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Sex Workthe varieties of sex worknOne who takes money(or some other non-sexual good/goods)in exchange for sexual activity of one sort or another is a sex worker.nIt seems that the sex worker need not participate in this exchange consensually.nAfter all,a person who is forced to prostitute oneself is still a sex worker.nThere are a variety of occupations that count as sex work:nPornography nProstitutionnStrippingnPhone/Cyber SexnEscort/Date/Call Services nS&M ParlorsnSwing Clubsthe varieties of sex worknOne who takes money(or some other non-sexual good/goods)in exchange for sexual activity of one sort or another is a sex worker.nIt seems that the sex worker need not participate in this exchange consensually.nAfter all,a person who is forced to prostitute oneself is still a sex worker.nThere are a variety of occupations that count as sex work:nPornography nProstitutionnStrippingnPhone/Cyber SexnEscort/Date/Call Services nS&M ParlorsnSwing Clubsthe nature of pornographynWhat is pornography?nTo answer this question,we need to identify the essential characteristics of pornography.the nature of pornographynHere are three solid candidates:nbeing a representationnthe producer or consumer intends for it to be perceived as representing a sexual activitynthe producer or consumer intends for it to inspire sexual arousal/excitementthe nature of pornographynThis suggests the following(not fully adequate)analysis:nx is pornography iffn(i)x is a representation,n(ii)x represents some activity A,n(iii)the producer or consumer of x intends for A to be perceived as a sexual activity,andn(iv)the producer or consumer of x intends for it to inspire sexual arousal/excitement.the nature of prostitutionnWhat is prostitution?nTo answer this question,we need to identify the essential characteristics of prostitution.nHere is a solid candidate:ninvolving an exchange of sex for money(or some other non-sexual good/goods)nThis suggests the following(not fully adequate)analysis:nx is prostitution iff x is an exchange of sex for money(or some other non-sexual good/goods)is sex work morally acceptable?nNonThe Causal ArgumentnThe Objectification ArgumentnThe Kantian ArgumentnYesnThe Moral Parity ArgumentnThe Flourishing ArgumentThe Causal ArgumentP1)Pornography/prostitution causes violence against women,subordination of women,or the silencing of women.P2)If x causes violence against women,subordination of women,or the silencing of women,then x is morally unacceptable.C)Therefore,pornography/prostitution is morally unacceptable.The Objectification ArgumentP1)Pornography/prostitution treats women as mere sexual objects,rather than as subjects.P2)If x treats women as mere sexual objects,rather than as subjects,then x is morally unacceptable.C)Therefore,pornography/prostitution is morally unacceptable.The Kantian ArgumentP1)Pornography/prostitution treats women as mere sexual means,rather than as ends-in-themselves.P2)If x treats women as mere sexual means,rather than as ends-in-themselves,then x is morally unacceptable.C)Therefore,pornography/prostitution is morally unacceptable.The Moral Parity ArgumentP1)For any x and y,if x is morally acceptable and y is no more harmful than x,then y is also morally acceptable.P2)Coal mining is morally acceptable.P3)Pornography/prostitution is no more harmful than coal mining.C)Therefore,pornography/prostitution is morally acceptable.The Flourishing ArgumentP1)If an instance of x is a means by which some person P can flourish without causing anyone else a comparable moral harm,then x is morally acceptable for P.P2)For some persons P,pornography/prostitution is a means by which P can flourish without causing anyone else a comparable moral harm.C)Therefore,pornography/prostitution is morally acceptable for some people.should sex work be illegal?nIt is possible for something to be such that it should be legal despite being morally unacceptable.nE.g.,excessive alcohol consumption,smoking,adultery,etc.nSo,even if sex work is morally unacceptable,it is still an open question whether it should be illegal.nConversely,it is possible for something to be such that it should be illegal despite being morally acceptable.nE.g.,jay-walking,riding in a car without a seatbelt,etc.nSo,even if sex work is morally acceptable,it is still an open question whether it should be legal.The Legal Parity ArgumentP1)For any x and y,if x is legal and y is no more harmful/dangerous than x,then y should be legal.P2)Coal mining is currently legal.P3)Pornography/prostitution is no more harmful/dangerous than coal mining.C)Therefore,pornography/prostitution should be legal.The Common Good ArgumentP1)For any institution,furthers the common good if and only if(i)is indispensable for enabling people to fulfill certain serious desires that they have,(ii)does not impose any serious burdens on anyone else,and(iii)violates no principle of justice.P2)Certain sorts of pornography/prostitution is indispensable for enabling people to fulfill certain serious desires that they have.P3)Certain sorts of pornography/prostitution does not impose any serious burdens on anyone else.P4)Certain sorts of pornography/prostitution violates no principle of justice.C1)Therefore,certain sorts of pornography/prostitution furthers the common good.P5)If furthers the common good,then ought to be legal.C2)Therefore,certain sorts of pornography/prostitution ought to be legal.


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