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Infineontemperature distributionselected moduletemperature distribution across IGBT junction-to-case. case-to-heatsinkDC link voltage Vdc VF:MS current Irms Afrequency fO Hzswitching frequency fsw HzFF600R12IE4simulationparamete is:650150505000max. junction temperature Tj *C150modulation factor m0.850.98Rth IGBT-junction to case KMiq0.045Rth case to heat sink per arm K/V0.009Tjmax CTc BCTh Ctemperature atlrms= 150 A70.662.360.2Irms Achoose:OIGBT0.014ma:::, current forTj = 150C572.5O Diode0.024Please specify heat sink and ambient temperature in the qreen lave red fieldsRth heatsink per arm K/W max. ambient temperature Ta static IGBT losses W dynamic IGBT losses W static diode losses W dynamic diode losses Wapplication paramete is:50|0.0445088875:15314595:73and heatsink-to-ambient for Ta = 50C and a given heat sink1501251DDTchdiagram based on typical device data Tj=125Cphase leg current Armshow to read the diagram:The cross point between the max. junction temperature (dotted red line) and the red area delivers the higest allowed RMS phase leg current at the given operation and cooling conditions.100KW光伏逆变器硬件选型方案介绍建议选择1200V IGBT双管,构成100KW的总功率输出。单台100KW逆变器设计IGBT:选择 FF600R12IE4 (3 支)驱动器:2SP0320T2A0-FF600R12IE4(3 支)与 IGBT 行程一对一连接母线电容根据贵司的设计需求,推荐EPCOS金膜电容产品:金膜电容B25620-B0158-K882 880V/1500uF, 85 度/100,000H, 116*173建议使用4并联进行,无需均压处理按照贵司给定的开关频率5000Hz,输出电流150A、调制比0.85、功率因数0.98,母线 电压650Vdc,输出电压380Vac,最高使用环境温度50度进行仿真计算,结果如下: Iicrosoft Excel - IPOSII6. 2g (英文版_最新)小“:S文件0)編辑 视图辺 插入(1)格式(Q)工具(1)数据)窗口址)帮助圧说 10 B / 巨島RtMis T矗IGBT Power Simulation for Infineon IGBT modules V6.2g Aug. 2009 module selection for 3-phase inverter applications图一 IGBT 模块内部温度分布图假定选定的散热器Rch=0.044k/w的前提下,当输出电流150A时,IGBT的最大结温为70.6 度, IGBT的壳温为62.3度,散热器的温度为60.2度。 Iicrosoft Excel - IPOSII6. 2g (英文版_最新)小“:sj文件0)編辑g)视图建)插入 格式 工具d)数据 窗口他)帮助 10| %以丨能出/- 一 W |曲昜77%:ArialIGBT Power Simulation for Infineon IGBT modules V6.2g Aug. 2009 module selection for 3-phase inverter applicationsIPOSIM.PDFInfopi iiit resultsInfineonjunction temperature rippletemperature atselected moduleFF600R12IE4lrms= 150 AsimulationTjmax C70.6ripple ATj Kparamete is:Tjmin C67.92.8DC link voltage Vdc V650Tc C62.3F:MS current Irms A150Th C60.2frequency fO Hz50max. current forswitching frequency fsw Hz5000Tj mpeiatiretr litnnedtat cirreitualietModule:IGBT:DIODE:lead resistance:IrmsI peakFstat.lEdyn.lFdyn,!PIGBTFstat.DEdyn.DPdyn.DF DIODEFRCCEEAAP-WsP-WsDDDDDDDDDD42.4BD14.B4.89TE-D124.539.13.B9.951E-D-149 .S53.4D.3484.912D32.59.793E-D149 .DS1.47.B1.070 E+DD53.5B-1.11.35127.318053.51.469 E+0073.5127.011.81. Ki E+0057.369.13.041B9.724077.71.959 E+DD97.9175.71B.31.22-1 E+DDBI.Ci77.35.i212.