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秋季期南宁市天桃实验学校中学部小学升初中英语入学考试 秋季期南宁市天桃实验学校中学部小学升初中英语入学考试 (满分:10分)一、单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)( ) 1-Go afternoon, Lucy. - _ , amng A. ood morng B. Godafenoon C. Goevin D. Good-bye( ) 2. T s y roher. _ nae s Tony A. He Hes C.His D Hr( )3. -Whats the wethe like tday? -_ A. Is ed. B Its fiv C s, it i. D. Is hot.( ). Thi is _ . Loo,_ apple s red. . a, a . a, a C. the, an D an, te( ) 5.Kat can run, _ he cantwA and B. wih C. but . so( ) 6 -_ your bg ? - Its n te desk. . Whre . Wha C. hatcolur D o much( ) . octorsworkat _ actry B. hoital C.hol D.school ( ) 8. -Lingin, you Eglishis ve goo! - _, Ms L. A Thakou B. o, no C Im fin D. Nt atall ( ) 9. -Whats tis _ Egis? -It a dek.A. on B. in C.of D.fo( ) 0. Tre _ oe waer in he gas. A. hav B. a C. ae D is( )1 like_torybooks A. look B. re C loing Deading( ) 2 y fried Bety i in Cina _her mum anad A. and B. with C. or D. of( )3. -owolda ou, Tm?- _. Imfive B. Im fin Hesfive D. Thk yu( ) ste! Th grls _ in the clsoom A.is sg B. e ing .singin D. aresigng( ) 15. ts old her.Peae_ yocat,Jack. A. put on B. put p take ff . take own( ) 16. Ysterdvnn sist d _ahome. A is B. are .was D. ere( )17. We_ lay footbl o Sundays. arent B.int C.dont D dosnt( )18. -Is ths yurEnglih ok? -No, snt _i oerther. My B. Mine C.Hr D. Hi( ) 19.hese are my_. A. boxes . milk C. bnana D.cke( ) 20 Wha _yu dolat Suday? . do B di . a ere二、 从栏中找出与A栏相相应的答句,并将其字母标号填入A栏括号里。(每小题1分,共10分) B栏 A. Yes, I am.B. Yes, she is.C. No, I cant. But I can ride a bike.D. Yes, I do.E. Its Damings.F. Im singing a song.G. Thats all right.H. Thats a good idea!.I. Im fine. Thanks.J. Yes, there is. A栏( ) 1. What are you doing?( ) 2. Are you from Guangxi? ( ) 3. Is she your teacher?( ) 4. Do you often watch TV?( ) 5. Can you drive a car?( ) 6. How are you?( ) 7. Im sorry.( ) 8. Would you like to go to the zoo?( ) 9. Is there a dog?( ) 10. Whose kite is this?A. Who is your favourite player?B. I like football and basketball. C. Nice to meet you, too!D. Are you from England?E. Whats the weather like there?三、 根据对话内容,选择方框内合适的句子补全对话,并将其字母标号填在横线上。(每小题1分,共分)A: e, Mk! Ne to eet you!: Helo, Susan 1_A:Mk,_B: o, Im not Imf Amra.A: 3._?B:Its very cold n witr.: Doyou lie sports?B: Ys,I . _ ut on lik runi: se_B: Its YaoMi. I hink hsthe est 四、完形填空。(每小题1分,共15分)Hello. M nme 1 inging. I_2 Nannig Im Itwl 4 . Ima _ inNo1 dle Schoo I inClassFou( )1.A. a . is C. are D.be ( )2 lik B. om C. o D. o( )3. A. hina B. Eglnd C hinee America( )4 A ear B. yea Cyer ld D. ear old( ) 5. A. eaher B ind C. tuent D. orker BMar fro the S.She i _merican grShe is inCina2_ hr ate an mte.he a 3_ nglis. r father isadocto. Hewrks in a _er motheisa teach. She _ Elish ina school.Ma isin No 2 Mdde School in Naning. Shesin 6_. She oest schol_ Herschool is bg an n. She likes_. A shol she has gt 9_ good fend. Theare Daming adLinglig.Mss L is 10_ echer. eis good tacher.