重要情报打算返回时,被英国军队抓获,英勇献身;故正确的顺序是 C 11根据 I only regret I have but one life to lose for my country我遗憾的是仅有一次生命可以献给祖国,也就是希望能够继续为自己的国家出力;故选 C 12A 13C 14A 15C 16D【解析】本文主要内容:维也纳是多瑙河边上一个美丽而古老的城市。它是欧洲古典音乐的中心。从 1750 起,许多作曲家和音乐家来到维也纳学习和工作。主要介绍了三位大作曲家:约翰施特劳斯父子和莫扎特。12题意:维也纳是欧洲的_中心。A.classical music 古典音乐;B.folk music 民间音乐;C.country music 乡村音乐;D.rock music 摇滚乐。根据第 1 段第 2 句 Its the centre of European(欧洲的)classical music.可知选 A。13题意:他的_让老约翰施特劳斯闻名全欧洲。A.opera 歌剧;B.writing 写作;C.waltzes,华尔兹圆舞曲;D.dance 舞蹈。根据第 2 段中 The father,Johann Strauss the elder,wrote and played music for a classical dancea waltz(华尔兹).His waltzes made him famous all over Europe.可知选 D。14题意:_写的 蓝色多瑙河。A.Johann Strauss the younger 小约翰施特劳斯;B.Johann Strauss the elder 老约翰施特劳斯;C.Mozart 莫扎特;D.Beethoven 贝多芬。根据第 3 段中 The son,Johann Strauss the younger,was even more successful and popular than his father.His most famous waltz was The Blue Danube.可知选 A。15题意:莫扎特_写了他的第一部歌剧。A.in 1750;B.in 1756;C.in 1768;D.in 1791。根据第4段第1句Mozart was born in Austria in 1756.和第3句He wrote his first opera(歌剧)at the age of 12 可知莫扎特写第一部歌剧时间是 1756+12=1768,故选 C。16 题意:这篇文章最好的标题是_。A.Strauss Family 斯特劳斯家族;B.Father and Son父子;C.Famous Singers 著名歌手;D.Great Composers 大作曲家。本文主要介绍了曾经生活在维也纳的大作曲家:约翰施特劳斯父子和莫扎特。根据本文主要内容可知选 D。点睛:对于阅读理解题,首先要粗读文章了解大意,其次通过细读,理解全文。在粗读的基础上,仔细阅读题后所给的题目,根据题目要求,再有重点地返回来仔细阅读。在阅读理解的题目中,所设问题主要有以下几种方式:找主题或概括文章的中心思想、就文中的具体事实和情节进行提问、根据文章的表层意思进行深层次的推理判断等,在细读时,要根据设问的方式,进行有侧重地阅读。1、概括文章中心思想。1)文首呈现主题句。2)文尾出现主题 句。3)首尾呼应展现主题。4)文中表述主题。前面提出问题,文中的主题由随之陈述的细节或合乎逻辑的引申在文中导出,而后再做进一步的解释。5)文章没有主题句。在这种情况下,考生要把所有的细节综合起来。进行逻辑推理,概括归纳出文章的主题句。2.掌握文章的具体事实和重要情节。在考题中,经常会见到就文章中某一具体事实和重要情节进行测试的题目。17B 18C 19B【解析】本文介绍了伊利克里达尔的一生。他是 1902 年生于天津的苏格兰人,他多次在跑步比赛获得奖牌。1925 年他来到中国在天津一所中学当教师,然后去河北省帮助那儿的穷人。日本入侵中国后,他选择了留下来帮助病人和给中国人民以希望。1943 年,他被日本人关进了潍坊集中营,在狱中他继续帮助老人并和孩子们做游戏,教他们科学。1945 年,他生病后获得离开集中营的机会,但是他把这个机会让给了一名孕妇,而他在抗日战争结束前六个月时去世了。但是人们却记住了他的奉献精神和勇敢的心。4.4】C 推理判断题。题意:伊利克在中国总共住了多少年?A.5 五年;B.20 二十年;C.25.二十五年。根据短文,小时候他在中国生活了五年,1925 年返回中国到 1945 年去世共 20年,所以他一共在中国生活了 25 年,故选 C。17题意:埃里克到中国来_。A.study science.研究科学;B.help Chinese people 帮助中国人民;C.attend the Olympic Games 参加奥运会;D.set a world record 创世界纪录。根据第4段和第5段Though famous in Scotland,Eric still loved and remembered China.He wanted to go back to the country where he was born.In 1925,he went to China and worked as a middle school teacher in Tianjin.Then he went to Hebei Province to help the poor people there.During the Second World War,Eric chose to stay.He wanted to help the sick and give hope to the Chinese people.(虽然在苏格兰很著名的,埃里克仍然爱戴和怀念中国。他想回到他出生的那个国家。1925,他来到中国,先后在天津中学教师。然后他去河北省帮助那里的穷人。第二次世界大战期间,埃里克选择留下来。他想帮助病人,给中国人民带来希望。)可知选 B。18题意:埃里克在中国生活一共大约_年。A.5;B.20;C.25;D.30。根据第 2段第 1 句 He was born in 1902 in Tianjin,north China.Eric lived in China until the age of five.(他1902 出生在天津,华北。埃里克在中国生活一直到五岁。)、第四段第 3句 In 1925,he went to China and worked as a middle school teacher in Tianjin.(1925,他来到中国,在天津中学当 一名教师。)和第 5 段 In 1945,Eric was very ill.He had a chance to leave China but he refused.(1945,埃里克病得很厉害。他有机会离开中国但他拒绝。)This great man died six months before the end of the war.(这个伟人在战争结束前六个月去世了。)可知埃里克在中国一共生活了 5+(1945-1925)=25(年);故选 C。19 题意:.第 4 段中画线词“it”指代什么?A.the service 服务;B.the chance 机会;C.the medal奖牌;D.the race 比赛。根据最后一段第 3 和 4 句 In 1945,Eric was very ill.He had a chance to leave China but he refused.Instead he gave it to a woman.(1945,埃里克病得很厉害。他有机会离开中国但他拒绝。相反,他把它给了一个女人。)可知 it 指的是机会,故选 B。


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