-13DD1D5.22.44JBE+DD122.4227 .B21.-11.296 E+DDB4.S85.98.44275.839D152.33.183 E+DD159.13 11 .528.81 .r cafcilarttoi of liimedlate cureitualiet!parameter input:diagram average losses:per switch:DC link voltage Vdc VBSDIrmsPIGBTF DIO DEFtotFvmax.lFvmax.DFtotRMS current Irms A150Afrequency 10 Hz5DDDDD-1-1-12.DB21.9Dswitching frequency fsw Hz5DDD42.439.153.492.9-1-1-12.DB21.992.9junction temperature Tj *C150S4.9S-1.46-1.-1143.91112.062-1.9-143.9case temperature Tc C9D127.3127.DB9.1199.1-1-1-12.DB21.9199.1mod u I atio n fa cto r m0.851B9.7175.777.3258.4-1-1-12.DB21.9258.4COS Ip0.98212.-1227 .B85.9321.9-1-1-12.DB21.9321.9thermal li mits:275.83 11 .599.2425 .D-1-1-12.DB21.9425 .Ddelta T K60339.44H2.5113.2537.41112.0621.9537.4Rthic.l Kiq .045424.3535.2132.87D1.8-1-1-12.DB21.97D1.8Pvmax.l W1-1-12.D551.5758.21B4.4979 .B-1-1-12.DB21.9979.6Rthic.D KM .075B78.810D9.9198.51294.9-1-1-12.DB21.91294.9Pvmax.D W621.984B.5139D.524B.D1773.5-1-1-12.DB21.91773.5230.3图三IGBT损耗结果图三,表示IGBT模块在给定工作条件下,最终的损耗为:230.3W。其中IGBT的通态损耗 为66.1W,开关损耗为86.6W,反并联二极管的通态损耗为14.2W,开关损耗为59.3W, IGBT 内部焊线的损耗为4.22W。因此,三相逆变器总的损耗P=6*230.3=1381.8W.在输出150A电流时,IGBT的最大结温小于150度,满足使用要求。说明:实际上许多厂家的并网逆变器采用有并网变压器和无并网变压器并网两种模式,因 为无变压器对的输出电压小,对逆变器输出电流的能力较强,因此,仅以无并网变压器为 列,逆变器输出电压270V,经过三角转星型变压器转换成380V然后并网。国家标准考虑 的电网波动范围为(一10%7%),最小持续时间10s,因此并网时候,需要考虑10%的过 载情况。按照贵司给定的开关频率5000Hz,因为过载持续时间10s,此时对IGBT而言属于稳 定工作状态,因此输出电流235A、调制比0.85、功率因数0.98,母线电压450Vdc (业内均 采用450Vdc),输出电压270Vac,最高使用环境温度50度进行仿真计算,结果如下:E Iicrosoft Excel - IP0SII6. 2g (英文版_Sf).xls:S)文件編辑 视图辺 插入Q)格式)工具 数据Q)窗口(X)帮助;Arial 10 BU | 言手: :i丨字字丨LB 给 吋RtHlSInfineontemperature distributionselected modulemax. current forTj = 150C621.0FF600R12IE4DC link voltage Vdc VRMS current Irms Amax. junction temperature Tj *Cmodulation factor mRth IGBT-junction to case KMiqapplication paramete is:simulation paramete is:temperature atlrms= 235 A78.688.863.5X】o丄 *sll,Q*sc sso-oedo.jp Enwodlud-temperature distribution across IGBT junction-to-case. case-to-heatsinkand heatsink-to-ambient for Ta = 50C and a given heat sinkswitching frequency fsw HzRth case to heat sink per arm K/VO Diode0.024Please specify heat sink and ambient temperature in the qreen lave red fields Rth heatsink per arm K/W max. ambient temperature Ta static IGBT losses W dynamic IGBT losses W static diode losses W dynamic diode losses W1501251DDdiagram based on typical device data Tj=125Cphase leg current Armshow to read the diagram:The cross point between the max. junction temperature (dotted red line) and the red area delivers the higest allowed RMS phase leg current at the given operation and cooling conditions.E Iicrosoft Excel - IP0SII6. 