( )1 A. a . an C. the D./( ) 2 A. ad .with C for D t( ). . say B. tel C. sell D.spea( ) 4.A. atory Bhot . hpial . farm( ) 5. . learn B. teac .learns D. aches( )6 A. Cass Two B Two Class clas tw D two class( ) . . n the morning B. i morg C on the oring onin( ) 8 A.this Bit C.hi D them( ) 9. A wo B. o C. tree D. an( ) 10. A. May B. arys C. Mary is rys 五、阅读理解。(每小题分,共15分)A篇ell! Im lice.Im eleven yeas od. his is frind. Her ame s Sun. he is twelve.Shes N 9 Middle Schol. She s in lass our. In Cass Fou, too. Tis is ur Cinese teaher. Hs ame s L ng. Hes went-nne ars ld Hes fom Snghai. H can ingany Engish ng.根据短文,判断正误。对的的写,错误的写。( ) . lce is1yeasod.( ) . Alicend Susan ar frien( ) 3 Alice is inClas 4.( ) 4. Liingis Elih teacher.( ).L Pig at ing.B篇Jne Whe s agirl. She i my iend. Se is fomEand.She 25yars old. She candrve a carbut sh can ide a ik.Sh can singsom ons, too. Sheis a tecer. heteche ngli tschool. She ike er students. Evryay he akea toscoo. Tody s afine a. ne in a rdcat. () 1 Whee s Jane Whit rom? A. China B. USA . nland DCanda( ) 2. How ol is Jane? A.0 B 4 C. 25 D. 5( )3. Wat cantae d? Driv a car. B.Ride abike. C. ig songs. D. eac Englih( ) . What do an do? A. Sei hinee techer. B h is a suden. C. She isan Englihcher .She likese tuds.() Ho desJae g oscol? A. Onfoo. . ybus. C. ycar. . By bike.C篇Thi iou clasroomIisa bigroom. hlls re witendth winows are blu. Ter a blacboard theclssrom. Theeisabauifu picture n te lackboar It a picturefsom flowes.You can e a map n th wal. t is apof China. Inte classroom, the s ag deskIt is f th tcr. Theearefrty-fvesmaldesks The rfor the stdents.Whats n the teaherdesk? Ther are some ngls oks isZhn sour Englih ecer. he an singand dace. Bt se cntplay baebaleis a godecher.Wl ke . 根据内容,选择填空。( ) 1. Whatcoour are te windows?A. le. B. ite. C.Rd. D.lack.( ) . Wats n h blcboar?AA pict.B. A ma . Some Engsh books. D flower.( ) 3Hw many desks rtherei thelassroom? A. Oly one. B. ry. CForty-fve D.Forysx.( ) .Whato the teachers dek?A. Som glih books. n ngishbook. C Some Chnese bok D. A Chinese ook.( ) 5. Wih isrght about Miss Zhang? A.Sh an sin. B.he can ane. . Se ca ply basketball. he r Chines techer. 六、词汇分类:将方框内的单词或短语按规定分类,并将其序号填到横线上。(每题1分,共10分)A. America B. doctor C. next to D. China E. in front of F. table tennis G. restaurant H. manager I. the piano J. factory1. My father is _/_.He orksvey hd.2. -anoupa_/_? -Yes,I can3 sfrom _ _.4.UncleSam wors ina _/_.5. -Werei the chllibry? -Its _/_thscclab.七、分类填空。根据所给类型,把方框里的词填入适当的位置。(每空1分,共10分)monkey, beef, pencil, book, elephant, noodles, ruler, pencil-case, tiger, egg1.Fo: _ _ _. Schothigs: _ _ _3 imals: _ _ _ _八、连词成句。请把下列单词重新排序,组成对的的句子,句子第一个单词已经给出。(每小题分,共5分)1., tcher,this, Enlish his 2colur,shr, wht, your, isht ? w, ca, scho, yetay, by, t, went, We 4. do, Suday, you, to, nxt, ar,hat, goin,What ?5. you, lin, tnk, m, f, Tk 九、书面表达。(10分)假如你是林涛,想加入学校的英语俱乐部。请你根据表格里的个人情况,以第一人称“我”的形式,来写一份自我介绍。规定:不少于0词,用第一人称叙述,表格内容都要用上。姓名林涛年龄2性别男来自南宁能力会唱歌、弹钢琴、骑自行车爱慕的运动打篮球、游泳家庭情况有父母和一个妹妹


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