七年级英语外研版下册模块综合检测题(Module5 My hometown and country)

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七年级英语外研版下册模块综合检测题(Module5 My hometown and country)_第1页
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第5模块知识总结网络构建本模块话题是“家乡”,内容围绕方位、位置及形容词的比较级等语言现象展开听、说、读、写的语言实践活动。从对两个城市的比较,到介绍自己的家乡,使学生渐渐感知由简单到复杂的语言,并通过范例,对所熟知的两条河、两个城市等进行比较。掌握有关方位、位置及形容词的比较级等语言现象。二五金七语音形容词的比较级形式的发音。词汇Hometown, than, east, south, kilometer, high, million, busy, coast, hill island, population, answer, question, north, west, river, church, famous, capital, lake, low, mountain, about, near, village, region, wide, fact词组Be famous for, bigger and bigger, on the River Thames语法形容词的比较级。功能地点及地理特征的比较名师导学典例分析例根据汉语提示完成下面的英语句子。1. What s (人口)Shanghai?2. Its a small city(在东部) England.3. Its (在康河河畔).4. He is a man(很有钱的).5. It(以著名) Big Ben.6. He(来自)4口6江2.思维分析:本题考查本单元的语言点。答案:1.the population of 2. in the east of 3. on the River Cam 4. with a lot of money5. is famous for 6. comes/is from规律总结方法点拨:学英语的一个重要方面就是要学会从课文中提炼出语言点,记住并能灵活运用,做到“书越读越薄”。根据汉语完成句子,它不仅考查语言点的记忆情况,而且考查语法的掌握情况,如主谓一致问题、时态问题等,即语言点的灵活应用情况。第5模块综合检测题(时间:60分钟满分:100分)一、单项填空。(20分)1. He hasnew clothes than I.A. fewerB. fewC. muchD. many答案:A解析:出现than用比较级。2. Rose singsand her handwriting is.A. good, good B. well, good C. good, well D. well, well答案:B解析:副词用来修饰动词、形容词和副词,在句中作状语,形容词在句中作定语、表语等。3. Its about 5along on the right.A. hundred metreB. hundreds metreC. hundreds metresD. hundred metres答案:D解析:本题考查hundred的用法,表示确切数目时,hundred用单数形式,表示不确切数目时,用复数形式。4. Listen to that girl, how well!A. she singsB. is she singingC. she is singingD. she singing答案:C解析:本题考查现在进行时的用法。5. Here is“f” in the word fine, and“f” makes/f/ sound.A. an, aB. an, anC. the, aD. a, an答案:A解析:本题考查冠词的用法。an用在以元音开头的单数可数名词之前,在此元音是指的元音音素。6. Toms father isthan his mother.A. two year olderB. old two yearC. older two yearsD. two years older答案:D解析:本题考查英语中计量法:“数词+名词+形容词”。7. Meimei, lets go for a walk.Good idea. But I mustmy parents first.A. listenB. listen toC. hearD. ask答案:D解析:联系上下文,可知答案。8. How many people are there in your family?A. Its fiveB. Its fineC. There are fiveD. They are five答案:C 解析:对于 How many people are there in your 2山11丫的回答应该用 There be 结构。9. Whats the weather like today?A. Im fineB. Its fineC. Its a quarter to sevenD. Its June 1答案:B解析:本题对天气提问,回答用it代指天气。10. The sun isthe earth.A. big than B. small than C. bigger than D. smaller than 答案:C解析:两者之间进行比较用比较级,根据实际情况,太阳比地球大。二、完形填空。(20分)My name is Kay. I usually have two meals 11 day brunch and dinner.“12” means breakfast and lunch. I 13 brunch at a restaurant. I 14a hamburger,15 French fries and a banana for 16. After brunch, I 17with my friends, and we have 18 together. For dinner, I like an 19 and a tomato. After dinner, I always have icecream for 20.11.A.aB. anC.one12.A.MealB. DinnerC.Brunch13.A.haveB. hasC. eats14.A.amB. likeC.has15.A.aB. anyC.some16.A.oneB. itC.them17.A.playB. bringC.eat18.A.lunchB. breakfastC. dinner19.A.eggB. fishC. cake20.A.mealB. dessertC.drink答案:11. A解析:two mealsa day意为“一天两顿饭”。12. C解析:由后面的breakfast和lunch判断。13. A解析:三餐之前用动词have,且主语为第一人称,故排除B、C,答案为A。14. B解析:主语为I,故排除C。且本句表示“我喜欢,故排除A。15. C解析:名词为复数形式,故排除A、B两项,且本句为肯定句,应用some。16. B解析:it用来指代brunch。17. A解析:本句意为“早午餐后我和我的朋友玩”,故用动词play。18. C解析:由后句中的dinner来判断。