2g (英文版_最新)小“:SJ文件編辑 视图辺 插入Q)格式)工具 数据Q)窗口(X)帮助: J J lJUu4.Tr*;Eal 10 B / 旦 |丨H ?三B11FF600R12IE4Tjmax CTjmin CDC link voltage Vdc VF:MS current Irms Afrequency fO Hzma::-::, current torswitching frequency fsw Hzmax. junction temperature Tj *Cmodulation factor mDiotleRth IGBT-junction to case KMiqRth case to heat sink per arm K/VRth heatsink per arm K/Wmax. ambient temperature Ta *Cstatic IGBT losses Wdynamic IGBT losses Wstatic diode losses Wdynamic diode losses Wsimulation paramete is:application paramete is:junctio二 eniperatures.pze -6】module selection tor 3-phase inverter applicationsjunction temperature rippleselected moduleTj = 150Cone cycle of output frequency show to read the diagram:The black curve shows the (assumed sinusoidal) losses, the red one the appearing ripple on the junotion temperature under steady state conditions.r*io w B4.Q 127.3 1007 313.1 27a b 33Q.4 *a* 3 SS1. e7e.e oho nOCO-1ZD180 240 300eoo730 0SOBT |W1O1*.O33 .aS3.a77.71QS.3 iaz.3 200.7200 443Q.Q eie.2 eon 3 B1OB-O1Z - -! 1 .oee E+aa1 MOE*OO 1ooo aeoe*oo 2.8Q3 E+OO3 0106*00 .701 E+CICI O78OG*OO 7 233V OOo18.13B.254.272.3SO1446 ieo.e 23S.O 2ee.s aa I .sO33.7ee.e107.7150.11S6.O3613S74.QSO7.S1308r* iPIGBT IMiflPDIODE nnnPtot nnflPwmaM.I nnflPvmx.C IW1oOoo1112 0021 O47 Ttotd1113 0I akiv.atiki t:4Z . -111T.11 1 13.0021 .Q127.31Q7.7C4, 11O4.Q11 12.Q02 1 .W1OQ.71BO.1ai210.e11 12.0021 QIQB = 1 .a275 e2OQ eeo.e30-1 O11 12.0021 Q33U xtJO 1.3U3.3400 工11 12.0UH 1 ugmR .2I 1 1 a1 1 1 = Ol a00 1 .4507-4.0rjw cHZ 1 ,B1 1 12.0ox 1 u170 QizI I IH nn? 1 a21B.3is i j r1112 0OH 1 uIGBT Power Simulation for Infineon IGBT modules V6.2g Aug. 2009 module selection for 3-phase inverter applications250KW光伏逆变器硬件选型方案介绍 建议选择1200V IGBT双管,构成250KW的总功率输出。Infineontemperature distributionselected moduletemperature distribution across IGBT junction-to-case. case-to-heatsinkDC link voltage Vdc VF:MS current Irms Afrequency fO Hzswitching frequency fsw Hzmax. junction temperature Tj *Cmodulation factor mRth IGBT-junction to case KMiqRth case to heat sink per arm K/Vma:::, current forTj = 150C1104.3O Diode0.017FF1400R12IP4simulation paramete is:temperature atlrms= 5SS A95.4S1.075.3Please specify heat sink and ambient temperature in the qreen lave red fieldsRth heatsink per arm K/W max. ambient temperature Ta static IGBT losses W dynamic IGBT losses W static diode losses W dynamic diode losses Wapplication paramete is:50|0.030503252875:612621255:1S6and heatsink-to-ambient for Ta = 50C and a given heat sink1501251DDdiagram based on typical device data Tj=125Cphase leg current Armshow to read the diagram:The cross point between the max. junction temperature (dotted red line) and the red area delivers the higest allowed RMS phase leg current at the given operation and cooling conditions.