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霍米巴巴论文:混杂中寻求“第三空间”【中文摘要】自第一批华人移民到美国至今,华裔美国文学已走 过一百多个春秋。这期间虽然涌现了大批的优秀华人作家,但华人文 学在美国文学界一直处于边缘地位。随着美国多元文化运动的兴 起,20世纪70 年代以来美国华裔文学取得了长足发展,在美国文学界 涌现出一批拥有卓越才华且具有创新精神的华裔作家,他们的作品犹 如鲜花般开始竞相绽放。他们作品的主题地关注了双重文化背景下对 两种文化的认识以及对自我文化身份的认知与思考。作为第二代华裔 美国人,汤亭亭是一位游离于文化夹缝中的“边缘人”,这样的处境也 为她的创作提供了大量的理念和素材,也使得她对中西两种文化有着 更为深刻的认识。自她的处女作女勇士出版以来,便获得多项美 国国家级大奖,成为中美文学界的焦点,也奠定了汤亭亭在美国文学 界的地位。在女勇士中,汤亭亭通过对主人公成长经历以及母女 关系发展史的描写,揭示了华裔美国人的成长历程,他们由对两种文 化的疏离逐步开始寻求两种文化的交融与和谐,试图在两种文化的夹 缝中确立自己独特的文化身份。本论文作者基于后殖民主义作家霍米 巴巴的“混杂”与“第三空间”理论,结合文本细节,以中美两种文化 的差异与冲突、交融与和谐为切入点,对小说中所反映的文化元素的 疏离、变形、交融作了分析,旨在探讨女勇士中所折射的汤亭亭 的文化观,她试图追寻文化上的“第三空间”以期实现华裔美国人自 我身份的重构以及中美两种文化的融合与和谐。同时,论文作者也深 入探讨了汤亭亭在女勇士的创作上所采用的特色鲜明的杂糅叙事 策略,这是她在追寻文化“第三空间”所作出的实质努力。这些不仅 深化了华裔美国人对两种文化的认识只有在文化交融基础上才 能寻得和谐的文化音符,也给华人移民的身份文化认同提供了有效的 解决办法,同时汤亭亭也用自己的文字来证明其可行性。本文的第一 部分为引言。第二部分为正文,首先,第一章介绍了霍米巴巴“混杂” 和“第三空间”理论的涵义。在第二章,论文作者结合文本,探讨了汤 亭亭追寻“第三空间”的历程:由中美文化差异冲突到文化交融融合 再到和谐状态完成“第三空间”建构的过程。第三章则着重论述了汤 亭亭是如何实践文化“第三空间”的其在女勇士的创作上, 所采用的特色鲜明的叙事策略:美国背景下的中国叙事以及鲜明的后 现代主义杂糅色彩。在第四章, 笔者以文本为依托论证了重构美籍华 裔人的文化身份以及追寻中美两种文化融合和谐乃汤亭亭的文化观。 第五章系本论文作者对汤亭亭文化观的思索, 在总结华裔美国人的困 惑与他们的成长历程的基础上, 引出汤亭亭借女勇士所表达的现 实意义。最后一部分为结语。【英文摘要】As a second-generation of Chinese American,MaxineHongKingstonisa “marginalpeople “.Suchasituation not only provides her a lot of creative ideas and materials, but also makes her have more understanding of Chinese culture and Western culture. Since her masterwork, The Woman Warrior, has been published, she has received a number of United States national awards. Since then her work has become the focus of American literature, and also has given Maxine Hong Kingston an important status in American literarure. Based on the description of the heroines growing experience, the novel reveals the process of growing of Chinese-American. And also in the work, Kingston has given usa vivid picture that ttheir cognition of alienating the two-cultures has become weekened, and they gradually have begun to seek for a way to mingline the two cultures to gain a harmonious state, and try to establish their own unique cultural identity between two cultures.Based on the post-colonial writer Homi Bhabhas theory of Hybridity and Third Space, the author here intends to explore Kingston s cultural view reflected from The Woman Warrior. Her views are to propose and pursue a cultural Third Place in order to realize Chinese-Americans reconstruction of their cultural identity and the fusion and harmony between the two cultures.Part 1 of this article is for preface, and this including three parts. The first chapter are the introductions of Kingston and her work. The second chapter is for the literature review. And the third chapter mentions the innovation and writing angle of this thesis.The second part is the body part, classified into five chapters. Firstly, in chapter one, the author just introduces Homi Bhabhas Hybrid and Third Space theory. In the second chapter, combines with the Woman Warrior, the author probes into the text of Maxine hong Kingston s cognition courses of Chinese culture and American culture, and here he author considers the courses as her pursuing of the“Third Space”. These trips are the Chinese American step out the situation of cultural differences and conflicts to pursue the fusion between the two cultures, and then gaining a harmonious cultural state to accomplish the construction of “third space”. The third chapter investigates the narrative strategies that the book takes, maintaining that they best illustrate that Kingston has applied her third-space cultural view to practice. Kingston adopts traditional Chinese narrative skills in the American background and her work also shows the western postmodernism writing style. In chapter four, the author just combines the text to brings out the crucial points, which are to seek for mingling the two kinds of culture to gain a harmonious state and try to establish their own unique Chinese-American cultural identity. The content of the last chapter is the authors rethinking of Maxine hong Kingstons cultural view. And here, the author from historical origin, the author furtherly summarized Chinese Americans confusion and their growthprocesses through historic and some other angles. Also, the author mentions practical significance of the Woman Warrior.Finally, the thesis forms the conclusion that based on transcending the boundary of nation,culture and language, Kingston is arduously to pursue an ethnic and cultural third space through her writing. She not only has provided a workable solution to Chinese immigrantspredicament but also has given attestation that the solution can be accessed to.关键词】霍米巴巴 “混杂”第三空间” 汤亭亭 女勇士 文化身份【英文关键词】Homi BhabhaHybridity”Third Space”Kingstonthe WomanWarriorcultural identity目录】混杂中寻求“第三空间”摘要3-5 Abstract 5-6目录7-8 引言8-14一节 汤亭亭及其作品 8-10 第二节 文献综述10-12三节 本论文的研究意义、创新点与思路 12-14 第一章 霍米巴 巴的”混杂”与”第三空间”理论 14-16 第二章 汤亭亭寻 求”第三空间”的历程 16-24 第一节 文化的差异与冲突16-19 第二节 文化的混杂与融合 19-21 第三节 文化 和谐即”第三空间”成功建构 21-24 第三章 汤亭亭寻求文化”第三空间”的实践 24-28 第一节 美国背景下的中国叙事24-25 第二节 西方后现代主义的写作风格 25-28 第四 章 文化”第三空间”折射出的汤亭亭的文化观 28-34 第一节 重构美籍华裔人的文化身份 29-32 第二节 追寻中美两种文化 的融合与和谐 32-34 第五章 对汤亭亭建构华裔美国人文化身 份”第三空间”的再思考 34-37 结语 37-38 注释38-41 参考文献 41-44 致谢 44-45 攻读学位期 间发表的学术论文目录 45【住采买全文总】1.399388481381.13.72.1同时提供论文写作一对一辅导和论文发表服务保过包发.【说明】本文仅为中国学术文献总库合作提供,无涉版权。作者如育异谊请与总库或学梭联茅


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