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文都2005年6月英语四六级考试作文预测范文6200字 1:学生会公告 This time of year most students are focused on meeting new friends, joining new activities and upcoming classes. Thoughts of the past easily drift away while future exploits receive the most attention. But as you busy yourself with the new semester, pause a moment to remember the famous writer, Lu Xun, who would have celebrated his 124th birthday today. In commemoration of this great mans life, the Book Club has organized a guest speaker from Peking University to come speak to students about some of Lu Xuns unpublished memoirs. The lecture will be in Classroom 204 in the main building, starting at 7:00 pm. Such an academic lecture might not seem like the most appealing way to spend a Friday evening, but it promises to be an evening that will both entertain and inform even the most seasoned students of Chinese history. 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/ 2: 倡议书 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/ Childrens Day is coming! To truly show your care for the next generation, students should use this Childrens Day to make a lasting gift - a donation to Project Hope in their honor. 毕业论文 As college students, we understand the value of education and the positive impact it can have on a persons future by increasing marketable job skills and earning power. Unfortunately, many children who have postponed their school plans to get jobs to support their families are unable to afford the expense of education today. With your support, Project Hope can continue to give deserving children the chance to strengthen themselves, their families and their communities through education. 毕业 总结大全 /html/zongjie/ 3:求职信1 Dear Sir, In reply to your advertisement in todays newspaper regarding a vacancy in your office, I wish to apply for the position of senior clerk, which you have specified. I am strong and alert, and shall be twenty years of age in July next year. At present I am a student at Renmin University but I shall graduate from college this coming July, finishing the requirements in four years. Though I have had no experience, I feel confident that I can contribute to your company with the professional skills I obtained in college, including a high command of English. 毕业 I am enclosing my resume and letter of recommendation from the president of the University, I shall be obliged if you will give me a personal interview at your convenience. 4:招聘启事 简历大全 /html/jianli/ Greetings, prospective Lenovo interns! This year, our program is heading into its 10th year of bringing Chinas best and brightest to the nations capital to help Chinas most successful technology company improve its reach into the next generation. We expect that 2006 will be the most exciting one yet! 总结大全 /html/zongjie/Why, you might be asking yourself, do I want to be a part of this demanding, yet rewarding program? Check this out: You have the chance to see the inner workings of Lenovos marketing department from an insiders perspective! Over the course of just three months, you can build lasting relationships with some of Chinas most influential business leaders! Get access to first-class on-the-job training that is useful in a number of fields post-graduation!The successful applicant will have a bachelors degree (or equivalent), and will have a working command of English. While the internship is unpaid, housing, food, and transportation are all provided. 5:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title Should Olympic Athletes Get High Salaries according to the following OUTLINE given in Chinese. Your composition should have no fewer than 120 words. 作文 /zuowen/ 1: 雅典奥运会后,关于获奖运动员高薪的问题引起了社会的广泛关注。 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/ 2:有些人支持这种做法,认为运动员们付出了很多,赢得回报;有些人则持反对意见。 简历大全 /html/jianli/ 3:我的观点Athletes Get High Salaries 思想汇报 /sixianghuibao/ After the Olympic Games in Athens, Greece, the topic of whether it is fair for athletes to pocket large sums of money from their Olympic participation is arousing more and more interest from the public.Those who support high salaries for these athletes may offer some of the following reasons. Firstly, just as the old saying goes, “no pain, no gain.” The athletes in the Olympic Games must have undergone painstaking physical and psychological training. It naturally follows that they deserve commensurate compensation for these sacrifices. Whats more, they make significant contributions to a positive international reputation for their home countries. This gives them yet another reason to deserve monetary compensation in addition to the advantages already offered them. The main reason that the naysayers often have is that they do little to boost the national economy directly, and thus should not receive compensation of the monetary kind. Even the naysayers admit, however, that these athletes do offer a lot of positive encouragement to young people in persuading them to participate in physical activity. 毕业论文 As for me, I side with the supporters of greater compensation for Olympic athletes. The more we give, the more we deserve to have. On account of all the time and energy they spend in rigorous training, I firmly believe that they should get high salaries. 毕业论文6. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title Immoral Behavior in Public according to the following OUTLINE given in Chinese. Your composition should be no fewer than 120 words. 1:我们经常在公共场合见到各种不道德的行为,叙述你的一次相关经历。 2:这些不文明的行为会有哪些影响。 3:我们应该怎样改善这种现象。Immoral Behavior in Public 毕业论文 To witness immoral behavior in public, one need only visit the Beijing subway. I still remember the first time I took the Beijing subway. It was an early morning. I was in a hurry to go to school. When I was trying to get a ticket, I found a lot of people waiting in front of me, but nobody was in the line. 简历大全 /html/jianli/ Immoral behaviors in public exert a series of problems. One of the most serious ones is that it may exert a negative impact on our sense of social responsibility. We will keep ignoring other peoples rights and feelings, and in turn, we too will be disrespected some day. 开题报告 /html/lunwenzhidao/kaitibaogao/ The improvement of this phenomenon is certainly not easy. With an eye on practical implementation and cost effectiveness, I propose that society make it clear in every way that people who fail to respect the common good will be seriously punished. Stricter policies for this should be made to correct this phenomenon as soon as possible. 总结大全 /html/zongjie/


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