第三章 带where条件的select语句

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第三章 带where条件的select语句_第1页
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第三章 带where条件的select语句_第2页
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第三章 带where条件的select语句_第3页
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1.2.SQL select * from student where sdept=计算机;3.SQL select sysdate from dual;其中 sysdate 为系统时间,dual 为虚表1994-8-16 的员工。SQL select * from employees where hire_date=16-8 月-94;第三节 带where条件的select语句where条件from 表名 where条件;语法:select字段1,字段2,字段3比较运算,=,=,=,例:SQL select first_name,salary from employees where salary select * from employees where first_name=Steven;注意:1. 在Oracle中,sql语句不区分大小写,但是,数据库中的记录内容是区分大小写 的。2. 日期类型的数据要用单引号表示,日期类型的格式必须与当前数据库的日期显示 格式一致,也可以利用相应的函数转化(后面学)。4. between. and.查询记录中某一区域的数据,内容SQL select first_name,salary from employees where salary between 5000 and 10000;2。Not between. and.表示不再这个范围内的数据SQL select first_name,salary from employees where salary not between 5000 and 10000;5.范围内原则关键字:inSQL select first_name,salary from employees where salary in (17000,4200,12000);否定时,则为not in题:SQL select first_name from employees where employee_id|first_name in (100Steven,202Pat);6.模糊查询like关键字,通配符:_通配符:_代表任意一个字符。通配符:%代表任意多个字符。题:查询学生表中姓张的学生。-1口卜1SQL select * from student where sname like 张 %;w E:oracleproduct10. 2. Odb_lbinsqlplu-SQL select * from student where sname likE 张X ;SNOSNAMESAGE SDEPT2000113弓魅民200B279 张二民6.题:查中 first name 以下” 开头的员工信,息。SQL select * from employees where first_name like E%;题:查询员工表中,job_id以AD_开头的员工信息。SQL select first_name,job_id from employees where job_id like AD_ _%;错误写法正确写法:SQL select first_name,job_id from employees where job_id like AD_% escape ;判断是否为空利用 is null 与 is not nullSQL select first_name,commission_pct from employees where commission_pct is null;SQL select first_name,commission_pct from employees where commission_pct is not null;7.逻辑运算符(and , not , or)题:查询员工表中job_id为SA_MAN,工资大于8000的员工。SQL select job_id,salary from employees where job_id=SA_REP and salary8000;题:查询学生表中,计算机系的男生。SQL select * from student where sdept=计算机and ssex=男;题:在计算机系中,年龄在12到22岁之间,姓张或姓李的男生。SQL select * from student where sdept=计算机and sage=12 and sage and or正确写法:SQL select * from student where sdept=计算机and sage=12 and sage select first_name,salary from employees order by salary asc; SQL select first_name,salary from employees order by salary desc;desc表示降序排列JSQL select first_name,salary from employees order by salary;题:查询学生表,先按性别升序排列,再按年龄降序排列默认不写asc和desc,则与asc 一致为升序排列,如下:SQL select * from student order by ssex,sage desc;e. E:oracleproduct10. 2. 0db_1binsqlplus. exeselect * from student order by ssex,sage desc;SNAME SSSAGE SDEPTSB己选择7行。注意:1.如果字段中含有null值,则此字段降序排在表的最上边;升序排在最下边。2. order by排序比较轻松,可以利用列名,列的位置,列的别名等排序。3. 如果有过个字段进行排序,升序降序的字段要分别写上desc和asc如:SQL select * from student order by ssex desc,sage desc;与SQL select * from student order by ssex desc,sage;是两条语句


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