单台250KW逆变器设计IGBT:选择 FF1400R12IP4(3 支)驱动器:2SP0320T2A0-FF1400R12IP4(3 支)与 IGBT 行程一对一连接母线电容根据贵司的设计需求,推荐EPCOS金膜电容产品:金膜电容B25620-B0158-K882 880V/1500uF, 85 度/100,000H, 116*173建议使用810并联进行,无需均压处理按照贵司给定的开关频率5000Hz,输出电流535A,过载电流588A,调制比0.85、功率 因数0.98,母线电压450Vdc,输出电流270Vac,最高使用环境温度50度进行仿真计算, 结果如下: Iicrosoft Excel - IPOSII6. 2g (英文版_最新).x“:s文件0)編辑助 视图辺 插入d)格式0)工具(1)数据)窗口址)帮助)心二H 2显bSIT 监.1越对加 :Arial 10 B / U辛辛 _ & A 包RtHisIGBT Power Simulation for Infineon IGBT modules V6.2g Aug. 2009 module selection for 3-phase inverter applications图一 IGBT 模块内部温度分布图假定选定的散热器Rch=0.030k/w的前提下,当输出电流588A时,IGBT的最大结温为95.4 度, IGBT的壳温为81度,散热器的温度为75.3度。 Iicrosoft Excel - IPOSII6. 2g (英文版_gf)-xls:s文件0)編辑 视图辺 插入d)格式o)工具 数据)窗口址)帮助) 心2及必7二/2-一魁幻加ArialWBJ I 旦寻臺臺| -;,:三;=渲 3 A B11IGBT Power Simulation for Infineon IGBT modules V6.2g Aug. 2009 module selection for 3-phase inverter applicationsIPOSIM.PDFInfoprint resuttsInfineonjunction temperature rippletemperature atselected moduleFF1400R12IP4lrms= 5SS AsimulationTjmax C95.4ripple ATj Kparamete is:Tjmin C90.64.8DC link voltage Vdc V4S0Tc BCS1.0F:MS current Irms A588Th C75.3frequency fO Hz50ma:::, current forswitching frequency fsw Hz5000Tj | Junollon Iampaf4iufa T) |*C o lampafAiuia To (*C) moduMilon otoi mKlhh Ih/uirRlhoh (KAJV|Hthrh.lKlhoh.l* Ih/MO 0060114O 00030,017(1 I5uRihJo.O IRthjc.l PvmwxJdl arwm rIrmf (A 1zarwaaIobm PIGBT IWlPDIODB IWlPtot IWlPvm IWlPvm x,C IWlize 0103.Q1O7Gi u4.Q 靈1002.33307.4!see.3 4-1*.7 ssa.o see ,2 033,0 1-1Q4.-11050.42241.43000.4 4184,7“cc asaa aeee sees aeee sees 2see asee 2000 26DD saee seaaaB图三 IGBT 损耗结果图三,表示IGBT模块在给定工作条件下,最终的损耗为:841.6W。其中IGBT的通态损耗 为324.5W,开关损耗为287.4W,反并联二极管的通态损耗为61.6W,开关损耗为124.9W, IGBT内部焊线的损耗为43.23W。因此,三相逆变器总的损耗P=6*841.6=5049.6W.在输出588A电流时,IGBT的最大结温小于150度,满足使用要求500KW光伏逆变器硬件选型方案介绍建议选择两个1200V IGBT双管并联方案,构成500KW的总功率输出。IGBT:选择 FF1400R12IP4(6 支)驱动器:2SP0320T2A0-FF1400R12IP4(6 支)与 IGBT 行程一对一连接母线电容根据贵司的设计需求,推荐EPCOS金膜电容产品:金膜电容 B25620-B0158-K882 880V/1500uF, 85 度/100,000H, 116*173建议使用2224并联进行,无需均压处理按照贵司给定的开关频率5000Hz,输出电流1050A,过载电流1156A,调制比0.85、 功率因数0.98,母线电压450Vdc,输出电流270Vac,最高使用环境温度50度进行仿真计 算,结果如下:因为方案是采用双管并联方案,系统的动态均流主要依靠专用驱动器的同步性来解决 静态均流主要依靠设备主功率系统的结构对称性来保证,此处仿真计算考虑的系统不均流性 为10%。因此并联中单个IGBT的输出有效电流值=(1156/2)*1.1=635.8A Iicrosoft Excel - IP0SII6. 2g (英文版_Sf)-xls:S文件0)編辑 视图辺 插入d)格式Q)工具 数据Q)窗口址)帮助RArial 1。 