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Lesson 53 In the public interest1、 evolve v.1) 逐渐形成(develop gradually) a system for doing 形成了一套的体系-He has a new system for running the school.2)使进化,发展 from into-The human being from the ape.-The ape into man.Evolution n.发展,演变(revolution 革命)Evolutionism n.进化论(theory of evolution)Evolutionist 进化论者2、 high-handed adj.高压的,专横的-She is a high-handed wife In her family.妻管严 hen-peck hen-pecked husband“high-”High-blooded 血统纯正(高血压 high blood pressure/ hypertension)High-hat 自命不凡(高帽子with flattery)3、 incompetent adj.不够格的-competentbe competent to do/ for sth.=be qualified to do/ for sth.=have competence to do/ for=have qualification to do/ for-He is competent to do the job.4、safeguard v.保护品牌英语:Safeguard 舒肤佳(健康卫士)Nice 纳爱斯(美好)Rejoice 飘柔(精力充沛)Head and Shoulder 海飞丝Tide 汰渍(潮流)Clean and Clear 可伶可俐Nestle 雀巢(鸟窝)Robust 乐百氏(精力充沛)Sprite 雪碧(小妖精,调皮鬼)必胜客PizzaHut(披萨饼小屋)Dove 德芙(鸽子)Giant 捷安特(自行车)Sharp 夏普(尖锐的 ,突然的)Jeanswest 真维斯(西部牛仔)Pampers 帮宝适(溺爱)4、 grievance n.不平,冤屈grieve v.使悲伤-It s me to see this tragic movie. for / about/ over 为而悲伤grief n. in -I have to comfort my best friend in grief who had dumped by her boyfriend.5、correspondence n.1)来往信件 shool 函授学校 courseKeep with sb. 保持通信联系=Keep in touch / contact withsb. By writing lettersCorrespondent n.通讯员,通信者2)一致,符合In with sb.与相一致;与有通信Bring sth. into with sth. 使一致-He always brings my ideas into with his.Correspond v.5、 alter vt.改变【辨】alter:change in character, appearance etc. partly-The kids clothes should be altered after a year older.Change v.完全,彻底改变,往往指以旧换新- This city changed a lot especially recent years.Vary v.(强调在事物在不同时间/条件/状况下的变化,强调多样性)-Custom with the times.-风俗随时代而变化。Convert v.改变(态度/信仰等)-She converted to Christianism.6、accusation n.谴责,指控 against 谴责-The public should make against those who sell fakes. of 关于的指控 (accuse sb. of) of robberyAnonymous 匿名指控6、 ascertain v.查出,查明=make certain/ make sure=find out / get to know-Lets ascertain who will attend the meeting.7、prejudiced adj.有偏见的,不公平的Be against 对有偏见-Many employers are against women enployees.Prejudice n.Racial pride and Prejudice简.奥斯汀7、 prompt adj.即时的 response 快速的反应action 敏捷的动作v.促进,激起 to do sth.-His unclear reply to this question me to ask him one more question.Text:1、(L2)enlighten v.启发,启迪 wisdom An enlightening experience 有启迪作用的经历 on-The leader believes he has duty to enlighten the public on these matters.Enlightenment n.Enlightened adj.开明的,进步的 policy/ management2、(L5)adopt v.1)采纳 a suggestion/ ones idea-Mike finally my suggestion about the plan.2) 收养Adopted son 养子(foster son)-Adoptive father/ mother/ parents 养父母n. adoption3、civil adj.1)公民的,民用的,民事的 rights 公民权 servant lawcriminal law case 民事案件2) 国内的 war 内战3) 文明的-As visitors, the least we can do is be civil to the people in their own land.Civilize v. civilization n.4、(L10)appoint v.1)任命,委派 sb. as /to be managerAppointee n.被任命者【律】指定的遗产2)指定(时间、地点),约定-The date for the sport meet is still to be ed.尚未确定(有待确定)Appointment n.指定,约会Make 约会;预约(电话)First 第一次约会5、(L12)subject 1) n.主题,题目A book on the of sailing主题为航海的书Chage the 改变话题2)n.主语object subject clause 主从Subjective主观的objective3)-Chemistry is not my favourite subject.学科n.4) adj.受支配的,易遭受 to -Smokers are ed to heart attack.6、pressure n.压力v.强制,压迫Air 大气压力Psychological Exert/ put on Under the of 在的压力下-We are ed into making a difficult decision.-我们被迫做出一个艰难的决定。7、(L18)the following case is a typical example of 写作举例8、(L31)may/ might +have done1)都可用于对过去事物的怀疑和推测,might 比may可能性小,同时may不能用疑问句,通常用might/can 代替-It may / might have rained yesterday.-Might you have met him somewhere?-你是否可能在其他地方见过他呢?2)might have done“本来可以/有可能”表感叹或遗憾Might not have done-You might not have told us about it.-你本来可以不告诉我们这件事的。(比should not have done委婉)总结:表示推测,感叹,遗憾,埋怨(此类结构有5类)Should/ ought to have doneMust have doneNeed have doneCan/could have doneMay/ might have done


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