19. A解析:由不定冠词an判断,只有A项开头音素为元音音素,故答案为A。20. B解析:本句意为“晚饭后我总是吃冰淇淋作为甜品”。三、阅读理解。(10分)AThere is a。五丫城市)in the world. In that city people do not drive cars. It is called Venice (威尼斯).Venice is in Italy (意大利).There are no streets in Venice. But there are canalsC水道).The canals look like streets. There is much water in those canals. In Venice people ride about the city in boats. Your father and mother may ride in a bus to work. But in Venice, fathers and mothers ride in boats.21. There are manyin Venice.A. canalsB. streetsC.roads22. The canalslook like.A. waterB. streetsC. boats23. Theres_water inthe canals.A. littleB. muchC.many24. In Venice,people often.A. ride a bikeB. ride a horseC. ride in boats25. Venice is inA. ItalyB. ChinaC. world答案:21. A 解析:根据文中 There are no streets in Venice. But there are canals.22. B解析:文中原句。23. B 解析:由文中 There is much water in those canals.可知。24. C 解析:由最后一句及 In Venice people ride about the city in boats.可知。25. A 解析:由文中 Venice is in Italy.知。BJim, Kate and Li Ming are doing the homework together一起). Jim s spelling of “Moday” is wrong错误).Kate tells him about it. Li Ming wants to borrow错) an eraser from Jim or Kate. Jim says he has one and gives it to Li Ming. Li Ming thanks Jim for his help. Kate says “Thats all right.” The three children are students ina school in Beijing. Jim is from London. Kate is from NewYork. Li Ming is a Chinese girl. They are good friends. They often do homework and play games together. They often help each other.26. Jim is.A. an English girl B. an American girl C. an English boy D. an American boy 27. Kate helps Jim with.A. his spellingB. an eraserC. a rulerD. a pencil28. Li Ming borrows.A. an eraser from KateB. an eraser from JimC. a ruler from KateD. a ruler from Jim29. The three students are.A. not in the same classB. in U.K.C. in BeijingD. in USA30. They are.A. doing homeworkB. playing gamesC. readingD. cleaning the room 答案:C A B C A 四、单词考查。(30分)根据所给词或首字母写出单词的正确形式填空。31. She is younger tme.32. Japan is to the eof China.33. Whats the pof China? Its large.34. Can you a my questions?35. She is ffor singing.36. Beijing is the cof China.37. Im (busy) than you.38. There are some (church) on the hill39. Our classroom is bigger than(you).40. The road is(wide) than that one.答案:31. than 32. east 33. population 34. answer 35. famous 36. capital 37. busier 38. churches 39. yours 40. wider五、按照要求转换句型。(10分)41. My sister likes strawberries.(改为一般疑问句)your sisterstrawberries?42. There are some notebooks in my backpack.(改为否定句)Therenotebooks in my backpack.43. There are some English dictionaries.(改为单数).44. Jack usually has a hamburger and a cup of milk for lunch.对回线部分提问)Jack usuallyfor lunch?45. She watches TV at home every day.(对画线部分提问)she TV every day?46. Mr Smith wants to buy a new coat.(对画线部分提问)Mr Smithto?47. This desk is old.(改为同义句)This is.48. He s Kim s father.(改为同义句)Kim is.49. What s the price of the pants?(改为同义句)the pants?50. I like the red sweater.(改为同义句)I like the .答案:41. Does, like 42. arent any 43. This is an English dictionary.44. What does, have 45. Where does, watch 46. What does, want buy 47. an old 48. his daughter 49. How much is 50. the sweater in red希望对大家有所帮助,多谢您的浏览!


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