B 2旦寻臺臺+ I,:三三澄 A RtHisInfineontemperature distributionselected modulesimulation paramete is:Tjmax CDC link voltage Vdc V480TcCRMS current Irms A636Th DCfrequency fO Hz50switching frequency fan) Hz5000max. junction temperature Tj *C150Irms Amodulation factor m0.85COS Ip0.98choose:Rth IGBT-junction to case MW0.01955 IGBTRth case to heat sink per arm K/V0.0060.009O Diode0.017FF1400R12IP4temperature distribution across IGBT junction-to-case. case-to-heatsinkand heatsink-to-ambient for Ta = 50C and a given heat sinkmax. current forTj = 150C1104.3temperature atlrms= 636 A99.883.977.7Please specify heat sink and ambient temperature in the qreen lave red fieldsRth heatsink per arm K/W max. ambient temperature Ta static IGBT losses W dynamic IGBT losses W static diode losses W dynamic diode losses Wapplication paramete is:506741961501251DDdiagram based on typical device data Tj=125Cphase leg current Armshow to read the diagram:The cross point between the max. junction temperature (dotted red line) and the red area delivers the higest allowed RMS phase leg current at the given operation and cooling conditions.IGBT Power Simulation for Infineon IGBT modules V6.2g Aug. 2009 module selection for 3-phase inverter applications图一 IGBT 模块内部温度分布图假定选定的散热器Rch=0.030k/w的前提下,当输出电流636A时,IGBT的最大结温为99.8 度, IGBT的壳温为83.9度,散热器的温度为77.7度。 Iicrosoft Excel - IP0SII6. 2g (英文版_Sf)-xls:s文件0)編辑 视图辺 插入d)格式o)工具 数据)窗口址)帮助)RArial 1。 BZ U 寻臺臺-:三三澄B11IGBT Power Simulation for Infineon IGBT modules V6.2g Aug. 2009 module selection for 3-phase inverter applicationsIPOSIM.PDFInfopi iiit resultsInfineonjunction temperature rippleselected moduleFF1400R12IP4Tjmax CTimin CDC link voltage Vdc VRMS current Irms Aswitching frequency fsvu Hzmax. junction temperature Tj *Cmodulation factor mRth IGBT-junction to case KMiqRth case to heat sink per arm K/Vsimulation paramete is:temperature atlrms= 636 A99.8 ripple ATj K|94.55.383.977.7max. current forTj = 150C1104.3O Diode0.017losses and corresponding junction temperature ripple for the IGBT at Irms =636Aapplicationparamete is:Rth heatsink per arm K/W max. ambient temperature Ta *C static IGBT losses W dynamic IGBT losses W static diode losses W dynamic diode losses W0.0305036331188128674junction en1pef au=ez.pHe -00-196diagram based on typical device data Tj=125Cone cycle of output frequency show to read the diagram:The black curve shows the (assumed sinusoidal) losses, the red one the appearing ripple on the junction temperature under steady state conditions.图二IGBT结温温度纹波图图二表明,在给定工作条件下,IGBT结温的最大结温,最小结温分别是99.8度和94.5度, 温度纹波为 5.3 度。图三 IGBT 损耗结果图三,表示IGBT模块在给定工作条件下,最终的损耗为:920.4W。其中IGBT的通态损耗 为363.0W,开关损耗为310.8,反并联二极管的通态损耗为67.8W,开关损耗为128.2W, IGBT内部焊线的损耗为50.57W。因此,三相逆变器总的损耗P=2*(6*920.4)=11044.8W.在输出636A电流时,IGBT的最大结温小于150度,满足使用要求仿真说明:几种方案的比较均是在IGBT模块给定参数下做的仿真计算,因为实际样机过程中系统 寄生参数,门极驱动电阻,驱动脉冲功率等参数的影响会造成实际过程中的发热量与IGBT 的结温大小与仿真存在差别。


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