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1 (每日一练)全国通用版初三英语一般将来时知识点汇总 单选题 1、There _ a talk about how to learn English by Li Yang tomorrow evening.AwasBwill beChadDwill have 答案:B 解析:句意:明天晚上有一个由李阳做的关于如何学习英语的演讲。考查 there be 结构。there be 和 have 不可同时使用,排除 C 和 D,由时间状语“tomorrow evening”可知,用一般将来时 there will be,故选 B。2、I dont know if Nancy _ to the mountains tomorrow.If she doesnt,_.Agoes;neither I willBwill go;neither will ICgoes;neither I doDwill go;neither do I 答案:B 解析:句意:我不知道南希明天是否会去爬山。如果她不去,我也不去。考查动词时态和倒装句。第一空所在句是 if 引导的宾语从句,根据“主现从不限”原则可知,从句时态不受限制,由“tomorrow”可知,从句用一般将来时,排除 A、C;第二空所在句是 if 引导的条件状语从句,遵循“主将从现”原则,且第二空表示上面的情况同样适用于另一主语,表“也不”,因此用 neither will I,意为“我也不去”。故选 B。3、There _ a basketball game next Monday.If it rains,well have to put it off(推迟).2 Ais going to haveBare going to haveCis going to beDare going to be 答案:C 解析:句意:下星期一将有一场篮球比赛。如果下雨,我们将不得不推迟。考查 there be 句型。第一句是 there be 结构,不和 have 连用,可排除前两项。there be 结构遵循结合就近原则,由 a basketball game 可知用 There is going to be,相当于 There will be。故选 C。4、Terrible!Theres something wrong with my bike.I cant ride it now.Dont worry.I _ it for you.ArepairedBhave repairedCwill repairDam repairing 答案:C 解析:句意:糟糕!我的自行车出毛病了。我现在不能骑。别担心。我会帮你修的。考查时态。根据“Theres something wrong with my bike.I cant ride it now.”可知,说话时“repair”这个动作还没有发生,应用一般将来时,故选 C。5、When _ Ms.Li _?Tomorrow.Adoes;leaveBis;leaveCwill;leave 答案:C 解析:句意:李女士什么时候离开?明天。考查时态。leave 表示“离开”,根据“Tomorrow”可知,此处用一般将来时,故选 C。6、When _ your uncle _?3 I dont know.Adid;marryBwill;marry Cdid;got marriedDwill;get married 答案:D 解析:句意:你的叔叔将什么时候结婚?我不知道。考查一般将来时。marry 嫁、娶、与结婚,后面接某人,排除 A 和 B,get married 结婚,助动词 did 后面接动词原形,排除 C,故选 D。7、Do you think _ an English film tomorrow night?Ais thereBthere is going to beCthere is going go haveDwill there be 答案:B 解析:句意:你认为明天晚上会有一场英语电影吗?考查宾语从句语序和 there be 句型的一般将来时。分析句子可知,此句为宾语从句,宾语从句要用陈述句语序,排除选项 A、D;there be 句型的一般将来时结构为 there is going to be 或 there will be。故选 B。8、“Today we are facing many great changes because China has realized its many dreams and _ more in the following years.”said a Chinese government official.AachievedBwill achieveCwould achieveDare achieving 答案:B 解析:句意:“今天,我们面临着许多巨大的变化,因为中国已经实现了许多梦想,并将在未来几年实现更多。”一位中国政府官员说。4 考查动词时态。根据“more in the following years”可知,此处表示将在未来几年实现更多梦想,时态用一般将来时,结构为 will do。故选 B。9、There _ more cars in two years in Huangshi.The city will be more crowded.Awill beBis going to haveCwill haveDare going to have 答案:A 解析:句意:两年后,黄石将会有更多的车,城市将会变得更加拥挤。考查 there be 句型和时态的用法。根据时间状语“in two years”可知,句子要用一般将来时。there be 是固定搭配,不能和 have 搭配,故选 A。


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